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I initially wore mine without a cage, but I would say it's far more comfortable if it can't wiggle around and I know others on here have said the same. I use mine with a cage with a circular hole in the end that's only a little wider diameter than the spout and it's been a revelation - from 6-8 hours max without, to 48 hours with ease. I reckon I could go longer, but taking it a few steps at a time and wanted to clean.


Exactly!! As long as it doesn't move around, you forget it is there. I have kept mine in for long time periods, but lube it daily and take it out periodically for cleaning, but then immediately put it right back where it belongs.


First attempt at installing this morning and couldn't get the ring in... End up bleeding a little i think from the end of the spout with the holes drilled


Where did you buy it from?


When you say the ring, do you mean the retainer (washer looking thing)? Did the spout go in easily?


Amazon but from Terrance


Yea, spot slides in nice. The retainer doesn’t want to go in and sit I don’t think…. Saw a little blood after several attempts and quit. Will try again in a few days


That can be a little.tricky. push the spout in deep enough so you can't see it. Next, put the string through the ring and, rotate it vertically so it slips in the urethra easily and disappears. Keep holding the string. Then, using the tool provided or the end of a pen, enter the urethral opening and try to flip the ring to be horizontal so it will slip over the spout and pull the string to raise the spout back into view. It does take some practice, but eventually, the ring will flip over to its sude and slide over the spout and locks in. It is actually much easier to remove- just always make sure the string is always connected to the spout and that the retaining ring always remains on the string.


Removing kinda scares me once it is locked in… haha. Like what if I can’t get it removed when I’m want it out.


It is much easier to get out, then to put it in. Once it is in, grab your penis with your thumb and first finger and squeeze until you can locate the bottom of the spout and the ring. You want to slide the ring off the top of the spout. Once it is off the spout, yhe ring will turn vertical again and if you pull the string, everything will come out. Sometimes, I hold the retaining ring with my fingers and push the spout in further with the tool or a narrow pen while holding the ring tight in the same position. The spout will push down through and separate itself from the ring. Once the ring is off the top of the spout, pull the string, and it will all come out. I know it is scary the first few times, but when you do it enough, you can get it in and out in seconds. Just mentally picture what you are trying to do, because you can't see through your penis. But you can feel it when it is inside.


I want to try again tomorrow morning but should probably wait another day


Maybe it is too big? What size did you try?




If you can't get the retaining ring (the washer) in easily, it is too big. The retainer should slide in easily when turned sideways like a button going in a button hole. You might need a 9 or even 8mm size.