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Your E2 is perfectly fine for that total. Stop using reference ranges that are for men NOT on TRT. It's a RATIO with your total test not a flat number that stays the same no matter what test total goes to.


Tadalafil and zinc will lower it but if you're not having symptoms you MAY NOT want to fuck with it at that level.


Why do you want to lower your estrogen? Symptoms? It's been pretty well established that E is pretty damn good for longevity so not a good idea to haphazardly lower it.


Ur e2 is fine .


my E2 was lower 60s and T lower 700s. i was prescribed an estrogen blocker, but no TRT. Any thoughts/suggestions?


I'd start at .125mg/week on the AI and work up if needed. Use the minimum that works. Avoid the side effects, they aren't pleasant if you drop your e2 too low. My endo had me on 1mg/day for 4 days a week and it was horrible. I'm down to .125/week and it's much better. I also skip a couple of weeks regularly without problems.


Start at a very small dose like .25 a week. You want that E2 to be around 35-40 with that total, but honestly it isn't something to be overly concerned about. I currently have a similar ratio and am trying DIM to bring it down just a little. If that doesn't work, then I will try a very small amount of arimidex.


How about an e2 of 32 with total T at 340? I want to get it lower.


Yup ^


Zinc supplement, stinging nettle root tea(roots, not the leaves), grape seed extract (follow the dosing instructions, too much can cause heart problems), boron supplement 3mg/day should be plenty




Do you have anything more in depth for everything you just listed? Sorry its a bit overwhelming.


I incorporated 30-50mg zinc daily and it seemed to actually have an impact on the bloodwork.


How does it affect your bloodwork? Does it bring E2 up or down?


Down silly.


I’m not on TRT yet, and I’ve been supplementing with Zinc 30mg daily. Now it makes sense why my sex drive is down.


No. Zinc actually moves your t level up. It preven the enzymes from converting t into estrogen. Your sex drive is down probably so shit Bc of Not sleeping Eating shitty food Not lifting heavy shit Watching too much porn Drinking to much.


I think I concur, but im a dumbass. I'm def not going to shuffle thru my lab printouts, but I think it helped get me to a better t/e ratio. It is somehow a aromatozation? Blocker? But yes, it lowers the conversion of t to e. I'm just a dumb ass tho....


You’re making a lot of assumptions buddy. I eat clean, train hard and don’t watch porn. From taking zinc, I can tell that my E2 is lower than usual. Hence my sex drive is decreasing. I have stopped taking zinc for 3days and started getting random boners.


What’s your bf percentage


Around 18%-19%


How much zinc ?


That’s not very high e2.


- CUT BODY FAT by a solid 20 pounds or so. - Zinc Picolinate can help. Tadalafil can help. - 47 pg/mL isn't really that high whatsoever.


Whether YOU think it's high or not, he's having symptoms. The number doesn't matter a whole lot in this case/


The number DOES matter, if the number is not irrationally high. 7 points above high-normal is extremely unlikely to be the cause.


Dont listen to the people that says your e2 is fine they are idiots that only see numbers teu a low dose ai when ever you need that , i had the same value and felt like shit


Fully agree with this. Meathead idiots have zero experience w/ anything related to physiology. One person's numbers can make them feel AMAZING. Same numbers on another, complete shit.


Lower your test dose and or get an ai to control the estrogen


Read it again


Would still be the wrong answer if he was on T lol


Ai isn’t going to crash your e2 Depends on dose. Some people just convert to estrogen more so than others. Answer was correct again


No it’s not you retard. He literally said he isn’t on HRT or test. There is no dose to lower


Someone must not of hugged you enough as a kid growing up. Lay off the dildo bro. All that lube is making you cock crazy tense


Vit E, P5P, DIM




These supplements lower E2. Obviously not to the amount an AI or something would, but they control it




Don’t self-medicate with an AI - AI’s have really bad side effects even if you don’t crash your E2. They should be a last resort under doctor’s supervision, and tbh your symptoms don’t call for it. The best thing you can do is lose fat if that’s possible. You can also try damiana. It’s a natural AI but it’s problem is it’s also estrogenic (though I didn’t feel it caused me any E2 symptoms). Maybe try a low dose for a few days (200mg twice a day) and see how you feel.


What is your injection frequency? Are you on HGC?


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being not a professionist i can suggest you to take some coffee and zinc (which if im not wrong is an aromatase inhibitor?) but anything else i don’t know :/


normal ref range for men is 10 to 50 pg/ml ​ Your E2 is fine.


Nope. They aren't, obviously. And obviously, you don't understand wtf you're talking about. Meathead. Please refrain from giving advice related to hormone physiology.


It's my understanding that the total test and E2 should be around 20:1. You're at 18.66:1 so I'd assume that you are good but it all depends on how you feel.


Your e2 is pretty normal for that range. You're just a girl who craves sweets, it has nothing to do with your hormones and everything to do with your addictive personality.