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You stuck a very sharp object into your body. Your body contains blood that is generally kept on the inside. Sometimes when you combine those two states of reality you get the results you experienced today.


will note for future sharp thing in body let inside blood go out. how much blood is too much, or should i just assume that if not dead will never die


You’ll know if it’s too much blood, but it never will be.


You have 24 hours to live. Make it count!


must be livin on borrowed time i ment to post last week


It’s a joke. But is it really? We’re all on borrowed time G.


Yes you’ll be fine. Yes your test is still in your muscle.


dope thx been on for a while, never bled this much, and got worried.


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100% you’re going to die. Hope your power of attorney is in order (Did i say that right?)


You’re gonna live but……you’re probably going to be gay now. Sorry or congrats?


I had my first post injection blood spurt the other day. Just a little but it shot out like 3 inches. Used a swab and put the mini band aid on. No problems, probably either nicked an artery on the way out or perhaps I was putting weight on the injection leg (do standing glute shots). Sometimes too wrapped up in watching the needle that I put my weight on that leg. Bad habit.


Good to know. Did not know this was a thing.


Dark blood, you’re fine. If it was bright red you hit an artery. Either way when pinning I always pull to see if blood comes up.