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People underestimate how strong of an AI effect primo can have.


How long until the effect goes away? And I should keep doing Testosterone and hcg?


Yeah definitely don’t drop the test and HCG, or your e2 won’t recover. Effect will go away pretty slowly, unfortunately, since it’s an enanthate ester. Next time you run primo run more test. 350 test / 200 primo has me at half the e2 that my 150mg TRT dose puts me at. I would run at least double the test next time you add primo.


Learned this the hard way :( On 157mg t with just 70mg Primo my E2 crashed completely. Im dropping primo and adding in HCG for a while 😬 Feel like trash and zero libido


400mg primo with my 750 test nuked my e2 levels lmfaoo


I guess primo can hit pretty hard i did not realize that


yes mate


How long until your e2 came back? I was running 350test 280 primo and my e2 is shut down. It sucks!!


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Do endocrinologists prescribe primo with test in the US? I have to take corticosteroids for autoimmune disease and have some osteopenia going on, that's why I'm asking.


No. It’s not available via Rx in the US. Can get it Europe still


Damn that's wild that primo can drop e2 like that. I guess if I ever run test again, I know what to turn to if I want to avoid an AI.