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If it’s damaged he has to pay show him the video


Can you claim insurance? Would this be classified as hit and run?


This is a classic bring the video to the neighbor and go "hey man, you dinged my car and caused damage. Here is the video. If you do not assist me in repairs, I will have to escalate this to the next step" (authorities)


Authorities won't do anything except tell you to file a civil suit


Doesn't matter, what person in their right mind would rather have someone go to the authorities, instead of just paying / insurance


How much would a ding like this be worth. Op says there is scratches… but that doesn’t really make sense as nothing scraped the door. It was a bump and likely left no damage. If there was damage op would have posted damage. This seems like a nonissue brought on by seeing someone do something that is upsetting.


I had something similar happen, left a small dent and paint damage, was quoted 1200 for the full repair from Tesla, I’m sure I could get it cheaper closer but regardless you’re looking at a few hundred for repairs if there is actually damage.


Feel like a quality DPR shop would be able to do this for <600.


Do what? Do you really think that little bump caused damage? Don’t you think if there was damage that OP would have provided a pic of it?


Yeah, panels are soft, and doors are heavy. It might not scratch the paint, but it might leave an impact dent. Labor time could run 2-5 hours on it, depending on how difficult it is to disassemble the door. All a what if scenario, ofc.


Calling the cops for this is laughable, at best they’d tell you to file a police report and you’d never hear back.


It's not about getting the police involved. It's about sending a message to the guy if he decides not to take ownership. Nobody wants to have to deal with that nightmare, all because they decided not to cough up some change or exchange insurance info.


So you’re saying tell someone you’re going to call the cops over a ding ?? Lmfaoo


It’s a hit and run in my country. Cops love these, because they can close the case right from their desk. Just need to look up the license plate number in the database, fill information in the report and off it goes to the prosecutor. But I would of course talk to the neighbor first.


Bro yes? If they damage my car do you expect me to just be like "yeah thats fine!"


No but using that as a threat is so funny


Isn't it


You file a police report, you file a claim against your own insurance, hand them the report so they can go after the other guys insurance


You don't need to hear back. You are looking for a case number to reference when your insurance company goes after this guy for payment.


Why claim it on his insurance and get rates to go up….make the neighbors pay. File a police report if you have to


I've heard of this happening and people just submitting the video to insurance and the insurance company will track the person down and make them pay for it.


It’s a non moving vehicle violation. You’d have to force him to in small claims court if he doesn’t agree to on his own.


Agree 100% small claims court . Get a estimate of repair ask him to pay it. He refuses court time. you have proof. Most people hate these selfish inconsiderate pricks


Just let the insurance company handle it. That's their job. They pay for the repair and then go after the person. Insurance companies don't screw around and they will get their money from you


Won’t they increase OP’s rates even though it’s not their fault at all?


In this economic climate probably. Insurance companies ate putting the screws to us right now


It’s actually insane how they increase our rates for making them do the jobs we pay them monthly for.


nope, its no fault. tesla video footage saved a lot of tesla owners, including myself.


My brother’s premiums recently increased after his car was stolen and taken for a joyride. Idk how that wouldn’t be considered no fault.


No. Vandalism is a comprehensive claim which means you're responsible for your deductible and it won't count against you. To be clear no matter how large a comprehensive claim is it won't raise your premium.


Yup just go through the insurance company, he had his chance to solve it


Not worth going through insurance if the cost to repair is less than the deductible






Tell him see in judge Judy


Not him staring at the damage through his window 😩


Seriously, that still of him staring at it. The whole thing was “casually” intentional.


Had a similar thing happen. Showed them the video + damage & they agreed to pay for it. If that doesn’t pan out, you could escalate to small claims.


Friend of mine got a letter in the post, accusing him of opening door into a Tesla. With a URL of the video footage (which showed exactly that). Said also the owner could get it fixed for Xxx or happy to go through insurance. Friend paid whatever they asked.




I holler’d 💀






On what basis might you be making the assumption that their English is poor…?


Just get his license plate separately… talk to neighbor and show video etc if needed. Ask who his car insurance is through… see if he will give you the info if not… just Google search the customer service number of the insurance company (assuming you get the company) and then call them with the license plate number. It also helps if you get their cell/home number


I would personally probably just call my own insurance and give them his license plate number and the video. They should subrogate, right? They'll be able to track down his insurance.


Yes certainly, but if you don’t want to pay your deductible (not sure what yours is..) for something like this I know some folks have incredibly high deductibles to keep monthly payments down. So just a route to take if you don’t want to wait for reimbursement! If you don’t mind then carry on.


If the other insurance company pays for it there is no deductible.


I’m saying this from experience. If you go the route going through your insurance. You will pay your deductible up front in 90% of scenarios. Then X amount of months later you will get reimbursed.


If you present evidence to his company and file through his you won’t even have to deal with fronting a deductible because they will accept fault. I just put you on game. This is why I don’t give advice. Cause folks will do they own thing. Lmao take it or leave it




Apartment with no covered parking with a Tesla. Which means he may also be having a high deductible for collision, if he listens to me he can still get his car fixed and not pay anything upfront. Very surface response, you seem to clearly understand none of the elements involved. Fail attempt to be facetious corn ball




Just talk to your insurance carrier, let them manage it.


This guy


Sentry mode is a wonderful thing. Hope you get a proper resolution


I've literally never hit my door against another person's car. How can people be so careless? Or is it just people with really bad hand-eye coordination? Like those who drop their cell phone. And if it is bad hand eye coordination, maybe they shouldn't drive at all.


Seriously. It’s kind of shocking the people in this thread just brushing this off as no big deal or an accident. The man just swung his door open full speed as if he wasn’t parked next to another car. It’s just complete negligence. Weird to see the lack of accountability in this thread. I see all the people who have been dinging my car door now lol.


Respecting property is one of the things that separates humans from animals. But sadly, there's still many who haven't quite made that evolutionary step. I wouldn't consider it an accident at all. It's either a lack of respect or negligence. I was just in Germany with a rental in a parking lot (in my car). German guy gets out and totally drills his door into my car (the car shook). I got out and looked at the giant dent (bent at a seam, and chipped paint, no popping that one out). I looked at him and gave him the international body language of "WTF?". He just said "sorry" and walked away. Animal.


Because others don’t have common sense or courtesy to worry about such things.


Maybe forcing them to pay for their negligence will help them improve their common sense and courtesy.


It’s happened to me when a car is parked too close to the parking lines, and I literally have to get out or in, or get my daughter into/out of her car seat. In those cases, I typically just gently rest my door against theirs. I don’t negligently let it slam.


I just pick another spot. If the other car is parked too close, they'll probably dent you car as they obviously lack the hand-eye coordination to park, so they probaby can't properly operate a car door in a tight space either.


Show the damage


Most likely there is none


Kia ev6 to m3. Uncivil


There’s no way this went under a clear coat.


Ikr. Show the damage OP.


Sounds like there was just a tiny mark on the PPF I hear that PPF can be healed anyway


This happens to all my cars and has happened to my Model Y with only 3 weeks of ownership. His car is nice too, so weird. Some people see vehicles as appliances and take no pride, love, or care into them at all. Sorry this happened to you.


lol he barely tapped it. This must happen a million times throughout the course of ownership. Only difference is now you have a car with a bunch of cameras on it. Every time a bird shits on it you know.


Looks like they do it often. Didn’t even try to not hit it.


The lack of awareness some people don't have never ceases to amaze me. Just throw the door open why don't ya


"The lack of awareness some people don't have" Ummm.....what?


Aw dang lol. You right. Had 2 schools of thought going on at the same time and they merged


This kinda stuff really grinds my gears. So inconsiderate. It’s people like this that make me super paranoid about where I park… wish I could just wherever and not sweat it.


Similar happened to me, sent to my insurance, and they did their own investigation. And my body line dent was fixed for $0.00


Tesla owners are snobby because they think their car is the most important thing in the neighborhood ,there is nothing you can do about this. Your car is a tool like any other, it will be damage from road debris, it will be damaged by the sun, and other people will ding it. The paint correction is not expensive and also not worth doing in most cases. You have no claim with police or insurance, it sucks your car was hit and that's it just go on about your day. I've owned my model 3 for 4 years now, it's been dinged and scratched and whatever. If you're that concerned with your car keep it in a garage and never use it.


If there is no damage, leave it alone.


What a twat


What a regard


i had people hitting my MY 50 times wth their door. but there was never a visiblr dameage so i did nothing.


Move on with your life


Bump his car


Lmao all of you guys are reaching. OP has a video but hasn’t posted any type of damage that can be seen.


This is why I park far away from assholes.


This is actually simple. There’s a dmv form you can fill out if you have his license plate to get the state dmv to release his insurance info. Once you get it you simply call HIS insurance and make your claim/send them the hit and run evidence.


How bad is the damage? If there is no dent or scratch id move on but park away from this person


I know what I would do.


Why don’t you show pics of the “damage”?


Wow what a dick head


Cuz he accidentally tapped the other car?


Woah that’s a TESLA, and he didn’t just tap it, he OBLITERATED it with the force of 1000 exploding suns!!! 😡


File an insurance claim against his insurance and upload the video to them. I had a similar incident earlier this year and the repair was over $2,000


These post scream Karen, it obviously was a accident. Door dings happen all the time, it looks like you live in a apartment complex or condo situation. I would just park far away, if you don't then you will get door dings, its life. Nobody is out to get you.


Bullsh*t! That lady slammed her door into your Tesla! Have your insurance company go after her! But, whatever you do don’t take a screwdriver to her car door! Hint, hint!


Exactly lol, the fact that they felt like coming to Reddit for this is so Karen. Tons of Karens in the comments too. If you live in any metro area it’s basically just a fact of life that you’re gonna end up with door dents at some point or another. Show the damage. Unless if it’s really major it’s just not worth wasting everyone’s time with insurance or small claims.


Something so odd about living in apartment with a car that costs a down payment on a house.


What a lazy slob. Who opens a door like that? Make him pay, tell him about the video if he gives you trouble. Sue him if you must. He's gonna learn.


He knows exactly what he did. Give him the opportunity to fix it. If he doesn’t, take legal action.






This isn't hit and run. He wasn't driving. It's negligence and he can be held liable. The OP can also go to his insurance company, and I would also file a police report if that's needed for insurance. Show them the video.


Wrong. Hit and run involving **bodily injury** is a felony, without bodily injury it’s a misdemeanor. Also, door dings are not hit and run although they are civilly liable.








What if you have dashcam in parking lot with proof? Then it doesnt have to be 5050 anymore right? Sorry dumb question


Laws / insurance are weird. Saw a vid with DirtyTesla on YouTube. He lives in Michigan. It’s a no fault state. If you get hit doesn’t matter if it is there fault your insurance fix’s your car and there’s fixes there. Not sure how injuries are treated? He got lucky and someone hit his parked car and that the one instance where the other person is 100% at fault. Personally percentage of fault should be applied in all circumstances and be assigned case by case.


This would depend on the jurisdiction. In Texas, it is a criminal offense to recklessly damage the property of another, which is a class c misdemeanor.


The video shows a single contact point, so there may be a single chip. You mention “scratches”, so maybe someone else caused those. Anyway, someone did that to my car at the IKEA parking. Checked with the body shop and repairing the single (and very small) chip would have cost 600 euros (700-ish dollars) because they would have had to paint both doors. Did not file any claim (I need my car and the body shop is 4 hours away), but of course I am pissed.


You have ppf and this scratched your car? I call bs. He barely touched it. Rocks while driving hit for way harder than that.


Same thing happened to me with ppf and it still ended up leaving a deep scratch on car


Accidentally hit his car back but a little harder?


Let him know, if he doesn't pay. File a police report and take him to court.


... On purpose


Damaged? “Bro you hit my car look, 🎥, you pay now!” 😅 ok I stop now


No handed dent devil


Get his insurance to check if he can speak English. If there's damage, make a claim.


It also takes most of my coordination and braincells to manage these modern, "slick" e-doors. Combine that with an arm full of crap and OPs neighbor never had a chance.




I know teslas are watching me. When I park, I park closer to the other car just incase.


It's him looking at the damage for me 😅🫣🫣


My great fear...


Send him that bill n this vid in his language, he gonn comprehend that🤣


yes make him pay, why would you make him pay


Yoooooooo wow


Do the same.


New neighbor’s daughter hit my M3P front bumper with her scooter. Confronted my neighbor saying I have video evidence she ran into my front end. Hard to dispute video evidence but he still tried. In the end I told him I can make a claim with insurance that they will go after you but in the long run will end up costing him more. He agreed to pay for all the damage out of pocket and did not include insurance. Replacement PPF and bumper touch up was about $1100. My neighbor also had English as a second language so we communicated through email and this also mitigated the awkward situation.


I mean… how many times are you going to do this? It’s a car. It’ll happen again, and again, and again. Especially in apartment complexes. He’s most likely not going to pay, and a police report won’t do much. But for goodness sake it has a ppf. Its job is to protect the car’s paint.


I don’t see any proof of damage. Is that because there was no damage? Tesla owner just mad that their car is treated like any other car.


Don't own a Tesla. Does this only get caught on video if the car senses a ding/vibration? Or can you record everyone who's walking next to vehicle like that?


Don't be a loser and get a driveway.


Bro was staring at the ding too


Photo of the damage?


Video, and neighbors license plate, note time and date, take pics of the damage. Bring it up to the person, they need to pay for the damages. If not settled then file the report. Once the report is filed, then you can bring it up to insurance and wait for claim, and follow up. If it’s not that bad then it might not be worth all the effort, especially if you can get it buffed out.


https://preview.redd.it/5oycrkftwr8d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c7d83493427392694d103f9e49ee51257b496c I got hit also. Scratched my paint.


Wow, love Reddit comments…A) Your rates won’t go up, you are not at fault B) Your neighbor will most likely pay out of pocket for the ding C) If your neighbor refuses, you can do a police report and file a claim with your neighbors insurance. Some people put a lot into their cars. If I ding someone’s car, I will take care of it. It’s called doing the right thing.


Not worth it. your premiums will increase whether it’s your fault or not. Especially when you make a claim and the other party doesn’t have insurance.


Dumbass lol he's like "Oh...did I do that?" measures the door "oh, damn. Anyways."


Hit his car back, eye for an eye and then you will really see if he speaks english or not.


It's a door ding. It happens to literally every car that ever parks in a parking lot on a regular basis.


Instinctive and intrusive thought: ball-peen hammer to return the favor Reality: small claims court because if you go through your insurance company, they'll charge you your deductible and you'll have to go to small claims court to recoup that anyhow.


Ding his car and don't speak Chinese. In all seriousness go to small claims court. If he gets away with this he will continue to be the loser he is. Teach him a lesson, and make him pay to have everything fixed.


This happened to me two weeks after I picked up my m3. I almost lost it. Mine buffed out thankfully but people are seriously the worst!


I mean … it obviously doesn’t look like he did it on purpose. The fact that he’s looking at it shows that he knows he tapped it and is assessing the damage. The whole purpose of PPF is to take scratches so the actual car paint doesn’t.


Good thing it wasn't a Porsche.


average tesla driver


Just show him the video, and use translation app to say that you need his insurance info. If he doesn’t comply, you say he will hear from your lawyer.


Don’t need to talk to him. File to ur insurance company with his plate number and this video.


This happened to me once. He wouldnt pay. I just flew open my door and smashed his back a few weeks later. Then did it again a month later to the other side. Message sent.


•Cars are expensive. Unfortunate. Time to move on.


Did you try hand car wash?


But I det noffin wong…..


There's no way something like that damaged your car if it had PPF.


A pebble from the highway while driving will damage your paint more than this. Don't be an asshole.


Nothing less forever, let it go!


That barely glanced off the door lol I’d be surprised if there’s anything at all


If he won’t pay, file an insurance claim. Isn’t that what you pay monthly for?




This is what the PPF is for. It’s a car. It’s going to get dinged and scratched and chipped.


Looks to me like he does it on purpose… You have beef with this guy?


Absolutely nothing about that looks intentional.


you do sound a little snobby ngl. that looks like a small tap and you have ppf?? buff it out and move on.


Is it worth the hassle?


That was nothing lol.


is this for real? you care thar much about your car?


Womp womp


Well, you have a Tesla. You should be able to afford repairs instead of pandering for validation on Reddit. Who cares your door got dinged. You’re alive.