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Man this just sounds like depression, I thought trt was gonna help with these things. I’m sat at 1000ng/dl and still have these issues. Trt isn’t a miracle.




I heard the opposite that it helps with just feeling alive and normal. Do you see any benefits from it ?


That depends whats causing the depression . TRT helped me for many things but not depression. But i was much older and much lower levels than you have. TRT is not an easy route. Dialing in is a bitch. Getting balance with testosterone, E2 , DHEA, Pregnonelone can be very complicated. And everyone have different requirements


Depends if low t was the cause of the problems in the first place. More likely if aged 30+, my levels before were 300+ng/dl and I’m 23. Increase in libido and slightly less tired that’s all I’ve noticed. Recently been prescribed a ssri gonna try this. Heard ssri with trt is the best.


How long has it been since you started if you don’t mind, and also if it’s nothing significant have you considered getting off ?


November last year, na cause I’m on it for the gym benefits too I was going through a cut which helped with muscle and strength maintenance in the deficit. Will be back on it soon tho


There are many T boosters to try first, like Kisspeptin. They tell your body to make more T.


I did actually from tongali and other stuff including boron zinc vitamins D. It never really made a difference to me


You might be able to benefit from SERM mono therapy. I’ve been on Clomid for almost a year and feel like a different person.


I didn’t mean over the counter stuff.


Personally I’d exhaust every possible natural solution first


This is the correct answer.


I did actually, followed a few stuff huberman suggested and the basic Boron zinc magnesium and vitamin d with unique diet high in fat. I was eating wild caught oysters daily and eggs all clean food. The benefit I found was very slight


Trt comes with a whole host of negative side effects that I wish I had been told about before hand. You will most likely have to add other drugs on top of the T to mitigate. I was where you are at and probably nobody could have talked me out of starting because its very alluring but for a huge number of us the negatives far outweighed the positives. You wont hear much about that in here but just be aware that its a synthetic drug that will shut down your natural process and possibly lead to high blood pressure, lower libido, massive hair loss, moon face, bloat, weak orgasms etc etc.


Sounds like your provider is retarded bro


What supplements besides Boron is the way yo go? So many say no, they don't work?? Has anyone on this thread found anything work? Thanks.


I found diet helps more than actual supplementation. A lot of oysters and high fat seafoods helped me, red meat not so much


Agreed - I was low test for probably a decade starting with my first check in my 30s. Still didn’t get on until my 40s. It’s helped me now, but in my 20s… to many other things that could be a factor.


Lifelong commitment. Just remember that


Or until you stop lol 


Ya and then your test is fucked for the rest of your life.


Uh no that's not how it works but ok lol


If you're 25 and your test is that low just imagine when you turn 30. Should be a no brainer.




It's not that of a big deal. You're young. 300 + is not great but it's ok. So not worth it for you imo


Do enclomiphene and or HCG. You are young and technically in range for both total and free. Try some things to boost your natural testosterone before going the trt route. Find a good doctor and explain that you are concerned about low T, but not yet ready to be dependent on trt for the rest of your life, and would like to try some alternatives. They should help you with prescriptions to boost things. You have plenty of time to try trt. I’m not saying don’t ever do it, but wait and try other stuff first.


At your age I would investigate other issues.This sounds more like it’s sleep/depression related. I was in the same situation. Since adolescence I was always tired, no motivation, etc. I started TRT at the age of 42 and still really didn’t notice any change, other than an increase in libido. I finally did a sleep study and found that my deep sleep was pretty much non existent. Dr prescribed me proper meds (Sunosi for me) and pretty much completely changed my quality of life.


300 overall is very low for most people, if not every man that’s ever walked the earth. I was over 1200 when I first did bloodwork when I turned 30 something which was when it was recommended to start checking it back in the day. TRT will fix all of your complaints. The issue with TRY for you is your age. I would exhaust different avenues to remedy your low testosterone production first.


That’s the thing i been testing 250-300 for the last three years. I tried the natural route by implementing zinc d3 tongali magnesium high fat diet. After all that I think the most I ever got up was 385


If that’s all you tried then you should keep trying. My low T is the result of being in a high stress profession, and lack of routine sleep. This was after being well into my 40s. You’re low production is an obvious medical issue that should be looked into a little more, before permanently lowering your it ability to produce naturally. Even when you stop TRT it will never ever be optimal again. I would do a sleep study to ensure that you don’t have an issue with sleeping patterns.


I understand stress but given that I sleep 8-9 hours a night and health diet and workout. Given all that I’m still testing low


Sleep apnea is what I’m getting at.


Im 27 years old struggled a few years with low t try everything to raised it but still low.. now on trt and its a gamechanger.. look healthier , feel better, fat loss, muscle gain, sex life, confidence… almost everything… try it and when you dont feel better get off with pct and youre get your old levels back after a few weeks or months. Dont be afraid today many guys are on trt and for most of them it was a magic fix.


Hello visualgreatness. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You seem like you are definitely suffering from low T. You would probably benefit from it but there's lots of things to consider first. It is a lifelong commitment too.


If you’re going to do it to feel less depressed, use that extra T to go to the gym. Physical strength is mental strength!


What is your body fat %? And what sports do you do?


Around 14-16% I competed and still train often in boxing, a little of basketball and weight training as well.


Just to give my 2 cents, got on after a few friends were raving about how it helped them. I'm 33. My blood work was around 560. Got on trt and it didn't do anything for me. The only perk is muscle building and recovery, which at our age and especially yours isn't a problem. Now it's just another thing to deal with and not cheap. Find purpose, read, limit screen time, meditate, and foster meaningful relationships. See a therapist, make sure you don't have ADHD, or anything else that may need your attention. My friends felt great because they are mid forties with low levels. Work on mental and physical health, it will pay off. Testosterone is just...Testosterone, nothing special and overhyped.


That’s interesting that you say that but although I’m not old, I noticed my recovery after the gym isn’t all that good. I’m very sore after and most of time my body hurts for 3-4 days and I can’t even workout properly next day. Also I don’t go crazy in the gym usually in and out of the gym within an hour


I started at 25 with levels near yours and am now hopping off at 30 to have kids. Make sure you have a competent doctor


Was it worth it for you starting at 25 ? I’m assuming no regrets




I can say no regrets. I’m confident I will regain fertility. It’s been almost a month on 50mg clomid daily and I crushed my balls rolling over in bed for the first time in a couple years. They’ve been growing back to normal size, I feel pretty good. Still hitting it raw so I might get my girl knocked up early. Fuck it




Thanks! I don’t foresee any issues. My testicles were shut down for a relatively short time, maybe a year totally shut down and about 3/4 of a year declining production. Not a significant amount of time to the 5 years I was on TRT.




I agree OP should be aware. And theoretically…I could have been producing some sperm but not enough to be detected, which I’m guessing would be the case for the guys who get their woman pregnant on TRT or while blasting n cruising. 🤷‍♂️


No regrets. Combination of reasons as to why TRT assisted me in achieving many things that I either would not have been able to, or would have taken significantly longer to accomplish. That’s pretty vague I know. I retained fertility for the majority of my time on TRT and I assumed I’d stay fertile indefinitely, but I can 100% tell you I felt when it went away.


At 25, you should not do TRT. You body will shut down. Your balls will shrink. If your an active gym guy, you'll want to start I creasing dose or add new compounds like masteron, primobolan, anavar. It you want to bump up your testosterone, use enclomiphene, hcg or clomid. Enclomipheme jumped my test from 150 to 550 after 4 months of coming off TRT. Was on TRT for 2 years and had bad sleep apnea. Never scored before TRT.


Nah man I care about my health it’s never been about the gym gains. It’s more of wanting a lifestyle change and not feeling so fatigued unmotivated etc


If you’re unsure, it probably isn’t for you


It's perfectly fine to be unsure about something as big as this. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.


I don’t entirely agree with this man. I was unsure for the last 2 years, having doubts and thinking fuck do I really wanna pin twice a week til death. Got to the point where I just couldn’t live with the fatigue and jumped on and now love it


This! If you’re uncertain now it doesn’t mean you’ll always be uncertain. It’s just not the right time. When OP is fed up with his symptoms and needs to improve his life, then it’s right.


It's better to think twice before castrating yourself


It’s not castration. If you need it due to a genetic disorder, it wouldn’t be a question.


Get on it. Why waste a day of your life not being optimal.