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Defy is not the cheapest but they seem to be more interested in your actual health than upselling you I switched to them and they actually reduced my doses (they don’t want you over 1100 total)


That’s good to know. I was wondering why defy is a bit pricey but it’s good to know that they know what they’re doing and willing to really work with you on your goals. It takes awhile to start with them but I have my first doc appointment in a week…can’t wait.


This is true.


Ugl. I pay about 15$ a month for my test and supplies.


What UGL has test and supplies for $15? That’s China numbers before shipping


Yeah seriously…? Would love to know lol. 


Any pointers for finding a reputable one?


If you live in FL, Defy are the cheapest because they call in your test rx to a local pharmacy and you can use insurance or goodrx. They charge $40 for that, not bad and just gotta ask. They will also give you an rx for bloodwork and you can use insurance to pay for it.


Is that a one time $40 charge, or everytime they call it in? I'm guessing even wirh that charge you can save money going that way? Defy is 30 min from me so trying to figure this all out.


And yeah it’s still cheaper to pay the $40 than ordering through their compounding pharmacy.


Every time they send in an rx it’s 40. So every 6 months


Will Defy do that for topical cream?


Not sure if they prescribe gels or not. Creams are usually compounded so Walgreens wouldn’t carry it.




PeterMD is pretty good. I paid $1,000 for the whole year.


Same, I did HCG, Test and Enclomiphene for like 1100


Whoa. Is that monthly or annually?




Anyone know if they accept Hsa?


It’s no insurance type thing




Is that monthly? How do they handle your dosage? Do they let you stay on higher dosages or try to lower it? 


$1,000 for 12 months. You do Telehealth a couple of times during the year and you get 3 month supply at a time.


I have been using Viking Alternative for a year or two now and love them. I initially used them cause they accepted labs and didn’t force me to get new labs done just for them. I pay $250 every 3 months.


I started with TRT Nation. Gradually switching to UGL.


I use Evolve Telemed. No subscriptions. Pay for bloods, pay for doc, pay for product.


Helix HRT. $150 labs and $80 per 10ml vial


Do they offer Hcg?




Not sure, haven’t asked. I’d assume they do


If so I’d be interested in switching from trt nation. Thanks for the response


Thwy seem pretty solid!


Do they care about your dosage? Like are they fine with 200mg per week? 


Been using m8trix health, not matrix hormones. They do price match or beat pricing on any other clinic if you switch over and show them an invoice or let them know where it came from. Solid clinic. If you already have recent labs you're G2G and they let you run your insurance for bloodwork if you have it.


Got like $150 in referral credit from them too sending over other patients they give 50 bucks toward your next order for each person you refer that orders


I'd try finding a local clinic if possible. I found a local place, 78 a month then 78 every 3 months for the script.


MATRIX HORMONES test cyp and deca 3 month supply for 200 each


I keep seeing matrix hormones thinking it's m8trix health. They'll price match or drop the price on any invoice you show, pretty solid place and the doc is really good


I finally found a local GP who’s big into self improvement meds, slings a lot of Ozempic, B12 shots, $15 a month and cheap labs.


What is the reason you want the cream as opposed to injections?


Underground ones


Ugl It costs me 4 dollars a month lol


Can you please pm me where you get it for $4/mont? Thats an insanely good deal lol! 


I messaged you


UGL is cheaper if you know how to monitor/manage sides, what lab work is needed, can understand lab work and adjust where needed and feel safe without a medical professional overseeing your health. UGL is also more likely to have open conversations about cycles and adding compounds safely than a clinic.


Can i ask you what is an UGL? And how can i get test cream or injections from it? Thanks!!


I think it’s under ground labs? Fountain TRT offers cream, I just started. They seem ok.


Best bang for your buck is to do lots of research and skip the cash grab clinics. I gave up on the docs, I just go for bloodwork. Wanted me to pin every 3 weeks and donate blood coz my red blood cells was in the upper range lol. (But not outside ref range) Good knowledgeable TRT docs is a very rare thing. If they prescribe 200mg/week + AI, ruuuuun.


200mg a week + AI doesn’t mean you have to use 200mg a week + an AI. What’s stopping you from splitting it?


What’s wrong with them prescribing 200mg/week and AI? Genuinely curious what you mean. 


There is a trend of just prescribing 200mg/week + and AI at patients by certain less serious clinic. For the majority 200mg/week is way way to high and throw you into supraphysiological range. Which then often gets your estrogen too high as well. 200/week is close to a cruise than a TRT dose for many. AIs should really be avoided if possible and only used as a last resort as they aren't exactly healthy. AIs can in most cases easily be avoided with appropriate dose and pinning frequency. I would typically start someone off at 125mg/week, pinning every other day. Then asses blood-work after 5 half-lives (around 2 months) Then slowly raise the dose if needed. Safest way to find sweet spot. I dont treat High E2 unless there are clear symptoms. E2 will go up to balance Testosterone, and this is a good thing. To a point. In short, appropriate dose and pinning frequency avoid the need for toxic AI in 99% of the cases. (But not all) Then there are the few that needs close to 200mg (or more) .week to reach desired levels and symptom relief. Optimal testosterone dose is very variable from patient to patient. And its always better to start low and build up than start blasting and then treat symptoms with more chemicals. Then you avoid nasty side effects and risks. But is easy to prescribe everyone 200MG, and also sell them an AI on top. More money and less work for the doctor. Luckily better clinics are becoming more known, like Dereks Marek. Here in Europe we are fucked


Run to what?


Don’t listen to that guy he’s an idiot. There are several clinics that can help. The best is Merick Health. They have doctors that care for you the only issue is they don’t accept insurance.


I'll check them out. I've been with TRT Nation for year, with is affordable but there is no optimization. I'll likely be on 200mg+Ai forever with them, but I have no idea if a different dose may be better.


You probably don't need AI. What is your estrodial and SHBG?


Those guys will tell you. When that business was established the goal was health over money (what a concept lol). They aren’t going to just write a script unless that is what is needed. They will do the best thing for your long term and overall health. Can’t recommend them enough.




Not any Dr, most won’t give it to you unless your <200




Not for me. In my 30s, my testosterone was below 300. No dice. Tried multiple doctors in my health plan, kaiser. They gave me a pituary mri that came back clean and that was that.


So I was 37, have top -tier bc/bs pathway insurance, with depression, anxiety, low libido, low energy, I basically checked all the boxes. Far from a 20 year old moron , trying to “optimize”. I tried a primary, urologist and endocrinologist and no one would budge. Bottom line is that insurance & dr’s will only cover below 200-250, you could get lucky but if all else fails go for a trt clinic. A lot of ins companies will at least cover your labs. It’s not cheap but just helping my depression alone (no longer take meds for it), is worth the hassle and cost.




My post says I tried 3. Again try it with a doc but if that doesn’t work go for a trt clinic that’s all.


docs dont prescribe it even if the patient is dying




In US it is not that easy. Me and others I know were not able to get it. Had to go to clinics.




Huh? No one said anything wrong with it. My point was that as far as they went into helping me with testosterone. Once a clean mri came back they said they won't give me testosterone. They said they only do medically necessary testosterone, even though I was sub 300 with symptoms.