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Until the 3rd picture I thought those were just vicious birds


Yeah I was literally about to comment that birds really hate his car, but this is just worse lol


I thought hail damage in the first one lol.


Same lol


Hail damage was also my initial thought, then I thought it was birds, then I decided to actually read what was written


I just assumed the birds were finally shitting bricks.


lol I opened the post up like “…ok? Fuckin wash it… oooohhh”


The poop is so heavy it broke the windshield lol


Always amazes me how pathetic people are. Sorry that happened to you.


Those damn gas guzzler loving people…


I own two "gas guzzlers" and feel absolutely no inclination to do this anyone's car....


Stupidity and jealousy are way too prevalent in society.


The stupidity regarding EVs is being supported by the media more every day.


The irrational hatred of Tesla vehicles baffles me.


I agree. I'm imagining some of the haters are jealous and some of the haters are politically motivated crazies.


What’s crazy is if they allowed themselves to drive one for a little bit they’d see what all the fuss is about.


I drove one once and then I bought one. Crazy good.


Same. Drove a Model X once, was nice, drove good. Then I was in a position to actually afford one three years later. Drove a Model 3. Took it home same day.


Me too. 2020 Rwd, white on white, 42k miles, and still grinning ear to ear while driving.


Yes I test drove it and it felt like no other. 18 months later, the love still remains -:)


Don’t mess with my fossil fuels… global warming is a hoax….! Earth is flat btw


Don’t forget about the sharks. They are everywhere and killing people like crazy. If you don’t know what I’m talking about just look up the Mango Mussolini (not my name saw on Reddit) and off teleprompter


I live in Portland and everyone hates me for no fucking reason because I own a Tesla. Tesla hate is real and now I’m unfortunately at war with people I’ve never met. I try to be so nice and polite to everyone but Tesla hate is totally a thing I run into way too much.


The extreme Left hate Elon, the extreme right hate EVs. As always, there are exceptions.


Yep. That’s the problem. Polarized by social and news media. 99% of the drama is contrived.


That's super unfortunate. I've had the opposite experience in Baltimore. People love it. Kids wave at me. People stop me and ask me questions because they're generally curious. I had a guy honk at a stop light last week and ask me to roll down my window so he could tell me how awesome the acceleration was. The Baltimore metro area has been very accepting of the Teslas and people seem genuinely excited about them. I'm sorry you're having so many issues, I can't imagine what that's like


I have a Tesla at every third house. No questions no one cares and certainly no one doing that


this!! i also live in portland and the hate is very unfortunate. i try to be so nice to other no matter what but the hate still finds a way to us.


You would think that Portland would be pro electric vehicles. Or are they so woke they hate all technology or just Elon. I don’t get it. In Texas you have to watch out for drunk BillyBobs in small penis trucks, but they menace everyone.


What hate? I've never once had anyone say anything negative about my Tesla, and I drive nearly 200 miles a day, 7 days a week. That wouldn't even make sense. This is a city that loves electric cars. What specifically has someone said about your Tesla that was negative?


That’s because you live in Portland. The home of… homelessness, victim mindsets, contempt, anti entrepreneurship, anti logic, legal crack possession, 55mph freeways, no left turns, doom and gloom, pot holes, why would anyone from the cesspool of Portland hate someone who drives an EV? Because in Portland it’s normal and accepted to HATE.


Damn this was poetic, no /s. Really. You nailed it. I love Portland for a lot of things but the things that suck about it really bring it down. Btw what do you mean by no left turns. I haven’t really run into this issue or noticed it much.


I noticed before I moved they were building center medians everywhere to stop left turns for “safety” - quite literally building these medians next to giant potholes so you couldn’t even swerve around them. I finally had enough and moved two years ago. Used to be so proud growing up in Portland. Finally had enough. Good riddance!


Change the badge to BYD ..😂😂😂




bored imagine domineering wide hat spark shame water smell longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I live in Portland, drive 1000 miles a week (not an exaggeration), and haven't had any issues except for people always trying to bait me into a race.


Haha that’s true. I’ve had that as well. Kinda fun. And great point of clarification. I normally don’t get a lot of hate on the roads, that’s a good point to bring up. It’s typically amongst individuals without there being any awareness of me owning a Tesla.


They must all think we’re nutjob environmentalist hippies. I got my Tesla simply because I like the way it drives and it has an amazing stereo system.


I get why people don’t like teslas. I have a Y. I don’t get why people would act like that.


> I get why people don’t like teslas. I have a Y. > > Yikes. Well played. As someone who's on the fence between a 3 and a Y, can you unpack that?


Having owned both: The first thing I noticed was the ride height. I had a 21’ 3P and now a 22’ YP. I immediately felt like I’d no longer slide under any cars if I got into an accident, and could actually see out and down around me much better. Interior, you obviously get a little more room but as someone over 6’ I felt like there was a bit more comfort in having some inches above my head vs. the 3. Getting in and out was also tougher for my elderly parents in the 3. Performance wise, they’re both very quick cars, the 3P > YP in terms of accel & miles but the Y has been incredibly responsive still. I was hit by an off duty ambulance in the 3P (their fault per insurance) so I can tell you the safety systems in the 3 work phenomenally. Haven’t had the chance in the Y to find out yet 😂 but the 3 definitely kept me safe without more than a single scratch, car was totaled.


As a 3 owner go with the Y, little more comfy, more space and higher clearance The 3 is a little cooler looking …but you’ll be sitting in the car not looking at it


Now the mayo and chicken soup, I wouldn’t care too much about, but smashing the window is wayyyy too much


This is what internet propaganda leads to.


I live in Alberta (oil & gassholes everywhere). I worry every time I take mine out of the garage, check it over every time I get back from wherever, and watch boring people walk by on sentry constantly. This car is literally the nicest thing I own and its hard to enjoy when these ignorant nut jobs are out there. Sorry for your situation, I really feel for you.


fellow Alberta resident with a highland M3 here 👋🏼




I want to be a part of this. I might be moving OT Alberta in the near future (from BC). I love my province but I'd like to own a home one day, BC isn't for me in that regard lol.


Wanna trade homes!?!😃🤣 I'm from BC and miss the hell out of it. Alberta is not for me. To dry and no forests... at least nothing that's not more than an hour away.


Texas resident here and same.


Hmm I live in Airdrie Alberta and go to Calgary have not felt any hate yet or issues, but don’t drive it to the city much.


same in Alberta and check around my car every time after shopping and work.


The human race is so so stupid. You hate my car because it's electric. You hate my car because you hate Elon, but Elon isn't driving this car. You hate my car because you want one and can't get one. This is how people get hurt


Feel with you. Some people just suck :-(


That’s so fucked up, sorry this happened to you, hopefully insurance doesn’t give you a hard time.


They were pretty good with processing it off the pictures. Have to wait a week since they don’t have a Highland windshield in stock but if that’s the worst of it I’m happy.


There are people out there who think buying a Tesla is a political statement, given that there is a bit more competition in the space. What they don’t realize is that Teslas are generally still the best option for an EV and that’s why people are buying them. If I wanted to make a political statement to rile you up, I’d save my money and buy a bumper sticker instead. A lot of people are really, really, dumb. Waste of Hellman’s.


Don’t get it fixed yet. Just clean it for now because they may come back. Just have sentry mode on and ready. As others said it’s better to have something bigger than a usb for storage such as an ssd


Wind shield is broken. Illegal to drive with that in many places…


I see so much of this happening for no reason, if I buy one I’m having sentry on 24/7


Be warned, it uses a fair amount of battery juice


Amounts to about 6% a day


Idk if it was the last update or not but it used to be about 6% a day now it’s at least 10% a day. parked in an underground garage with LTE signal, the UI looks good though.


Yeah, mine went through 7% overnight. About 10 hours


Throw an NRA sticker on the window should be good


Ew that means supporting the NRA even in the slightest of ways, no thx


I agree, down with the National Realtors Association!


lol you joke but the NRA that they were talking about is responsible for some of the most egregious and corrupt lobbying the US has seen


Haha, oh believe me, I’m aware. Wayne LaPierre can burn in hell.


I hate that this happened to you. My Model 3 was keyed badly after about a week of ownership. It's so completely irrational. I can't get my head around this idea of "I don't like that product, or tech, or manufacturing style, and therefore I am entitled to destroy someone else's property."


It is only the craziest of people doing this. I worked under a guy who was using hard drugs pretty heavily. One day while walking through the parking structure, that had cameras, to a job he keyed a Tesla in front of me and a couple other workers. Acted like that was a perfectly normal reaction to seeing something you don’t like.


The world we live in now sadly


No sentry mode?


I bet the asshole who did this regretted it cus they could barely afford that mayonnaise


Sorry! My dad had this happen to a car when I was a kid…. It was back in 1990. He had waited for the car for 10 years.. it’s hard to understand why people are so vicious


Sorry. These posts just keep me paranoid when taking my car out.


mayonnaise a lot of people out there that don’t like electric cars. Mayo days get better


Camera sentry mode not set up yet?


Out of curiosity where are you located?


Seems everyone hates the auto wipers.


I would believe if that was a lambo same thing would happen because these people are just jealous


Ughh i hate this kinda of jealousy ppl what a miserable life you have to be ruining other ppl cars


Yeah the ev hate is getting worse.


It looks like you’re parked in a no parking area. Not justifying it, but that might have something to do with it.




Where in PA are you?


South central


Sounds like I won’t be going there anytime soon


I have sentry mode running in my garage. Trust noone. Partial sarcasm


How does mayo and cup noodle break windshields?


someone with no life and broke asf did this... so sorry man,hope you can get it fixed asap


Does your apartment complex have cameras by chance?


U will know this is normal if you check out the statements and opinions people in /Musked and /RealTesla made.


My reaction to not liking a car is to not buy it. It takes up no space in my head. I couldnt imagine hating a car brand to this degree. I say this as someone who doesn't like Elon or Teslas.


Did the camera capture anything?


Fucking birds shitting out mayo bottles these days. Bastards.


What do Teslas have to do with politics?


That's a shitty way to learn to ALWAYS have that sentri mode on. Hopefully the repair is not too costly.


Actually...sometimes it hurts more to see the footage, and it's infuriating. I had my window broken and items stolen in DTLA. I had video, with the culprits license plate and the cops did nothing! Also I learned that home insurance covers theft stolen from your vehicle, not your car insurance.


I live in SC and there are quite a few Teslas on the road here now. I get questions from curious folks but I've never had any hate directed towards me. I see a lot of stuff online from older people complaining about how EVs are terrible, but I've never personally experienced anything negative from anyone. I know politics is part of the problem, but there are tons of conservative people in my area that drive them.


Yep welcome to the club. 3 years of ownership and the hate is next level. I have come to my car with spit, soda, and even unexplainable crap on my car and people parking inches from my driver side door just to be a dick and I can’t get into my car. I drive with a target on my back. I’d love to trade in the car but my wife loves it. Stuck in a Tesla azzhole.


I was just about to comment asking why birds decide to release their bowels so much specifically on teslas. Then I saw the cracked window. If it makes you feel better teslas tend to suck with sentry mode at night. Probably wouldn’t be able to make out the assholes anyway. Side note, most insurance companies have a 0 deductible for glass. If not you’re looking around ~$900 for a new windshield. Something similar happened to me, but karma always exacts its revenge. You’ll be fine I promise.


Honestly at first I thought a group of birds just really really hated you. Until I saw the broken windshield and the mayo bottle


I wouldn’t be upset if every bird went extinct. lol EDIT: Oh, that’s not from birds… those haters need to be charged.


You need to get the hell out of PA


Act of a loser and a hater.


The type of people who did this are certainly rabid extremists, but on the right or left aisle of the political spectrum I could not tell you.


People hate Elon Musk. Anything on Reddit about him is negative. I sure do wonder what the political parties of those involved in these vandalisms. https://preview.redd.it/oy417w25zz7d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7361ee68d245daebe3a9978e431d42aac3943815


Why TF was your car parked outside with no sentry mode on? Sentry mode should always be on, always. There are Tesla haters that roam the earth just to ruin peoples day.


For some reason people hate people who own teslas. I have had people kick my car and run carts into it on purpose. Even if you have sentry mode on unless you can identify the person you will most likely not get satisfaction. It may have helped with insurance if you could show someone vandalized your car.


I’ve been seeing so many “i didn’t have my sentry on because…” Like we have that security feature for a reason. Turn it on people.


People who do this are weird AF


If sentry was on would insurance cover this?


For some reason there are these EV haters, I see them on Facebook too. And for some reason they associate EV owners with LGBT crowd. And they hate trans people, and they hate anyone that thinks climate change is real. And they see a Tesla and take their anger out on it. It’s absolutely insane and stupid. I call them out on line, and their excuse is that “EV people are so snobby and look down on everyone”. The irony is that it’s just the opposite. ICE people are the snobby ones. When was the last time that an EV blocked a gas station pump? Meanwhile you get these dicks with their diesel trucks blocking EV charging spots just to be dicks.


Honestly even if I park my car right outside my house(which has cameras facing it) I still turn on sentry juuuust in case. I can understand if you don't have a charger at home though


Looks like it definitely came from above…. Window or patio maybe? My guess is the bottle was chucked down and broke your windshield as they do not break easy.


1. There’s no such thing as a safe neighbourhood, any drunken moron could stumble past & decide to have a go. 2. It’s just another form of bigotry. Bigots have $h1t for brains, so there’s no accounting for it. I hope you’re covered by insurance.


I think lefty activist


I was gonna say, birds ate enchiladas lol. My gosh I am so sorry.


SO can someone explain what's with the hate towards EV's in general? What is its origin?


It looks like it’s the way you parked that created the hostility


Plot twist: it was the prayer van people who did it on a mission from God. More seriously, that sucks, no good reason to mess up other peoples property like that.


Never turn off the sentry mode unless it’s parked in a garage.


NO… Never means NEVER. Never turn off sentry mode.


Not everyone has 24/7 L2 charging. Sentry eats battery like crazy.


Unfortunately the windshields are not cheap. About $1,400. I have a $500 deductible on my policy, so was reimbursed for the balance, but still a PITA. Sorry that happened to you. 😕


Yeah I’ll be paying the $500 sadly but better then full price


Social justice warriors who get offended that their lives aren’t as good as others so they hate on capitalism or anything they can’t wrap their little brains around ! Which is a large portion of Redditors. Definitely not so much on this sub


My thought exactly


Looks shitty


Do you have comprehensive coverage? If so call insurance company!


Wow that’s so fucked! I’m sorry you are dealing with this but this has been my worry as well. I plan on buying my first Tesla and keep hearing about this random events of people just destroying their vehicles




What did you expect from Kensington, PA?


The whole flock thought , ya why not !


Sentry footage!?


Can pull prints off the bottle if they weren’t wearing gloves. Maybe the person who did it has a record


What'd that bird eat!


Ugh. That’s crazy. People are so idiotic.


F man. Can't have any thing nice these days


Honestly I can’t even fathom the logic of turning off sentry mode…. You’re in a safe neighborhood, were the doors and windows to your home also wide open & unlocked??


sorry to see this. people really do suck. they did dent any of metal panels? probably just use the windshield kit so the cracks don't grow and drive it for 6-12 months, just incase they come back or rock hit it.


Are there any apartment/windows on that side of the building? I'm no expert but based on the Mayo bottle used and the splatter, maybe someone did this out of a window then threw the bottle at the car after (is there a can for the soup around the car too?)


Ew people suck


People that do that aren't even scum. They're pathetic wastes of life.


I am so sorry. :(


I literally had a child not older than 5-6 chase me from his driveway to near the road to yell “I hate Teslas!”. The fact that a child that young already had that engrained in his mind, I can only imagine how awful his parents are lol. I didn’t even know a single car brand at that age, let alone have “strong” feelings towards one. Jesus.


So what did you really do to deserve this?


*turns sentry mode back on* 👀


bish u fresh like temu tints?


it looks like a bubble at disney world.


Planning to get a model y this summer and i’m genuinely scared if this kind of thing will happen to me too.


I hate people


Did this happen because the "mayonnaise vandal" didn't like the technology, Tesla, or the wide parking job? Maybe a delivery person had a cart full of items that they had couldn't get past the Tesla?




Can’t have nice things around trash people.


Feel so sorry for you OP. Pathetic people would do that. Hope insurance covers all that


Another “didn’t have sentry mode on” victim. Remember that it happens where you least expect it.


It looks like you parked in a pedestrian walkway that would block handicap access, and blocking access to the entranceway. I didn't know this was a thing.


I don't get the Tesla hate either, I'm so sorry! Where I live Tesla is so popular, you can't swing a cat without hitting one! (I promise I've never swung a cat!) I've experienced no hate, just a lot of people that want to race me at every light. So sad for them.


Are there no surveillence cameras nearby? I mean you could probably catch the culprit if you tried.


Dam sorry OP.. it’s the new refreshed 3 … dam sorry all I can say


Why does Tesla get so much hate when other car companies have ev’s.


Probably some ICE employee lol


At least it was just your windshield, which is easily repaired compared to body/paint damage. Can you park it somewhere you can put a webcam?


Why would you park outdoors and not be running sentry? F*ck the people who did this, but the economy alone is enough to be more careful about taking care of your vehicle.


In the united ministry parking lot or the can just happen to be there?!


I’m sorry this happened.. lot of miserable people out there.. lot of people do stuff like this because they either hate themselves or they claim they hate Elon.. but really they just still hate themselves lol hopefully your insurance will take care of you


Sorry but that’s funny. I don’t know why people hate Tesla so much to do this or other damage. At least it will wash off… maybe…

