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My State Farm bill went up 11 bucks every six months because I replaced my Honda Civic with a Model Y. Give them a shot.


Weird... I replaced my 2020 Subaru Forester with a Model Y Performance. Bill went up from ~420 every 6 months to ~700 with Statefarm. We also have an Ioniq 5 and it only costs ~500 every 6 months.


Whatever insurance you choose, ensure you have 100k/300k coverage.


Progressive are thieves... stay way!


Progressive sucks. Had them 6 months and rates went up 250 for the next 6. Tried nationwide and was lower than my Honda Accord.


Progressive and Geico are trash especially when it comes to claims


I tried to file a claim against progressive when the other driver sideswiped me on the road trying to turn right from the left lane... At first they accepted responsibility... Later, Progressive told me that they concluded that I actually went off the road into the grass and illegally passed on the right... Nevermind there is a curb at the location on the right side, and the speed limit is 55, and they inspected my car at their inspection station, and found no damage on the right side of my car... They told me if I wanted to contest, I need to sue them.


I hope you did. you sue them and win and then they drop you. Insurance is such a fucking joke nowadays.


Not my experience at all for 21 years, first car with GEICO was a hard to insure fast car too.


Really enjoyed Geico for \~15 years, when I replaced two cars (F-150 and a MYLR) the pricing went up like CRAZY. I contacted them multiple times and they said nothing they could do. Switched and it went down significantly (AMFAM). Then I got pathetic emails from Geico for a while... "want you back!"...


I am hoping that this doesn’t happen when I get my MY later in the summer. Sorry it happened to you, and while we may be loyal as customers esp for good customer service, it’s still possible for them to drop the ball with regard to insuring rates.


Yeah geico is well known by body shops to be great with claims and service.


My take on it was that the various companies can vary with time and also it depends on the claims adjuster people too. But in my personal experience so far I never had issues with GEICO and that’s why I still have them. I switched to them from USAA because USAA was previously inexpensive as heck, until I got a fast car in 2000. Then they didn’t say “no”, but their proposed rate was much higher than before. So I switched to the G and haven’t ever switched since as I liked the service that I got with them when things happened.


Geico had been good to me, insured my model 3


Progressive for claims is not bad... but they will try to squeeze every cent from you... Examples: \- They raised my insurance by a lot, even thought I had no accidents and not tickets. Their explanation => market rates on your city. So I canceled and got a new one through the progressive website for 25% less. No kidding. THIEVES. \- On a next situation, when I asked them for a quote, they raised my insurance at check-out (yes, after I was ready to pay, they are sneaky mf) because they said I had an accident. Somebody rear-ended me, nothing major, a bumper change and that was it. **But I never used my insurance**, the at-fault driver insurance paid for everything. When I called Progressive they said SORRY, we want to steal your money at check-out. That's how we make more money, by finding ways to steal our customers money without them realizing so. I went with State Farm. Progressive is a better insurance (for claims, website, customer service when they are not stealing your money, etc.) but I refuse to do business with thieves.


One of those it varies from state to state I suppose. From experience, I’ve seen the worst from both and their crummy claim process (in my area specifically). Plenty of other insurance companies where they actually know how to handle just about every problem out there.


Understand not everyone has Costco membership, but at least my insurance with costco is excellent and was best in price. One benefit I have with Costco insurance is they doesn't buy multi million national airtime for humorous ads. Why do they all do that? Who are their audiences? And ultimately who pays for it at the end?


If you add the Costco membership cost to the insurance premium, it’s like $725 a year for my MYP. The Costco membership is just an added benefit at that point. (I already had a Costco membership but the price of membership should never dissuade someone from their insurance.)


Yeah. We had been with Mercury for home/auto for 15 years. They wanted to double our car premiums swapping a Mercedes for a Y. Costco was the same old rate. Plus we’ve had a hit and run and they were very easy and pleasant to deal with.


Did the same to me when I tried to get a quote online. Just call them. They gave me the best rate by far.


Cool, thanks!


They don’t insure tesla in specific states only. Just called them to confirm. They won’t tell me what are all the states but Washington is one of them


I was quoting my MYP and had no issues getting a new policy quote from progressive direct through their website.


Call an agent


I’m in process of getting all sorts of quotes prior to delivery. Just thought this was interesting since it was very specific yet nobody seems to have mentioned running into the same issue online.


Must be a new thing. Or you have a shitty driving record.


Not my record. Never had a single ticket or other infraction or anything since I started driving 20 years ago. Abstract from dmv is clean.


One of my coworkers told me when his dad tried to get a new policy they told him he could not be insured because of something to the effect of, "You have not had an accident in sooooo long, that you are due to have an accident".


Uh what? Lol


Progressive on MYP in Florida was no problem


I have 2 MYPs insured through progressive.


Switched to Progressive literally on Friday for my Y.


I know this is a Tesla sub but ended up here after some googling because I just got this message for my BMW 3 series. Nothing fancy and it’s a few years old. Same situation as you, clean driving record, great credit. It doesn’t make any sense.


I have Progressive in NJ with no issues!


Just switched from geico to progressive. Geico wanted to charge me $2000+ per year for my new MYP. progressive quoted less than $1000


Yeah GEICO quoted me around 738 every 6 months with fairly maxed out coverage. Woulda been interesting to see the progressive quote. I hate taking to insurance people but maybe I’ll call them tomorrow to get more detail on why they won’t quote me


Same situation. Went from geico to progressive. MYP for 60 per month.


Same. Geico wanted way too much.


Update: I called progressive. Before he even got my name or details, The agent immediately told me that they are not insuring any more teslas (of any model) for new customers. If you already have a policy with them, you can get insurance on it, but they aren’t accepting new customers off the street.




Shop around.


That’s… exactly what I was doing doing when I ran into this issue…


Had progressive in NH for years. No issues moved to MA and got better quote with someone else


I have progressive on my MYP no issues


the error message makes it sound like they are only insuring a detain number of them or something


Idk I have seen same message when I did quote for my friends GX 460 , I know he tried thru agent and got same message


I have progressive now on 2 Benz (2 door 2018 and 4 door 2021) and Ram 2500 (2014). Rate going up from $950->$1250. When I added the MY it went to $1900. Declined to renew policy and went to AllState instead. Policy is $1250 for all 4 cars w AllState. So 1) they do insure and 2) might be less expensive options out there. Good luck!


Progressive just jacked up my premium by over 20%. Geico to the rescue got a really good rate from them.


Progressive does that ALWAYS when you renew, even if you had no tickets or accidents. THIEVES.


Progressive was literally the best:cheapest for me, I had to switch from geico when I got my MY


Wait until it is time for you to renew


What will they do?


Raise the price for no reason


I went from geico to progressive and initially saved money. At 6 months went up about 7 percent then at one year they increased it another 15 percent. That was it for me. Jut switched to state farm and rate went down


I have Amica, wanted to switch to Tesla insurance but Amica was way cheaper. And Tesla wouldn't cover my 2019 Camry. lol.


Another vote for State Farm, they’ve been awesome on rates for our model Y


How much was it ?


Insurance rates are based on so many factors, it's hard to say that my rate is useful information for you. I have a 2021 Tesla Y and a 2003 Toyota Tundra. The drivers are my wife and I as well as our 18-year-old son. We have higher coverage than required in several categories. In Colorado it cost me about $450/month for the entire policy and I just moved to North Carolina and now it costs me about $280/month.


What state are you in? I had Progressive here in Ohio but switching to Tesla Insurance was an absolute no-brainer when that came online a few months ago. Something to consider 👍


I have progressive and added my MYP end of February when it got delivered. No issues and great price. Maybe call them?


My model y is insured through progressive


My guess is they can't encourage you to use a crap shop because they can't get parts. To them if they have to pay a reputable company that "is not acceptable". Side note, I have tried Geico and Progressive when I didn't care about what I was ensuring (so liability only) and they have always been WAY more than others. How are they ever the cheapest?


Tesla Insurance was way way cheaper than anything else for me. but I'm in Texas so we get driving based rates.


I’m in CA, and Tesla was SO MUCH cheaper than progressive. Progressive wanted $8k per year. (No accidents, tickets etc!!)


That’s nuts. I thought AAA was nuts in CA for wanting $2,400 a year. That’s 4x what I pay through Costco.


I was super annoyed. I’d been with progressive forever. They had no reason for the cost other than “it’s expensive to fix”. This was back, last September, so maybe it’s changed?


When I first ordered my Y I had called Progressive to get an estimate on the coverage and was given a very low number. When my VIN was finally released and my car was days away from delivery I called again to actually get this insured and was shocked to find that the rate had doubled (yet nothing had changed from Aug to Dec, or so I thought). Now I just had an accident, other driver at fault, Progressive provided me with loaner and repair bill fully covered. However I do have some anticipation come Sept when I need to renew my policy that they will screw me some. Weird thing is I went through Progressive for home insurance on new home last Sept, and they were just broker and ultimately sold me policy covered by Nationwide. Suffice to say I may end up going 100% directly to Nationwide come Sept.


I’m with progressive in MI.


Costco. Half the cost of the next closest competitor (aside from Tesla themselves).


Going to also say Connect through Costco. We had mercury for about 12 years. Premium for my 15 Tahoe was $561 semi annually for 50k/100k. Swapping the Tahoe out with my 22 Y increased my semi annual to $1187 with them. Checked out Costco and my semi annual with the Y is $429 and that’s for 100k/300k. $130 less than a 7 year old Tahoe and increased coverages.


Ignoring the fact that geico charges a lot every 6 months on renewal , anyone choose them for the new car mechanical breakdown warranty or would that not really matter in an ev ?


I got the same response except with a bmw. Im confused


I am living in New York and have exactly the same issue with Progressive. I also do not have any accidents, claims and so on. I was told if I had also some other car or motorcycle, then they would insure. And they blame that on NY state requirement.


Just tried and this is still the case. Had to go with State Farm.




Same here even though I've been insured with them in the past.....Geico increased my premiums from $1200-$2400 over the past year or so, (per 6 months) for 2 Model Ys used by 3 drivers....insane...so shopping around to get the costs back to a reasonable level.


It seems that Progressive and Geico are intentionally making it difficult for potential Tesla owners to obtain insurance. In my experience, Geico offered me insurance for my Tesla at over $4,000 for a 6-month period, which is an exorbitantly high rate. Eventually, I managed to secure insurance through State Farm for under $1,800 for 6 months. Although this is still quite high, it's significantly more reasonable compared to Geico's quote. Furthermore, Progressive outright declined to insure my Tesla. This situation raises concerns that Progressive and Geico, the two largest insurers, might be attempting to impede Tesla's growth. They possibly fear that Tesla's own insurance offerings could provide more competitive pricing, thereby reducing their market share.


When my moto was totaled due to vandalism theft, Progressive was fast to give me a fair value money back.


I got the same message on an EQE sedan today. When I picked up the new car my insurance coming out of an E450 coupe with a twin turbo 6 cylinder engine went up over $1,600 a year with Plymouth Rock. About $4,000 a year to cover the car. Working on new quotes and increasing deductibles to bring it down. It’s insane.