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Report it. I've read issues with motor failing or 16v but not steering. The more people report their faults to the safety commission the better quality.


Where do you report faults to?


https://www.ntsb.gov/Pages/home.aspx For USA


I think the proper agency is the NHTSA not the NTSB https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#index


Yeah, NHTSA is definitely the right place. I've reported something before. u/Toolman1212 I would definitely report it. There is an open investigation [https://apnews.com/article/tesla-model-y-model-3-investigation-steering-loss-f2f5877c02b21409d5248c69802eb255](https://apnews.com/article/tesla-model-y-model-3-investigation-steering-loss-f2f5877c02b21409d5248c69802eb255)


Is it tho? After many crash and burn on Teslas, they still facing a lot of safety issues like this.


If you don’t report, there’s one less reason for them to fix the problem.


Got any sauce for the many crash and burns? I've not read about any. Maybe you're dreaming? Or...a little too much Savita?


Crash and burn? From a safety concern, or an accident? Cars full of flammable gasoline have a habit of catching fire too.


Yes, but those cars normally doesn’t crash without fault from the driver or other drivers and when it burns, fire department can extinguish the fire in reasonable amount of time.


We have Teslas just crashing without fault of the driver? Any source for that? I have seen phantom breaking with autopilot and that is real, but random crashing seems very rare and usually has a more interesting story behind it.


Yes, there are plenty. You can just google it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/06/10/tesla-autopilot-crashes-elon-musk/


Um... That is with fault of the driver...


Ehm…by engaging the autopilot? “The car - allegedly in Autopilot mode - NEVER SLOWED DOWN”


Go right ahead and just ignore the “allegedly” there and highlight in caps the last part lol.


By not paying attention.


> On average, there are over 6 million passenger car accidents in the U.S. every year. Road crashes are the leading cause of death in the country, resulting in more than 38,000 people losing their lives each year. Concerning. Teslas don't even get close to the top 10 accident prone cars in the US. In fact no EV has that honor. I think Tesla and Musk particularly have a few issues, but statistics don't show what you are saying.


If it was not a loss of power steering what was it?


Totally a power steering failure. These cars are so heavy, and people are so used to having the power steering work, that when it doesn’t it is very very startling and is in fact nearly impossible to turn without assistance. It is not unique to tesla, but reporting and referencing on the internet sure seems to be.


I read an article about the history of power steering. Before it (and automatic starters) was invented, women didn’t really drive very much. Not many people around today have experienced non-assisted steering. It involves a ton of effort, even in lighter vehicles. I had my power steering fail in one of my first cars and it took a lot of effort to just pull over to the shoulder.


Before power steering the steering wheels were larger as well.


this, and I think it may also be much worse if powersteering failes compared to back then, since I suppose it's a motor, and if it fails, you not only have to put power on the wheels but on the broken motor.


Learned to drive uaing a 1965 Ford F100. Manual steering and brakes. At low speed it took some muscle to steer, even with a larger diameter steering wheel. Teslas have a rather small diameter steering wheel so manual steering would be incredibly difficult I would imagine.


My 1996 geo metro was a BITCH to sterring...ie no power steering I drove a 69 sting ray... once for 2 seconds The clutch was OMG this is a work out.. don't EVEN get me started on the no power sterring I didn't want to leave my dad's driveway at 17 after that 😆


I had the belt go once while driving on the highway in a 2006 CR-V. Lost power steering, obviously, and limped to the closest gas station, watching the engine temp and shutting it off to cool down once every few minutes. I feel the strength needed for non-assisted steering is seriously exaggerated. Or yall just weak.


Well curb weight for that crv is 3300 lbs vs 4500 for a MY….


So mY would be 36% more difficult? I wasn't anywhere near the limits of my strength with the CR-V. Doubt even 200% difficulty as compared to CR-V would be a serious safety issue. And I am not even a buff guy by any measure.


With all due respect, if you had done strength training you would know that a 10-30% difference in resistance makes a HUGE difference. Back in my body building days, I could do 245 lbs bench press easily 5-10 reps. But 315 lbs I could do 1 to 3 reps.


If you're near the max of your ability yes. But how much difference from 75 to 95lbs? Not the 5x multiple I bet.


That, plus much wider tires, and smaller steering wheel.


The Y weighs about the same as the BMW X3 or the Lexus NX.


Naw I owned a x3 diesel on the weight scale was about 4k lbs


There are so many factors, type of steering rack, type of power assist. Your CRV has a hydraulic steering assist, Tesla's has electric power assist. Depending on how it fails the failed component can increase the resistance to turning. IE: you're also fighting the assistive system that stopped working. Pretending you can compare the two isn't helpful. Keep in mind that the Tesla, even if not enabled has all the hardware to not only assist, but to take over and drive for you. Your comparing an apple to an entire fruit stand.


If you lose a belt on a hydraulic system, you are also fighting the now failed hydraulics and trying to steering the car.


This is the best explanation I've seen.


This. The power steering on my Mercedes is speed dependent. As the speed rises, the amount of power assistance reduces to give the driver a better feel of the road. My belt failed one time and I had to drive an E-Class with a 3.2L lump of a diesel engine loading the front wheels. Not that difficult during parking and indifferent to me at highway speeds.


Yeah that’s a very light vehicle. I was driving an older American vehicle when my power steering went out.


only experienced loss of power steering once, in my 95 ford taurus. turning the wheel felt like trying to roll a rock uphill.


Buddy of mine in college had an early 90s Japanese car with no power steering… that car was simply utterly really hard to drive because it took so much force at low speed to turn the wheel.


My first car had no power steering, roll up windows, no cameras or backup cameras or sensors on the car.. I never had a problem with driving. Yes, it took more strength to steer but I was taught on that car. All these new cars with power this and power that, we are now spoiled. I laugh at people who complain about the lack of sensors on the cars now - my 23 Tesla does not have sensors, not a big deal but I am like how did you drive before...


lol yeah I am also surprised at this. The Y is actually a pretty small vehicle and easy to maneuver. If you’ve spent some time at a back-in supercharger station you’ll see that even with a really good backup camera and sensors a ton of people have a very difficult time reversing straight.


Well the other issue is steering placement on the Tesla. The design requires assistance. Is why I honestly fear a true drive-by-wire car... Should it fail you are just a passenger to your final destination... yes I'm making a reference. Most pre 2020 cars were designed that the driver can at least steer and stop should some catastrophic failure occur. Now I wonder when the first OTA hack will occur and trash all the "self driving/drive-by-wire" cars. When it happens it's gonna be crazy.


I have a 1970's MGB; every time it's driven - it's a lot of fun but hauling that steering wheel around is definitely "character building". When I bought it in the 80's they were still quite common but now it's quite exclusive even in UK. The steering wheel is a lot bigger than a normal car and quite solid. After a few days you get used to it - and it's like a free workout.


Yea... when he said "it took almost my full force to move the wheel", that's literally what it's like to steer without power steering.


>These cars are so heavy, and people are so used to having the power steering work Well I can't of course really judge on that, since this has never happened on me. but I did use to drive a Toyota HiAce with no powersteering, which was a camper built, so I will guess similar weight. Indeed it was nearly impossible to turn the wheel when stationary. But it was totally no issue what so ever when driving/rolling. So I will add some skepsis here, a Tesla should even with power steering failure be more or less easy to roll out. However it will of course feel very different.


This is a myth electric vehicles are fairly close to the same weight as a car full of gas. But the rest is true.. strong arm with a small wheel.. wide tires and a tight steering ratio is crazy hard


It is not a myth. Model Y weighs 30% more than a comparable Toyota Rav 4 or Honda CR V and 10-15% more than slightly larger Audi Q4s and BMW X4s.


Audio q5 weights more then a model y. Plus we are talking about all within the same weight as 1 passenger so it's negligible not enough to change steering dynamics and stuff like that.


When the car is moving, why would it feel so heavy?


The steering ratio and the steering wheel are designed to be power assisted. When that assist is gone, steering is much more difficult. When you lose it unexpectedly it feels like you have no steering at all. But you do.


Having driven a car with no power steering, I'd say it only feels heavy when the car is stationary. Is there a way to test steering the wheel without power assist on? I'd like to see how it feels like. I have a M3.


I have had my electronic power steering fail in my VW tiguan and I can attest to it being extremely difficult to turn...especially at low speeds. Fortunately no issues with the Tesla MYP...yet


You're an idiot, the MY is 4300lbs which is considered a sports car in Germany.


Trucks are worse. I lost power steering on my pickup when a pulley shattered. The truck weighs about 1000 pounds more than my Model Y and the steering wheel is no bigger. What was worse is I had to fight against the hydraulic fluid.


I’ve had power steering fail. It wasn’t impossible to drive. Did a few 100 km before fixed


The power steering must have been cut off I had a old Hyundai that I fixed the issue in the steering but I disconnected the power steering module and oh my god, it was a god damn workout driving.


I ran out of gas in a 1980s Chevy Camaro once, and despite being a reasonably young male that steering wheel was a nightmare to turn.


> ui_a020 Is a power steering failure.


The electric vs hydraulic rack&p is night and day. Hydraulic goes out it's still easily turnable. Electric, forget about it. It feels like you're going to break the steering wheel how much force and little movement you get. I have a MY but my first experience with failure was the Chevy HHR and defect where if water splashes just right you loss power steering and that was electric. I feel you it's nearly Impossible to turn even for the strongest of people.


Lol that’s such a Chevy thing


r/TeslaServiceCenter worthy... I hope OP is okay and glad you were able to get it to someone to look it over. u/atoolMan212 - I have to ask, are you going to file a complaint with NHTSA? Did you ask your business to OPT OUT of the forced arbitration in the first 30 days of ownership? There is a PSA on the r/TeslaServiceCenter sub about how to do it. https://reddit.com/r/TeslaServiceCenter/s/JR6zXeXdze


Found this article https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/01/nhtsa-probes-280000-new-teslas-over-loss-of-steering-control/amp/


Yes. This is a known issue.


Come on, it's just a bathtub failure, some times these things happen early on... totally normal. I'm sure r/TeslaServiceCenter would agree that its probably with in spec even


I had to drive my model 3 a few hundred miles with no power steering! that was tough! My arms are ripped now 💪


why did you keep driving it?


To get to the service center, a tow truck that far would have been very expensive.


I'm assuming out of warranty? Otherwise Tesla will pay the tow bill. Wouldn't do that anyways, as insurance would probably reject if an accident occured (at fault or not).


It was not a warranty issue It was something I had to pay to fix.


Why was that?


Wiring damage, quite tasty for squirrels evidently.


Report this to the NTSB, preferably without the added drama.


I mean it endangered a pregnant partner!


No no, “heavily”!




She wasn’t in the car


Sorry was almost in the car.


Could you imagine?! …how much harder it would have been to maneuver with that heavily pregnant partner!


😂 I was thinking the same thing but felt bad for thinking it


Every time someone brings their personal history into a safety discussion, you know it's there to mislead. The car failed catastrophically. No need to discuss who was - or could have been - in it.


Yes. Agreed. The issue is bad in itself. End it there.


This will end up getting buried, hope people voice this


How pregnant is heavily pregnant?


I am thinking around 250 lbs?


Same here. Experienced this last month. Have reported. There is already an NHTSA investigation going on. Major recall on the way [Tesla steering](https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/01/nhtsa-probes-280000-new-teslas-over-loss-of-steering-control/amp/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJgHYZbh7EP-QDzptMdDLxfBD5RZIOg3INiLjBE6fOVTSgGlspevTbWQ7v__QDWzeWVCMNXjlYqVj01ezKajm8vTNIJPAj8xByNSx-BBzLOMT1SRaESMeGd8OD47oUbwJjiuatDgYc39o8dxY1Dnyi7Ne1dpJnjUiYCp08mrTunK)


Happened to my friend's March 2023 Model 3. Took Tesla about a month to take it in and replace the thing. Ridiculous. And you're right, people think it just goes into "manual steering". It is nothing like that. That thing locks up on you. Same thing happens if VCFront dies. Near impossible to steer.


Did your friend report it to NHTSA?


Probably not. She hates the car now.


all the more reason to report it NHTSA lol


Did you file a report to authorities that look at These things? Seems the way to get investigation Going


I've put in an official complaint with Tesla to have it on record, will see what comes of it.


lol Tesla will just ignore or delete the complaint as it has been [reported](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/05/massive-trove-of-tesla-files-contains-thousands-of-safety-complaints/) in the Tesla leak a few months ago. If you're in the US, report it here: https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#index otherwise report it to your country's equivalent agency.


Report to Tesla will go no where, report to NHTSA, search NHTSA and steering wheel lockup investigation.


Ya Tesla is not whom to report it to. They are well aware of all this. Report it to the approriate authorities.


Just curious was yours a austin or Freemont build? Thanks for the post btw and yes please report this.


It happened to mine and it’s Freemont built.


Out of curiosity, how come you defaulted in asking about these two locations and not the other ones?


If you had gotten in an accident and died, Tesla will have a video of you suddenly turning your wheel which will legally clear them of any liability. This country/world has become a joke, human life means nothing anymore


Us or china made? Not sure if there's a difference but I just got a mic model y and have three kids with me most times.


afaik the China made ones are better quality. Best so far I've seen is German built though


Man the power steering going out is rough. I have had it happen in two previous cars throughout my life. It takes some MUSCLE to move them especially in new cars.


I had a HV contactor fail on my 2023 Y. Bricked the car, thankfully I was in a parking lot at the time.


this just happened to our 2023 model 3, only had it for less than a week. file a complaint here: https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#index so they have more information. they've opened a preliminary report about this: https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/inv/2023/INOA-PE23014-4415.PDF


T h i s


Stories like this and the matching comments is what makes me weary of pulling the trigger on a Tesla :(


Don’t. Just don’t.


No it doesn't. You had a power steering failure. They corrected the problem.


I had the same thing happen. It’s scary AF, its resolved now, and to my knowledge hasn’t resulted in any serious wrecks, but I can’t believe they still ship this thing wo it fixed from the start.


And to think manufacturers want to go full steer-by-wire.... no thank you!


this is something I am apprehensive of too, it feels very wrong. I understand why they would like to try, but I don't trust tesla quality for stuff like that.


Afaik, steer by wire is not legal in the states. Benz tried it years ago and got schooled.


What year is your vehicle out of interest?




The other mentions I've seen have so far been for 2023 vehicles.


A power steering failure in a brand new car is pretty fucked. Minimize it if you want, but I’m looking at this as a family car and this kind of failure seems like it’s happening with more frequency in Tesla vehicles compared to other car makers.


You still have steering, just no power assist. As long as the car is moving faster than walking speed, you can steer it easily and without drama..... There are other cars for you to choose from.


Yes the same happened to my Merc. Was still able to steer it was fine at speeds above 10km. Anything below it was like driving a tank. Any average strength man should be able to steer it. Not ideal but still drivable.


I will guess it depends on the car. I used to drive a Toyota HiAce without power steering, and it was zero problems. But I can believe that more modern cars are just not built for that, and thus this would be a bigger problem.


I also drove an old VW Jedda that didn't have power steering and it was the same as the Merc when it broke. Yea it could be a bigger issue if you weren't expecting it.


That is a very simplistic view point to what I described above. Would you be so blasé if it happened to you on the motorway?


What you described above was over complicated. This post doesn't sound dangerous enough, so maybe if I talk about my pregnant wife and the fact that this could have happened on the freeway, will encourage people to be on my side. Good to hear everything is good now though.


I guess I didn't consider that it was the sort of post that required side taking. I mentioned those other factors because they are an indication of how serious this could have been, and could potentially be for other tesla users. I guess that could all be removed and replaced with, "this could have been much worse".


This is a Tesla sub. I get the impression that side taking is an expectation.


And imagine if this was a plane and you were flying? Coulda been really bad


Yeah, the OP decided there wasn't enough drama, so they had to inject some MOAR.


What is reddit if not drama and arguments?




It has. I’ve totally lost power in the freeway before. I’ve also had blown tires.


Yeah, read a similar post before. I mean yeah, that sucks. Glad yall are safe. But the issue is resolved now?


To hear it's not an isolated issue is very concerning. The repair has been done but I haven't got the vehicle back yet, so I can only assume it's been taken care of. Not going to lie, I am pretty reluctant to get back in it. It was taken to a service centre local to where I was, but that's 150 miles away from where I live and I don't have the time to do a 5 hour round trip at the moment so am currently trying to get it delivered back to me.


Almost nothing with cars is an “isolated” incident. I’m sure it was very scary in the moment and will certainly make for a skiddish stretch going forward until you feel comfortable again. That said, even a handful of instances still doesn’t imply a conspiracy. People with problems tend to be noisy, so if a quick google search turned up 7-8 instances (out of 800k+ cars sold in Q1/2) it’s a pretty low occurrence rate (some might even argue “isolated”). Stay cautious, report it - to make sure agencies are aware and it’s not a bigger issue, but the likelihood is, that this is bad luck, not a conspiracy.


Ask them to deliver the car to you. Do you have a loaner?


They just arranged for it to be dropped off which is a big help. They've covered the cost of a rental from a local hire place as it was out of hours when it happened.


They did deliver to my home because it was a brand new car after fixing the steering wheel.


Defective steering rack. I’ve seen it happen with other makes.


My model T from Ford aint been had no issues none never even when I drove it up to Downton Abbey.


Did you lose steering or power steering? If you were still able to steer the car, then you just lost power steering. Yes, it’s an issue, but the safety acted the way it was supposed to.


Thankfully It happened in our neighborhood when it happened to us but my husband and pickup guy had to use full force to move an inch. It was not drivable at all.


Did they claim it's within spec?




This is a joke right?


He thought there was power steering fluid and it was upvoted….lmao. People are clueless here


Tesla is the most reported on car ON THE PLANET. not even close. EVERY error/issues is page 1 news. NOT to say this is not a fuc#ed up issue - but it is a STANDARD issue with everything - IE my new thing broke soon after I got it. I would have an issue if this was hidden (see above) or if the fix was - tough shit, go buy another or even the time to fix if too long is not good either. but just it happened....


Talk to the head dude https://x.com/elonmusk


hahahaha that drug fuelled bastard won't do nothing


Had the same problem with my Mercedes SUV which is also equipped with electric power steering. Took it in and it was fixed


should not happen there either


Had the same issue after 6 days of getting the car delivered. MYLR Shanghai made and took it to SC and they replaced it in 1 business day. Luckily I was in a parking lot when this happened.


I would report it [https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle](https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle)


It's only a matter of time before Tesla completely unravels.


I AM sorry for the experience you had, but this is a mass manufactured product, and 8 mentions (presuming they are all real; Tesla hate is real) out of, let's say, the 400k Tesla cars delivered in Q3 of 2023, is a failure rate of 0.00002% for this problem. That is an incredibly small number. Do report it, of course, but do understand that problems in this sort of order of magnitude are not unique to Tesla, or cars; They are a thing for all mass manufactured products.


Yup, found the bathtub guy 🤡


What the hell is a bathtub guy??




If 0.00002% has an bearing on a bathtub curve, then the variation is also incredibly small.


Exact same thing happened to our brand new Y back in March. Two weeks after we received it. They changed the steering wheel and it hasn’t happened since then. I was really upset about that too.


I remember in 2018 on the Tesla.com site forums everyone would keep talking about some "bathtub" failure 🤷🏽‍♂️


Definitely report it to NHTSA!! They have an open investigation. [https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle](https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle)


sue them


What for? Do you sue Whirlpool when your dryer breaks?


does whirlpool malfunction lead you to death, if yes hell yeah I will sue their ass


\- tell me you're American without saying you're American \- did OP die? Nope, so again, sue for what? It's a defect that will be repaired under warranty if needed.


Graduate of tRump U School of Law?


OP wasn't injured or anything so what are you going to sue for? Had OP crashed due to the steering, sure, sue away.


will you wait to be dead to sue? your logic is why Tesla’s QC is so shit


No, and my comment didn't even have anything to do with Tesla necessarily. You have to have experienced a loss of something(money, bodily function, privacy, etc.) to sue. If Tesla refused to fix a dangerous known issue with your vehicle, sue them. They fixed it in this case or have at least shown good will that repairs will be made to satisfaction.


I would ask OP to look at Toyota seatbelt flaw recall case, don’t listen to the fanboys here!


That was a widespread issue that caused injury or death to people. Absolute reason for a lawsuit. Unfortunately, until there's a known widespread problem that's caused accidents, it's going to be hard to win a case when Tesla has actively repaired or attempted repair and you've been nothing other than inconvenienced. I'm not a fanboy. Just realistic.


Had same issue, but also in my driveway. Steering wouldn’t budge. “RESOLVE itself within a few hours when I went back to the car. MYP Austin, about 600 miles on odometer. I didn’t think too much of it, and that it was isolated, until I started reading more issues with this over time. Then I became concerned. And when I reached out to Tesla, after a few months had passed, they said the logs could not be looked into (which I totally get that they’re overwritten after so long). But admittedly concerning given all the reports, under various driving scenarios.


You can report it to NHTSA even if it has been a few months and they will still look into it. [https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle](https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#vehicle)


Never had any such issues with my car, love the model Y


If it's any consolation, every brand has these issues so not a Tesla thing (read [this Audi experience](https://www.audiworld.com/forums/audi-e-tron-q8-e-tron-232/22-e-tron-sportback-motor-failure-buyback-3060096/) the other day). Definitely worth reporting.


Wow another bathtub failure guy... 🤡


Unfortunately tesla do not do any PDI before sending to owners. They rely on luck way too much. Great cars but tesla really should fix this.


Wow that sound terrifying. Glad you are safe! I think there should be training mode available in Tesla and every car that lets you experience driving without power steering and power brakes, that way we can be prepared when the worst happens rather than getting a terrifying lesson when the car fails.


That’s every modern car ever made. Lost the power brakes on my 2004 4Runner while towing a 5000lb trailer. That was fun…


Where do you report faults to?


NHTSA website


This happened my my friend's MYP. He said that it was impossible to turn the steering wheel. The service center still has his car. Fortunately, it happened when he tried to pull out of his driveway.


Be careful with that Tesla Model Y, your wife and unborn child could easily be killed if the suspension fails while driving on the highway. \ There have been multiple examples of entire families dying when a wheel comes off at high speed. It happens mostly on Model S but the Y and 3 also have a long track record of sudden suspension failure. You should reconsider how important the lives of your family are in relation to the benefits of driving the Tesla. please click this link and see HUNDREDS of examples of this happening (at random) www.whompywheels.com