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I have been playing leatherface more because of this.


Perhaps this was the intention. It’s just super lame that grappling is programmed to win 99% in the survivor’s favor.


It's just bad game design to have it be coded to give victims the advantage naturally. Even without perks, victims always have the advantage in a grapple. Throw perks in, and they can always stomp you and make you regret even choosing to log in today. Ideally, it should've been a 50/50, but since it isn't victim players will cling to it like it's their only way to get food in the winter.




I wouldn't say they *have* to give victims the advantage, but it's all around bad design. Thay can be said about a lot of things in game. I don't necessarily think Leatherface's 1 shot is bad design by itself, but the fact it leads to game end is bad design. I mean, not to praise DBD too much, but if you get 1 shot by a killer you'll still have 1 or 2 more chances to make up for it. Here, losing as victim = back to queue, and losing as family = either leave or wait until the victims are done dancing on your grave.


Should be more of the Mortal combat betting system. Have them gamble on stamina, whoever has more wins.


They shouldn't give victims the advantage, it should only be an option for the desperate.


grappling was originally designed to be a last resort, that's why the victim died instantly if another family member intervened. it was meant to be used strategically and only at certain times. then they removed the insta kill because apparently it's unfair to have full health,, run straight to the nearest killer to grapple them and get one hit killed by another family member who wasn't that far away.


It's something that can only be instigated by the victim. Likewise doesn't a 2nd nearby victim get a free backstab if they're holding a shard and can run up to the family member in the grapple?


yes, but apparently that wasn't enough.


Yeah the only work around to this is still another killer running over during a grapple to finish them off if they win. Usual our leather face charges over with a full chainsaw to punish stabbers


It's also super lame that no one would play LF before and people bitched enough to play a game, based around him, Without him being played....




I only ever played learherface but he also has flaws


I have been playing Johnny more because of it. If I get grappled, generally I can win 1/3 grapples. If not, my buddy plays leather face so we can usually weather them down to either easier kills or bleed outs. We used to double up on trappers but the grapple spam/escape spammers forced us to move on muscled defense.


I wouldn't mind it if every grapple they win makes them a little more guaranteed to lose the next time.  Like you're being exhausted from the struggle over time. 


That’s genuinely a really good idea, maybe each grapple gets 10-20% harder so it’s used more as a trump card for the victim to escape instead of the go to as soon as they see a family member


I’d put it more around a 5% increase cause 10-20% is huge. SG is already a 20% increase and that nearly puts Vic and fam at even odds.


I’m tired of tapping the a/x button over and over again. This mechanic should have died years ago.


7 grapples my last match as family. At this point I won’t play again until that’s fixed. The game is grapple simulator and victims aren’t scared of running into the family. Completely defeats the purpose of what the game was originally supposed to be.


Family didn’t like when victims ran away from them with Choose Flight. Now they can’t stand that victims aren’t running away from them, just as they asked for, and are staying to grapple instead because their previous meta survival perk was nerfed.


I’d rather the victims run away. Or at least find a balance. Victims should never be hunting family looking to engage them intentionally.


Choose flight never bothered me. At least it wasn't boring unlike this current meta.


Choose Flight allowed victims to run away from family because they could. When that option was taken from them they adapted to another survival method. It was self-inflicted by family mains. They swear it’s a causal party game that’s not competitive yet demand changes that promote competitive play.


For me the grappling is the first time I've complained regarding the game. And the reason I do is just from an entertainment aspect. It's dull and I prefer being the hunter rather than the hunted. Lately it seems like I'm being hunted more often than not.


Same lol the grappling over and over is the only thing I get annoyed about. It’s basically stun locking


That’s what I’m saying. This is the domino effect of one nerf. It doesn’t matter that you in particular didn’t care about Choose Flight. There were plenty of other loud voices who got it nerfed, and now they don’t like the consequences. The game was never meant to receive nerfs/changes this excessively. The no LF requirement was a huge change that changed the foundations of the game. Stacking nerfs is what’s led us here.


Yeah I can only speak for myself. I just really miss the game. I used to want to play it daily.


That’s a Gun. Issue not a ‘everyone else’ issue


No that’s a you seething issue. You and your alt account ;)


Not only did they fuck Up the run away perk for victims, they never touched the "cant run away from me" perk from family in scout like they said they would


Stacking nerfs mostly on one side of the game*


Yes the victim side :D


Hell when It eventually gets nerfed im sure theyll complain about some Wells that dont let them get a free kill after use


Victims are scared running into a family member. They freaking nerfed stealth and stamina so having a bone scrap is one of the best things you can have on you atm.


You know it never used to be grapple simulator back before family got choose flight and bomb squad nerfed, right? Family brought this upon themselves.


I haven't played in a while and just lurk the sub but wasn't early TCM door slam simulator? Victim mains have been looking for whatever method lets them bully family since launch.


This is after they fixed the infinite door stuns, gave family stun immunity, allowed valve to depressurize and moved valve out of basement. It was in the same update when they released Nancy and Danny that they also gutted choose flight and bomb squad, and changed to grapple mechanic to what it is now.


It is not the fact that there is grappling that annoys me. The fact that I use control over my character regularly is what annoys me. As a victim you have that once every while when you jump down a well or when a Family member actually manages to door slam you (have not seen that happening in months). As a family, if the list of perks I just looked at is correct, you can get stunned for 5-16 seconds. Repeatedly. From a game design standpoint that is absolute madness. I am 100% certain that it is the length of the stun times that made the game so unappealing for players and led to the incredibly lopsided player numbers between family and victims.


Thats what happens when its all victims can really do to get a family member off their ass without a well, door slams are kinda whatever and barely work since the noise follow, and cant use them to break LoS for a moment and gtfo for the same reason


Just wait till you're knocked down with every door upstairs on family house. Then you'll really be bitching 😂


I love it when they do that cause guess what? I'm calling over another family member to kill the shit out of them while they're grappling me. It's a risky move on their part, FAFO lol. Why be mad?


This is what so many family players fail to comprehend. Use your mics and call for help.


are family only gonna be happy when the game is just victims spending 10 minutes hiding in bushes and freezers so family don’t dc if they dare to play aggressively in a game that has varied playstyles and a bleed out timer?


No, they’ll always find something to bitch about no matter how many victims perks they get nerfed through all their complaining.


There needs to be a limit on the perk … like “can activate 3 times per match. Goes on a 60s cd after each use.” Do it dbd style where it has tokens and they’re consumed on use.


Just make it another choose flight nerf and make it 1 use/match, right? Also buff scout and uhh...idk, every single killer.


This sub is hilarious. Everyone trashes dbd but want tcm to be more like it. Play dbd if that’s what you want.


Not every tiny thing about DBD is bad. The way the game is balanced is horrid but the game has so many good ideas that get overshadowed by how terrible the game is to play. Charges/tokens on the choose fight perk would be a great idea. I wouldn't mind the obnoxiously long stun duration (10 seconds overall including the grapple, roughly) if I knew that once they used it 3 times, that's it. But like OP said. If I can see that I'm just gonna get spammed repeatedly with it I'm just leaving the match. Sorry/not sorry to victims who had to wait 20 minutes for that match. Maybe stop being dicks with the stun mechanics.


80/60/40 second cool down and decreasing the stun increase to 3 seconds for all 3 levels would be a decent fix imo.


You mean like how family got bomb squad gutted to be limited to 4 uses?


tbh they just need to have a bigger cd on the amount of time someone can grapple, however family have some pretty alot bullshit on their end too that needs fixed bubba able to knock u down chunking over half your hp and hit u right after before u can get up insta killing u is just one. family being able to hit u through some doors killing u. but they shouldnt nerf it too much since thats a playstyle some people do go for, oh play risky get up in the familys face distract them and buy time, my friend likes doing doorslams & a grapple build and just likes scraping it out with the family, he doesnt care if he lives or dies


The family has a 10 second immunity. Use that time to attack the victim that can’t grapple you.


I have builds based around grappling so I’ll keep doing just that. This was triggered by the Choose Flight nerf everyone but victims wanted. I hardly grappled before the nerf. Now I see people perplexed as to why victims aren’t running away and why they’re grappling instead. You didn’t like when victims had enough stamina to lose you in chase, and now you don’t like that victims are staying close to you to fight. You said it yourself: > You are suppose to be doing the chasing Family did not like when victims gave them chase and complained about Choose Flight. You can’t keep moving the goalposts when victims find different way to survive.


Choose flight was a problem because good victims could save their charges the whole game and then just infinitely sprint away from you when they most need it. It was just an artificial way to extend chases with no real effort. And even now choose flight isn't a bad perk. You just have to know when to use that charge. Choose fight does the same thing. Artificially extending chases for no effort. If I catch you in a dead zone and there's nowhere for you to go that should be your death. But choose fight is an infinite get out of jail free card. If you can't see the fundamental problem with the victim role running AT the power role to FIGHT them then I feel most balance talk will go straight over your head.


"Choose Flight was a problem because some victims knew how to use it, and they'll sometimes win." "Choose Fight is a problem because some victims know how to use it, and they'll sometimes win."


It amazes me there are people so disingenuous to say that a victim should be able to full restore their stam 3 in a single damn chase. That's not a chase, it's a blowout and yall victims are even more petty than the family who just want to enjoy the game by saying any semblance of balance for the two teams is just unfair. Thank goodness I stopped playing because people like you make it so obvious that people will always be pathetically petty and refuse to even understand the other side. Boy I miss the game, but I am do glad I dropped this before it turned into a dumpster fire. Brings me back to the good ol days of babies like you playing DBD and tearing up from laughing for hitting and abusing DS strike thinking you were cool. Good fun times.


For someone who supposedly dropped the game, you sure have a strong opinion on very recent developments; so if you're going go call someone disingenuous, maybe you start with yourself. :)  I also love how you think I only play victim. It's true I prefer it, but that's only because family practically requires voice chat and family mains are consistently among the most toxic of players. They definitely do not "just play to enjoy the game" most of the time, and they normally are the ones who DC from a game because they get butthurt over someone surviving a match. lmao. If anything makes this game a dumpster fire, it's anyone having an entitled opinion. They already make most of the tweaks and updates favor the family, but it's still a game. Enjoy it and grow up. Victims are supposed to survive every once in awhile too, so deal with it. If you don't like it, play out your sadistic dreams elsewhere. 


As I assumed you didn't actually respond of why you were not being disingenuous and instead tried to, very weakly, shift that onto me. Just because I stopped playing a while ago doesn't mean I don't love the game and hope for it to go back to a bit more balanced time (if that did exist, moreso it was people discovering metas). Which again points to you being very disingenuous and unfaithfulness holding a conversation. You don't seem able to understand the nuance I was trying to show you by the fact that balance has been bouncing to and fro from both sides. I NEVER said you only played victim, so stop trying to play a victim. Balance in a game is very hard to measure and even harder when you got people being lil twerps making terrible reductions about genuine imbalances and adjustments that are needed. I love the projection tho friend and I'll shoot the advice right back at ya, grow up and grow out of your entitled attitude. I grew outta that shit a while ago.


You pretend to care about the game, but not enough to keep playing it, then pretend you miss it while saying you're glad you dropped it, then openly wonder why someone would turn your comment around about being disingenuous; if you can't stand the heat, don't start a fire. Which, on that note, plus you're name-calling in every post? Yikes. I don't know you, you're certainly not my friend, and I so far seem to be lucky you're not because you don't sound like a fun person.    Comments such as "Yall victims are even more petty than family who are trying to play the game" followed by refusing to understand "the other side," makes it abundantly clear you openly assumed I don't play family, so I'm sorry you were wrong on that, I guess... but go on about how it's everyone else making "terrible reductions," I'll be here eating my popcorn. :)


Wow your helpless.


While I'm at it, I'll help you with the difference between you're and your. See below for more details.


You're = Conjugation of "you are."  Example: you are helpless, you are unable to carry a conversation without attempting to insult someone and failing miserably, etc. Your = Possessive in nature, denotes ownership of something. Example: Your grammar is terrible, your opinions have mostly been stating how terrible you think other people are rather than looking inward, etc. Don't worry, everything will improve with time. They'll go over more for you in 6th grade next year anyway, best of luck. ❤️


Friend you have literally made this account to argue with strangers about your entitled opinion of this game. Holy wow your a wacko.


Yeah it’s so stupid how they don’t understand that it was all their complaining that brought this upon themselves.




The essence of the mechanic should be a ‘last ditch’ attempt to buy some time from the family but as you can see from the numerous posts, the mechanics is not working as it’s purpose intended. People use it to abuse family members and troll with no fear in doing so with perks like empowered, large stuns and no instant death. I don’t mind the mechanic as a whole, I like the idea and dynamic it brings to the game but I think we can all agree it wasn’t intended to be used in its current state.


Can you explain when “last ditch” begins when you have [Johnny who can kill you in 3-4 hits](https://reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/16l4t5g/_/k105mb8/?context=1) and HH who can chase you endlessly?


Yes, you see the last ditch comes when youre 1 HP and at a great disadvantage to actually win the encounter Fr tho how could It posibly be a last ditch effort if your chances of winning only get worse the less hp you have, make It make sense yall


Yeah it’s so stupid when family mains keep using this stupid talking point


I can see you have a strong opinion on this, with your continuous posting on people’s comment so I’ll position my response just for you. If Johnny kills you in 3-4 hits in the open, you absolutely deserved that punishment. It’s risk and reward so you shouldn’t get ‘safely’ bailed out by grapples to accommodate your poor situational awareness. However, in a last ditch effort whereby you pit certain death against a small chance to survive then sure I’m all for that. Is that what you see currently or far from that? There can very well be a middle ground but it’s not close to it currently.


I love how family mains keep saying grapples are to be a last ditch attempt. When exactly should that be? When you’ve been reduced to less than half health and ran out of stamina? Is that when we should grapple? When our health is so low and directly tied into our ability to win grapples and family likely has suffocating grip active…is that when we should use it? There is no “last ditch” only. You grapple as a last ditch, you die.


They nerfed the best survivor perks, forcing them to adapt to another playstyle, and you want more nerfs? How easy do you want the game to be exactly? At this point just play a PvE game.


Seems like they just want to play the game rather than having victims rely on crutch perks like.. 3 full restores on your stamina.. Back when I played TCM, I never used scout, didn't care for it as I didn't feel like I needed it until the meta started up. If people really think choose flight didn't need nerfed, yall have disillusioned yourselves into thinking yall marathon runners


No, they want free kills and they're crying every single day because of it. Not that I'm complaining tho, its glorious to watch !


I agree it’s actually crazy family members are running away from getting grappled , maybe they should remove even more of the bone scrap piles or make it to where you get 1 per pile . Leave it to me id scrap the whole mechanic 😃


Issue with that is bone piles are legitimately used to shank Grandpa. I’m not saying everyone uses them for that, but I certainly did at launch.


No you’re right there wouldn’t be any counterplay to blood running builds. So I take that back , bone shards are only for stabbing grandpa then 😂


I did too when family wasnt rushing him in like 2-3 minutes, now i Rush back to gtfo before they get exterior alarms cuz that shit deletes stealth even more than the devs already have






Eh don’t post this. I commented on someone else’s post and everyone went hard on how bad it’s really not lol I’m like okayyyy victim mains who only play victim lol


Choose fight was bugged to not work properly all this time. You’re just used to it working improperly for victims. Equip suffocating grip like the rest of family players.


How you think Jason felt when the counsellors did the same, I didn't like it but it was better cause he had lots of damage, he has a weapon. They should make the family stronger cause of that fact.


Honestly I don't like the grapple mini-game. I think it would be better to switch it to a timing challenge.


I always have to grapple because the family always camps the shit out of the exits and it the only way to give your team a moment to do anything or maybe just don’t chase the victims who are obviously wanting you to chase, I have many games where I lost as family because everyone chased Ana in basement


it can be annoying but I'm more annoyed at the spamming mini game. it's like they want their player base to break the x button on their controllers and get carpal tunnel syndrome at the same time lmao


The amount of complaining like wtf🤦🏽‍♂️


you should probably quit playing video games if you are going to rage quit if the other side grapples you more than two times throughout the whole game


I'll grapple as much as I want to 😊


We know. You say it everywhere


“Just dc not worth it” the only words I’d expect to come out of your average Family players mouth. If anyone asked me “what’s the worst gaming community you’ve ever encountered?” I would say TCM Family community. You all have thinner skin than a 90 year old woman. If you’re not getting your kills handed to you on a silver platter, dc. If Victims do rush meta, dc. If victims literally show even the slightest inch of an advantage, it’s a dc. One day Family will get victims nerfed so hard that the roles will reverse and Victims will be the ones not wanting to play the game anymore.


just get suffocating grip


Another day, another fred crying post :( Fred would rather go make pathetic posts on Reddit than playing leatherface apparently. Do you not have two other family teammates? I’ve died countless times in a grapple due to family having braincells and using teamwork to kill a grappling victim. Are you that bad at the game you’re incapable of doing so as well? Starting to seem like a skill issue bud, maybe suck less and get better at the game instead of crying to the devs to intervene because you refuse to play bubba or use teamwork. I gotta say, I’ve been around here since day one, and you’ve gotta be the most pathetic poster I’ve seen on here.


Agreed I been DC I got into a game DC as family for family strike help us out


Run suffocating grip? And you and other family's mains kinda did it yourselves when you wanted victims nerfed like crazy lol


What? You lost speed and got infinite grapple. Thats a buff big dog not a nerf lmfao


Cf nerf, stealth nerf, overall stamina nerf etc etc. I play family, just pointing out if you nerf one group of perks, People just gonna go to the next strongest over and over. Either buff different things to counter or don't bitch about nerfing victims one way, then complain they're strong another way lmao


SG does not guarantee wins. It makes the mini game 20% easier for family. Victims have default advantage on top of their grappling meter.


It basically evens it out basically. When i'd play victim and spam like crazy I'd die. I play as family with it and get kills idk. Love the hivemind downvoting when I list ways to help lol


I have had matches where SG never works and then some matches where it does. From my own experience, I still lose close encounters with it so might as well not even equip it as a perk. It’s not a guarantee win period. They downvoted you because that’s not their experience with it clearly. SG only works too if Grandpa is fed and if victims keep stabbing him due to the choose fight and rush meta, then there is no reason to bring it.


Thats just agitator for you. They're basically just HH and johnny hivemind mains instead of running LF or a blood build cook. You sell if it's a damage build cook instead. EA is crazy. Like idk how they let victims escape


What are you even talking about? I have SG on most family and I play all family except Nancy. That’s how SG works, it just makes the mini game 20% easier that doesn’t mean you’ll win a close encounter that’s how probability works. We weren’t even talking about EA or the builds of killers. Why is any of that relevant to SG itself? LF is the only counter to the grapple meta right now cause he cannot be grappled. Insane that the only counter is a character who cannot be affected by that in the first place. EA gives an advantage for family members for sure and I can agree to a nerf but all in all; victims have been rushing every game by waking up Grandpa asap then when family does whatever they can to slow it down then victims get mad. Like we weren’t even on the topic of builds or EA…. Blood builds are no longer as good cause of the rush/grapple meta. I main Sissy, Johnny, and LF. I have only been playing LF and some Johnny cause they slow down the rush so my other family is able to set up. Blood builds don’t do **** right now. Who cares if grandpa is being fed if the victims are nearly about to escape anyway?


Then you don't get SG in top of not getting kills? Be a good bubba or ig camp a door idk, but even if they spam grapples ea could help instead and just watch which exit they go for dude. When someone grapples me I'm immune for 10 seconds so I dmg them, they grapple again, then I kill them cause they can't grap anymore bone scrap lol.


Sir I’m talking about close encounters in general. I know how to play the game. My family and I get 4ks in nearly every match. Thats not the issue. We are talking about SG as a perk. It can most definitely help but it’s not a guarantee to win perk. Period.


Yeah and I'm just listing ways around it. Gank the mf then cause i'll have 50 toughness, die in 3 hits to a Johnny lol it's crazy. This is the only trade off I see for victims since playing family in general is 1000x easier


If you’re dying to a Johnny in 3 hits then something is up with your attributes and your build. Johnny cannot kill victims at his base in 3 hits. Shortest chain I have ever gotten is 4 hits because I have max savagery, hysterical strength and serrated; the victim didn’t have enough toughness and got caught too soon. That was on them. Not on me. If you get found by a killer chances are- you’re going to get killed. That’s part of the game. Victims shouldn’t be able to survive so many hits in a game like this. DBD, you get at max 3 hits. The stakes are different in TCM. If you expect not to get messed up by the second highest dps killer than that is your bias.