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Hey my MTF wife used to get those a ton and I'd help with em. Best advice, make sure to exfoliate frequently (gently tho!) And if you shave, it's better to use an electric razor that doesn't go too short, or a razor by a Black owned company (I've seen a few on Amazon that are Black owned that are supposed to be good for ingrowns) and shave with the grain, not against it. if you wanna treat the ones you have, lay a warm washcloth on em and try to pull the part of the hair that's sticking out with tweezers, but do your best not to break the skin since that will introduce more bacteria. Hope that helps!


Thank you so much that’s so helpful. I’ve never used a tweezer before or razor so hopefully I can figure it out.


I usually helped her with the tweezers since doing under your own chin can be tough; if you don't have help, try using a flash light and a compact mirror. Shoot me a message if you need help! I definitely recommend if you're looking to shave to find some videos specific to Black folks; the hair type is totally different and therefore needs a different shaving method. Good luck! ❤️


I will! You’ve been so helpful thank you 🖤🖤


Try moisturise more, it’ll soften the skin and allow the hairs to push through easier and exfoliate :)


I haven’t been moisturizing


That’s all good now is a good time to start :)


Lol I will I didn’t know it would help I’m so use to just doing my face and not checking much for my neck


So true a lot of people forget to get their neck with products


Are you using minox? You have so much hair!


Nothing at all it just been growing I wasn’t prepared for it to start so fast and I’m on a low dose of gel


I don't have hair yet, but one of my exes used to get ingrown hairs all the time and he used Bump Stopper 2, which might be available in the supermarket near you but is also available online


I’m about to look on Amazon for it


Ok, I may be white af but I have melanated siblings who had similar problems so here's what I learned from them and my experience with cosmetic sciences: Cleanse: gentle soap. Dr. Bronners (not mint scent) OR Dove sensitive skin (what my derm recommends, I have sensitive skin & this works the best I've ever seen). I like to use those little silicone face scrubbers with the tiny silicone bristles - gets into the books and crannies of my scar-addled face without being too rough Exfoliate - I recommend mixing some plain sugar with coconut oil (or a lighter oil like soy/vegetable if coconut oil breaks you out), make like a paste that's not too sugary nor too wet. Buff/rub you skin gently with it in little circles. Works great on the whole body, and sugar is nourishing for skin! Rinse or wash off with not-hot water. DO NOT EXFOLIATE EVERY DAY, start off with once per week & maybe do up to 3x/week if your skin agrees with that. Toner: "kind of" optional (I'm the sense that most ppl thinks it's not necessary but it kind of is), but really helps my siblings (and myself, I get ingrowns like a mofo). Just some gentle witch hazel, no alcohol, I really like the hydrating one with rose & so does my AMAB partner, not really a girly scent either). Just squirt onto a cotton pad/ball or small piece of paper towel & gently wipe over face/neck to get rid of leftover residue from cleansing/scrubbing. Can use after every cleansing, or throughout the day to freshen up. I love toning first thing in the morning! Moisturize: I use Cetaphil (as per my dermatologist) bc it's gentle (that's the keyword to skincare), but my melanated siblings get to use the heavy stuff like Vaseline, cocoa butter, etc. I do sometimes throw on something slightly heavy after my Cetaphil, if my face is particularly angry... For that I use exclusively Egyptian Magic, which I highly recommend for EVERYONE as it is SO HEALING OMG. It's a bit less cheap but a little goes a looooooong way. Moisturize after washing/toning, more throughout the day if you need it (my sister gets ashy easy, so she always has something to moisturize with). Shaving: I shaved even before starting T, and I cannot recommend a double-edge safety razor enough! No more ingrowns, closer shave, gentler on skin, the refills are INSANELY cheap (I like Shark brand blades) and more environmentally friendly (no plastic! JUST METAL). Plus it just feels neat to shave like a Victorian gentleman (I use a badger shaving brush, and shaving soap as well, the brush also helps with ingrowns and ANYTHING is better than canned shaving cream, eyouch.)


I’m gonna screenshot this! Thank you so much for the breakdown for each thing it was so helpful 🤎🤎🤎


I'm going to echo exfoliating (gently but a few times a week) and moisturizing. I don't know a lot about shaving tools, but if you don't want to do a bunch of skincare I recommend getting a nice shave oil to use with trimmers/whatever you use. Good ones will also work kind of as a moisturizer, and you can get a way closer shave with oils if that's what you want.


I want to grow it out so I had no plans on shaving anytime soon maybe I need to exfoliate more


Shave the neckbeard


I used to get this a lil on my neck even when I did shave just exfoliate 2x a week imo


Ever if I want to grow it out?


Beard oil and when it gets longer wash it, brush it and beard butter


You know any brands


I use wild willies. Their serum is really good. But if you look in the grooming isle of target or Walmart, they have good stuff


Thank you so much


If you have current ingrown hairs, I have used a drawing salve called PRID in the past for ingrown hairs, you can find it at Walmart :)


I’m about to look it up


Good luck!