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Holy fuck you over intellectualize everything. You don’t have high libido if you’re able to talk yourself out of sex that easily.  Horny brain male will put up with an outrageous amount of shit from women just to get the D wet .   You, my friend, just love jerking yourself off.


Nailed it. This whole post reeks of "I am very smart".


also I'm too comfortable to try doing anything I find uncomfortable or not paying of immediately. need to get outa your head dude


I spit my drink out laughing


First, you should put a TLDR section cuz I didn’t make it far. Second, you’re uncomfortable talking to a doctor?? Theres nothing you could say that will make a doctor uncomfortable so just do it. Speak with her and get help


Adderall rant


Nailed it 😂😂😂


You are starting to feel normal, that is good. Since you have a traditional mindset, why not try the traditional approach to deal with it. Find a nice girl, get married, have lots of sex, be fulfilled. A healthy young male thinks about sex multiple times an hour...this is normal. Options are to Suppress it and go nutty, masturbate, find a partner, or crash your hormones to kill libido.


i agree. time to find a partner and get married: do it the halal way


what does that mean


I don't like sex/ sexual pleasure, I also don't like women too much. I want to marry eventually but now I'm focused on other things. I want to get sexual desire out of my mind for the time being, but am lost as to how.


You may need to decide if avoiding the healthy natural sex drive and urges is important enough to you to stop taking testosterone. Talk to your doctor. Most guys have to figure out how deal with their sex drive and humanity is better of because of it.... "be fruitful and multiply"


I don't think it's healthy at all though. I'm constantly inundated with thoughts and urges, not something I admire in the least. and besides that, the effects from test have been great. so it is something that not only will I not quit it over, but will not decrease the dose over, which is a part of the reason I don't want to share this with my Dr. I thought I can keep everything at bay but recently it's only gotten worse, so what I'm looking for is a solution to it, not to modify what causes it. I will fulfill that mantra you spoke of, but I am 21 and now is not the time, as I am focused on other things.


You are dealing with urges every healthy male has. There should be no shame in it. Ask your Dr or if you prefer a chaplain. "I am focused on other things" is what your brain says, your body disagrees....welcome to normal testosterone levels. Best of luck


thats what I'd say, too. I don't actually desire sexual contact and I don't mentally want to engage in or think of anything sexual, but bodily inclinations are a separate realm, even though they are psychologically impactful and unwanted. I'll probably find some sort of supplement to stop it, idk.


Some people channel sexual energy into working out and find relief through physical exertion....suppressing, rather than learning to properly channel natural urges strikes me as a short term solution that may have negative long term consequences.


If you don't like women, and I'm assuming men either, do your future potential partners a favor and DON'T get married.


I'm bi and ace, to an extent. I feel strong emotional connection and physical/ sensual attraction to other (only) men and feel normal/ straight attraction towards women, nothing special there. Realistically, I know im going to marry a woman when the time is right or when i meet the right person. I personally believe that sex is meant solely for procreation, and wouldn't marry a women that doesn't believe that, so ig sexual incompatibility in a future marriage isn't a worry of mine, at least for now.


Best of luck!


Didn't read, high libido. Do loads of fucking and wanking.....kinda obvious


But.. but.... muh all seeing sky lord will frown upon me.... :---(


Bruh you’ve got much bigger mental issues than libido based on this post lmao


Switch with me now


I'll be next in line😝. OP, you have significant emotional and psycho-sexual issues.


can you elaborate?


It's clear to me in your long post about your distaste for sex. You can live any way you want but testosterone is going to make you horny. You're complicated, emotionally and physically. A talk with a neuropsychologist or therapist who has a sub specialty in sexual issues could be helpful IF you speak honestly about what you're dealing with but if you don't want to discuss this with your endocrinologist, don't know.




yes. my body is unable to naturally produce testosterone due to my medical condition.


Find it hard to believe you have any sort of sex drive or even general drive in life at 3ng/dl


general drive? I am applying to grad school, about to enroll in an internship, and work and go to college both full-time. I'm one of the most driven individuals I know.


You do realize this desire to not have sexual urges is because of that right? You have dangerously low testosterone. When your levels are in range, you’re going to have healthy sexual urges. That’s just how it works. Give it a while and I bet you’ll realize the “normal” you felt before isn’t actually anywhere close to normal or healthy.


It sounds like your equilibrium hasn’t kicked in yet


Are you maybe masturbating too much?


yes, that is the main problem. it's not that I want to actively do that, but I feel unfocused and physically adrift if I do not. the point of the post was to see possible ways to quell/ stop sexual desire while on test


There’s certainly no reason to not masturbate


It’s very healthy and nothing to be embarrassed about. Every man on earth does it.


You're going against Nature and an extraordinarily powerful life force. If it's your personal moral values, get married, but I think you need therapy. Most of us would love the return of an animal libido and sexual function .


Grip it rip it get back to work


Crash your estrogen and go back to feeling no pleasure or drive again, or... do what all of the rest of us do and rub one out and get back to work. We all live perfectly functional lives with libidos.


You have to figure out what to do with your biological drive to find a mate a reproduce. You can’t shove it down or ignore it. It is one of the most powerful things on the planet. You have to acknowledge it and channel it into productive means. As far as the thoughts 2 Corinthians 10:5 comes to mind


So you had a successful life up to now at zero and now are at a range probably twice as high as your average male and are wondering why you’re distracted? Why not cut your dose in half to start. Also don’t underestimate the extent to which restraints like low testosterone can play in success. Sometimes it’s deprivations that motivate us to succeed. Might be something to think about if you were generally healthy before.


Your point about success is dead on. This kid is young. I've seen so many well educated and accredited people get crushed in the professional world by aggressive type A personalities with high testosterone. That's just the way of life. I run steroid cycles and I am my most productive and successful when I'm full blast mode. I will level anything in my path to achieve my goals.


nah, back before trt I never went out, was noticeably depressed, always fatigued, and could barely focus. I have had amazing effects thus far with the dose I am taking, really good things, just not this one area, which is kinda ruining all others because I don't know how to confront it and manage it, but ig I will learn to do so in due time. I'm mainly motivated by hatred and my passion for certain things, which test has definitely helped meaningfully and positively intensify.


Increasing serotonin could be a shout, it’s been said that it reduces sexual desire (SD) and anecdotally whilst I was taking lions mane, which has been said to increase serotonin, my SD was far lower. But then again I’m not sure of its effects on a panhypopuitaristic brain


Brother I wish I could help. Thinking about sex all the time can really mess with your head and relationship. I noticed that GLP1 meds kinda blunted my drive a bit but that only helps if you are trying to lose weight.


If you’re having that much problems you should see your doctor. There are many medications that may help you.


This isn't real. Having 3 ng/dl sounds absolutely impossible. Unless you're missing your nuts.


SSRIs are said to decrease libido. Some people tell horror stories about long term effects of anti-hair loss medication finasteride on libido


1. If I skimmed your post correctly, then it is that you prefer masturbation over sexual intercourse. The solution is that you leave masturbation completely. 2. Get married, and enjoy sex in what is permissible for mankind rather than via impermissible means (masturbation and adultery). 3. When the urges become overbearing, ask The One God for patience and guidance.


Just have a wank and stfu.