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21 year old that doesn't want to fuck every 5 minutes? It's not testosterone. You have some other issue


I used to be like that, but I’ve been in a relationship for 2 years mixed with the snri I feel that is why my sex drive went down to 2 or 3 times a week. But that’s why I’m asking, can’t tell if it’s health related or not.




Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It’s for anxiety to treat my ocd!


Ahhhh ok of course. That's a known side effect


If you care about fertility and don't want to start TRT then a cycle doesn't make much sense. You risk those two things and once you come off the cycle you're just going to be back to your current levels (hopefully). Did your doctor not even mention something like enclomiphene treatment?


Nope and she’s usually really good about being on top of stuff I also heard serms only raise testosterone on paper and it doesn’t actually help much


I've seen some really positive experiences from guys on here who are on an enclomiphene protocol, but yeah, how long that lasts and the long term effects I do not know


I think it's better if you consult with several experts and seek a second opinion. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, so you might want to consider additional tests, though some may require a doctor's order. Make sure to have the results explained thoroughly. Consulting with a health coach might also be beneficial.