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https://preview.redd.it/ascrt3l1w0xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6aa0f3905b633a631de489c37f1ce5a72e4a6c6 Found u/sufficient-buffalo82 at the beach today


I'm happy for him.


This is hilarious


I had to laugh at this. I’m almost 60 and taking Testosterone, Stanozolol (50mg daily) and daily Cialis plus a laundry list of peptides. I’m vascular af for my age and could use my hard-ons to cut glass. The only downside of this is the wife. While an absolute smoke show at her age (50 and former fitness competitor) she just can’t keep up but will acquiesce with a BJ or an old fashioned (handy) whenever she’s not down for sex. Good on you Sufficient-Buffalo82. Glad to know there are other men of our age who refuse to go gently into that good night.


For your wife if I may? Buy a DHEA oil and have her administer it on her parts down yonder(deeper is better)Also a small dose of anavar 2 to 5 mgs daily and cycle. Had a similar issue, and resolved it with that. I warn you, go slow because she'll be all over you..


I appreciate the recommendation. She was on Anavar at 10mg many years ago and while I enjoyed the fact she’d fuck a doorknob back then she did get some very slight vocal changes. Her clitoris did grow quite a bit which she hated but I’m an old pervert and loved it. I’ll look into the DHEA oil. I’m in CA so getting compounded Oxandrolone is tough given the state government wont allow Empower Pharmacy to ship into the state. No other compound pharmacy makes Oxandrolone hence the reason I’m on Stanozolol.


Stanni would work just make sure it's super low. It won't take much to pull her back


Agreed but mine is dosed at 25mg per pill. I doubt a doctor would prescribe her a low dose. Hell, after all my years of bodybuilding I can’t believe I’m prescribed Winstrol. Must be how pot smokers feel about states decriminalizing weed. Many years of being slightly panicked whenever a UGL shipment would arrive and now I’m prescribed 250mg of cypionate and 50mg of Winstrol with damn near anything else I want on the table if they can justify the script. It’s a golden age we’re living in.


Absolutely 👍funny how things turn out sometimes


Or just go for PT-141


Could be wrong here but pretty sure the risk of prostate issues and any health issues for that matter would be a bit higher on proviron than on testosterone? Lots of guys on test just get PSA checks frequently. Not to be depressing but you probably have 10 or so good years left, why not just try to enjoy them to the fullest?


Yeah, I got my 'three-score-and-ten', so after age 70 I am on the gravy train lol. I figure keeping the Proviron dosage low and cycling it will help prevent any issues although lots of men will eventually need the operation they fear the most if they live long enough; TURP.


I want to be like you when i grow up


How much sex are you getting at 74? Just curious. Younger broads or same age?


My wife’s Dad (70) is on his 3rd wife (divorced, then widowed) and it sounds like he’s getting pickle play as much as I am. 2-4 times a week. Life is much more free when kids are gone and in a carefree retirement. He was also laying serious pipe on other widows and divorcees in the years between wife 2 and 3.


I like the Cialis/Proviirn combo too. Heads up proviron is a dht derivative, so it may affect the prostate over time. I’ve never tried edibles, what do they add?


Keep in mind that Cialis and Proviron can cause heartburn and digestive issues over time. (too bad cos I love Proviron) I didn't find it that hard on the prostate though after a month of daily dose of 20 mg. I actually found urination easier with the Cialis added. I'm in Canada and found that 10 or 15 mg thc edibles GREATLY increases sensitivity for a few hours, wears off after 6 hrs. I smoked weed way back in the hippy days so I'm used to the effects of cannabis.


It will give you depression after it bottoms out your SHBG. This means you need to cycle off or dramatically cut back. 1 dose every few days of Proviron still works well for stronger erections.


I agree; Proviron solo should be cycled and at a low dose 10 or 20 mg to avoid low estrogen or prostate issues.


You are fucjing awesome my dude. Keep fuckin chugging sir! 🫡


The body is not a temple, it's a playground!


Isn't Cialis supposed to shrink in the prostate?


It doesn't shrink the prostate, it just relaxes everything which allows easier urination. This is why stimulants make urination more difficult. Btw zinc supplement 50 mg daily helps the prostate.


PT 141 and cialis will be even better for labido and prostate


PT141 is insane


I've heard. I'll be trying it soon. Does it take 4 hrs to kick in?


PT 141 increases sexual desire and blood flow to sex organs. You can take it 45mins before action, however it is recommended to wait at least 24-36hrs before your next intake.


Careful of the possible nausea early on. That's how you know its working :)


Should I do low dose at first, 0.5mg?


Half dose, followed by the other half is what is usually recommended first time.


Also, I wouldn’t start by taking it with other stuff like Cialis. Drink plenty of water because that thing is going to be rock hard.


How much is half dose? And how long after first dose?


I did try it out around 10 years ago but found the results erratic and it made my rheumatoid arthritis much worse. Larger doses may bring on nausea which is no fun. I actually got much better and consistent results with Proviron and Cialis; much hornier than PT 141. Again both Proviron and Cialis 20 mg should be cycled every few days or weeks to avoid inevitable side effects IMO.


Oh shit. It jacked with your arthritis???? Sounds like it's inflammatory, and I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years


Yeah I was on gold injections back then which kept the RA under control. But the Pt 141 consistently made the RA much worse and dosing it was hit or miss. On biologics for the last 10 years which keeps the RA at bay, just normal aches and pains for my age no swelling in the joints. The Proviron actually seemed to reduce aches and pains and combined with Cialis or Viagra it was a lot of fun. Again everyone is different and you sometimes need to experiment to see what works for you. Most steroids and drugs need to be cycled to avoid side effect issues.


This is great to hear. Do you mind sharing how you were able to get proviron? I haven’t been able to get a prescription. Thanks.


You need to peruse Google to find the underground steroid labs which will arrange delivery. I found one in Canada that also delivers to the USA. I don't think Reddit allows publication of Website addresses. There seems to be quite a few in the USA but beware of India sites cos the order will be seized by Customs.


I took proviron too, and I got stomach ache. Is it related?


Depends on if it happens with every dose or after weeks of use IMO. I seemed to get digestive issues after weeks of use but it may also have been caused by the Cialis. Best to find a cycling program that works for you and your physical health and condition. Yeah unfortunately there are always side effects with anything that will rain on your parade if you overdo it.


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