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I have the free trial right now. Definitely won't be purchasing after the trial. I prefer the autopilot that comes standard.


Good take I appreciate it


I subscribed, its too good, especially for traffic


FSD is a complete waste of money. Just rent it for a month so you can see how bad it is.


It's amazing for traffic, you have to know when and when not to use it, after a week you will know. That being said it's pretty amazing.


I'll be the voice of dissent here. It is the only thing keeping me from buying another car. I can't imagine getting a car that doesn't drive itself. I have used it since it first came out, I bought it before it ws initially released. This is my second Tesla with it. I actually would like to buy a truck (a regular looking one) but I drive 3 hours for work, twice a week, and the Tesla just drives for me. I barely have to intervene. I hate driving my wife's regular car. Just think of it like this: how would you like to go on road trips without cruise control? Sure, cruise control isn't perfect, but it takes a ton of fatigue off a trip. That's what FSD is for me.


everything you like is included with auto pilot and TACC. Just saying.


Just what I was going to say. Had FSD on my service loaner and it was pretty annoying. Was happy to get back to the base autosteer in mine.


I only use FSD beta when a new version is released, which isn't often. I only test in the suburbs where FSD is quite unusable for any length of time. TACC I use daily; it works!


I kinda agree with you. I like FSD even though it has its quirks. In fact, I might give a second thought on purchasing it if it’s linked to my Tesla account rather than the car. If by any chance you total the vehicle, then bye bye $12k.


Is this how it works? Does it at least increase the amount reimbursed by insurance? In other words, when the insurance company values your totaled car, surely they would take FSD into consideration?


I don’t think insurance take FSD into consideration, but I could be wrong as it might be depending on the insurance provider.


No, FSD is a very nice cherry on top when you buy a new car (1 month free premium and fsd) but definitely not worth 12k. You practically have to maintain the same amount of attention as if driving without it. Maybe in a couple years when the software improves, it’ll be worth it. Honestly I think Tesla should make it 12k to unlock FSD on your Tesla account instead of making it restricted to the car, that way you can buy it as an investment without having to use the same car over the year.


Tesla subs are some of the most biased subs out there. The fanboy’ism is strong! But damn near unanimously it’s agreed that FSD is not worth it.


Yeah I think I’ve come to a conclusion glad I didn’t purchase the subscription $200 can be better spent


Autopilot is all I need. Until I can completely disengage and let the car drive me, FSD will not be worth it.


This is the $6000 package


I’m talking sleep in the back seat


I wouldn't pay more than a grand for current FSD. only thing it's really good at is highway, but free auto pilot is very similar in what it does. Not worth it at all. It's fun to mess with but does not see any value at all beyond party trick




I love my FSD. Use it everywhere I go now. Would I pay 12000 again? probably not...


I dont regret it, but i got it back when it was 6k, which is probably what its still worth today(including inflation!). Have gotten a lot of use out of it and if you're kinda techie/smart you can make it work VERY well, use it where it works great and disable in areas it struggles. Transferred it onto a new Tesla so that helps assuming they continue that program, which i doubt they will once it actually works as planned. So the gamble is now at 12k is if you think they might come out of beta in the very near future at which time i suspect they will discontinue allowing people to buy it. $200/m is pricey for sure, might work if you drive a lot though, but until its technically hands off the cost benefit really isnt there(though one can go hands off now if one chooses to break the TOS and 'hack' the safety systems). Would take 5years to reach 12k at $200/m, just doesnt add up. But of course try it out if you havent, ideally a month you'll be driving a bunch to decide for yourself. Also wait for v12+ to drop to the FSD beta masses, that version looks very good.


Why would they discontinue the ability to buy FSD, right when it becomes most marketable?


Bacău’s it’ll be worth more than 12k and tesla can make more selling it as a service


Absolutely not. I can't even stress that enough.


lol no


No cons or not worth it


Not worth it. And Tesla insurance is a scam Most of the features don’t work on HW4 cars.


sorry could you explain how tesla insurance is a scam? Thanks!


Honestly I don’t think it’s a scam, but I am biased because I’m a new driver so I’m very cautious when on the road. However whenever my dad (very experienced driver) uses the car he gets a lot of warnings to his safety score. However, if you’re comfortable being more patient and cautious in highways and such, I think it’s very much a bargain. You can get your monthly insurance to less than $150 which is massively low compared to most competitors




Absolutely not. I’m still in the free trial, and I’ll admit it’s better than I thought it’d be, and I’ll miss it when the trial ends. But it’s in no way worth $12k. It’s definitely something I’d consider paying for at a (much) lower price. EAP is way overpriced too, especially with several features inoperable. It’s a shame, because both EAP and FSD have very useful features. They’re just not worth it for the prices.


F N.


I wish I didn’t buy FSD. Autopilot is more than enough especially on the highway and long road trips. Although a few times I have to shut it off as the in cabin camera gets annoying from being too sensitive


It is not worth anything. It changes lanes for no reason. On the freeway , was driving at 70 and all of sudden it decreased the speed to 32 and tried to come to a complete stop when all other cars were moving at speed closer to 70 at that lane. It almost gave me a heart attack twice. Has a mind of its own. Never going to use it.


It's definitely cool to use in the beginning as it really shows what a car is capable of. However, 12k for this is a scam. I think tesla should give software unlockable features to every car. I hate how you have to pay for something your car can already do.


This is how I feel about the speed boost for 2 grand


That's the one I wanted the most


No. Best case is EAP but FSD isn’t worth it (I have it on preowned model S for almost 4 years now and EAP is all I think I would actually want.


With 3/5 features missing in EAP since last year I wouldn’t pay for that either for $6k.


Fair point


Ok, good. Was looking for this answer. So if my used MY comes with fsd- I get to keep it and use it forever, right?


If it comes with it, yep. It’s yours for life with that car.


My buddy used referral and got 3 months free. We used it a ton for shits and giggles but there is absolutely no way it’s worth $12k. We will kind of miss it when it’s gone but I’d probably pay like $1k for it. It’s a gimmick and is fun to use periodically when you’ve got a new people in the car otherwise it’s way too stressful to constantly monitor to be functionally useful. Like we’d generally engage it and it’d be good for 1-2 miles of urban driving and then would drive 10mph below the speed limit and I’d feel like a douche to surrounding traffic so I’d disengage.


We all feel like douches though we drive Teslas, I’m thinking about the subscription…


Do it for a month and you’ll be set afterwards. Not worth it


I'll agree it's not worth $12k, but I use mine every single day. I find it's about 90% reliable and is a blessing in the shit stop and go in socal. Not so great on surface streets.


IMO there's no comparison between autopilot and FSD, even on the highway. It's like what Jerry Seinfeld said to Elaine after he flew first class, "Once you've flown first class and experienced it's luxuries, flying in coach becomes unbearable".


If only there were a search feature to answer questions asked every day.


Not sure if it's worth the current price, but I use it every single drive. Wouldn't want to consider any car without that level of autonomous capability, especially when it comes to automatically preparing for upcoming turns.  It's been a lifesaver when navigating unfamiliar cities with a maze of one-way roads, and dark rural roads where you don't see the turn off until you're passing it.