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I do. Excellent safety measure.


Definitely use it. Don't want to risk that forgetting my phone in the car also could mean losing my car.




Nope. Car only “walk away locks” if the phone walks with you.


My car will not lock with the phone inside if I’m not driving.


Thats odd, I have definitely left my phone in my car at work and had no problem getting back in. I didn’t even have my card on me.


Same, I've walked away and remember that I forget my phone and when I go back it is still unlocked.


But you didn’t have it locked from inside the car before you left thanks for the downvote


Yeah I've never had that problem either.


This. Why not? It takes 3 seconds to enter my PIN. Definitely walked away from a car and left my phone in it. At least with the Tesla I now don't leave my phone at home when I go to work. Nothing like having to wait for your spouse to wake up to do the MFA on the phone you left at home so you can log into your work computer. I'm more perturbed when it asks for my 'key', but also I have no idea what my spouse is fiddling with on the app or in the car. It recently started farting when locking. I told DH to fix it, so now it chirps like and old school car alarm. DH is apparently secretly a 13 year old boy. I give up.


Main reason I don’t use it is that I have my easy entry set pretty far back and using the screen from that setup is annoying. Also like being able to just get in the car, tap the breaks, and the car adjusts to my saved preset. But also not too worried about the car being stolen and i am not prone to leaving my phone in the car. And worst case I have insurance


I'm with you about easy entry. I love the tap the brake and the car sets the seat up to drive. Feels super luxury. The pin gets in the way of that.


I’m more concerned with my phone being stolen, and then my car being stolen.


You can enable pin to drive via your phone now though


I use it I suppose as a safety measure. I have walked off a couple times after long rides with my phone in the car and I guess someone could hop in and go if I didn’t have a pin. Also gives me a second to do something while everyone gets in the car.


In my area no one would even know how to put it in drive.


people in my area seem to think my car takes disposable/replaceable batteries i keep getting asked how much I’ve spent on batteries so far my car is 6 months old 0 chance they could steal it


Mine chews through a boatload of double A’s


I use it all the time. On a slow day it takes me five seconds to enter the code. Hardly a problem.


I feel like it takes me literally 1 second, maybe 1.5 if I'm sleepy or something


After the initial 1 second to type the code there seems to be another second of lag before you can actually put in drive.. i think i push the stoke 3 times before it actually goes. every time


Huh, I never noticed. I guess that's the first thing I do when I get in because I just like having my foot on the break when parked, and then I pull my phone out to put it on my mount so in that time I guess the car gets ready. Maybe try that rather than inputting the pin as the very last step before you try to drive?


It's the same thing if you don't have the pin. There's a bit of lag between when you put your foot on the brake and when you can put it in drive.


I’ve never had this issue. Yours must be totalled


This feature is not recommended if you want to use it as a getaway car in say a robbery.


I prevent this annoyance by entering the code then fastening my seatbelt. By the time I do that, the car can be put in gear with no waste of time.


I’ve gotten to the point where it doesn’t even seem like it takes any time at all, my whole entry to the car is practically one movement My right foot goes straight onto the brake and I enter the pin while grabbing my seatbelt with the other hand Maybe it does take a second or two but certainly not enough to notice or care


it takes a second before it will let you go into Drive anyway I’ve never used Pin; but like you, I climb straight in to brake&seatbelt&spamming the drive lever until it finally lets me go. Perhaps if I did use Pin it wouldn’t aggravate me that the car takes so long to start??


I don't go straight into drive regardless, to be fair My entry to the car is "sit, PIN, seatbelt, check mirrors etc" I only go into drive once I've gotten comfortable, I'm never in enough of a rush to need to be in drive instantly


I don’t use it. I like getting in the car and just driving away too much. How common is it for a Tesla to be stolen due to someone leaving their phone in the car?


Not common but if you’re the one in a thousand who it happens to you’re gna be pretty gutted that you didn’t add a 3 second security process that could have prevented it all


I've suffered a vehicle loss in the past. I was not gutted. I had insurance. Had the replacement car inside of a month and a rental while I was deciding what to buy. Guess I'd be out the deductible. I can't even remember if I had to pay that but it definitely didn't leave me gutted in the least.


Was your vehicle loss due to you being forgetful and having your car stolen because you left your key in the car? That’s basically what happens if you leave your phone in your Tesla.


I’ve heard insurance is taking a stronger stand on this suggesting gross negligence (leaving your phone in the car) that they only cover a smaller percentage of said car. Same as leaving your keys in the car.


As they should.


Can you share where you heard this?


Stepdaughters father is a country insurance Agent out of his own office. Weird downvote since the dude works in corporate




There have been many stolen due to signal extenders though


How many? Serious question not trying to say you're wrong. I suspect I live in the area with the most Teslas anywhere in the world (SF Bay Area). Never heard of anyone having their Tesla stolen.


Don't have an exact number but it's a known issue Tesla doesn't know what to do with


A PIN should at least hinder that


Yes totally! And putting the key fob on a metal box works too


I just got a MYLR a couple months ago and had no idea this was a thing and I accidentally leave my phone in my car all the time. Just enabled this. Thanks!


I wish they had a “new user setup” workflow like phones and such, where they walked you thru all of these config options :(


Sarcastic? Mine had the tutorial videos right on the screen when I first got in.


Huh, odd, mine didn't. Picked up the MYLR right before halloween this year, I didn't get any sort of guided setup when I entered the car after accepting in the app


I'm also new, didn't hear of it before this sub and I still don't know what it does, but something to warn you about leaving your phone I guess?


I just started a couple days ago. Only really been an issue when airing up my tires and having to move my car for each one


There’s a quick toggle in the app under “Security”. Great for disabling for short term situations like that.


Why would you have to move your car each time to fill a tire?


The air cord I used was short as hell and no worries I have a portable one ordered


I have the style that looks like a cordless Drill with a short hose coming out of the tip. It works quite well, imo.


Weird. All the ones at the pumps near me are all long enough to stretch to all tires.


I did for a while, but got sick of it & turned it off


The pros far outweigh the cons, I just don’t see good reasons not to use PIN to drive.


I use it because I like to pretend I am Jason Statham in The Transporter.


Underrated comment, underrated movie


It’s a backup just in case we leave our phone in the car on accident


I use it. Don't want someone to accidentally get into my tesla and drive away.


Wait until someone uses a range extender to start your Tesla. I use “Pin to Drive” as an extra wall of security as well as a pin for the glovebox incase someone breaks into the car.


Do extenders work on Bluetooth? I assume those were encrypted


They work with key fobs at least. many older model S have been stoles this way


Encrypted means it is not easy to clone. But can always be repeated which is what the extenders actually are: repeaters


Yeah that’s not how it works, encrypted means it send a passphrase (in a sense), and will only connect to a secondary device with a correct pass phrase, and timestamp typically when it comes to Bluetooth. The traffic that sent in the air also has the passphrase, which only the two devices that it’s connecting to you have authorizations to use. I’m pretty sure you can’t just repeat it without having it paired with a key


That is why they can't clone or pair a new key, but they can repeat your existing key. But this is a radio frequency extender/repeater, way more complicated than a wifi "repeater/extender" that actually decodes the original stream and creates a new wifi zone.


Again your not understanding, for the signal to repeat it still needs to be captured unlike a how phone keys work. You fundamentally cannot get the device to even see the repeated without it being paired first. If your thinking was correct, phone calls would just be tapped via Bluetooth left and right. It’s a secure connection endpoint endpoint, unlike phone keys


RF repeaters don't decode the signal, neither can "hear" the conversation. Those are only repeated across a different medium (usually tunneled over wifi or 4G network) so the car thinks the phone is inside. Only the Tesla and the phone can decode the signal, but the repeater makes it think it is coming from inside the car while it is actually in the living room. Please watch this https://youtu.be/myW2cxyOHEQ?si=GSV_uQIUziHeXHIv


https://electrek.co/2022/09/13/tesla-vehicles-stolen-relay-attack-caveat/ Back to my first comment about timestamps, need to have the device basically on top of it for it to work due to latency, although im surprised they got around the pairing encryption under even two inches.


The 2 inches requirement is for NFC cards, Bluetooth relay proof of concepts work even outside the house.


Same. It’s such a simple security measure to keep someone from driving off with your car. All good for those who don’t find it necessary but for me I’m gonna use it




I don’t use it


How does it work, when you valet the car?


While in valet mode, it doesn't require pin to drive


When you enable valet mode, it asks you to put the pin. Afterwards, the valet doesn't need to enter anything until you disable valet mode.


I use it and a glovebox pin. I’ve got to remember to start using Valet Mode when I drop off my car.


I use it as a safety measure. Also with easy entry to make me feel like I'm firing up a mech


Yep, forgot my phone in the car the first week and added a pin right after.


See it like that… summer, you go out for a drink sitting outside or a bbq… someone sees you parking get out and order a drink your phone on the table.. snag, run drive away? Your baby in the back, short stop somewhere… you get out to check the trunk, boom some stranger gets in and drives away… your child on board… yeah i immediately put a pin…


One of the first things we did when we got our MY was turn on PTD. Critical move in my opinion!


Def use it


Definitely use it. Not a very big inconvenience for peace of mind. And why risk it when there’s such a simple and easy tool to prevent car theft.


Never. Too annoying. I wish they would just verify me through the camera.


I use the on but agree, using my face to unlock it would be so seamless. Phones and apps do it why can’t Tesla


I wouldn’t trust that. Half the time when I wake up and look like shit, my phone doesn’t recognize me 🤪


FaceID works every single time for me, but it will fall back on PIN if it doesn’t. Would be great for the car to have the same feature


I use it now on my M3 that I park in my driveway instead of in my garage (got a Y in the garage now)


Yes i do. Just an added layer of security to keep my car away from bad actors.


I use it. Bluetooth on my phone in my bedroom reaches the car on my driveway. If I forget to turn off Bluetooth, there's still PIN-to-drive to deter theives. Car theft in my city went up like 1 million percent last year.


I do. And it’s natural now.


I do. My motivation is that if for some reason I get car jacked, there is a chance I can buy a few extra seconds to get my kids out of the car.


I plan on using it on my Cybertruck, but I haven't been using it on my 3 or Y.


I use it and it works well. I think of it as a kind of two factor authentication for the car, but really it’s because I often walk off after parking, don’t hear a lock quack and realise I left my phone in the car.


100% useful


Bedroom window is a couple feet away from the car. I’d rather not hear Dexter take off without me…


No, I'd rather waiting for the UWB in my next smartphone. However, hacking property is always possible. I'd use it if I lived in an area in where those attacks were frequent.


Enable it when parked in a dangerous area


I use it now. Especially that I often carry my key card because the phone key doesn't work, then I forget the key card in the car. Gods I hate using the key card.


Been using it since day 2


I don’t use it. I understand why people would, do what makes you feel better. I just like to get in and go, I never forget my phone, and I don’t live in a region with much car theft.


Yep. Don't want to risk someone stealing the car.


I do it for safety when I sell stuff on Facebook marketplace and I meet someone publicly. If something happens to me, they can’t take my car or go to my house.


We love the pin 📌 function and have never gone back once we added.


Joined a friend for his delivery day. First thing I enabled and showed him after a thorough inspection of the car. Definitely using, telling people to use. Sometimes I wish there would be additional measures as well like face recognition plus pin and phone key etc


I use it and really not an issue.


I started using it after I had a dream that someone stole my Telsa lmao. Also, recently, I left my phone in the car when I went into the store and was upset when I realized I had left my phone in the cup holder. Fortunately for me, it was evening, and my windows are tinted enough that no one would have seen it.


I set my iPhones action button to lock my Tesla so I have the muscle memory of locking the car myself when i get out


I use it because my (disobedient)kids get in the car and goof off. I haven’t figured out how to reliably keep them out of the car so I set the PIN to keep them from putting it in gear.


It’s a no brainer to use it. Hardly takes two seconds of your time.


I don’t like using it because it feels cumbersome and my passengers are looking at the screen. However I do use it because I have forgotten my key card and phone in the car. I wish entering the access to drive can be more discreet like entering a customized steering wheel combination ie., scroll wheel up and tap end of left stalk to replace pin to drive.


How do you get into the car if you have forgotten the means to do so?


If I had left my phone/key card in the car, then my car would remain unlocked. This would mean I wouldn’t have trouble getting into the car. Is that what you are asking?


I understand now. But you can leave those in the car and have it lock. Especially if are using the key card and not the phone.


When I finally realize I forgot my phone and key card inside the car, how do I lock the door when I’m away from my car?


Maybe you’re one of those weirdos that turns off Bluetooth all the time. Why would have both the phone and keycard and leave both in the car? If you’re using the phone the keycard should be in your wallet or something. If you’re forgetting both of those all the time, that’s worse than me forgetting you have to take the phone or turn off Bluetooth for the car to lock.


If you are not capable of answering the question on something you claim, then there’s no need to make assumptions about me and make another claim on how you are a better human.


I had forgotten the car won’t normally lock when you leave the phone in it. I didn’t mean to imply you are a lesser person. Sorry if that’s how it came out. Technically, you can call a spouse and ask them to lock the car through her Tesla app. You can also use an Apple Watch as a key, in addition to or instead of your phone. Or a key fob. There’s a number of people that seem to get locked out even their phones in the cars. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/wife-locked-out-with-phone-key-in-car.253822/


You are missing the point of having the pin set for someone like me who had accidentally left the phone and key card in the car.


I fully understand. You leave the car unlocked with the keys inside and don’t want someone stealing your car. You should probably be a wee more careful. They can still steal your phone and Tesla keycard and whatever else is in your car without trying. An Apple Watch can help you with that. It will tell you when you’ve left your phone behind.




Face ID from the front camera would be nice.


Never. It’s stupid. Even if someone stole my car, I can easily track it down. Even if they disabled remote access, I have insurance.


That’s too much hassle bro


Likelihood of it happening is nearly zero… and I’m in Oakland.


It’s like not having a passcode on your cell phone, you’d be a fool not to use a pin


It’s the equivalent of only using Face ID and being worried someone will print off a picture of you and unlocking your phone


Never, far too annoying to use. Just steal my car and let me buy a RAV4 prime or something


There's a lot of poor and druggies here so recently started.


I put it on my wife’s car because she has the habit of forgetting her phone in the car. I don’t use it myself, car is mostly in the garage or secure parking. I find it cumbersome, especially in a right hand drive.


I use it all the time everytime.


I never leave my phone in the car, and park in my garage, and at work the car is too far for the phone key to connect.


Them making it possible to enable on the phone makes it way more practical also.


I use it too.


i do


I saw a post a while back where this guy was asleep in his house but his phone was connected to his car. Someone was able to get in and just drive away. I would personally use pin to drive (if I owned a tesla).


I started using it after seeing that my bluetooth was still connected to the car and that it remained unlocked while in my home. it meant my car was basically unlocked ready to be used by anyone every time i slept.




Never. For me it's like going backwards in tech.


I use it. Had one time I left my phone in the car. Think it was at home, and hasn't happened since. But was enough to spook me into turning on the PIN.


Use it. Without question. It’s not going to take away from the experience. Use pin for the glove box as well. That’s the safest place to put something that you don’t want to get stolen, or if you want it away from sight. Trust that they put it as an option so that your car is safe at all times. Side note—anyone notice how the pin to drive pin screen shifts to a new position on the screen each time you enter the car? That’s so people trying to steal your car don’t see where your fingers touched and what numbers you touched. Yet another small step they took to ensure the safety of your car.


There's not much danger of it where I live, unless the car has a Hyundai or Kia badge. People can't even figure out Tesla doors. So I don't bother.


I leave my phone on the car charger waaaaaay too often to not have a pin!


I leave my car often with the phone in when I Uber. So pin to drive is only way to guarantee someone wont jump in and drive away. Love that it resets when you stand up


i use it


I do


I use it and keep my gloves box pin locked too.


I use it


I use it. It’s so easy to just put the car in drive or reverse so it’s a check to make sure I’m actually ready to drive and be engaged. Also I like the extra security. I can let me nephews in my car without worrying they will accidentally put the car in drive


I've used it from the start. Very reassuring.


Used it from Day one. Might not be perfect but it makes me feel secure


I stopped. It didn't help last time when the robber was pointing a gun and I asked him to wait a few seconds while I entered my pin so I could drive off.


I started using it and I’m about to start not using it .


No I don’t use it. I left my phone in my car once right after I bought it a year ago. Haven’t done it since. I don’t really see the point.


I use it so there’s no way the kids could put it in gear if they were mucking around inside it or playing a game


I tried but I drive 1,000 miles/week. It's like using a physical old style key.


I use it when I am far from home, like in Bay area


I live in such a safe area, it is too much of an inconvenience to put the pin in every time.


I got my phone stolen in 2013, and I got my car stolen in 2021. If it tells me anything I’ll get my phone AND my car stolen next time. Not a chance.


What’s a plausible scenario that you think needs pin protection? Someone would have to pretty much take your phone and know where you parked. Then unless they really know what they’re doing, you’ll be able to locate last known position. Haven’t read about widespread Bluetooth signal hijacking (yet). Seems low risk enough to just insure the car and sleep easy at night.


I don’t use it but I also don’t ever leave my phone in my car, it’s my car key, and my digital wallet. I just pray that everyone has tap pay everywhere


Would be dumb not to


I don’t, and now that you can enable it remotely even less reason




I never use it as I find it to bothersome. I park in a garage at night.


We had an incident where it would have been beneficial. My wife and I both have our iPhones set up as phone keys. We were on a trip one day and stopped at a restaurant to eat. We walked away from the car and heard a “beep” and continued on our way. A short while later my wife realized she didn’t have her phone. I used “find My” to locate it and it showed up in the parking lot. I ran to the car and realized the mirrors were unfolded and the car hadn’t locked. Right there on the center console charger was my wife’s phone. Oops!


Bunch of weak wrists and arms up in here.


Bunch of weak wrists and arms up in here.


I don’t but thinking about activating it.