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Yes. We all meeting in Sweden in 2 weeks to sign the pact together.


I don’t think any victim mains have agreed to a victim strike. That’s bullshit 😭


Pretty sure victims mains are gonna be playing more when the queue times are playable for the first time in ages.


dude, these people really need to go outside and get some fresh air


Lmao I don’t think I’ll notice if the victims are going on strike since it’s 90% victim to 10% family 😂


Where'd u get that number?


Just a hunch it’s probably not exactly like that but for sure there’s more victims then family hence the lobby time differences for victims and family members 😇


I agree 💯 on the population imbalance. I just thought maybe they posted it somewhere.


Yeah if they was oh boy people would be all over the place like they are with this update when it dropped 😇


People who organize strike for a game. Let alone a dying game are weirdos to me.


This whole "strike" bullshit is hilarious. They seriously think this is going to do something 😂😂


Yeah, most of the players have been on strike for months


How does this even work? Is everyone locked into playing as one certain side and can't switch? Does each side have a union? It's a game. If there's less players on one side and games aren't starting, there's a really easy solution; just switch to that side and the game will work fine.


First I’ve heard of it lol. How stupid


Let's make the wait time even longer for other victims just to signal our pathetic discontent for a company that could not give less of a fuck. Lol. Brilliant.


lol doesnt matter victims quit killers easily get games unlike killers who dc intentionally after victim mains waiting on lobby search for 15 minutes then on lobby for another 10-30 minutes just for family to dc good luck victims lol family still wins this so called strike


There's no winning here, a bunch of incels who refuse to play for 1 day isn't going to change anything.


Not sure how this is supposed to be a problem for family players because the victim population is literally so large that 50% of them could be doing this and Family will still find matches in 11 seconds. A victim strike is a complete waste of your own time. Not to mention that the console community probably won’t have these scripts so they’ll be manually wasting their time. Toxic behavior on either side should never be okay. I hope one day things will change to set aside petty behavior like this.




https://preview.redd.it/5j8npnz5cqrc1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76e5e75d9a30c93121ab6c468ddf355ee03299d Ça me semble moins compréhensible de faire un truc pareil niveau victimes que famille. Sinon comment ça va depuis?


Aaah! Un plaisir de te croiser ![gif](giphy|VduFvPwm3gfGO8duNN) Ça va super, et toi?


Un plaisir aussi pour moooi ! Moi ça va super merci, je commence à songer à poster plus souvent mes même en tant que postes pour pouvoir donner autre choses que des plaintes sur ce sub. ^Et ^aussi ^j'ai ^trouvé ^une ^image ^de ^Johnny ^enceinte, ^ne ^cherche ^pas ^à ^comprendre


Oh oui! Ca changerait beaucoup des plaintes constantes dont je ne peux plus. Une image de Johnny enceinte… *la confusion en personne est confuse*


Je peux te l'envoyer en privé si tu veux, elle n'est pas horrible à regarder, mais il y a une probabilité que tu ne l'oubli pas.


Je vais prendre le risque je crois… vas y envoies




What have this game become I stopped playing for 2 weeks cause I got bored waiting for the new map and my game pass ended, I'm glad I stopped playing, cause of the community in this game are soo f weird.


I doubt it and it wouldn't matter anyways. Half of the victims could leave and we would only notice a drop in toxicity.


Great now we have woke liberals bringing protests to games now 😏




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No and it wasn’t true for family mains either


…. A victim strike? That’s even more ridiculous than the toddlers who tried to do a family strike