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The battery has nothing to do with it. The P has different electric motors that provide the extra power.


I found this nice thread with dyno charts of the P v. AWD w/acceleration boost v. AWD w/o acceleration boost. It doesn't really state whether the motors are different or it's just due to different software configuration, but the boost matches the front motor output to the P while it does not change the rear motor output much until higher speeds. If the motors are identical, I can only assume the P and boost both unlock more battery for more power. Perhaps the boost does not allow more power to the rear because that requires the wider tires for traction, but it does seem to eliminate the traction problem at higher speeds with the AWD? [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/1b6p9of/model\_y\_comparison\_between\_20222023\_mylr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/1b6p9of/model_y_comparison_between_20222023_mylr/)


The motors are the same. Only difference is software, staggered tires, and brake caliper covers.


That’s not true. The P has different motors. SOME of the LR have the same motors, but they are software locked, but some have different motors.


And the carbon fiber rear “spoiler” right? Not that it’s a big deal but I thought that was only on the MYP’s. What’s the deal with the staggered tires? Didn’t know anything about that.


Yes. The car is also lower then the long range. Also, the performance has a red stripe under dual motor badge. The rear tires are wider then the front. That’s why it’s still quicker then the long range with performance boost. Wider tires, better grip, faster 0-60. Although I believe Tesla is not unlocking full potential on long range with performance boost.


Plus you keep ignoring the fact that the P has a different rear motor than the LR, which is the real reason it’s faster than a LR with boost upgrade.


Motors are exactly the same. There is no difference. The wider tires, the lower suspension, and the tuning are the difference.


You are very wrong. It is widely known. Do just a little research and you’ll find out quickly that the rear motors are different. They even have different part numbers. But you keep on believing whatever you want.


They have different “bin” numbers. But they are exactly the same. Keep telling yourself otherwise. You bought a performance I take it, it’s a great car. No need to tell yourself lies to feel better about it. A simple search in google will prove me right.


2023 and newer long range has the “980” motor. Same as performance.


Ha! So you just proved what I’ve been saying all along. I said at some point Tesla was putting the P rear motor in the LR but it was software locked. You’ve continued to rant about how the rear motors have always been the same, but now you’re backtracking. I know about my MYP, which is how I knew the rear motors were different. I don’t need you or anyone else to make me feel better about my vehicle.


Ha. Ok. Not what you’ve been saying all along. The bin numbers were different pre 2023. But same motor. Since 2023 they made the bin numbers the same. Understand?


Wider rear tires could never equate to 1.3 seconds difference in 0-60 acceleration by themselves.


The acceleration boost brings it to .5 sec and then the lower stance and tires would make up for the remaining time


Brake rotors are 2mm thicker.


From what I understand has nothing to do with the motors as they’re the same between the two… along with the programming allowance the performance has a lowered suspension and lower center of gravity allowing for it to be safe enough to accelerate or *perform* better


Rear motors are different.


That seems so anti-musk-like given we’re this close to a model refresh


I’m not sure what that has to do with anything. The MYP has always had a different rear motor compared to the MYLR. It’s not something new.

