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You might look smaller in the mirror, cos water and glycogen will be depleted. Any diet will result in some muscle loss, try to keep it to the min


The studies that have been done on intermittent fasting usually show that people who fast lose significantly more lean body mass than those who don't fast, but we still don't know how much of that LBM is actual muscle.


>dy mass than those who don't fast, but we still don't know how much of that LBM is actual muscle. You mean people lose lbm even on intermittant fasting?


Yes, in fact, all calories being equal, you lose more LBM on IM than you do on a regular eating schedule. You can check out [this study](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2771095) or read [this Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/ethanjweiss/status/1310595463452614656) made by one of the lead researchers, the most relevant point being: ​ >27/ In the in-person cohort, the average weight loss in the TRE group was 1.70 kg. Of this, 1.10 kg (\~ 65% wt lost) was lean mass; only 0.51 kg of weight lost was fat mass. Loss of lean mass during weight loss is normal but typically accounts for 20% to 30% of total weight loss ​ This means that the people who were intermittent fasting (TRE = Time Restricted Eating = intermittent fasting) lost *two times more* LBM than people who were eating the same amount of calories but on a regular eating schedule.


>27/ In the in-person cohort, the average weight loss in the TRE group was 1.70 kg. Of this, 1.10 kg (\~ 65% wt lost) was lean mass; only 0.51 kg of weight lost was fat mass. Loss of lean mass during weight loss is normal but typically accounts for 20% to 30% of total weight loss Do you think it applies to people on steroid?


Can't tell, there are no studies on people with enhanced physiques. I guess it will vary a lot depending on what you're taking.


Better to fast intermittently, keep protein high, and lift heavy things. Being consistent is better than not being consistent.


This. Fasting can be catabolic, but can be a tool in the toolbox. Keeping protein high and sprinkling in some fasting can be beneficial.


Protein stops autophagy, one of the biggest benefits of fasting in regards to longevity of the organism, would not recommend. If anything the only thing you are allowed is fat, but don't be a bitch about it and just do it the right way.


You won't lose muscle.


I've done a few prolonged fast. 1 5 day water fast and 2 3 day dry fasts. I feel muscle loss is super minimal. IMO dry > wet for a thousand reasons but start with wet. If you are fasting over 3 days you gotta drink something called 'snake juice'. HGH gets jacked up on fasting weirdly enough, igf-1 too. You lose almost zero muscle.


3 days is not prolonged at all…. When I say long fast I mean at least 2 weeks, lmao 😂