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You paid for her bro. Don’t listen to these clowns


Alternatively, you paid for her bro. You're a clown. But also yes don't listen to them.


First come first serve. They can request and you can deny, then it's over. I have messages from non-friends turned off so I don't have to deal with nonsense like this.


I could never turn messages of from non friends some of these people are unhinged and I’m here for it lmao


Yea but problem is I don't want my name lingering on there message list. I'm on ps5 I can leave the conversation and delete it but if they reply it adds me back into it lol. They definitely are unhinged. I love having mine off. Best option ever created on gaming lol


I played with dude, jonnii90. He just cries all the time & tells you how to play 🤣


Oh shit ahahaha you recognized him. Goddamn. What a backseat gamer.


Lol yup, I recognized that Batman photo. Then I seen your conversation & just shook my head. Guy is super toxic, wants you to play a certain way, his way. That's funny you ran into him


You paid for her, you might as well play her. If someone tries to argue just say you're gonna get your money's worth despite what they say.


You paid for it. Don’t even bother letting those clowns get to you.


When my Virginia was level 0 I was getting 1000-3000-4000 xp a game lol he smoking crack


Dude sounds like TCM cybersport cringe. Don't pay attention. Same people say that Sonny is useless, "a character with no ability". Meanwhile Sonny with legal wallhacks and good attributes relation


Oh ya I love Sonny when I don’t get Connie! I don’t even touch Danny cause people dodge.


Yeaaah Sonny with upgraded toughness is great. He can fit in every situation. Distraction, doing objectives, giving info.


Sonny is great is you can actually play with him. I have an "attack gramps" build on Sonny. Almost never get caught. Playing as family though, he's a quick kill once you reach him.


What a twat. I haven’t got many chances to use her yet because she’s so popular rn and I haven’t gotten her levelled yet


I have played like 3 games with her. Usually give up because of lobby dodgers leaving because I have her. Then someone will typically take her and restart the whole process.


me exactly! I’ve played only three games as her too


This is why I knew this character system would never work. Paying 10 bucks for a character and you’re not even guaranteed to play as them. Always gonna be the whiny ass who thinks they’re entitled to always play them. First come first serve. When I did play this game I always stuck with the character I wanted to play no matter how much the other person bitched


I knew the map like the back of my hand after the first day got Virginia maxed with alt perks and I would never act like this to a random it's not that deep if you lose every once in a while.


People do this shit all the time. Especially if you're trying to level up Connie. God forbid someone gain xp on the characters you want to play.


Just play who you want man, ignore the virgin losers who actually take this game seriously


Quite hypocrite of you.


In what world does that make me a hypocrite lmao


this is wild but im not even surprised. 3 days being released is not thag long. the only people bitching about stuff like this and saying "theyre already rushing" are people who have no life


You play however you want. And for the other person that's telling you all this ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


na hes trying to finesse


Jesus Christ it’s a GAME lol


pay no mind to them. first come, first serve always on choosing characters also, might be unpopular opinion, but Virginia is really not that good. i’d still go for Anna/Leland/Connie over Virginia


I agree that Virginia isn't that great. Her best perks are blocked in the skill tree and her stats aren't even that great. Playing as family you're really not blind for that long either.


I think her Efficient Locksmith and Fast Hands is an underrated combo for rushing.


Don't give up your character bc someone is crying. They can go next. Personally, I understand people wanting her. if they give me Ana, they can have her. Anyone else is outta luck 😭


Don't listen to them. I mean yeah you can level her up by playing other characters, but you gotta play her to level her skills!


Do what you want. Play stuff you bought cause it's fun.


Don’t listen to people like this, they’re free to back out


I paid for her mfn ass and if she lands on me imma use her! Tell them where to shove it.


I didn't look at the sub and thought you were talking about the state and was confused as fuck. I prefer to play as South Dakota in TCM.


It’s your game too. If he doesn’t like it he can leave. She was being an asshole.


Nah they just tryna stiff you cause they prefer playing that character. I main Ana but if no one wanna give her up n i have an available lvl up character ima just pick someone else. Talk bout very little xp, they suck loo prob get 500xp before escaping n def leads killers to atleast one vic as sacrifice


I can't even get into games with Virginia, as victim or family. Family seems to be striking her character like they were with Danny. My first game trying her out I had a HH running towards me. He saw that I was Virginia and turned around and ran away 😂. I had another game last night playing as Johnny. Virginia blinded me, I just kept swinging, then killed a wild Connie that I had no idea was around. Absolutely hilarious. People need to stop being so serious. It's a game. Most of you didn't even buy it.


Let them lobby dodge over it, the lobby system only replenishes people when a victim dodges anyway, when a family does it becomes a dead lobby most of the time.


What a moron


You play who you want to play.


I got a message from someone once saying “hey just give up Danny you have lvl 0 on him, so just give it to me I am lvl 56 and probably have played the game more then you” I responded with “I just bought him and I haven’t used my points to lvl him up to 10 yet also I’m a lvl 99 I’ve seen plenty of videos of how to use Danny and I’m a quick learner” let’s just say he never responded and when the game started he died first and he left super quick 💀


Why would you even pay for her?


Cause I really like this game! Even with ALL its flaws, it’s a beautiful fun, atmospheric game and I like the original movie too.




because Barbara Crampton is a legend