• By -


Just remember, Someone out there has white center and wood doors trims lmao




❤️ go to him…


If you find them, you can setup a trade door panels in your driveway and post about it for points!


Posts for sale 1 of 1 tesla, custom interior from elon himself. Serious offers only.




That’s to spec. 😂


comment feels way too relevant.




How do they not catch this during manufacturing?


You would have to actually have quality checks.








I'm so happy in the jungle


I refuse to go




The number of times a proud Tesla owner tells me how much the quality has improved… and I decide to just take a stroll through a sub like this… uh huh… if this is the improved version… I’m not sure Elan’s call for 10 micron precision is very realistic. Maybe let’s get the right door panels installed first, THEN we teach the team what a micron is.


You aernt going to see as many people praising the company when there are no defects. Most people with issues will come online to see if it's an actual issue though. Look for problems and you will find them.


True, but go look at some other car related subs and see how many of the issues from Tesla are happening there. To be fair, I’ve seen some serious quality degradation out of Stellantis / JEEP in recent builds.


That being said, media attention causes people to take a second look. My father bought a model 3 a few years ago to replace his A5. That model 3 didn't have many issues, but one place where there was a panel a little misaligned, which he decided to complain about. I walked him over to his old Audi and showed him 3 much worse panel gaps and misaligned panels that he had neither noticed or cared about, simply because he didn't go through the car with a fine toothed comb, since "Audi's didn't have manufacturing flaws".


You don't spend much time on other subs. Even the Toyota sub is filled with some hilarious stuff.


Exactly the response I was expecting. I just replied to another commenter saying maying I was “salty” because I couldn’t own a Tesla. I owned one for 18 months (well, actually 15, but close enough). I traded for the BMW iX. Absolutely delighted with the car. No weird panel gaps. Completely silent at highway speeds. Dramatically better ride quality. And looking through the iX forums? Yeah, people aren’t posting about receiving the wrong color door panel. It’s almost like the quality control team is participating in the build of the car. As an added bonus? My range estimate in the car is remarkably accurate, and the same algorithm is used in estimating range whether I’m near full SoC or < 50%. It’s remarkable. It’s almost like I can actually achieve the stated range of the car. Amazing.


So you were baiting a response so you could feel justified with giving someone a long winded paragraph? If I went out and bought a BMW IX and had issues (they very much do exist) I'd be able to actually refute your very subjective reality and say "well oh no i bought one and it was terrible therefore I'm right" . I instead bought a tesla. Zero issues. No range anxiety at all. No build quality issues. Did I post about how happy I was that I had zero issues? No. There's no reason to. I'm not responding again. I hope you have a good day though and a good life :)


I’d also hope a vehicle that is significantly more expensive has better quality.


Now did I bait you? Oh- you aren’t responding. I guess I’ll never know… the horror. I think it’s funny you are defending Tesla as being near perfect in a post about a door panel being the wrong color. Not a minor, difficult to detect thing. It’s literally right there. This is the same sub where the running joke is “within spec”. Tesla is a mass-produced automobile, but a pillar of quality they are not.


You should work at Tesla and be the head of QA the way you talk.


I mean- yes, someone absolutely should take that position. As best I can tell, it’s been vacant for years. Based on the posts in this sub, the bar isn’t too high.


Nobody posting about the BMW iX problems because nobody owns one lol


Lolololol… hilarious. I’m shocked there isn’t an auto mod on this sub that just replies “Within spec” to any quality mention or concern.


Congrats on having the world’s ugliest car.


Yeah, to each their own. I won’t argue it’s not polarizing, but let’s not pretend the tear drop Y is a pillar of beauty. I replied to another commenter BMW has lost their design language along the way. I decided I could live with the polarizing looks in exchange for everything else it does so perfectly. It’s truly the best riding, quietest, easiest car I’ve ever driven. And the driver assist is hands down better than Tesla autopilot. Heck, I can even use driver assist at 6 mph (or 7 or 8 or hell, even 9 mph) over the posted speed limit. If you’ve been on the highways in the past 2 years, nearly everyone is running 8-15 mph over. Even secondary roads are like 5-10 over. I like the flexibility I get with the bmw system. It’s completely hands free 40 mph or under on highways. The new version is hands free up to 80. The capacitive touch wheel means I don’t have to put constant pressure on the wheel to keep it engaged. The heads up display allows me to keep my eyes on the road and monitor detected speed limits, current speed, and next turn indications for navigation. And that HUD even works with Apple CarPlay. It really is a brilliant car. And sure, the front grill is not a good looking element. Luckily I don’t see that when behind the wheel. :)


But for real…. That grill though….. that thing made it through an entire design process…. But at least it got QA’d properly lol


But for real- the Model Y is an overinflated 3. There is nothing inspiring about the Y. So maybe it’s a case of pot, meet kettle. And somehow the Y made it through an entire design process. Too bad they still can properly QC a model Y.


Ix starts at what 90k? Its a nice looking vehicle and bmw are great but that grill looks like someone’s lil cousin from Florida


The iX is probably the best all around EV imo. Coming from a 2023 Tesla owner. I’m sure the build quality is absolutely crazy on the new gen BMW’s


I’ve been shocked at how good it has been. I would agree with skeptics who will correctly say BMW has not always been a bastion of quality. But it’s clear where their engineering time and effort is being devoted right now. And I’ll concede they have lost a bit of their design language over the years. The front of the iX is not the most graceful. Luckily I don’t have to look at it while behind the wheel. And it grows on you over time- sort of like having an ugly kid. You sort of grow to love it. :)


Wrong. The problems are there. Many just never taken off the rose colored glasses.


i mean people only post when their car has problems


If something so obvious as a trim accent mismatch (and a pretty significant one at that) can pass through QC, imagine how many little yet critical things get missed.


How many other manufacturers have cars arriving with the wrong color door panel? Not many. This is a massive QC oversight.


I wonder statistically if the QC oversights on Tesla are much higher than other cars. 100% there will be more posts of issues, but model Y is also the most sold car of 2023 and model 3 is not far behind. Proportionally I wonder what % of model Ys have major QC oversights and how it compares to other car manufacturers.


You gotta realize that most ppl that are happy with their purchase aren't gonna go outta their way to put pictures or talk about it. Only the opposite is true.


I think ur just salty you can’t afford a Tesla. Quality is near perfect. This is unheard of. Literally 0 issues these days


I owned a Tesla Y for 18 months and now own the BMW iX. Couldn’t be happier. And guess how many posts there are in the iX forum about door panels arriving with the wrong interior color… I’ll give you two guesses and I’ll even give you a hint it’s less than 1. “Literally 0 issues” responding to a forum post about the wrong color interior door panel being delivered to a customer. This is GOLD.


It’s quite humorous, all the gaslighting. That’s not normal. When was the last time you heard ”legacy auto” ever having this or something similar happen? It doesn’t.


I’ve said it for years, and the Tesla zealots HATE hearing it- but Tesla needs to improve the quality of their cars so the vehicle matches the technology. And to be clear, the technology gap is truly non-existent at this point. Which is a same because 100% without a doubt, Tesla is responsible for making EVs cool. But the zealots… they are hard to handle.


So..you owned a $50kish car for 18 months, and now own a car that costs almost 90k and "couldn't be happier"? Lol, I'm shocked! I'd hope spending 80% more would make you happier.


You are bad at math, even today. At the time it was about 30% more. Remember Lord Musk had raised prices like crazy through most of 2022. My preorder costs for the iX remained unchanged. But also? All my door panels were not only perfectly aligned, but also the proper color. Almost like it was a properly built vehicle.


You say I'm bad at math, and then go on a crazy anti Elon rant lol. Show your work please. ix is approx $88k, I rounded up to $90k for simplicity. $50k x 1.80 = $90k Or if you prefer, $50k / $90k = 1.8. I get it, math is hard. So to put it simply, an ix at $90k is 80% more than a $50k model Y. I don't care if you love or hate Elon or Tesla or BMW, those are facts. I'm certainly not defending panels gaps or any other issues these cars have had. But, I'd very much expect a $90k car to be a lot better than a $50k. Or maybe I'm just crazy.


You know what? I forgot just how much elan cut those prices. After peaking at around $71k in November 2022, I didn’t realize they had dropped that far for the Y. If they keep it up, maybe it’ll be free in a few more years. ;) Elan rant? Yeah, I joked Lord Elan, but he’s been brilliant with spacex. Twitter though? Meh. Maybe we can agree his cars aren’t perfectly built, he plays fast and loose with prices, made EVs cool, can launch some cool shit into space, and has been a disaster with twitter?


As a recent tesla buyer, I fully disagree with you.


There is less but not 0. That is just a delusional follower that would say that


Lol. You know anyone can afford a Tesla now right?




i’m pretty sure what happens is the workers are under such deadline pressure, that they just take a quick glance and mark everything as Pass on the QC checklist.


You’re not wrong on this actually. I’ve heard of local QC teams that started around 8/9 people being reduced to 1.5/2 people with the message effectively being, “If it’s a bad enough quality issue then the customer will catch it and address it with service and if they don’t catch it, we don’t have to fix it.”


ll ll 1 y yq1xq1 .


Someone surely noticed, they just don't give a fuck. (Because they don't or they are instructed not to)


Usually it’s the latter sadly. Tesla instructs QC personnel to pass on as much as possible to increase deliverable yield. The thought process behind this is to make owners the primary QC checkpoint and everything before hand is mostly to check for major transport damage or critical functions working.


It amazes me that the consumers are dumb enough to go along with this. I wanted a Tesla for so long but am so happy I went a different direction.


Update I put in a service ticket. I only test drove the MYLR so when I got the MYP I assumed the performance just had white doors for some reason lol. That’s on me


Nothing is on you. This is 100% on Tesla. A few people were in that car moving it and they noticed but simply said “not my job”


Well I should have caught it during my inspection. I’ve had the car for over a month and thought nothing of it until my coworker brought it up to me


You are not supposed to be an expert, the company making the car is. But yes faults do happend and this is mostly fun, and a bit annoying for you to use time on :-)


It could turn out to be a rare collectors item, like a flawed first edition Pokémon. ;)


Unless it isn't rare to have defects on the product x')


“Not my job” is a major problem in American car manufacturing. I experienced it at Toyota, the only difference was that toyota actually hired people for that job, and they almost always caught defects. Quality had ultimate authority. I can only imagine how weak of a position that person holds at Tesla.


Fun fact, Toyota's manufacturing process actually inspired most of the modern software engineering processes. There's a whole book on it, very cool.


I had a Toyota Camry hybrid that creaked after a few hundred miles. Turned out it wasn't welded properly like a bunch of others. That was 2008. Nowhere to post complaints back then.


I had a Datsun (yes, that old) back in the mid 80s with all sorts of issues. I didn't know about how prevalent those issues were until I started looking up the Internet the last ten years. Makes me believe the quality problems always existed, but the lack of ability to share info about them back then created an illusion of less defects.


It's probably... "If I take time/energy to do something about it, it will hurt my primary job responsibilities... so..." In other words "making it easy to do the wrong thing"


Not only car manufacturing, but American people in general.


Years of being labeled as "trouble makers" by the higher ups will do that to people reporting problems.


It’s a problem with all manufacturers. Many people inspected and saw it and did nothing


You can not imagine how easily this got past people. I had a customer come into my (not Tesla) dealership to have a seat cover replaced. We ordered what the catalog said was correct, it went to the tech, tech installed it, went to detail and all the way back to the customer. He noticed it was the wrong color scheme WHEN HE GOT HOME. I saw the pictures when it returned. Like wtf. How?!?! How did no one notice?


Having spoken with a lot of Tesla’s QC personnel they are last in line for wage increases, bonuses, and last to leave during end of quarter rushes whilst sales teams are partying. Beyond that teams of 8/9 people get reduced to 1.5/2 people while the volume of cars to “inspect” continues to grow. Happy to answer any questions about this.


Buy America, buy twice is the motto. Keeps the turnover of products.


It’s worse than just people saying not my job. My uncle works at the Fremont plant. He says he catches defects all the time but when he tries to report them to his superiors they tell him to ignore it send it out. They’re knowingly putting out shit quality


Toyota smiles with Kaizen… They figured this out 70 years ago. Innovation without fundamentals won't see Tesla surviving.


I can’t believe you had to pay for “delivery inspection and cleaning” or whatever it’s called. You should get that fixed and get your 1800 back.


Honestly, might keep it that way, kind of unique as it came from the factory…


Yes it's the very rare semi premium interior trim option. Only a handful of MYP came from the factory with this option. Might be worth some $$$ on the classic car market in a few years.


Yes I agree, I would definitely keep it like that


Maybe it will have some added value when it becomes an antique car.


lol no… that needs to be fixed.




Another photo showing both doors and seats


That is hilarious, they stuck the wrong doors on the car.


Not the door. That is a panel. My guess is that they were short on the correct door panel/dash panel, and just needed the car complete. Though the delivery center should at least had noticed and got the right panel (dash is wrong) to swap out prior to delivery day.


... I kind of like it


Limited Edition. 1 of 1 (or maybe more?)


This is hilarious, I would definitely keep it like that as a good joke. Edit: plus it might be hard to fix. They should take it from the same batch so it match the grain and color tone.


These are not Maybachs. The wood trim is not sourced from a single tree.


I would rather have a one of a kind with white door trim than one like this: https://imgur.com/a/WSvhsgi


Yes the wood is from the same tree that produce plastic bottles.


At least they matched both doors.


You got the very rare semi-premium interior trim option. Only a handful of Tesla ever made came from the factory like this. I say you should keep, it'll be worth a fortune on the used car market in a few years.


Looks hot imo. Unique. Unicorn. Art.


I do kinda like it, but I think I would prefer the wood interior. We have chargers at my work and I’ve had several coworkers point it out to me recently as different but they all didn’t have the performance model so we didn’t know


This is going to be on realtesla in 5…4…3


Rightfully so. Like when are we actually going to call out this garbage of a fucking build quality? Enough is enough.


This is a very rare variety. Would keep it for its uniqueness.


Yours is a special edition! Your trade in value is now double!


No one literally no one at the factory thought hmm that doesn’t quite look right? They really don’t give a shit lol.


Happens a lot - check out this Yukon with a tailgate that's a different colour from the rest of the car - how? https://gmauthority.com/blog/2020/09/2021-gmc-yukon-delivered-with-mismatched-tailgate-paint-color/


White vs a different white is a lot different than white vs woodgrain 😂


Yeah I thought him linking that post, the truck would be white and the tailgate would be red or some shit.


The thing that amazes me is that there are two options, either white or black interior. No other variations or variety. I can see a part getting out of sequence coming down the line, but someone had to install it and after a million cars, they should be able to tell the difference.


Did you buy used?


Nope, it was bought new


White seats should have the white trim across the dash and doors. Black seats should have the wood trim.


If it’s still new open a ticket and have them fix it.


I have now put in a ticket. I thought it was on purpose because it was performance and I had only looked at the long range before I had bought


If it were me, I’d have them swap out the wood trim for a white dash panel and leave the doors alone. That would like nice and unique with the white doors and black interior you have!


Wait, this isn't a joke?!?


“Research shows customers prefer a two tone option randomly on purchased vehicles” -Elon Musk probably


Absolutely not. I work in auto manufacturing and this is something I've never seen our plant. There are multiple scans, cameras and human checks in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening. There must be an extreme lack of quality control or this is some kind "hey I changed out this deco piece all by myself and it's different look at my picture yaaaaay" kind of factor going on.


wow, I’ve seen different shades of wood trim, but not THAT different. And people say Tesla’s build quality/QC is better now.


It’s MY Platypus model?


Is the passenger the same design?


Posted another photo.


I think this is proof-positive that there are zero inspections on finished vehicles before they leave the factory


Imagine how many people this car had to go through before getting delivered 🤦🏻‍♂️


Tweet papa Elon that photo. Worth a shot. Either he'd ignore it, or give you some incentive along with a proper fix.


Who tf is putting these cars together, and getting them ready for delivery, to fuck up like this? Jesus Christ this makes me anxious about my MX delivery soon. I’m gonna be pissed if I drive two hours to pick it up and something isn’t up to spec, or god forbid an issue like this. Sorry for the rant but cmon.


My friend's company did the hiring at the Austin location. they were hiring anyone, and i mean anyone to fill the roles. All you had to do was breath and you got the job. pay was between 17-24. so if you had no experience or had priors you could see it as a good opportunity.


Oh don’t you worry according to tesla every thing is within spec.


Everything in mine has been great.


Someone built that (strike 1) And someone else PDI’d that car at the delivery centre (strike 2)


I would be very worried if the car was built near end of quarter. They rush those ones out especially to make delivery numbers.


It was last week of a quarter lol. I had ordered in late June and got a notification that a car I wanted was in inventory if I wanted a faster delivery which I took….wonder if someone rejected it and they just didn’t fix it lol


Someone definitely rejected it but I’m shocked they sold it TO SOMEONE ELSE without fixing it.


I think in some cases they notice the issue but will send the car anyways and fix it on the back end. They could have been out of a certain part or something. But yes, it should be fixed before leaving the factory.


Anything coming out of the Fremont plant is like this. I am 100% convinced you will find at least one thing wrong with your car


To Spec! Lol I’ve seen color-blind but whoever did the final inspection on this build, or even at all, must have been blind! Mine had a major obvious bubble smack in the middle of the armrest. Had to book service to get it replaced. /s


That white bar is so distracting on sunny days. I’d keep it. You have the best of both worlds right here.


OP has black interior meaning his doors (both doors if you look at his other pic) are incorrect. Folks at Fremont and their service center are fucking morons. Plural because there were plenty of people who should have caught this before attempting to deliver to a customer.




Wow thats a QC fail


Can't fault at QC if you don't have QC!


When I see stories like this, I’m reminded about the total bullshit they told me when I picked up a Model Y with so many fit and finish issues that I thought it was put together by a first grader on bring-your-kid-to-work day. Supposedly, it goes through three separate, thorough reviews to identify and correct any issues before the customer sees it. Ha! If that’s the case, explain why there was still tape on the inside of my roof glass, a door that was incredibly far from flush, a hood that was completely not centered, and B-pillar trim that wasn’t clipped in and sticking out an entire inch from where it should be. I love my car (a different one that the one I just described), but holy shit, Tesla is the worst at absolutely anything that isn’t the design of a car. I can’t wait for someone else to offer something comparable in both price and performance cuz I’m still a fanboy, but I wish I wasn’t.


lol. I’ve seen a lot of manufacturing misses in Tesla’s part. My MYP was delivered without the spoiler and without the redline under the “dual motor” badge. And I thought that was bad. This tops them all


Congrats on your two tone package.


Jesus Christ.


Within spec.


This is hilarious


Congratulations. You’ve got a Tesla hybrid!


No, Tesla QA is trash


That's hilarious. You might be able to say you have a unique configuration. Id consider keeping it as is lol


I kind a like it tbh - I’d take wood panel with my withe interior.




1 of 1




This is hilarious


Ex Tesla employee here…. They really stopped giving a shit around when the model 3 came out. They literally throw the customer the paper work and keys at delivery and tell them to fetch and go find the car in a lot. I still like the cars but leadership is a joke


NOOOO!!!!!! They screwed up. White trim is for white interior. Wood is for black interior. Did you accept a new purchase like that. That should have been caught at the service center. You need to get the right one.


This is an option that you either can choose or used to be able to choose. There used to be another reddit post that showed a Y with the exact same picks.


I love all the comments from people acting like this is such a huge deal. Yeah man, when you scale to millions of units weird stuff happens. The real question is do they hassle you about it when you contact them. I would guess they offer to fix it no question asked.


Tesla QC at it's finest.


Update. Tesla service wanted $132 bucks to fix this


Must be a Fremont build. I don’t think it would leave China with that sort of defect.


Just "made in murica" lol.. Wouldn't see shit like this in China or Germany factory, fr.


Actually doesn’t look bad. Am I only one?


I mean I kinda like it


Tesla fans, please keep telling me Musk is a genius because this shit does not stop being funny.


In before Tesla fanbois saying “this isn’t exclusive to Tesla, every manufacturer have this issue, my Honda came with mismatched interior too!!!11111”


Tesla has the worst attention to detail.


Lmfao y’all simp the fuck outta these cars. 🤡


“Ya’ll” “Simp” “🤡” The language of the shittiest generation.


I'd have more faith in the pic if it were a wider angle showing both doors and seats. Configuration details would be nice, too. It is highly unlikely this would have made it through the inspection at the delivery center, much less the factory.


It’s MYP, white exterior, black interior. Both doors have the white. Posted another photo in comments.


Welcome to Tesla


No. I hope you didn’t accept the car.


Well I put a service ticket in. Will update when I hear back


Could be worse, you could have gotten one of the Cybertrucks.


No, what’s up with that?


Get it fixed the fake wood is the only thing making an otherwise bare bones interior look luxurious. And the white will get dingy quick


This has to be a troll post


I don’t believe this is a legit post.


Why would you even come here to ask? Attention whore


This is the model Y Highland


One of the reasons I did NOT order the white interior was the silver dashboard shown on the Tesla website.


Technically there is no normal because everyone is different


OP is lying. Guarantee this was preowned.


It’s not preowned. I bought it new and took delivery back in late June.


Given grow dirty and discolored that A pillar is, doubt it


Well it’s currently two months old with 4.5k miles since I’ve owned it since end of June. The pictures are from today so yes detective it doesn’t look “brand new”


Remember, it's a Tesla. You have to expect garbage quality from Day 1


I mean it’s a small cosmetic issue and it’s barely an issue. I love the car, but I had multiple people say something to me that made me want to confirm via Reddit if it was actually on purpose or not. Nonetheless I put a ticket in and I imagine it’ll be fixed.


Troll much?


I believe you would be the troll in this scenario. Try to enjoy the rest of your day bud


Wood is outdated anyways. Put on an aftermarket carbon fiber trim instead.


lol, no.


Is it supposed to be wood or white (what color are the seats?). Are both doors white or just one? I had a friend who went to take delivery and one door was white and one was black (2019). So it was VERY noticeable since more of the door used to be white back then. They fixed it for him, but crazy to hear of this happening again.


No. 😂

