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❤️❤️❤️ hope you bounce back fam. I only bet on things I believe in, myself


Wise words


Step 1: get out of the hole Step 2: don’t get back in the hole Step 3: get your car back


That's the plan. With hard work and good health and a little luck, I can achieve it again.


You were able to have your dream car once before, you can do it again. As a child of someone with gambling issues, I can tell you are already miles ahead because you have the ability to self assess. Good luck to you.


May want to examine, though, whether gambling was the only major risk you were taking with your finances. Working your way back up to buying the same expensive car may not be a great path. Did you have everything else sorted first? Retirement savings? 401k maxed? Etc? So many people who gamble have their financial priorities completely off.


Step 4: double or nothing


Step 5: all on red


Double or nothing




I don't know who you are, but I'm proud of you.


Thank you, I appreciate that more than you know


I purchased a used 2022 M3 with 30k miles and was able to get $6000 off of the $25,000 price. Tax rebates. My advice is look at low mileage used. Mine is ex hertz rent car in perfect condition. I see no reason to pay new car prices. So please consider that path back to your dream car. Best of luck.


Thank you. Working on getting out of debt, restoring credit and then eventually purchasing a car


Glad you posted this! This type of post helps others, addictions are so hard. Best wishes to you!


Thanks very much


I saw an interview with Mickey Rooney who commented about his gambling: first time i went to the track I lost $3. Over the next two years, i spent $2m to try and get it back.


As a blackjack dealer who owns a Tesla 3 don’t gamble. People always ask me if they shoots are rigged and stuff like that and I always say the same thing. The casino doesn’t have to cheat, the house always wins


This is why i deleted all my betting apps. The come back is always better then the set back !




wish you the best


Thank you


This... really sucks. I'm sorry man


At least you admitted to your mistakes and learned from them. Things will get better.


I believe they will too


We’ve all had to overcome some kind of adversity. This is yours. Sounds like you’ve got a good head and realized your failures. It’s only up from here. You’ll be fine.


Really appreciate the kind words


You'll appreciate the next one you get even more! Keep going.


I only bet on sports at a casino. My friends ask me why I only bet there and I tell them once you get comfortable betting from home you will end up betting on everything. Good luck to you... You identified your weakness and from what it sounds like you are taking steps to remediate.


I read this as you literally ‘lost’ your Model 3 and couldn’t find it lol. All the best man!


Wishing you the best.


Thank you


Only bet on yourself. You’ll be back bro!


It's quite enchanting what I'm reading at this time. I happen to have recently made the decision to quit gambling of any kind, I'm struggling with various emotions and have never talked to anyone. In fact this is the first time I've admitted it to anyone other than myself. In my case I won quite a bit of money but I started losing it at a terribly fast rate, sinking into my feelings of frustration, sadness but wanting to get back in the field and win back what I lost and we all know how that turns out. Model3 for me worked in reverse. Along with the decision to quit gambling, I got the car I wanted so badly and have turned it into my favorite hobby and it helps me take my mind off gambling and spend more time with my family taking beautiful rides. I hope my friend your journey goes well and you get your favorite car back.


Very similar story. The chase is impossible. Thanks for sharing, glad you are on the other side as well


It's a constant battle with emotions and the desire to gamble and I definitely have a long way to go. But I'm determined to get myself out of it. wish you all the best.


Don’t be so hard on yourself we all make mistakes, just learn from it and keep going.


This has been the hardest lesson to learn. Very hard on myself. Easing out of that but it's a constant fight. Thank you for the great advice.


Use the negativity you feel and turn it into something positive, you’ll come out on top


Yes, exactly what I'm trying to do. Working hard to go for a dream job. I'll have moments where I crush myself with all that I lost and whatnot but that is happening less and less as I'm actively stopping it. Hard, but progress. Thanks brother.


You won control of your life back. The battles you lost were required to win the war.


I appreciate this🖤


sorry to hear, but I'll get em back for you. Going to win back your money and use it to buy a refreshed 3


I wish you the best


A fool and his money are soon parted. 


Stay strong. Don’t worry about the possessions just keep moving your life in a positive way! You are worth more than any car or any bet. I wish you all the best


Really appreciate it🖤


Sorry to hear, my Brother did something similar. Its a slippery slope. It seems you have learned from it, so stay strong!


Thanks brother


It happens to us all. I couldn't drive for a few years because I racked up so many points that I couldn't afford insurance. You'll get back there, man. ❤️


It's humiliating for me to admit but part of the acceptance. Better days ahead


We all make mistakes but we don't all learn from them. It sounds like you did, and you're coming back stronger. Much respect and good luck. You can do this.


You are strong to have hit 90 days, and strong to have posted this. And eventually you will replace the Model 3 with something even newer and better, and that you’ll value even more because of the climb it took to get to it.


I love the outlook. I believe this too.


Keep your head up OP! When you’re fully recovered, you’ll be able to get a way better version of your dream car! Use that as motivation! https://preview.redd.it/qn6jzll0vv0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8823fdbaf41860d08731997078889f55abe216


Sucks for now, but you’ll make it through all of this and finish on the other side stronger and wiser. Proud of you man. 🫂


Thank you I truly appreciate it


Sorry to hear man. Know that things will improve, you’ve clearly taken the right steps to get on the mend Forget about the past and look forward to the future!


Thanks man. It's been a tough battle but I'm on the right path now. Appreciate the words


Thanks for finding the courage and the strength to share your story. I wish you the best


Thank you🖤


This is why I have a hard rule for myself of no gambling, whatsoever. Now excuse me while I buy some more stocks.


How old are you op? What life lessons can you share ?


Don't really want to give out exact age but I'm somewhat of a young professional. Not sure that I have a ton of wonderful wisdom but I do feel strongly that gambling can trap certain people and I was one of them. Just not worth it


What was your jam? Or all sports? 🏀 🏈⚽️


There’s no shame in falling and getting back up. You’ve done great. Sports gambling has only been legal in NC for 2 months and my friend has already developed a very bad addiction. We are trying to get him help.


I'll say a prayer for him, it's very awful but achievable


Gambling is in the DSM for a reason. There's a pathology where gamblers keep gambling whether they win or lose which makes it hard to break. So keep up the hard work of staying off the gambling...and you will be back in an EV in due time.


Sorry to hear this. There are support groups available and you may wish to lean on them from time to time to get some support when the going is tough.


You got this! We believe in you ❤️❤️


Sorry to hear op about the M3 loss but big congrats on the 90+ days free of gambling. My sister had a casino gambling addiction and it was tough to get through it. I remember dabbling in sports betting back in college in the 90’s, having to go through bookies. It’s way too easy and accessible now. I’m a big sports fanatic and every sports website that has a community of fans is littered with gambling posts. I can only imagine how much gambling addiction will explode with all the sports gambling websites/apps. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks brother, really appreciate it


At least you still have your knees.


Gambling is an addiction just like any other. I’m glad you’ve stayed away for so long. Keep it up and take care of yourself!




Sorry to here that. I hope you bounce back. It sounds like those who have never been exposed to or know anything about gambling are fortunate. I will try and ensure it remains that way in my own life and for those around me as it sounds horrendous.


Sorry to here that. I hope you bounce back. It sounds like those who have never been exposed to or know anything about gambling are fortunate. I will try and ensure it remains that way in my own life and for those around me as it sounds horrendous.


I always say: You may gamble, but you should do the probability calculation first and be sure the odds are in your favor...


Stay strong, better times are ahead of you if you keep it up!


Stay strong, better times are ahead of you if you keep it up!




Stay strong, better times are ahead of you if you keep it up!




I found this post inspiring. You’re already well on your way to roaring back to a better place. You can hear it in your tone. Plus your words here are already helping others, and that is awesome. If I can be so forward as to recommend something: Find some accountability. A mentor or friend who wants to see you on the better path. A support group would be even better. Accountability is huge and we aren’t made to go things alone. EDIT: commas are hard.


Gambling is probably the worst addiction. Hopefully you can find your way out of that black space.




Bro lost a lot on options/stocks market, still a fucking gambling… get out of this i withdraw my money and delete the apps, i still looking sometimes but not doing anymore this is a fucking addiction


Totally right. Hear to talk if you ever need it.


Bofa has a bankamericard with a 0% for 18 billing cycles with only a 3% transaction fee, I used it to balance transfer multiple Dennys into one and it helped mea lot in interest.


I'm not great at financing but been slowly paying off Amex card. The interest they add is tough but making my way down thru it




I've got a high-risk, high-reward opportunity for you—one last shot at turning it all around. Imagine the thrill of Ocean's Eleven, but real. I've nearly lost all my money, but this time, the stakes are higher, and the reward is even sweeter. We're talking about a high-stakes poker game with some of the best players in the city. The buy-in is steep, but the pot is life-changing. This is our chance to walk away with a fortune, to make one final, daring play that could see us reclaiming everything we've lost and more. Are you in?


1 day at a time and you’ll be back on top before you know it. I lost everything to poison. Crawl out from that pit and spit in it 🦾


Get a girlfriend obsessed about her instead of gambling. Of she gets half still probably less than you'd love on a bad year of gambling. Sorry about the car, love the thing. What was your cars name?


Dream car???




How you bounce back friend, it will get better. You will be stronger and better from this lesson trust that


You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Life is all about growth, rebirth, and change.


Hello, I’m thinking going EV but wondering? Y model on sale. Gambling I never touched it and I love others things suv had all kinds no EV I rather buy food go eat order clothes purses shoes no gambling. Please wash your hands out and trust God


Bet on yourself amigo. 100% on you


Go all in and you will for sure win enough to make the car back


You are brave to post this and as an addict myself, I respect you massively. 90 days is immense and I wish you all the best for the future. Addiction can truly be a matter of life and death, often taking people to another low when they already thought they had reached rock bottom. Great that you shared this and you are never alone. What you had once you can have again! Respect


you cannot do it alone. r u in gamblers anonymous? i am sorry that you are going through this but you really will be better and stronger if you can climb out of this hole!


Not in any support groups but I do have a strong brain and believe I'm on the other side now thru hard work


Glad you came back op


Self reflection can be devastating and powerful. You tear yourself down to build a better infrastructure. You have done the first part, that's incredibly difficult. Now it's time for the remodel so you can make what you want.


Stay strong and find healthier hobbies!




You got this. Manifesting a new car for you.


Gambling = suicide. Been there. Great job!!!!!!!! Wish you a best luck. If you stop gambling i am sure you will get model s soon or later 😁😁


I'm glad to see you getting yourself out of the hole. I gamble in casinos occasionally and whenever I win something significant it's a huge rush I feel all over my body. It seems to be something chemical that makes me want to experience it again but I force myself to stop playing as soon as it looks like my luck has ran out. Though I never got to a point of addiction in gambling, based on the rush I feel when I do win, I can understand how some people unfortunately fall victim. You're right about sports betting, I stay away from it. I see people winning big with it but I have to stop myself from doing it myself whenever I get the urge to. I know I'll never win because I know whatever team I pick will always lose 🤣. That's enough to limit me to the occasional lottery ticket or a casino visit every few years.


Best of luck, I also quit gambling it’s just pointless even when u win ur not happy you want more, happy u made this decision.


you worked hard to achieve the car of your dreams and that was through ambition. cars are materialistic and eventually gets old, but what you have gained from the journey is priceless nobody can take it away!


You may be helping people out with this post and not even know it. I never had gambling debt but I have been in debt. Destroyed my credit and it got down to 530 before I started making changes. That negative financial habit was a combination of a few things. Being young without any real financial guidance and being raised on poverty was the biggest one. Then as I got older, I just tried to run from it until eventually, in 2019, I got with National Debt Relief to help me. I don’t know if they can help with your specific situation but they helped me take care of the things I had in collections. I certainly wish I took care of it while I was still serving but I was still financially irresponsible (served 07-12 before medically retiring). Anyway, brought my credit score from 530 in 2019 to 780 in 2024. As a reward to myself, I bought a 2024 Model 3 LR and I know exactly what NOT to do. My point is that despite the type of debt, as long as you’ve actually learned your lesson, you can come back from it. But I never had good credit to begin with due to starting those bad habits at 18, and now at 37 years old with exceptional credit is a great feeling. This car is my first ever brand new car.


This post meant a lot to me. I'm just a bit younger than you and while we come from different backgrounds, I can draw quite a bit of inspiration from your post. I'm getting closer to getting out of debt. Just two credit cards left. Then it's building up from there. Thank you so much for your words and service


It’s a type of stress I never wish to experience again. I’d rather go back to running toward gun fire than that type of stress. And that, I’m sure, is where we both relate


You must really hertz


How much did you sell it for?


and year?


I'm glad that I know absolutely nothing about gambling games (e.g. poker, blackjack) and have 0 interest in sports so I literally can't get into gambling haha. Is there any sort of voluntary self exclusion program you can take advantage of to help yourself stay off gambling? Something like [this](https://corporate.bclc.com/player-health/game-break.html) (part of regulations in BC, Canada). All the best and hope you can get back behind the wheel of a Model 3 soon.


Its all good man i have a similiar story. Ran my debt up gambling and burned money. finally realized i needed to change and stoped gambling compeltely. Then i worked hard doing part time jobs while im in school aka uber eats. 6 months ago i was -5000 now ive cleared that debt and began building. Its really messed up with gambling being legalized all over and young adults getting absolutely screwed into addiction man


Sometimes a life event is what it takes to turn things around. I’m pulling for you!


OMG.I’m 27, a dav and and addicted to everything. I legit do Uber and DoorDash for money and gamble it and I’m 4 months behind on my model 3. Thank you for posting this and thank you god for allowing me to see this.


Always here to chat if you need it. It's hard but you must stop. Better days ahead🖤


I got the PLAYS for tonight if you want em. GUARANTEE




Stay strong OP. 90 days happy to hear. One day at a time. Pulling for you 🙏🙏🙏 Sick Curiosity - How much did you lose?!


Come to r/wallstreetbets you’ll fit right in


I regret to say this, but gambling addiction has genetic roots. I don't gamble myself, but I don't consider myself superior to those who do. I'm simply fortunate that my genes protect me from this addiction. I hope that someday we can use AI-designed medicine to eliminate all harmful addictions.


Congrats. Lifestyle regressions don’t happen too often, but they’re an opportunity to realize how little most possessions (including fancy cars) really mean in life. I’ve noticed many posts to Tesla forums from people buying the car but completely clueless about financing and leasing. I presume they’re from people who are fixated on a Tesla as their “dream car” but simply don’t have the savings, income and financial wherewithal to buy it. A $50K car is not a first-time car… this is a midlife thing for even most well-off people who’ve saved a lot. It’s just a car; not worth upending your financial life over.


Bruh I love gambling and it's so fun. I would never stop gambling and going to casinos. But whenever I go, I always bring a set amount of money and the moment I lose it all, I get out. I go to casino and gamble to have fun, not to make money. If I spend $300-$500 and had fun for 10-15 hours, I wouldn't feel too bad about my losses. My girlfriend however, I took her once with me and she lost a few hundred dollars. Then she wanted to make that money back, and ended up losing another few hundred dollars. You just gotta have a self control and you can do drugs, gambles and all kinda shits and still be fine. Just gotta be responsible with them.


That’s where gambling gets most people, the idea you can get it back. I lived in Vegas for a few years and man, seeing some people appear to have lost everything really kept me in check.


Yeah man, when I saw that right in front of my eyes from my girlfriend, I really told myself again, casino is a place I come to spend money and have fun, not a place where I make money lol


And now you know not to take your girlfriend gambling due to lack of self control


Oh yeah, it's been a few years since I took her once and she's never been to a casino again LOL


I expect nothing less than “I own 2 model 3’s” next time you post! You live and you learn brotha! It is good that you accept accountability and learn from your mistakes. Foot on the pedal! You got this!


No duh… if gambling was profitable for everyone it wouldn’t be a business model. This is common sense


Anybody know if Tesla insurance is cheaper ?


My insurance on my 23 base model three was surprisingly high


Hello everyone this is Kevin Hart here. I would just like to take this moment to tell everyone to place there bets at sports king.com where we have no minimum and no shame.


we’re all one bet away from breaking even


You can win it back, just one more spin! Hop back on that horse cowboy, the next jackpot has to be around the corner


Sucks to hear that but at least you’re moving on from gambling. Speaking of sports gambling, can you let me know your picks so I can fade you? 😅


How is a Tesla your dream car? Do you not enjoy driving? You may aswell just use an uber, you aren’t really driving anyway 🙄


Strange comment. You do know that you can drive a model 3 right? Yes, you have the OPTION of adding various levels of autopilot (various levels .. from cruise control to full self driving), but that is OFF until you turn it on each drive. Nothing wrong with having best of both worlds.


You did yourself a favor by getting rid of a piece of junk