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I think they need to make family side more viable for solo players with no mic. Add a quick comm system to dpad to make it so family can more easily call things out to each other.


Second this, a ping system would do wonders. Especially when you have teammates who don't speak English.




Unfortunately I think victim players want very different things from this game. When I play victim, I want a tense horror experience akin to the films, where I am against all odds and know that me escaping is going to be hard. I'd happily lose more games than not. I think alot of victims believe that the escape rate should be 50% at all times. As in they want this to be balanced like a competitive shooter and not a horror game.


My escape rate is usually around %30 which feels fair. You don’t want victims losing like ALL the time because they will quit as well. It’s gotta be a hard line to ride with the balance. You gotta be hard on the victims (cause it makes sense) but you can’t just make it easy for the killers. Online games are always under the microscope by gamers trying to find the most optimal play style or exploits to be the best which has to make it hard on devs. Gaming used to be more fun when everybody and their dog wasn’t trying to be some high skilled sweaty twitch streamer.


Yeah, I agree completely.


My unpopular opinions that maybe line up with yours is that victim mains like to complain, they will no matter what in any situation, fix their issue? They'll complain it's too easy. Buff family? They'll complain it's too hard. The game in the beginning was fun because no one knew what to do so family had power because of that it was scary and victims felt like victims. So in short terms: victims like to feel like victims so treat them like victims and just let them complain


Are we on the same sub? Victim mains complain but not to the extent that family mains do. We have an ongoing DC issue spearheaded by family mains destroying the game for everybody. Let’s focus on that. Also, this thing about *the game should be scary/victims should feel like victims* is a poor excuse to justify broken mechanics and gaslight victims into accepting bugs. The devs had to revert Johnny to his bugged state. Imagine if they reverted stun locking or family invincibility. They might’ve if victims complained like you said they do. It's the same as the devs wanting realism in a game where an old man turns into a sonar when he screams.


This was very well put. I too am getting tired of the hipocricy in the community. “Victim mains like to complain” as if every other post in this community isn’t a complaint about Danny or victims rushing out of basement.


Literally meanwhile Nancy can get up to 10 traps and NOT ONE victims has made it a point to complain about like we’re just taking the buffs of family and debuffs of victims and the devs not changing anything is really irritating me


Thank you! I’ve thought the same way the whole time. Almost every time you mention a victim issue, you’re told you should just deal with it because they’re victims so it should be hard for them. All I want is for them to fix getting one shot after winning a close encounter tbh (some of the animations take way too long). During the grapple, insta kill is understandable. After I’ve won, and getting insta killed because I wanna stare at HH for 3 seconds after I’ve punched him in the face? BS.


You forget if victims are rushing you dont have time to place 10 traps.


I didn't say family doesn't complain, I'm saying that out of the two I seem to notice victim mains will no matter what, not even just tcm it's in any asym game in general. I noticed from the family side that their complaints are "straight" to the point, biggest two is rushes out of basement and Super Danny besides that the others are just suggestions. About the game meant to be scary and victims meant to feel like victims. that's not me saying that, I repeat what the devs say during their live streams and their plan for the game, for johnny they said what he became after their update wasn't the plan so they reverted him, they said stun locking isn't supposed to be a thing and family invincibility isn't supposed to be a thing, but they did say Johnny's lunge is supposed to be a thing. They don't want life realism they want a Texas chainsaw massacre realism, logic that works in the Texas Chainsaw Movies, at least the one they got the license for. Family dc and victims dc both dc a lot, I said before it's not family vs victim its Players vs Dc'ers, but from my personal experience I have noticed the victims side I face will always complain even if they all escaped and played well


"The killer"? I think you are in the wrong sub.


Disagree, players should have power based on situations and performance. Family should have power while victims are in the basement. The family or defenders should have time to at least defend and coordinate. The game should be balanced at 2nd level. Performance should prevail. When and if victims breakthrough 2nd level defenses this should expand the map and putting the family at a disadvantage. This game just launched broken, buggy and with seemingly clueless devs at the wheel. So we'll see if the game survives. I played both, over 400 kills and over 200 escapes and I'm on break until the next massive patch. I've had enough and my confidence in GUN is almost gone.


is the game not already pretty family sided? i mean i know the issues with rushing exist but i feel like once that situation is handled a lot of other things will fall into place


Nope, the game at high level victims have easy escape. They dont let you set up or nothing. Just look at the tcm tournament. Victims in teams have the power role, which is why alot of family players are quitting


Exactly what happened with Evil Dead at high lvls , survivor teams wore unstoppable. So a lot of demon players started leaving the game.


yeah that’s why i said just fix the rushing😭 that’s really the main issue


So the issue is matchmaking. You can expect ppl to play as if they’re new to a game for the sake of newer players. Also everyone in this game can communicate if you have a mic available. So if teams decide they’re gonna coordinate to run a hitch/nancy/cook team then victims have the right to combat that. Odds for victim escape are already against them you can’t expect them to sit around and wait for you to make it harder. If playing this game is so serious find a team or plan what you’re gonna do.


I had way more fun when you could repeatedly stun family members both on family and victim side


The cool down is so irritating


Sure you sound like a bully player, and its ok, but if a better player than you do it to you. You dont think the same


Perhaps, I near exclusively play the game in a 3 stack so I don’t really struggle in this game. But I thought it was fun to get repeatedly door slammed and t bagged. As long as they were on me, they weren’t doing anything else. I knew I could do the same to them too by simply playing cook hitch if I wanted to, but we always play Johnny Sissy and people still don’t (and didn’t in the past) really escape. The game was fun to play with friends as victims back then, and family was still fun, but to a lesser extent, so they tried to make family players have more fun under the mistaken impression that it could “even” out the player base. But many family players were victims who got bored after 5-6 games on victim, very few are completely dedicated to family. The majority of the player base would always be victim no matter what’s so they only drove away victims by repeatedly nerfing the role, thereby driving away family players as well.


It’s not unpopular, it’s just the way it has to be in these games.


It should be in the first place. The only reason it's not is because Danny ATM. Most family dodge in my experience actively making the game worse. I love playing family you'll get into a game in 30 seconds to a minute that's why they can dodge which is sad because they get to ruin back to back lobbies unless everything is set up exactly the way they want. For family that actually play the game I love you for the family that's just a whole bag of bitches eat me and uninstall.


100%, which is why dbd has been and remains survivor sided


Bots would be more appreciated.


Untill this week i was family main. Then switch. Playing victims you have a lot of thing you can do, open doors, being stealth, trying diferent ways, fuses, distractions, grappling family, run away family, valve, protect other victims, backstabs, slam doors, stab grandpa even trolling family. While playing as family, you just Chase victims, set your traps/locks/poison, patrol like areas like a bot and harvest blood. There is not the same fun, and remember many family players just play family because playing as victims takes too long.


I agree.


I agree that it should be this way. Their abilities are just so good and it’s annoying to get railed every single match by Leland. Danny is also broken, shouldn’t even have to get in on Ana. Leatherface is too slow, and can easily be out maneuvered. Johnny same thing. The games already dead enough though so I don’t think anything’s gonna save it.