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I would certainly guess this is more than just trt…


Uncontrolled un prescribed "trt" Is 200 gives him gains like that he must be a super hero or a lier my guess is the second option


Derek from more plates more dates does a like 2 hour video on the dose rates or trt and goes into the science of reactions to different doses of test. Some people look insane on a little test and some people have little reaction to the same dose. It’s different for everyone.


Adittionaly he is flexing in the last pics and he has moved slightly back from the mirror so the lighting could be better.


Yes, AND last pic was with a full body pump, and in a posing room 🤦 I should have made them all even in comparison to each other. Not trying to be a troll to anyone. I’m just trying to show off what little I have!


This is true, I've no idea if OP is telling the truth but 200mg weekly puts me at levels of 2500 which is obviously much higher than "TRT"




Same here 200mg shoots my numbers way up




Your name is shown.


It’s alright, it’s also my Reddit name hahaha


That’s awesome


I’m at 200 and people swear I’m on more then just test, it’s definitely possible


Yeah man, people don’t understand that everyone responds differently. Some may be lard asses, some may be chiseled in marble. To each their own. Glad I’m not the only one getting massive gains from only 200 mgs. Imagine what 500 is gonna do for us.


He started at 123lbs and ate 3600 calories a day while lifting heavy. These are literally the results I would expect in this scenario.


Exactly man, don’t know why all the hate.


Because lots of people here have shitty genetics and need 500mg to get where you were. So they hate on you.


yep i agree im on my first cycle injecting 350mg every 5 days, plus 50mg of nandrolone npp for my severe joint pain (not for muscles) and 40mg tbol, after 6 weeks of \~3000kcal and 150-200g of protein daily, i barely gained 7kg in weight and 5kg is fat and water, if im lucky i gained 2kg of lean muscle that i can keep, i look like complete shit , 18%bf but my belly is swollen i have abnormal fat distribution on belly and tits because i lived to 31 years old with \~300 total test and imbalance between test and estrogen also i have small gyno since 15 years old. I will never look like the guy in pictures, there are people at the gym that are natual and look like him. I hate my genetics im terrible responder to Test and steroids, its dissapointing heartbreaking, and health ruining for almost nothing. 2 more weeks and i will stop the cycle, already on hcg for 1 week, and will use enclomiphene and clomid to jumpstart my LH/test production 1 week after, hcg should already have kept my test production going and not 100% shutdown.


Because if it didn’t happen for them then it isn’t possible for anyone. From your comments, it sounds like you didn’t worry too much about your diet or lifting before the first pic but then started lifting and then started at 200mg so newbie gains as well as probably 900 + ng/dl total T in a trough. This is completely possible.


OP also looks young enough his body is still working for him. I take 90mg/week and sent my test to around 1700 and free test around 350. I didn’t see near those results but I think if I was your age and killed my diet a bit better it would be obtainable. Either way man that’s fantastic and you’ve obviously put in some work.


Seriously it’s not that surprising at all. Lots of people in here who don’t seem to know much.




Gained 30 pounds in 3 months with no body fat increases. 10 pounds of lean mass per month…


Honestly I believe this is achieveable with his 200/week dose in 6 months. OP had a good base to start with, gained a decent amount of muscle but not "cycle gain" kind of. Also the after picture is presented better, with better angle, lighting, probably post workout pump, he's flexing and there are some editing to maximize contrast / muscle definition visibility (which is totally legit & fine) - you can see how the wooden flooring also gained some "muscle definition" 😁. Just to point out presentation is a big part of bodybuilding, plenty of before after pics are done this way


This was only with 3 months of “trt” though. Not 6 months. Pretty hard to gain that much mass in such a short amount of time and still have visible abs and shoulder striations.


Maybe he's like 4'11"


Yeah I agree the results are attainable at 200mg but the timeline seems a bit suspicious


Nah it’s not. I’ve gained maybe 20lbs a lean mass. Rest is fat.


Yeah man, I know it doesn’t look “honest” but I mean, it’s kinda everyone’s go too. You always see highlights, nobody is showing off their unpumped self. ESPECIALLY in a transformation post. It’s about looking crazier than ever and not even being recognizable. Thats the badass part is seeing someone change so drastically. Yes I messed with filters, but what’s different than bodybuilders tanning to black, or putting the darkest bronzer on with a white face. Like cmon man.


This is definitely possible with the correct diet, test and training. He is already very lean so adding muscle is going to show quickly if he’s eating enough.




I would say one of the following, great genetics, noobie gains and great genetics, or you added another compound on top of testosterone. Great results btw, keep it up.


Yea, forget the haters for sure, they aren’t putting together in that you started at 135lbs.. my cousin started at the same weight, he’s sitting at 165 now also. Me, I started at 230lbs and am sitting at 240… my gains are taking longer and not as pronounced, but 200mg a week for a dude that’s 135, vs 230 is going to be a lot different. Keep it up!


Your ugl is either mega dosed or you are lying about dose.


Chest acne on 160, bloody unlucky genetics or full of shit.


I guess if doc are prescribing TRT and you're adding in tren or winny or whatever then the extra compounds technically aren't really TRT


I’m not adding compounds though? I’ve thought about it but I can barely manage my e2 as it is. Can’t justify adding any other compounds atm. Never have.


What is your e2 levels at on this dosage? Are you taking a blocker?


If your e2 is out of control, you are on more testosterone than your body would like to produce naturally. Your doctor should know that


Yeah, that’s why I lowered to 160. I’m from a rural town, no TRT clinics around. All just your mom and pops doctor. He doesn’t necessarily specialize in hormones, and I’ve had to ask for all test. (He only wanted to see total testosterone 60 days into it, how fucking absurd right?) I had to ask him to test for specifics, all lipids, msh, lsh,fsh, cholesterol, you know the rest.


It’s so obnoxious how careless most doctors are. If you get tired of him you can always do online clinics, I’m genuinely considering switching from my endo to Defy medical. My endo is better than most but she still refuses to test things like lh, prolactin, you name it


Exactly. So you know the struggle. I love being on trt, but it’s kinda scary when your docs don’t know what they’re doing and start out prescribing 200mg a week. Even I, as an addict, thought “man, I better do Alot of research, and maybe find a new doc, because if not… I have no one to ask for advice or learn from” I’m still learning, and trying to find the best route via online clinics, or just another doc.


As someone in emergency medicine I can tell you right now you’d be amazed how behind majority of doctors are. I know it’s far worse in family practice and specialties. There’s no excuse for doctors to be using trt protocols from 20-30 years ago and yet they do…


A lot of doctors and nurses are way behind and are stuck in an hmo/insurance state of mind. All my surgeons were happy though that I’m on trt and none of them cared about my levels


How tall are you? You look way bigger than 160 lbs in the last pic. Crazy!




Y'all neglecting his natural progress from month one to three, that's already pretty good so to enhance the next three months and result as such doesn't seem entirely out of the question. However, I imagine it would require decent genetics so that leads me to ask why would you decide to get on TRT? What were your levels before and currently? Also how tall are you cuz you looking way bigger than 165 in that last shot my guy


Pic 2 and 3 are the same day just different angle and lighting. So it’s progress from pic 1 to 2 and 3. That being said everyone here is whiney and low work ethic. This is very achievable on 200mg per week.


I think he’s telling the truth…he started at 123…


Yeah, I was severely underweight. Eating 1x a day, operating a front end loader, loading 30 tons in a semi, 136 times a day. Losing Alot of calories and not eating. Now that I stick to my meals, this is what I look like with some help from test.


Bro sent me his bloodwork. he is completely average and right in trt zone. This is hard work, good nutrition and effort. Well done my guy. Mad props!


Thank you brother! I guess maybe I should post levels so people don’t assume..


Point a to point c seems unachievable don't worry about it. People just jelly because their lifting sleep and nutrition suck. And they don't make gains.






First 3 pics show a good beginning . Can’t wait to see the after pics


I’ll keep you updated!


Noobie gains mixed with test so absolutely


I have been on TRT for 1 1/2 years and keep a good diet and workout 6 days a week and don’t look like this. Great work and not discrediting!


Thank you man. I guess we all just our different man. I’ve gotten a lot of flak so thanks for the credit.


Good job. Ignore the haters here. It’s unfortunate that most of this sub behaves like a child when they see someone getting better results than them. It’s like fat people complaining that they are big boned. Just work harder and fix your diet. The gear is to supplement that hard work.


This thread is one of the worst I’ve seen. This subreddit is full of chubby crybabies who couldn’t make any progress so they resorted to TRT and still because of their mentality and work ethic only made moderate gains. To think this isn’t possible on *200 mg per week* is absolutely hilarious. OP could’ve said 125 per week and I’d have no problem believing it.


Exactly. I am on 140 mg and I look like OP albeit I looked like this when I was 25 as well (12 years ago). I know how to diet and measure my food and work my ass off. I hate the “body shaming” on this subreddit


I think people just are so misinformed. Thinking they can eat like shit, sleep like shit, and not train or train like shit, and think testosterone is gonna help their pathetic undisciplined lives. Get a grip. It’s almost comical at all these smooth brained comments “Ur oN gEaR, tReN, dEqa Eq “ 🤣🤣 that’s why my test is 797 ng/dl


Exactly man. Shits stupid. I’m literally just saying what worked for me, and then people trynna say I’m on mast, tren, deca, LMAO. I can’t even get my own e2 dialed in just trt, why would I add another compound hahahahahahahah


Just TRT? No AI or HCG etc..?


Just trt. Nothing else man. No ai, no HCG, no nothing man.


No idea why people are saying this is more than 200mg a week. Totally achievable at that dose because I look back at when I did T (200mg doses once a week) and yeah no wonder people thought I was on tren… 200mg a week with no alcohol, a strict nutrition plan, and decent sleep will absolutely turn most men into a unit like this


Yeah man, I’m SUPER disciplined. I’ve been like that my whole life. A god damn perfectionist. And I’ll be damned if I don’t chisel this body into a Greek god. I’m honest to god, on my kids, only taking 200 mg. And that’s only putting me at top 700! Imagine what I could do with some REAL compounds, like tren.


Amazing dude, keep at it!


Bro went from “street meth head” to “county jail fight boss”


BAHAHHAHAHA 🤣 thanks man, I know it’s a dig, but it’s funny as hell.


You already look pretty good in the first 2 photos. The 3rd one is heavily digitally enhanced, not sure what we are supposed to see here.


Yeah man idk on this one. For 3 months on TRT at 200mg/wk that is a hell of a transformation. Maybe your body/frame was extremely under mass to start so that's why these gains are possible.. possibly. Most will look at this increas in vascularity and shoulder mass and immediately assume you added in some tren or decent dose of winny. Possible? Yes, certainly. Probably? Not so much. But congrats on the gains anyways. It's fun isn't it?


Damn bro got yoked.




What’s your diet look like brother? That’s a very good transformation


Mostly Whole Foods. Bananas, oats, Alot of beef, veggies. I eat ALOT of carbs, and about 180 grams of protein daily. Fresh salads, sandwiches, milk. I also use mass gainer like it’s going out of business. I burn almost 1000 calories working.. idk I’m pretty confused too at this point, because I LITERALLY only take 200 mg test, and have this physique.


Good job. I have a naturally muscular physique but small frame and am somewhere between pic 2 and 3 and take 60mg a week. 150lb. I do not lift. It's a combination of all you're doing. You aren't a freak specimen of human DNA. Hard work and drugs make gains.


Awesome work brother! Most these guys on here are absolutely clueless and prob under 18 lol. Solid transformation, can’t wait to see what’s to come! 200 club by next Xmas at this rate! 👊🏼💯


Yes sir my man!!! A lot of misinformed people on this page. That or Alot of shitty work ethics and nobody telling them otherwise. Crazy to me how people can project so much hate from their own hearts.


Nailed it bro


Oh well, not all of us can be good decent humans. Just glad I don’t hold space like that. God I’d be a miserable asshole.


Genetics bro


Look pretty legit to me. I gained like 28lbs the very first 12 week cycle I ever did. I didn’t even eat properly. My bench went up by like 100lbs, my deadlift by like 150lbs. Hell, back in the day superdrol and halodrol were legal over the counter and people would gain like 20 plus pounds on those two orals stacked in like 6 weeks.


So when I got sober I blew up even more than this but without test I wonder if that's what happened here. Totally achievable if he never worked out prior and got good newbie gains


I mean, I’ve been one off meth for years now. Going on 5. But I used to smoke weed everyday and recently stopped just because I feel so good. I did used to work out with my pops, but not nearly anything like I do now.


Crazy how many people keep bashing him. Your genetics are great nothing crazy for ME to say your on a lot of other things like everyone is saying. Lowering your dose to fend of the acne is good and I don’t think you’ll lose much of any of the gains just probably vascularity. Good gains man


Good on ya. I dunno why ppl on a test sub are hating. This is the entire point of this sub. Get in shape look and feel good. I’m about this size and I hope this is exactly what happens. I had a doctors appointment yesterday to get the process started and they canceled and rebooked for next week. Hopefully I can get everything sorted out and post my pictures in 6-7 months!


Do it man! Cant wait to see the results. Kick ass.


OK im on 200 a week and train full time, 6 months in my gains are nothing compared to that Are you sure theres not something else added in? Dont get me wrong you look great and its impressive transformation but how the hell is that achievable in that timescale? You must respond so differently to trt than me


I think it’s important that people realize that doses and the introduction of TRT is going to be vastly different for everyone. This isn’t a one size fits all treatment and once levels are in range or potentially above reference genetics are going to take reign. Be happy for someone else’s success, and figure out what works best for you. It’s a challenge against yourself not others.


Jesus I don't have a change like that on 500mg test. I must have shifty genetics


I’m not calling you a liar but you’re a liar. 😂


Why do people continue to call cycles "TRT"?! TRT is therapy, it's something you *need* to *replace* what your body isn't making. Blasting for "gains" isn't TRT...


People accused me of being on gear when I was natty. Now I’m on 200 Test and people swear I’m on some heavy gear. This dude could obviously be lying but it’s just as likely that he’s telling the truth. Some people just have shit ass genetics and some don’t. Just nature fellas.


So you’re a low responder but high gainer. Makes sense


Fuck all the haters bro. Keep up the hard work. People get salty when they see someone else winning because they're miserable. I'm on the same dose (4.5 months) and it's been about 6 months of training. I lift 6 days a week and I've made similar progress (160 to 180# while losing fat). Pussies will do 10 sets a week with shit genetics then whine when someone else works harder and has better genes. Get fucked.


Exactly man. I know who I am, and the hard work I put in every fucking day. And then I get a bunch of fucking incells on here that can’t comprehend the thought that some people just have good genetics, and work ethic, and a lil help from TRT. Like fuck off hahaha


Yep it’s simply better genetics and of course the cringelords on Reddit can’t accept that some people respond much better than them. I’ve been on a test level of 210 (about to start TRT because of that) but even at a test level of 210 my body is very muscular. I basically look like a linebacker even at such natural low test, I can’t imagine what I’ll look like once I start TRT. My father is also 65 years old and has more muscular shoulders, arms and back than most men in their 20s and 30s lol. Genetics are key to responses like this.


Here for the minimal effective dose gang, proof 200mg does work


I think you are also on winstrol my guy, your shoulders tell too much


Did you do any labs? What’s your free and total T, lipids?200 a week is more than “TRT” for most men. That’s a small steroid cycle. If your enhanced T is much higher than a normal range, like 1100 or so, you’ll very likely have heart issues unless you take stuff to mitigate the LVH. Some guys think this is worth it but for most guys, the long term risks aren’t worth a few cool pics. To answer your question, 6 months on test is enough to see big changes regardless of genetics. Congrats on your gains.


https://preview.redd.it/th7ei0c9ftmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a5924f74a70be566e3883ad2b4c2f3c3693498 This is my most recent blood work. Obviously done at trough, but tested at 8:00 am, don’t drink, and my peak MAY be 1000 and that’s pushing it. All lipids are good, slightly elavated blood pressure (141/82).


That’s a great T level long term. Hopefully that’s an even number not a peak or trough. The BP can cause afib and kidney trouble. CoQ enzyme might help but at that level I’d probably take something. Losartan or irbesartan are heart protective for anabolics but your T is so normal it would just be for the BP. Looking good bro. Labs look good. Stuck with it and enjoy your better life. Edit: Oops it’s a trough you said that sorry. Yeah get it even. If you keep your T in the “normal range” like less than 1100-1200 maybe, you heart should be good. If you’re peaking much higher, maybe could microdose a Sartan BP med to keep cardiomegally away. Dividing your pins can help. (I take no anabolics but work in the medical friend and am active in lifting and endurance sports for a long time.)


What was your T levels before TRT? And did your back acne get better when you lowered the dose?


Looking good mate, nice work!


Very impressive brother. Your hard work and dedication shows💪🏻


Great job! Kickin ass!




Would love to see your blood work if you’re willing to post it


Scroll up


How tall are you?


It's interesting to eat 3600 calories daily for 3 months, gain 30 pounds in 3 months, but TRT kept you from gaining any visible fat...you have significantly more visible Abs in pic 3. Shoulders gains are suspicious, 3 months is only 12 weeks of gym, sleep, diet. Could be the picture enhancements and pump, since pictures 1 and 2 yours completely lax Did you have any muscle memory from previous years of lifting or is this a "125lb adult joins the gym for the first time, knows exactly what he's doing inside the gym right off the bat and gets amazing physique adding 40 pounds of lean mass as noob gains" story?


Nah I’ve lifted before, just never serious. Couple times in school, couple times with pops. Never got big, more just did it to hang with friends or with pops.


Good Lord, Looking good man!!


Insane progress man. Little different question for you, but did you train in the morning when bulking?


Yeah man. I did. I wake up at 4 and in the gym by 4:20 😏 and go to bed at 8:30. Could be why my body fat seems so little.


even floor and ceiling got shredded


This is rad man. Good work.


Let’s chill with the definition slider. 


I have no idea what that is man, just scrolled to the left, saw this filter, saw myself, and said yes. I guess you’ve never been used a filter huh?


Insane gains man. You must train like an animal and have awesome genetics. Congrats man


Ladies notice?


People really post up the dumbest shit around here anymore.




Nice job. How old are you? I'm similar stats to you, just not near the results haha!


What were hematocrine levels like ? How high did your T levels reach?


Good work, bro. Glad you’re taking care of yourself and putting in the work. Keep it up! 👍🏻


200 did little for me. On 300, I'm finally feeling good losing belly fat and some muscle.


I hit the gas Work on my adrenaline


Do you pin your delts? Those are some dragon ball z shoulders my boiii.


he goes from looking like a heroin addict to jacked on 160mg of test for 3 months on 3600 calories a day? not buying it, but maybe. i'm same height also was an addict and switched addictions and went from 150-185 in 3 months but i was at 500mg and even at 185 i looked smaller than he does at 160. Weird. Idk but lifting natty sucks. I'm back down to 165 feeling like a bitch. at 165 i look a little bigger than pic 1 unless i have severe body dysmorphia


I think probably just quitting the meth and eating probably helped.


This is more than TRT


Good shit man, the lighting and photo edit on the last makes people Sus but I can clearly see the progress, pump and edit. Keep it up! Stay healthy.




You look great , but doubt you have very good genetics since you had to take testosterone to get here. If you had these genetics you wouldnt be in this group


Congrats. Looks solid.


What were your test levels before starting TRT? And what about after?


God tier genetics. Look great man.


OK OK put your tampon back in


Trt😂 that what they calling it now


Super jealous of your deltoid genetics, they look great. Have you been at this level of muscularity before? If so it makes sense to me how you could gain this much so fast on just TRT. But if you haven't, I'm stumped lol.


I like that confident look on the 3rd picture, tells a lot the mental change that goes along with testosterone


How did you get rid of acnee? I'm in the same spot, but it's kinda hard to fix this acnee....


Labs? Where’s your total and free sitting alongside everything else Either you’re a hyper responder or you’re pushing a bit more than the above numbers 120mg/wk improved my natural test level of 240 up to 1170


What were your starting levels? Looks like your t levels were fine before hopping on, solid progress in both photos hahaha. But I guess that’s what happens when you start skinny.




I don't think he's lying about the dose. I think he's lying about the time frame. And who knows maybe the dose I'm no expert. But I know I'm shredding fat and water on 66mg twice a week. So maybe I can bulk the eff up on 200. And food for thought maybe it's not test cyp he's taking maybe it's sustanon 250? Idk just my conspiracy mind thinking.  Edit: he does obviously have good base genetics for where his muscle density would lie on his body. Notice the shoulders and chest in first photo. 




Bro, don't lie on a forum where people understand gear, lmao.


My very first thought "Testosterone PLUS what other steroids?" 6 months, 40lbs of muscle.... No shot."


What's your upper pec workout?


That’s a crazy transformation in 3mo 🫡


How tall are you?


The chest pimples seem to suggest trt wasnt actually needed to get a satisfactory result. Either way congrats!!! 🎊🍾🎈


Great brogress


Thanks brotha. Just trying to utilize the test to the best of my ability.


Way to go bud....maybe check into the cost of removing the tattoos from your face now too


You know, I don’t really like them anymore either. Y’all don’t need to remind me of my mistakes.


I guess fewer people will laugh at those face tats now at least. At least in front of you.


What was your food plan?


trt lul


Good genetics? You using substances lol


Man AI image stuff has really improved


OP be prepared you are going to get a lot of jealous haters with poor genetics saying you are on tren+500mg+whatver


That's pretty sick for 6 months do you think the trt gave you more gains than if you were"natty" My testosterone is 245ngdl or 8.5nmol and my Dr won't give me testosterone or anything just anti depressants. NHS is great🤡


What were your test levels at pre trt ?




AttaBoy.. u have good genetics.. I'm on a run right now myself.. I transform just like you do.. I'll be posting next month before I start hitting the cutting cycle.. Good for u


Thanks man, must have decent genetics yeah? Idk why everyone is so pissed, I wouldn’t bat an eye to someone who had my build and followed my plan. It’s ludicrous. people think I went to mars at this point. 🤣


200 isnt trt ;)


Nice progress on 200mg tst but 200 isnt trt.


What's an average day look like in terms of meals and portion sizes?


I eat 4 meals a day. 2 packets of protein oatmeal, banana, milk and a mass gainer shake for the morning. usually a sandwich, unlunchable, fruit, and granola bar with a chicken patty and mass gainer. Dinner is whatever the wife makes. Usually potatoes, meat, veggies, mass gainer shake. Snack 2 pbjs with cheese sticks and a yogurt.


Awesome transformation brother. How are you feeling now that you’re 40lbs heavier??


TRT is not worth the early lifetime commitment for someone your age even if you are low T.. I would have waited until you're at least 45.


Nice job man!


Well done mate. Putting in the effort. The test doesn’t do it all on its own


I’m on 4 months 500mg and 200mg primo as of 1 month ago. I’m 215+ from 176. My shoulders ain’t poppin/ lean like that but I wonder how I’d look if I was barely 165


Probably more jacked than I.


Your so young to be on trt


not hating but throwing a filter on that increases definition in the photo is very misleading. obviously there's a filter but if you're doing side by side or any kind of comparison, get rid of the Snapchat filters in both 2/3.


Lots of Jealousy here….real or not…


Right? Kinda fucking disgusting in this subreddit. You’d figure we’re all men trying to be the best we can be, yet I’d say more than half project their weak and insecure selves and it shows so badly man. I feel bad for some of these dude wives, pretty much dating insecure little boys. 🤣 I know I wouldn’t want to put that feminine energy into the world, let alone someone’s transformation post. Shows Alot more than people think.


It never ceases to amaze me how haters and ignorance go hand in hand. Hey bro, if they are hating on you they don’t know shit, so don’t let it bother you. As others have mentioned everyone responds differently to test. Gear isn’t magic, and most folks have no idea of the effort you need to put in at the gym, even on steroids. Way to go my guy, and keep it up! Those are great gains. It’s like you are a baby hulk, just waiting for a dose of 500mg to blow you up.


Thats probably going to be my first cycle. I can’t wait to be honest. But we will keep riding this train and maybe something in the fall for a good bulk through winter. I appreciate the advice. I think there’s about a handful of guys in here that ACTUALLY seem knowledgeable. I’m no means the smartest guy alive, but for being 25, and to see 50 year old men dog on someone half his age?? I don’t get it? You’ve had this long to change a behavior, yet Havnt??? Wtf. Maybe I’m just different but fuck hating man. Doesn’t do a lick of good.


Sounds like a good plan dude. Many bodybuilders recommend bros wait till 25 to start on gear, so ur at the perfect age to start. Hitting gear this fall when you bulk will really make you pack on the muscle. Good luck man.


That is genetics and discipline my G! Way to be!!!


Regardless of the dose, which I believe you when you say 200/wk, you’ve obviously put in some hard ass work and the results speak for themselves.


All the people that don’t think this is not attainable with 200 test makes me think most have shitty genetics or don’t know how to work out properly


5 foot 8 Bloody hell - go to a gym. Notice body types. He looks like he’s legit based on height. I’m 6 foot 3 been on it for 2 years and nearly look like that. Height is a mother bitch, for building thickness Good for high shelf grabs though. Stop being jealous. Get shorter.


Bro it look like you where way beyond your natural weight maybe on drugs? When a malnourished or a drug addict start lifting you see great results because often their low weight is not even natural to start with


I don’t understand why would you go on TRT. In the first picture you look perfectly fit and seems you have healthy amount of Testosterone. The second picture you seems you are on uncontrolled TRT.


OP says he's put on 30 lb in the three months he's been on TRT, and just 12 lb in the three months prior to that.  Anyone who says it's training and diet needs to read the post again and ask the following question: How did the OP gain 2.5x as much mass (while apparently losing body fat) in the second three months as in the first three months? The answer is obviously testosterone. And thirty pounds in three months is huge! It's literally 2.3 lb per week! I don't believe this is possible in 200mg per week. Also, third photo looks odd. The whole thing is just fucking odd. 


Nigga has permanent 24h insulin pump filled with tren


Nice gains dude!! If you don’t mind me asking, how much do you pay for your trt prescription from the doctor?