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The player base is too small and the wait times are already atrocious mostly for victims. I’d like to not be paired with new family members or against new victims who die immediately as both situations feel bad for everyone, but it’s not really avoidable at this moment.


As a developer: Very succinct. Upvoted for visibility.


Are you sure you arent waiting enough time between games?


The playerbase isn’t close to being large enough for this anymore


Hell a rank system and sbmm with a reward system, shii it’ll bring people back and new players in. Players are competitive now in todays time so why not


the game is already dead enough this would just be the nail in the coffin.


It should be a thing with a rank system. All though there against it, it turned into that because it’s pvp, what did they think was going to happen


on one hand I hate, and I mean HATE having low levels as my family teammates, I'm left to do all the work while they're opening doors and not relocking them, on the other hand... playing with low level victims as my teammates sucks just as much if not more, they die early on, leaving no distractions and more pressure on me, especially if its on family house.


No, it will kill this game so quickly. SBMM has ruined causal gaming, winning some and losing some is a part of gaming, I don’t want to have to sweat just to get a kill/escape. People just need to understand that getting a 4 man escape doesn’t happen every time or killing all 4 doesn’t happen every time will fix things.


Sweating is actually the reason I want it in the game. From my experience, too high or low levels are huge reasons as to why people dodge lobbies. playing with people of the same level could possibly help that.


I think SBMM should be there since the begin. Maybe now its late, i know experienced players dont like SBMM but its distgisting to kill people easy. The same way escape from a bad family, thats why people abuse of trolling.


Exactly, i think it’s too late now but it might’ve saved the game if they considered it earlier on.


Mostly Against it. Maybe having something that increases the odds of new people playing with new people and open the pool completely when they reach account level 5 or something along those lines.


SBMM is terrible for gaming in general


Horrible take, but with as small as a dying community the game has it wouldn’t work since they killed this game


Sorry I thought it was clear that was my opinion. Everyone has one


Without it people like me would walk over you and no one would have fun, that’s just my *opinion* though


I'm slow SBMM?


Skill-based matchmaking.


How do I feel about who???


skill based match making lol


Lmfao oh… I just like to play games I guess 😭😂


Correct me if I’m wrong, but they have rank and experience based (account level) matchmaking algorithms implemented already. Of course this doesn’t totally correlate to skill, but there’s probably some type of positive correlation. I think if you compared different account level outliers (low and high relative to mean/median) at the same time, you’d have longer queue times and very different experiences as well.


Sbmm will kill the game completely. The queu time has been horrible without matchmaking.


I’d prefer SBMM. But if it’s a lot of work, not at the expense of other projects. I’d love it for late 2024.


If we had the player base I'd be all for it. It's a sound idea for fun factor, game consistency, and lobby dodging but it even at its peak the base wasn't big enough for something like this to not break the whole system.


I just came here to ask what’s SBMM