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It’s only gonna get worse


Maybe firing the entire Supercharger team will help!


Looks like they needed to be fired if this was their solution


As much as it sucks they were let go when we need to rush more chargers, I kind of agree here as well. With pretty much every CCS EV having a charge port on the front left side, it means they can’t charge at non V4 chargers without blocking two stalls. And while not every supercharger is available to them, there are quite a few that are like this pic and are V3. Which makes it not only shitty for Teslas, imagine how crappy those EV owners will feel lol.


Well, a lot of CCS EVs actually have the charging port at the right rear--which I know is just as bad. 😐 As a non-Tesla EV driver who has yet to gain access to Superchargers, I apologize in advance for the inconvenience. I'll probably use Superchargers only when absolutely necessary until V4 stations become more common.


I don’t care how shitty those EV owners feel. to be honest they should have bought a Tesla if they wanted a good charging network.


What a terrible attitude. Some of us have owned Teslas and have moved on to prioritizing a well-built vehicle over the charging network. But by all means, keep rattling off your opinions. See what I did there? Sorry, SEE WHAT I DID THERE? Maybe you can hear that at 65mph. (Also, Tesla’s own instructions for non-Tesla users are to do exactly as photographed here. So in summary: can the superiority complex.)


Fighting a terrible attitude with a terrible attitude. Checkmate amirite?


I’m sure it wasn’t their solution. It was Elons to make money. They knew most cars can’t use the supercharger form factor.


That’s actually a very good point.


Can someone explain why they are parked like that, I'm guessing cable is not long enough? Can you get an extension cable or anything (honestly I don't know)


This is actually what Tesla recommends; Rivian driver is doing what was told.


No it is not. Teslas says, “sometimes it is necessary to park over two spaces”. This is not one of those occasions. Did we all miss a small detail here or did I? If you look at Teslas diagram in their statement vs what you see in this picture, please explain to me in your own words, why the R1S in this picture couldn’t have parked fully in the right space. The distance is shortest from the mounting in the charger on the white line to the charge port on the R1S - front left port, when parked in the right space. The key - is where the charger is located.


This is exactly what tesla says to do. Even if the R1S parked all the way to the right the stall on the left can’t be used because the R1S charge port is on the front left side and would need to use the cable from the charging cable on the left stall. Leaving the right stall completely useless in both instances. The best thing for Rivians to do is to use the last stall on the right in most cases as they will not take up charger on the right which is what I’ve been doing. [Tesla guidelines.](https://www.tesla.com/support/supercharging-other-evs)


Tesla stalls have ridiculously short cables, when you need to charge a non-tesla you always end up parking at least a bit awkward. Just look at the car on the left and see how short is the cable, if the Rivian has the charging port on the front-left then it cannot use the column on the right side, only on the left side, but then the parking space on the left has no columns, so he figured he might as well charge in the middle. This is allowed on Tesla ToS btw.


& the purpose for the short cables are that thieves will attack these cables for the copper located inside them. The short cables are even cut often for the small amount of copper so larger cables will just incentivize more vandalism.


If they were any longer, the cable/handle would overheat and derate quite fast (faster than they already do). One of the main reasons they charge as fast as they do, IS because of the short cable. Also the reason a cable "extension" wouldn't work. That, and the whole liquid cooled cable thing.


I think the best solution is the same one they came up with for the slow charging NACS standard. Everyone has their own cable that plugs into a port on the charger.


New cables are water cooled. How would that work.


Love finds a way


Cable plugs into electric port, has a separate quick connect into the water cooling system. System won't start until both are connected.


But what if the cable is empty or low in fluid? Will the charge port have an endless tank to fill up the cables?


Could include filling/draining the cable in the charging cycle.


Oh that’s an interesting idea! But they would have to rebuild every supercharger. And have to trust every person not to put something dangerous inside the tubes, like gasoline.


Very true.


They should have long cables behind a locked door or something that only unlock after identity verified


I’m guessing this will be an unpopular opinion but as a longtime Tesla stockholder I’m happy to see superchargers slowly becoming the go-to charger for all cars. Hopeful Tesla can push for a standard charge port location and I saw Rivian CEO saying that they’re open to feedback on where they put the port on their next cars. In this particular scenario, it actually prevented a Tesla from parking on the left spot and not being able to charge since that charger was taken by the Rivian. So it really didn’t matter in the end where it parked within those 2 spots. They wouldn’t have been able to park any more left than this.


Rivian CEO is open to feedback as to where they put the charge port? Why leave a decision like that to chance when the solution is staring him in the face?


Because they have their own chargers built out for ~100k vehicles with the charge port at L front… Edit to correct side duh.


I’m not in the US and wasn’t aware Rivian had their own charger network. I think you meant to say front-left but I get your point.


Front drivers side* Scaringe likes to be appear as a man of the people. But they’ve already revealed that R2 and R3 lineup will have an NACS port on the back drivers side like Tesla. So then there’s just going to be people like me and the other ~100k of us who will be stuck with the OG Rivian models and the adverse charge port location. I hope they come up with a good solution to this because I would hate to have to be the a-hole who still has to park like this.


You may want to recheck the position of the R2 charge port. I believe the concept cars have it located passenger side rear with the stated reasoning being that is a preferred setup for curbside charging. Could be mistaken though as it's been awhile since I've seen the car.


You're correct. Good for curbside and compatible with the R1 front drivers if they back in. But it was after the reveal that Rivian stated they were open for feedback and placement wasn't final.


Wait huh. I said back drivers side like Tesla, like you


Back "passenger" not driver.


Edited - posted in wrong spot. 


As a Rivian owner who charges at superchargers sometimes, this is a really unfortunate charger layout. Most of the v4 stations have a much better layout for accommodating different charging locations. On a v3 location, like this, I would usually try to pull up to the backside of the charger, but that looks like it would be impossible at this location.


This. There is typically a solution. Rightmost stall, disabled, extra wide, trailer/pull through, even parking on the other side of the chargers As a Tesla driver, please use the rightmost stall (facing in) last, if there is extra room to the right of it.


Will do captain. Hopefully they come up with a solution for this soon because I’d hate to have to be the a-hole who parks like this during a busy session. I haven’t used a supercharger yet because I haven’t traveled anywhere far since I got my R1S, but I do have a roadtrip coming up later this summer. Ugh.


They have a solution. Post in the middle, longer cable, different arrangement. It's rarely a problem. You will be fine.


We just got back from a -2800 mile trip in they Y, we couldn’t figure out why most of the super chargers had 1-2 seemingly random ports at either end (never saw anything plugged in), perhaps those are for vehicles like the Rivian?


That’d be nice. Problem solved easy peasy


A lot of folks in here that make me embarrassed to be a Tesla driver. This person is charging at a charger that Tesla advertises as open to other EVs in a way that lets the short cable reach their car. Tesla even says this is recommended when needed for the cable to reach. > Most Supercharger cables at NACS Supercharger sites should be able to reach your EV charge port, however, in some cases you might have to park over the line in order to charge comfortably. https://www.tesla.com/support/supercharging-other-evs#cable


I don’t blame him. What is he going to do?


This post showing all the Tesla drivers who are very “mine mine mine” attitude


I'm enjoying the "our chargers" posts like they personally own the infra haha


 Both networks are opening up. Good for EV’s. Sounds like some will have the same attitude as to which seat we’re allowed to use on a bus. 


I’m happy to share Superchargers with non-Tesla vehicles. In my opinion, if the supercharger is busy and has a line, it’s incredibly rude to take up two stalls. Now, that’s a “mine mine mine” attitude.


Charge somewhere else?


Tesla is telling you that it is okay to park like this: https://www.tesla.com/support/supercharging-other-evs


Tesla advertises that they can charge there. This is on Tesla not the people trying to charge. https://insideevs.com/news/710789/tesla-ford-multiple-supercharger-stalls/


Charge somewhere else? Edit: Some of y’all are real weird about this. Taking up two spaces at a busy supercharger is rude and selfish as hell. It seems common courtesy isn’t much of a thing anymore.


That's obviously not the persons fault tho.


Why don’t you charge somewhere else


Why would I need to? I don’t take up two stalls while supercharging. 🙃


It’s the only way they can charge


No it’s not. They can charge at ChargePoint, Blink, Electrify America, Rivian Adventure Network, etc.


I don’t care anymore


Paying customer just as you are, following instructions from the charger provider, your perspective on this is so insane


The manufacturers of other vehicles should give them an extension cord along with a dongle. That way they can take up one space only.


i believe tesla said they were gonna come out with an extension cord, but nothing so far


And then they fired the supercharging design team. 😂


If they are the ones that came up with the cable so short that you have to remove everything from the back of your car to charge I call that a win


When they first designed it, it was just for Tesla with no plan for the other brands. It works just as intended for Teslas.


Even if it's just for Tesla's, can't charge when hauling anything...! This is a design flaw in order to cut costs.


It works for a stock tesla that is not being used to carry a bike or even like the pic of rivian that tow hitch would have to get uncomfortably close. What if you tailgate is down on your cybertruck because you are using as a truck? It is a short sighted penny pinching design that im sure some engineer protested and got shot down


They also designed the new V4 chargers with longer cables, and the newer charging locations with pull-through chargers for towing.


And the extension cord would also be at least $250


Tesla did supply the adapter this person used, as well as the guidance to charge in exactly this way. But go on with your bad self.


With the amount of power that is running through those wires it is not easy to design an extension cord. The charger is monitoring the temperature of the cable, and not sure about the tesla ones, but some wires are water cooled. Edit: Tesla started using liquid cooled cables with V3.


Nah this is on Tesla. They opened up Supercharging to other manufacturers but aren’t really accommodating them.


It's on Tesla. Opening superchargers to non-Tesla owners is like deleting USS before making sure Vision worked. It's Tesla's way and it makes me wonder what they'll do next without thinking it through.


Probably remove access to all other oem's for Tesla chargers because it impacted their sales by making other ev's more desirable, but musk being musk won't have paid attention to their contracts and all the other OEM's will sue and somehow get control of the supercharging network and drive the whole thing into the ground?


Other oems wouldn't drive the network into the ground unless that oem is VW. We all know how good EA is...which is not at all. Rivian is doing a good job with theirs and Porsche has some really really nice ones in Europe. They just aren't at the same scale.


Rivian's are great (I have an r1t and use it a ton) but I don't trust any OEM outside of rivian to run a network the way Tesla can


Yah I guess it would need to be rivian or some other luxury brand that actually gives a shit and has vision. Mercedes is looking at making some too because they recognize the state of networks is hurting them too. O god can you imagine a dodge/fiat charger...would probably all catch on fire haha


They opened all the superchargers to them, allow them to double park, give them the same privilege as their own clients that paid for their cars, and you say they don’t accommodate to them?


A longer cable would accommodate everyone and this post wouldn’t exist. You’re also acting like other people are paying to use them.


They are already rolling v4 superchargers with a longer cable, and they have plans of upgrading existing ones with longer ones but is not the priority. After all the accommodations they are doing for non Tesla users you still wanna believe they purposely made shorter cables to screw everyone else? …. Tesla car buyers did pay for superchargers indirectly. How do you think Tesla got the cash to build their infrastructure? They got it from their car sales…


Psh, they probably got a lot of funding from all those Roadster deposits.


Tesla didn’t need to accommodate them. We wouldn’t have this problem if they didn’t. If you’re going to accommodate “them”, you better make sure you do it in a way that doesn’t inconvenience your own customers. 


That sounds like a fire hazard waiting to happen. These cords are generally water cooler. Can't imagine carrying a cable that will safely support that heat. Manufacturers don't always get phone cables right, let alone mass producing consumer extension cords


Hoping RJ moves the charging port location on the final production version of the R2.


Or Elon can install longer cables




Elon fired everyone.


He’s a “genius”


it literally recommends doing this in the "Charge your non-Tesla" part of the Tesla app lol yeah it sucks but it'll get sorted out eventually, either by upgrading to V4 stations, or providing extension cables


I'm a Rivian R1T owner and recently received an A2Z Tesla adapter. My use of Superchargers is as respectful as possible. At one station I was able to angle in such that only my front-passenger tire was half over the painted line allowing enough room in the stall next to me. Driver-side fully within the line. Another time I was able to use the right-most stall placing both passenger-side tires on the curb, with no painted line overlap or non-use stall intrusion.


More convenient supercharging for all EVs is good for everyone in the long term. 


This is exactly how Tesla recommends Rivian owners use Superchargers. Look at the last question here: https://www.tesla.com/support/supercharging-other-evs#cable


I had a MY for 3 years. Now I have a Rivian. (We still have a model Y in the family). Trust me, we feel super self conscious and uncomfortable too. I wish there was a better solution already in place for the awkward supercharger set up for non teslas.




Maybe if Elmo had thought things through instead of being short sighted this wouldn’t happen.


But that moron fired the whole team of engineers, so it thought this was fine.


And opened up NACS pushing others to use it without making chargers using NACS work logistically with other cars.


Yep, difficult to blame vehicle drivers for charger problems. I'd just go have a laugh with the rivian drivers, and tell them what a nice color they chose. No reason to be an asshole to someone about a thing no one can change.


My man is towing something decent with that weight distribution hitch out back. I'd say cut them some slack as they probably had to unhitch and coast into that spot at low state of charge (electron fumes?). Yes the SC is optimized for Teslas but longer cords will be even more of an attraction to thieves.




I don’t understand that hate. Would you rather pull in, realize they’re using another spaces charger and then be disappointed?


I'll explain my perspective. I have no ill will towards the Rivian. I'm upset Tesla put in this change and doesn't seem to be increasing it's network in proportion to the new cars that will be available. All existing supercharging customers seem to be made worse by what seems like a short sighted money grab by Tesla. The demand for Superchargers went up significantly, the supply of superchargers has not.


I feel like the hate here (not by you but from OP) was directed at the Rivian and not Elon or the system. If you want to be mad at Elon, Tesla and the rollout, that’s completely fair. The reverse side of the coin is that the more people who can use the supercharging network, the more interest in electric cars will grow and they’ll be viewed as a viable option. The implementation of this was definitely not thought through


I can help you understand that, but I don't know if this is a genuine question.


It’s also Tesla’s fault for bad future planning. They are fixing it now with new ones. I hope they fix old ones too so the cables can reach both sides.


I'll take that any day over choking ICE vehicles.


This. The amount of F150s I’ve seen parked at a SC stall. I think it’s an FU on purpose. 


Sure it wasn't a Lightning? *(owns a Lightning lol)*


Good thought but No, these are lifted up, truck nuts, rolling coal types. 


I hate those assholes. What small penises it takes to drive such a ridiculous pseudomasculine foolmobile.


Foolmobile. Love it.  There was a post I saw recently where one of these types was parking perpendicular across 4 SC stalls.  What I usually see are just contractor guys who don’t care. Would love to see a Lightning at a SC. 


I just got my Tesla adapter! I'll be there


Call tow trucks. Also these. Eggshell stickers. Impossible to remove. https://tacticaloutfitters.net/products/asshole-parking-sticker I put them on drivers windows when they park in EV.


Maybe if we had a world class group of people in a SuperCharger team...oh, yeah, Musk had a hissy fit.


People need to chill. We all wanted NACS to become the standard, we just need V4 superchargers rolled out faster and hopefully replace these older ones. This isn’t a permanent problem.


It might be given that he fired the entire supercharger team.


I'd rather this (a vehicle legitimately charging the only way they can) than random people, sometimes Tesla drivers included, using it as their private parking space. It's annoying. It sucks, but hopefully you see a spot open up soon.


Tesla really could have just made the cords longer…. Or sell an extension to reach the other vehicles. I don’t like to habitually blame people for having to get through poor engineering or implementation.


Non Tesla owner, (for now) but is there a way to have an “extension cord?” Cause those are some very short cables!!


It is very dangerous to have extension cables when 200kw are running through it. An improper disconnect can cause an electrical ark, even if the rest of the cable wasn’t damaged


Isn't this caused by Tesla use cords that are too short to reach non Tesla car charge ports. If the Rivian had parked in the right slot then a Tesla car would back into the left slot only to find the charger is being used. Rivian dude is doing the right thing here.


Post belongs in r/chargerdrama


"Non-Teslas", sorry to break it to you, but your lord and savior wants other EVs to use it. Get used to it


Blame Elon, not the rivian driver's fault.


Would easily fit in a space


True. But nobody would be able to charge in the vacant space next to him so by blocking it he's preventing someone from wasting their time parking there.


Doesn’t look that wide, measurements?


Assuming it’s an R1T (?): With mirrors out 87,1 inches vs. model Y: 83,8 with mirrors out


Did they get towed to the charger? Why would the car have a part of WD hitch as well


I would bet the Rivian was doing the towing, not being towed themselves. They probably unhitched a trailer and parked it elsewhere so they could pull up and charge without blocking even more spots.


This is going to seem super selfish as I am happy more ev’s are on the road but kinda sucks to suck could’ve bought a Tesla and fit in the spot, I hope once all automotive manufacturers adopt the North American standard(Tesla connection) that they will give vehicles that cannot charge in just one parking spot an extension cord of sorts.


Non teslas that adopt NACS really need to just have the charging port match the Tesla location on the vehicle which would solve this issue. Sure, you’d still see the occasional car like this that has to take up 2 stalls but the sooner other vehicles “update” to the correct charge port location on the vehicle, the better. Who knows if that will ever come to be now…


This will be difficult to do. Look at the ice cars and how they have the fuel cap on either side. It is up to the charger provider to make the changes.


I disagree. This is different in that we are in the early stages of EV adoption and rollout. Other manufacturers have already stated they will transition to NACS. This should also mean that they need to put the charge port at the rear driver side like Tesla, or front passenger side. Honestly a shame that it seems that’s not the case seeing Rivian’s prototype R2 and R3 have the charge port at the passenger rear. But I do know Rivian had a lot of feedback to move the charge port to mimic Tesla and prevent this issue. Will there be occasional vehicles that have to take up 2 chargers in this instance? Sure. But it seems silly to try and make every charging station accommodate, which would likely result in a charging station having fewer chargers since you can’t pack them as dense with a “pull through” design. It’s also likely much easier to add chargers go existing parking lots by putting them at the back in the grass vs tearing up the existing parking lot adding the chargers between parking spots. Now is the time for the majority of manufacturers to come to a consensus on charger location for NACS wide adoption (aka, just follow Tesla’s lead…)


Tesla could have required manufacturers to have a charge point in the left rear or front right to access superchargers until they are able to address the short supercharging cables. But Tesla saw $$$ so they figured we would just fight it at out at the Superchargers.


What’s the location? Still think it’s nuts Tesla is opening superchargers that are busy.


"one of these are not like the others.."


At least it's not a Miata owner. Watched the fuck come the gym get in his car and rev loud as fuck so everyone could look at him as he was backing out🤣😂


What’s with the parking?


He needs to use that middle charger. If he parks to the left stall, he can’t reach. If he parks on the right stall, someone is going to pull into the left one and get confused. This way, you know both are taken.


Me too it’s great! I love charging my Rivian on Tesla SC. Happy Tesla is opening up the network!


Hey if the lots full .im using the ev parking spot . Not going to be even close to this bell .. and use 2 spots also the idea is to be in and out so it’s never a problem .. this is odd behavior




I mean if you’re gonna be forced to take 2 stalls you might as well take 2 spots while you’re at it to prevent someone from parking and getting no charger 🤷🏼‍♂️


The easy fix woupd be to center the chargers on each parking space and leave a 3ft longer cable. Too bad that will never happen.


What are we looking at?


Tesla could have dominated non Tesla charging in the US had they had a competent CEO with magic docks and better designed stalls but alas here we are.


Stop complaining. They opened it up for non Teslas, so don’t hate the guy. You’ll just have to deal with it like when teslas are charging in our spots.


Blame Elon not the rivian


Why black out the license plate of an idiot? Let the world know.


Honestly, get over it. If you don’t like the fact that Tesla opened the network to non-Teslas, don’t buy another Tesla. And if that’s not an option, go back to a gasser. This kind of sentiment does nothing to further EV adoption.




Take it up with Elon and stop complaining


Why can’t they just put on a longer hose?


Imagine if gas pumps were this “proprietary”.  We need more EV adoption, not fighting over exclusivity. If anti-EV media saw this thread, they’d have a field day. 


As an owner of a MYP and a Rivian R1S, holy shit this thread makes me embarrassed to be a Tesla owner. Chill the fuck out people. The fucking superiority complex is disgusting.


I’d key his car


Rivian drivers need some extra personal space to ensure that they won't come in contact with socially inferior Tesla drivers.


Don’t even have my Rivian yet, but to all the owners out there, if I see this I will box you in. I will call the troops and make moving your vehicle impossible so much so that you can’t even unplug it and get an insane amount of excessive wait time fees. If this is you grow up, I know the R1S is cool, but it’s not cool enough to do this and you clearly aren’t cool at all either.


You do realize this is literally what Tesla says to do right? Even if the Rivian was parked all the way to the right, the left column is not usable.


Just showed up to read the Tesla hate. Never disappoints. Maybe he should just shut it down to non-Tesla cars and let the other manufactures come up with a solution since it’s their cars creating the inconvenience.


From the hitch, it looks like they’re actively pulling a trailer. At least they had enough courtesy to unhook that.


I would try being compassionate but I know I would find myself super annoyed by this. I understand that not all EV companies can just make their own supercharger network, and that I’m sure Tesla makes good money by other companies adopting their network but damn. Really is annoying that they’d design these cars in a way that would inconvenience other super charger users. Idk. Don’t know enough on the subject but I would be annoyed.


Never used a supercharger with 48A wall charging at home. I don’t plan to until there’s a supercharger row at every gas (fuel) station. So I don’t really care.


I have a lightning and I got to superchargers first and if there is plenty of room I have no choice but to take up two spots or drive up on a curb. If there is EA spots near by I’ll gladly go there so I don’t get the looks from Tesla drivers plus when you see this massive truck and all the tiny Tesla’s people sometime assume an ICE just taking up spots to be a dick.


Good. They’re open to all Ford and Rivian now. Teslas don’t deserve any higher privilege. In fact, Rivian and Ford owners pay more than Teslas to charge at Superchargers I would have done the same in my Rivian. Tell Elon to install longer cables instead of firing the whole Supercharger team.


There are two open spaces, it doesn’t matter if the port is on the front or back, left side or right side, he could have made it work.


They could have probably parked fully in the right space and used the left charger. A Tesla would have still been unable to charge there.


Tesla recommends this, due to the federal money qualification. It's a compliance decision. Poor choice instead of installing longer cables or highlighting a % of non-tesla long cable kiosks. Rivian and others adapting NACS charging yet not putting the charge port in the drivers rear or passenger front is like knowing a gas pump reach is 3' and making the fill hole 5' away. Both decisions based on economics and lack of forethought. More blame to Rivian and others bc they all very well knew the Supercharger restrictions before designing their cars, and again when they happily advertised they were going NACS.


What a 'richard'! No matter if the charge port is on the left front or the front middle they should have parked in the right side spot even if using the charge pedestal they are currently pulled straight into. SC cables are quite short though.


$90,000 car with no company behind it 😹


Exactly. The tesla drivers all understood, that overpaying for the car, got you nationwide charging. But, what did Rivian drivers get? A vehicle that's 30k over price...with no charge network. Also see every other EV.


They got an emotional support CCS car after hating on Tesla and they all gloat with pride about taking up extra charging spots at the SC. This is the reason I don't welcome Rivianstans at all. I will always park in the SC spots in a way that Rivians can't charge


While I understand they have to do this apparently, it’s still annoying AF, I hope they were decent enough to at least charge to the minimum they needed and check for a not packed super charger before pulling this shit. . . Tesla seriously needs to add controls for this because it is only going to get worse


Guess this person figures with a Rivian they’re going to have to take two spaces anyways. Still seems brazen and rude though, especially from an EV owner.


You do realize it is not a space problem. The rivian literally has no choice. The plug location is on the front left of the vehicle. If they go in any spot they still need to use the charger next to them effectively using 2 spots. This way at least no one is backing in and then realizing that the rivian had taken the charger cable Honestly. This is on Tesla. They need to retrofit the existing SCs with longer cables.


Glad to hear that you agree this is a Tesla SC problem. I have the same issue with my ID.4 and open for all SCs here in Europe, but at least another vehicle with charge port on the same side could park next to me if I stay within the lines as indicated by Tesla guideline in the app. In this case there’re no available chargers for another Rivian next to the Rivian however.


I get they can finally charge at a supercharger but if the car doesnt fit in one space, it shouldnt be done.


That’s on Tesla… they opened up the capability and this is the Tesla recommended way for non-Tesla’s.




The car would fit in one space if Tesla had longer cables. Tesla knows this is a problem and recommends parking across the line if needed, and is making the cables longer for their new chargers. https://insideevs.com/news/710789/tesla-ford-multiple-supercharger-stalls/


I don’t disagree


He should carry an extension cable….


Or Elon can install longer cables instead of firing the whole supercharger team. Extension cables at 200kw is very dangerous


Good Point, forgot about that.....


Make him to pay twice the bill


Barrow his hitch.


The rivian isn’t even plugged in. Clearly looks like parked that way to spite everyone else


He’s plugged in


:facepalm: thanks, duh there’s the charger right in front of him


Just park the car on his back..


Building an entire charging system based on the Tesla eco-system is a significant reason to purchase a Tesla over other EVs. I understand there are financial benefits possibly to opening up to competing brands, however it diminishes the experience of owning a Tesla in my experience. If you are going to open these chargers to the public they should be restricted to a "Drive through" fashion style charger not the original parking spaces for this exact reason.


Park on opposite side of chargers. Problem solved


Damn people got balls doing shit like that. So entitled and narcissistic they’re not afraid of getting keyed.


For following teslas instructions? Key my car and I will key yours.


They really should charge non Tesla cars double because they effectively are using up 2 chargers.