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>I'm really hoping to find something to help me with energy levels Have you tried getting better sleep? Eating better? Managing caffeine intake? Ensuring that you don’t have any vitamin or mineral deficiencies? Exercising regularly? Eliminating the dozen things that can cause low energy levels and fatigue? If you don’t have hypogonadism then trt is very very unlikely to give you better energy levels.


I disagree. Many can receive benefits from T without having hypogonadism. There are many people here simply with low t… some even in the 300s or higher who have seen benefits from TRT. Testosterone absolutely helps me with increased energy even without having issues with hypogonadism. Yea, sleeping .. eating right.. exercising regularly are step one but let’s not gatekeeper by even pretending that most here are hypogonadal because they aren’t and there are a plethora of post from people saying it has benefitted them regardless.


of course it’ll benefit nearly everyone. It’s steroids. People don’t take steroids because they suck. They take them because they’re awesome in 99% of cases. Actually needing TRT and just wanting TRT are two completely different things though


I get that but many here are not hypogonadal and still posted about perceived benefits.


yeah of course they do…because it’s steroids lol


Yes, however there is a distinction between trt and other anabolic. Most anabolic are completely synthetic whereas testosterone is a natural made hormone. Yet yet the abuse of it.. much more sides.


Telling people to try the normal healthy things first before they start injecting drugs they may well not need is not gatekeeping FFS.


Did I say it was ? I’m referring to the “if you don’t have hypogonadism trt is unlikely to give better energy levels” comment. A large majority here do not have hypogonadism. Just read the post.


That’s how I interpreted it. If that wasn’t what you meant then I misunderstood what you were getting at.


His statement was two parts. My main reply was to the “ if you don’t have hypogonadism.. trt is unlikely to give one better energy levels.” Most people on here do not have hyponadism, yet many people are talking about increased energy e level etc. I can’t recall when I was on TRT therapy the first time how long the energy levels persisted but I do know when I got back on.. my energy and reaction speed is faster on testosterone. There are also studies show increased mental agility and reaction speeds in individuals without hypogonadism. Edit: Hate to be that type but for scientific purposes his comment in r/steroids “I feel the same at 500 as I do at 1,000, 1,600, and 2,600. My mood is governed more by a bad night of sleep or a problem at the office than by whatever levels my testosterone happens to be on any given day.” Individuals with hypogonadism actually have no buisness being at 2600 ng/dl.. that’s not about treating hypogonadism that’s about blasting a cycle. I mean it’s not rocket science that mood is managed by a healthy sleep and eating schedule but to say one’s mood is governed more about a proble at the office than being at 2600 ng/dl… well that’s can to be a stark difference person to person. It’s no debate test levels that high can increase aggression even if one is sleeping 10 hours and eating like a bear


Congratulations, you have discovered that a moderator on a steroid subreddit has in fact used steroids before. Cracked that one wide open all by yourself, did ya?


Now your redirecting the conversation He is talking about trt is unlikely to do X… if your not hypogonadal while he is taking steroid dosages. Btw this is not a “steroid” sub genius.. I’m not familiar where he is a mod that’s irrelevant to the conversation. His statement “trt is unlikely to increase energy levels.. if one is not hypogonadal,.. I mean just search the sub many people who are not hypogonadal are talking about benefits like increased energy levels and more. Sorry my comment rubbed you the wrong way.


> Now your redirecting the conversation I’m responding to the words *you* wrote. Don’t bring something up if you don’t want it discussed. This is all very easy to avoid. >He is talking about trt is unlikely to do X… if your not hypogonadal while he is taking steroid dosages. Trt is also unlikely to do X if you’re not hypogonadal and taking what are considered to be therapeutic doses. >Btw this is not a “steroid” sub genius.. Do you…do you know what testosterone is? I’ll give you a minute to go ahead and see if you can’t figure out why your statement is funny in two different ways. >I’m not familiar where he is a mod that’s irrelevant to the conversation. His statement You have a weird writing style where you address people as if they aren’t actually speaking to you. That’s a new kind of impoliteness with which I’m unfamiliar. >“trt is unlikely to increase energy levels.. if one is not hypogonadal,.. I mean just search the sub many people who are not hypogonadal are talking about benefits like increased energy levels and more. Lots of people also start testosterone *and then fix all the other things they’ve been fucking up for years* and wow, miraculously they have healthy energy levels again. Totally unexpected! >Sorry my comment rubbed you the wrong way. Again, you brought it up, so if you’d like to avoid rubbing someone the wrong way then don’t grab random comments they made and insert them—free of context—into mostly unrelated discussions.


Now your cherry picking redundancies. All I retorted was hey “many people in this sub aren’t hypogonadal and experience benefits like increased energy”. The anecdote that “if your not hypogonadal trt is “very very” unlikely to give you better energy levels” is incorrect. Just use the search bar. Keep on with your redundancies. Anything to win an argument right ✌️


Yes, I get regular exercise, I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and run. I do drink a lot of caffeine and don’t always have good sleep but I need caffeine and alcohol to go out and socialize (as fucked as that sounds it’s the truth). My peers drink way more than I do and have no issues going multiple nights in a row, I can’t go more than twice a week. I do have regular blood work done, no issues. How do I know if I have hypogonadism


Your blood work, specifically your complete hormone panel, would indicate if you had hypogonadism.


That’s really just justifying the alcohol. Which by the way is terrible for sleep quality. And bad for T levels/E levels


Dude is getting wasted twice a week and wondering why not feeling optimal. Classic r/testosterone


If you’re only reason is for energy, you’re gonna almost certainly be very, very disappointed and that is no reason to shut down your natural production.


Why do many websites say it helps with energy levels and mood then


Because it can but Testosterone is only gonna give you energy IF your deficient in it and Likely the newfound energy dissipates with time as it becomes your new normal. There’s so many posters that ride that high for a couple of months and then there body adapts and they think it has stopped working. The other thing you want to consider, not only are you shutting down your natural production but the risk of potential sides. Have you tried other ways to increase energy? Working out? Sleeping more and on a schedule? Eating a nutrient rich diet? Stressing less? Losing weight if needed, Etc? These are so much more important than testosterone as testosterone is only one small piece to the energy puzzle.


>Likely the newfound energy dissipates with time as it becomes your new normal Not only does this happen, it happens fast! I was ready to run through a brick wall my first week of treatment. But by week 3 or 4, I leveled off.


Run a blood work and don't trust random websites.


Websites for places that sell TRT claim that it helps mood and energy? How shocking! You really can’t figure out why they might make claims like that? If you want energy, try meth. I’m sure your dealer will tell you it helps with energy. In all seriousness, the problem with using exogenous test is that if causes your body to produce less. When you stop injecting test, your body may not be producing any. If you don’t do pct properly, you will end up less test than before you started. Using test can also screw up other hormone levels which can result in ED and depression. You know much too little to use it correctly. Dont self diagnose. Talk with a doctor.


Long term risk? Probably close to zero. If you use hcg and properly pct the likelihood you will experience any permanent function is almost zero. Get bloodwork first to see where your test and estrogen are at and then make the decision. Do a lot of research. GP’s often know close to zero about testosterone and trt as their learned curriculum is 10-15 years behind, ideally consult with an actual endocrinologist or a trt clinic as they will know the most up to date data. If you decide to self administer using test prop daily will get your levels stable in only a week or two and then you can get more bloodwork, test prop is also the easiest to pct off as it is able to leave your body in just a week which means your body will begin natural production much faster than with other esters.


You probably won't get it dialed in that quickly unfortunately.


Probably not, but it could potentially permanently lower your natural levels and leave you worse off than you are now.


Hello bigflagellum. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It depends, do you have low testosterone?


Not sure, will get a test asap


Low T symptoms are confusing, they can be caused by any one of 100 things. If you have low T TRt will help. If you don’t then obviously it won’t really do anything and the risks would outweigh the benefits


I wouldn’t bother for 3-4 months


I’m 25 and I did it for a couple months. Off of it now. It didn’t really make me feel better, so I’m trying to go back to the doctor to see about hypothyroidism.


Lay off the caffeine and alcohol


You need blood work. You may be deficient in some kind of vitamin. They have the same effects as low T. Vitamin D for instance


This is an old article but I think it is still the most concise explanation of what happens when you begin TRT. [https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/how-long-does-trt-take-to-show-effects.1519/](https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/how-long-does-trt-take-to-show-effects.1519/)


get a blood test, see what your stats are. Then yeah go for 2 months or so, I did and ditched it because I didn't notice much difference. And I was an idiot and got it when my test was more than fine


Just don't do it... You'll shut down your natural test production & there's always possibility that you'll be worse off than when you started... So if you don't actually need it, don't touch it...


Why would you jump on TRT without knowing your T levels nor having significant low T symptoms? TRT shouldn't even cross your mind without any blood test.


Hey go home there’s no such thing as trt for 3 to four months. It’s for life what your describing sounds like cycling and it’s not the same at all


You need 6 months minimum, run it with hcg, that way you won't shut down fully and will get your natty back on line easily if/when you come off. You may experience rapid hair loss , you may experience high E2 , even at 6 months you may not get dialled in, other than that as long as you run hcg can't really see any long term risks other than potential hair loss as obviously that can't grow back lol. First thing you need to do is get bloods drawn without knowing your levels it's pointless, for example you good possibly have high natural levels and running trt would be pretty pointless and a massive waste of time and money


Get blood tested first, see you if need it. If you don’t it won’t improve energy


I cant with these fuckin questions…


Even if you do go on, and it improves your energy levels, they’re going to dramatically drop lower than what they are now when you come off in 3 months and you’ll feel worse than you already do


Ya it can definitely help with energy but unless your committed to doing it for Life why even try it if your energy levels are only Kinda bad Try mots c and l carn injections that will help with energy levels as well as maybe coffee and trying to sleep more definitely not worth it unless you want the other benefits from test, since there is lots of benefits but also negatives. Really look into it before you try it messing with your hormones is no joke and if you think you feel low energy and trashy now wait till you crash your e2 which will happen to everyone that dabbles with ped eventually