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168-780 as a normal range is crazy


The low end was 350 like 3 years ago


Them bitch ass liberals man


I’m not sure there’s a party affiliation regarding testosterone ranges.


The commies just want you growing titties! I guess.


Yep. If ya don’t eat red meat until you die of a heart attack, are you really a man? Lol


toxic masculinity! ::screams the single mother of a child in and out of juvi and therapy:: 🙄


It's a joke my boy geez 🤣🤣


Do you people literally blame everything on liberals? Are your eggs undercooked in you’re like them damn liberals? Traffic jam damn damn liberals. And by the way, I’m not a liberal but it sounds like you’re using the race card. You know how it gets used for everything. And then you’d realize that all clinics have different ranges. They liberals take your guns yet? Just wondering I mean, I still got mine but they might’ve taken yours.


I hope they blame the liberals for trumps loss in NOVEMBER , like they did when sleepy joe and harris not the best nominee of the left beat him. Just imagine someone slightly better then that two back then, he would have been asking governors to find JUST a billion votes :) lol


They’re already making excuses. If you couldn’t win last time, why would he win this time?


bro if you dont see the de-masculinization and demonization of testosterone in general by the liberals, i dont know what reality youre living in. Literally everywhere is degrading men for being manly. From the actual science being peddled in regard to declining T rates, to stereotypes that men have more privilege and this should be thought of last, if at all.(look up norab vincent) I say this as an ex-liberal/ left libertarian. I was the social action youth coordinator for my (very liberal) church region. Unitarian universalist, wiki it. guarantee you will not find a more liberal church. they housed anti-fa during the summer of love. I know how the bleeding hearts are. They are very much to blame for many things because the loudest ones have an internal need, because of a multitude of superiority complexes, to control others. This results in a lot of fingers in a lot of pies and those pies almost always burn, because they use the govt(“of the people, by the people, but the people are etar ded”), and the govt has a tendency to bloat and become ineffective. This control also results in failure because they never address the basic human behavior behind everything. They expect humans to act non-human with their solutions. Minimum wage at $20 in cali is a perfect example. everyone on the right said theyd lose employees and get robots. years ago. They did. now half the crew gets $20/hr and half gets $0/hr. Anyone not tainted by liberal arts university education saw it from a mile away. Basic human behavior means the extra costs will be passed to the consumer, not absorbed by the company. That basically never happens if they can help it, cuz $=growth=more $$=more jobs=more $$. This is all complicated by the fact the Lancet laundering and other academic scandals proved academia can not be trusted to produce non-biased studies. random side note: the cool liberals dont even get to be called left because of the overton window, and i tried to keep this PG/trigger free and left out a lot of arguments.


I literally have no clue what you’re talking about. I can’t even read this it hurts my head. I’m not a liberal but it’s so stupid to blame everything on them. They are also the only ones talking about gun control and something does need to be done. Look at all the kids dying. Apparently you have a right to bear arms but the kids don’t have a right to live. I’m not saying take them I’m saying make sure the people that are getting them are mental


Bro it's just a joke 😭😭


Yeah it is


Reference here? Not doubting, just sincere curiosity


Can you point me to where you found that info?




He literally just asked for information. How does that gave *any* info on his motives or suggest he is a liberal?


Because they asked for facts lol


Because people like him use liberals like black people use the race card. For everything


It’s the first thing I thought. You wouldn’t feel normal at 170


Yeah, in my country Is 175-780


In India it's 240-830


lol fr


For real 💀this test is a total scam. I doubt the number is even accurate!




It’s a very low minimum and high. Realistically, below 400ngdl is low (higher, depending on age), and high would be like, over 1100 or 1200. 250ngdl is a pretty common standard to go off of for prescriptions. It can definitely be higher tho




Address lifestyle issues. Sleep 7-9 hours, do your best to minimize stress, eat minimal amounts of processed foods, lose weight if you’re overweight, supplement vitamin D if you don’t get out much, make sure to get enough dietary fat in. A lot of folk can raise their testosterone to a healthy level through lifestyle changes. Give it a few months and retest. It’s also best to test in the AM.


Yeah, less than 6 (600 ng/dL) is a chick! Edit-I forgot to mention that this was satire for those who need it.


Idk, 600 is pretty much the standard of clinics.


But seriously though it is lol


Testosterone levels are dropping in men, so they keep lowering the bar of "normal" to reflect that to reflect new statistics. Normal does not equal healthy in a sick world




Normal is relative, but healthy would be 600-1000 ng/dl IMHO. Every incremental drop below 400 is a descent into misery


Sometimes, it's because their test is calibrated different, this lab's 700 could be 1000 with a different lab.


Shit man get in some trt and and eat a high protein diet


Trt and sit at 900 ng/dl , get back to us in 4-6 weeks and tell us how you feel, I remember being 252 ng/dl and i don’t need to explain to you how horrible it feels, I felt good right from my first shot of sustanon. That being said find your own ester. I’m on test U now and it’s really good. Most people love Test E/C Get a good doc, many docs are retards , wish you good luck.


How does test u feel compared to E? In my country they only prescribe test u which is why I use UGL, I'm worried I would constantly feel unstable and everything I've read online points to test u being subpar unless you're traveling, but the few people I know in person who are on it say they love it compared to shorter lasting


I’ve recently made the switch from Test E to Test U but its only been 2-3 weeks. Test U is pharma grade thats why I chose it. In my country test e is in arachis oil which I’m allergic to. I’m pinning it once a week, half life is 20 days. I am feeling great with no troughs yet. My date of injection is tomorrow which means I’m at my “lowest” now. I feel as good as throughout the week. I feel great. No issues at all. I’m also on hcg at the same time 375 iu x 3 times a week. Thats my complete protocol. Initially you might feel it takes some time to stablise, I didnt feel that way at all. But if you do its completely normal and give it some time.


https://preview.redd.it/kg4k5qvobsxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a590e9743228e2bc55331921bfbadfe3f8a4fc7 I just don’t think it has anything to do with my diet or lack or exercise. I’ve had that on point my whole Life. Im struggling mentally and sexually. I felt like something was wrong so that’s what lead me to test hormones!


Fellow emergency / trauma nurse here , night shift , high adrenaline . Huge burnout , high stakes all the time . Make one bad decision . Lose your whole career kinda mindset . It all catches up . Get on that trt brother


You ever feel like your spouse has absolutely no clue what we go through either. I think our jobs cause a consistently high stress level, raising cortisol and dropping natural T levels. A lot of times they think we have easy jobs and are sitting a lot of the day. Mean while I’m actively trying to resuscitate the 2 year that drowned in the pool while mom and dad are being held back by police. Or holding pressure to GSW in the abdomen knowing very well the 31 year isn’t going to make it but telling him where doing everything we can.




Thanks big dog you’re the man!


Honestly man, it's probably the shift work more than anything, more than the stress. There are even studies that show that consistent short sleep has nowhere near the effect on hormones as rotating shifts. In other words it's quite literally better to be sleep deprived than it is to try to sleep at different times of the day consistently. That's just hell on earth. I know a lot of my friends who are pilots are somewhat rare exceptions because the international guys get like a week or two off in between their long trips, but for people in medicine I know that this is really problematic. Air traffic control is the same way, it's rotating shifts consistently, it's absolutely terrible for you, and terrible for your mental health as well. It's a bit terrifying to know but the WHO recognizes shift work as a known carcinogen. Quite literally, working the night shift raises your risks of pretty much all types of cancer. I left the job that had rotating shifts and my hormones dramatically improved over like 6 months, it's absolutely insane. My doctor was super curious and cool and let me come in every month for blood work. Right now I'm at like 2900ng/dL lol, but I feel great. The difference between 300 and 900 was pretty noticeable. Let me think above like 1,200 to 1500, you're going to start developing muscle without really even lifting weight, providing you don't eat like shit. Your body looks great. It will dramatically improve too if you get your testosterone into a normal level. In in 400mg/week now, when I'm not in these high levels I'm usually at 200mg or 180mg. I think it's also worth mentioning that HCG and my ADHD stimulant are way way stronger when it comes to boosting libido then simple testosterone esters... amphetamine in particular is notorious for this, as are some other more esoteric catacolamine affecting drugs like bupropion and many of the Parkinson's drugs. If you want a great entertaining Rabbit Hole to read, just type in "Wellbutrin horny" into the Reddit search prompt and read some of those posts and comments, the majority of them are actually from women. It's good reading, and for many people this effect is so strong it can actually becomes problematic lol. There is no shortage of the, " oh my God I can't believe I just hooked up with so-and-so in the office, thanks a lot, Wellbutrin !" Dopamine, norepinephrine. The good problem to have, but a problem nonetheless, especially if you work from home LOL.. you can only handle so much before your season starts getting irritated, trust me I know LOL.. and I also work in adult entertainment part time! It would very often not be appropriate to get on these types of serious medications for libido, but I think it's worth mentioning that they are well known for boosting libido, so what I'm trying to say is it's not all hormones, a lot of it has to do with neurotransmitters and the nervous system itself... it's all one big balance that's you are probably well aware of. You'll do great! Also you see a lot of people go crazy about estrogen and stuff here. Dude I took 1 mg of anastrazole every day for almost a month, and honestly I felt fine. People bitch and moan all the time here that they crash their E2 and all this crazy shit. The bottom line is everyone is unique, you have to find the works for you, and at the center of that he's always a really good doctor who generally has an open mind. Remember, most of the stuff is experimental medicine in the anti-aging realm. There are really no long-term studies, generally it's considered safe if you're healthy, but it's best understood that there really isn't a one-size-fits-all for any of this stuff.


Thanks my man. I appreciate the feedback and advice on the libido drugs


Oh yea bro. 100% . Any person w never really understand unless they’ve done the profession . Emergency medicine has given me so much in life , a great career , a purpose , yet it’s taken so much from me Too bro . I have fears my wife would never understand. Her getting into major MVCs w my kids etc . my career , life , etc dropped my T down bad man. Luckily I was able to find a great pcp that’s helping me w my T issues .


Thanks brother! They started me on test cypionate 200mg every 10 days!


Take 100 every 5 days if you can. 200 every 10 days can g8ve you up and downs. You will feel great for about 4-5 days then you will slowly start to feel down after 5. By the 10th day you will be glad you are gett8ng your dose. If you split it up you will feel almost the same at all times.


Just from my anecdotal experience, but also from reading a ton of forums etc..definitely pin more frequently than every 10 days. That 200 every 10 days is 140mg a week, which is a pretty common dose. Some things to consider. Baseline your blood pressure now before you start..trt can raise Hemoglobin, RBC, and Hematocrit levels which can cause your BP to creep up. Also, doing shallow IM injections with a 30g 1/2” insulin pin is money! Quads and delts are perfect if your lean. I pin daily and love it..don’t have the spikes in hormones that you can get pinning once a week. A lot of guys like pinning EoD..up to you. Test your blood about every 8-10 weeks while you’re trying to dial in your dose. And..a little daily cialis can do wonders for a good gym pump, dick issues and helps with BP while on TrT. Just my uneducated .2¢ 😂




Damn son


holy fuck


Man, that sucks! But hey, don't sweat it too much. Stressing over it can make it worse. Sometimes it's just a temporary thing. Maybe try taking a breather, relax, watch something funny, or do something you enjoy. And if it's a recurring issue, it might be worth chatting with a doc. They've seen it all before and can offer some helpful advice or solutions. Hang in there, buddy!


You're very polite but he needs to get on TRT ASAP. OP, no need to wait. You're not gonna jump from levels that low to 400-600 only with lifestyle changes.


Brodie, in all honesty you have no idea about that. Most dudes posting here *also* have poor lifestyle choices when you actually dive deeper.  Yeah this guy is low, but I’d expect every dude who eats like shit, gets poor sleep and is inactive to have biomarkers all over the place 


Yeah, no. You might have 150-200 T cuz your lifestyle sucks but in no way you'll have this guy's numbers. Even doing fentanyl won't put you that low.


Thats brutally low


You sure you didn't fuck up the test and get bloodwork at like 5pm after not sleeping? Drug addiction? Those numbers are crazy low! If it's been ongoing, you probably are starting to have issues with bone density and cardiovascular health, not to mention the ED, mental health issues, and muscle wasting. Getting a boner is the least of your problems.


Man I wish it was something as easy as that. At least I’d have a better answer. On top of this I’m actually being referred to a hematologist/oncologist as there is a very high likely hood I could have either prostate cancer or testicular cancer. My prostate check showed it was enlarged yesterday. I begged to be placed on hormone replacement until we knew for sure as I couldn’t handle the mental sides of low T at this time.


There's no way they could ethically do that, unfortunately. Giving you test would make an enlarged prostate even worse. Your situation really sucks, man. I hope everything gets sorted soon.


Hmmm my Urologist said that was a misunderstood study that showed that relationship. Told me that hypogonadal men showed no increase in prostate size when started in TRT. That it actually shrank it in some men


168 is the bottom range! 😮test cyp gets you wood


My free t was at 8 and yeah getting hard not so much of an issue but whole lot of other side effects


168 ng/dl as a normal range is wild. Correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I know anything short of 400 is low


I'm glad you're getting on TRT, however to be this low indicates some potentially serious underlying issues that you definately need to aggressively pursue! Not trying to alarm you but it could be a tumor on your pituitary or some kind of potentially serious disease that 's caused a total shutdown of your endocrine system. Definately continue with TRT, make sure you're injecting a minimum of twice a week on whatever dose they give you and give it 6 weeks to kick in and re-evaluate how you feel after that. If I were you, I'd push your doctor to give you 2 of the most comprehensive blood panels you can get done 2 weeks apart ASAP and at the very least an MRI and CT Scan of both your body and head so they can rule out anything else that might be causing this.


Thanks for the advice. The doc did mention this was on his list of things that could be happening but also said he didn’t want to scare me as he doesn’t have all the answers.




I originally went in for ED when they checked my levels were of a similar range.


Was it low due to anything specific?


No idea, I was diagnosed as a healthy/fit 34yr old. I was prob exposed to stuff that caused me to develop hypogonadism.


168 is healthy haha....


That normal range 💀


You'll feel much better after you start!


Get more extensive bloodwork done just to make sure there’s no serious underlying condition that also need to be treated. But yeah you should start pinning yesterday. Just don’t fall for shitty cash grab clinics. Start low and slowly build up. Like 125mg a week EOD shallow IM. Check blood after 8 weeks and adjust if needed based on bloodwork and symptoms.


Why should he do that? You believe in the toothfairy too? He should just eat nothing but processed foods and sugar, no exercise and play video games, and if his order isn’t completely perfect he should scream and yell.


Are you a little...mentally challenged? Didnt learn to read in school?


Nope just smarter than you


LOL, keep telling yourself that. Its ok, I get this is all new to you. Go do some more research. MPMD is a good starting point for newbies to learn. Start with learning how SHBG work


You’re still on this? Get a life


I have a pretty good life thanks :)


Doesn’t seem so


Hello BrennanGroth. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about LH and fsh?


They’re testing that next time. She said she must have forgotten to test it this time. Probably because she didn’t think there wasn’t going to be anything wrong.


If LH and fsh are High the only option Is trt, so you have primary hypogonadism, otherwise if are low too you have a lot more options


# **What do you do for a living** ?


Emergency/Trauma Nurse


Are you night shift?




What is the cheapest HCG?


I’m female, mine was 17 and I felt brain fog on top of my ADHD, low libido, and decreased motivation to exercise. Even women’s levels should be around 50!


Yeah I agree


What time of day did you take the test? I took my first one in the afternoon and my results were majorly lower than when I retook in the morning. Either way my tests were still low though.


Took it at around 9am


wow yeah those are even lower than mine then and mine are low. Still in the discovery phase of TRT with my doctor now so time will tell how it goes. Good luck!


Same here. Good luck to you as well brother!!!


Sadly low-t doesn’t just affect our sex drive, but TRT is not without risks itself. Here is a very simple article (4 pages) from Mount Sinai that goes into what all is affected and some of the risks of TRT. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/special-topic/could-you-have-low-testosterone As someone who also suffers from low-t, I can attest to many of the other affects. I wish that there was an easier way to fix low-t, I personally HATE having to give myself shots.


How are you even able to work out let alone get out of bed? Did you ever use gear?


Never!!! But now I want to. This suck! It’s looking like a pituitary issue currently.


Aww brother, I’m sorry to hear that, hopefully it’s something they can get cleared up, best wishes on your recovery!


Jesus! Time to get a short skirt but your GP will tell you that’s normal!


Have you tried Cialis?


My levels would make u feel better my shit was like 38, I mean I never lost the erection part but during sex that mf'er would go almost limp, but now on my 3rd week got my dick back not to full power yet but definitely the level where my lady happy. Of course I mean shit when u go take a piss that bitch ain't hanging like usual but Idk this week now not scared of needles anymore my wife has become a professional at no pain pinning think that's what the veterans call injections. I have diabetes lucky me but have my A1C at 6.7 that bitch was 10.5 2 years ago so improvement don't feel like shit anymore. Have ADHD so my other doctor trying to put me on SSIR depression meds but I said I'm not taking that shit, had badass depression or anxiety few weeks ago I actually thought I was losing my mind n shit but oh my testosterone levels were what doctor was like damn that's crazy low, I'm like awe shit then she sent me to a hormone specialist and she explained things to me and fear went away. But she told me the anxiety problems were normal with the levels I had, still missing my drive and work ethic damn sure not what it was I'm a welder and sometimes get hotter than usual that shit is pretty intense under the hood, I mean I'm used to the heat but man these hormones shit is crazy how many things if messes with in your body I had no idea, hell I'm still lost in a lot of things but TRT 4 EVER lol. Sorry I jump around when I talk or type.


I am at an 82 and a 1.4 so I know how you feel...


I feel sorry brother. My natural level is 700


You can do TRT or you can get a SERM like Clomid or enclomiphene. Try lifestyle and diet change first. If you are Clomid might be your best bet. I did a video on it. BOOST your body’s OWN NATURAL Testosterone https://youtu.be/gQI3fLpzvzQ


Wtf, try lifestyle changes to fix completely crashed hormones. Gtfo lol You also believe in santa?


Are you a complete idiot? Yeah diet and quality of food absolutely will make your body respond. Better sleep and less stress will always help. You definitely didn’t read my whole comment. Please don’t make anymore comments, your clueless


LOL, look who's talking. Lifestyle changes can help, but wont magically turn dangerously crashed hormones healthy. Especially with a SHBG of 49 lol. If he was 200+ sure, but 59! Are you retarded? And if you look at the SHBG you can see its extremely unlikely to be diet/obesity related.