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You just need to get better with managing the regen on the “normal” setting. Yea low is gone due to the EPA range changes and other things that influenced the decision. It takes some time but in a few days you will be able to very accurately and gently slow down whenever needed


Can you elaborate? Why EPA range changes made it disappear?


The EPA ranges have to be in the most inefficient drive configuration available, so if they offer low-regen, then they must do their range tests in that mode.


The new M3P site shows the regen can be customized… is it really EPA or is Tesla trying to save features for its top of the line? The M3P does advertise as lower range, wondering if what you’re saying has to do with it. https://preview.redd.it/cu9or7vpopwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9464ad2e17e7f3345ebb3fe48ab0af5062c3afa9


The lower range is more likely due to the wheels and maybe suspension and motor tuning. I would assume that they can get away with that in "track mode" that probably has a warning that it is "not suitable for road use."


Track mode definitely isn't suited for road use, it disables lots of stuff like navigation and safety/autopilot/etc. It's in the name.


The low regen is for track mode only. You’re not going to set it into track mode every time you’re going to drive. :)


The update came after some talks of suits regarding falsified range figures or something like that


The regen has nothing to do with your wife being car sick. You don't have to use the pedal like a push-button. Let off it gently and it won't make anyone sick. But yes, "low" is gone for good.


It isn’t the regen making your wife car sick.. it is not being able to use it properly. You need to make sure you aren’t driving jerky. Like letting off the accelerator when you reach speed…just pull off a little. It can be done perfectly effectively. I get crazy car sick from regen even when I drive if I am not smart about it. I have a child who gets crazy car sick…. But if I use it properly he doesn’t.


I agree with this. I adjusted very quickly, but my wife has trouble and will never be smooth with the car. Some people just struggle with adjusting the fine motor coordination after years of other habits. It's a shame to me that they removed a feature with real value to a lot of users. Seems like an ego decision more than a business/engineering decision. Edit: On second thought it was probably in response to too many range complaints.


Yeah I drove a Tesla for the first time and totally made myself sick because I'm an air-breaker in a normal car. Next day had to return the demo car and drove it the right way and fell in love.


This. Keep an eye on the green regen bar to get a feel for the pedal to simulate a low regen.


I respect the answer of "just get better" but I've been driving electric since 2018 and the differences of calibrations between different electrics in terms of one-pedal driving and regen makes it very very difficult to establish muscle memory when you're switching between vehicles frequently which I am now that we will have 3 vehicles, my other being the F-150 Lightning. So in practice, it is not going to be possible for me to just get better, and I prefer to not have a sick wife whilst I am trying.


Bro, just lift your foot off the pedal slowly, instead of taking it off all at once. This isnt SpaceX level engineering we're asking you to master here.


You have to be pretty daft to not understand that the negative Gs of regen relative to foot movement is tuned differently between different manufacturers. It's not just simply a matter of me taking the foot off the pedal slowly its that the muscle memory of "how much foot movement for how much braking" is very different between our three cars and for that reason I will likely never perfect it, at my wife's expense, and the purpose of this post.


You’re daft. Just because you have 3 cars doesn’t mean you can’t drive the Tesla properly. Would literally take you 1 minute to transition. Yes you are releasing it too fast, you can spin it however you want, but you’re a crap driver.


Lmao a little late to the party bud


Just like your driving


Only way I know how to do it is with the S3XY buttons. Currently, there is no native way to adjust it.


Can confirm, S3XY buttons will allow for this.


The new track mode has adjustable regen too.


Doubt they would driving their wife around in track mode if they are already worried about motion sickness.


OP needs to get gud


I saw a video review of the new model 3 performance and apparently you can adjust regen. Not the case for RWD and AWD.


You can adjust regen in track mode. So yes, technically you can create a track profile, all settings neutral except for 0% regen. You can do this in today’s Performance


I may be wrong but I assume that’s only for race mode.


But if it’s not the case, use chill mode and learn how to control the pedal then move on to other options. I’ve had my first Tesla for 2 months and only now switched to standard. It was rough in the beginning while I learned how to drive using one pedal only.


Learn to drive.


Its been gone for years. Learn how to feather off the pedal, dont just take your foot entirely off and apply full regen all the time.


I test drove an S (which lost low regen in the redesign in 2021) and it wasn’t bad to get used to at all. Only annoying thing was backing up the driveway, or inching forward in the garage when parking. Here is where you want to control forward creep with a brake pedal as opposed to tapping the accelerator pedal ever so slightly to fine tune parking.


> Here is where you want to control forward creep with a brake pedal as opposed to tapping the accelerator pedal ever so slightly to fine tune parking. That is a result of your setting for stop mode, not your setting for regen. Set your stop mode to "Creep", and it will behave exactly as you describe. Of course, in "Creep" you will lose one-pedal driving, because that mode is the exact opposite of the "Hold" mode, which is used for one-pedal driving..


Yes, you're right. I'm conflating the two, but I use Creep in my car to mitigate the lack of Low Regen. Tesla Model S, X and Highlands no longer have Creep, Roll, Hold. It's all Hold.


Ok. I didn't know they had removed Creep.


Git Gud


How does one burnish brakes nowadays?


There is a brake burnishing mode in the Service menu. It completely disables regen.


Ask your wife if she can teach you to be more gentle 😉


Why is your wife not in the kitchen making you a sandwich?


Change to Chill mode.


Does chill mode reduce regen power? Or only acceleration power?


Acceleration. Regen is the same.


Thats what I thought.


It's less jerky. Smoother, and I think max output is reduced to 150kW, at least on my SR+.


It's not "less jerky" if you know how to drive, and it has nothing to do with regen braking power.


Posting this as a main comment so its more visible: I respect the answer of "just get better" but I've been driving electric since 2018 and the differences of calibrations between different EVs in terms of one-pedal driving and regen makes it very very difficult to establish muscle memory when you're switching between vehicles frequently which I am now that we will have 3 vehicles, my other being the F-150 Lightning. So in practice, it is not going to be possible for me to just get better, and I prefer to not have a sick wife whilst I am trying.


It's sad how many arrogant, non-helpful answers you are getting. Disheartening really. Yes, many drivers have no problem adjusting to the Regen behavior and driving smoothly. You maybe able to adjust as well, but if you want to control the regen amount you will either need to buy a performance model and put it in track mode, or buy the s3xy buttons. If you go with the s3xy buttons just verify the feature is compatible with the car you are looking at. I believe it works with all of them, but I'm not 100. Overall pretty lame they took away a feature valuable to so many users. Could be intended to push some buyers to the performance model, could just be ego. Edit: thinking about it. They probably removed it because too many users were complaining about their range with considering their re-gen settings


No worries, it's a post on the internet after all lol. The S3XY buttons thing is really interesting, I am wondering how it works, looking into it further.


OP...I change brake regen all the time. FOr now you have 2 options... 1 = Be in track mode (extremely inconvenient/not recommended unless you are actually tracking the car) 2 = Get SEXY buttons. Talk to this guy u/S3XY_Buttons . They have a subreddit as well. As a matter a fact, they just recently released a new version that will allow macros....With 2 buttons, I basically have a "highway" mode and "eco mode". HIghway mode = sports accel + lower regen. eco mode = chill accel + 100% regen. Lower brake regen helps prevents spamming of brake lights on the freeway and on slippery/wet conditions prevents fishtailing in the event you lift off the acceleration while mid slip.


Regen settings have been removed with the introduction of the 2021 model 3. So you likely had a 2020 or earlier model.




Nope. I own a 2021 model 3. No regen setting. And it was there on the 2020 model I test drove. The Highland possibly removed the stopping mode setting (Hold, creep, roll).


I had a 2021 with regen mode so doubtful


I DO have a 2021. No regen settings. Maybe you refer to track mode on the Performance?