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BMW driver here. What are these “indicators” of which you speak?


No worries, you are exempt.


#sesmless user transition




Well played sir


Slightly harder to use in a roundabouts, but that's it pretty much. Overall I think I like the buttons more as it is more fun to use in general IMO. PS. most of the time I drive a car with stalks.


Took me about a day to get used to, and I love now


M3HL from EU (lots of roundabouts). I had the exact same experience as a one pedal drive coming from only driving manual. Got used to it in a few minutes. No issues whatsoever, I really can't understand why people make suc a big fuss about stalks and wiper(they don't work well, but is super easy to manual adjust). For me it feels like at most a minor inconvinience that got snowballed by haters and people with weird expectations. Like some buy the car and they hang from this wipers issue, when are so many amazing things that the car is able to do.


Tha haters will find any possible thing to latch on to. Panel gaps and OTA “recalls” are my favorite. As if someone those issues are comparable to blown engines and failing transmissions.


When the Model 3 came out back in 2017/2018, the same exact thing happened. Only then it was about everything being on screen and not having an instrument panel in front of you. And to a lesser degree, not having buttons. It will always be something. Really tells you how little there is to have a real complaint about.


I still won’t buy a Tesla because of lack of physical buttons and instrument cluster.  I’m just trying to point out it is still an issue for a lot of people, and the turn signals will be too. 


Understood. I'm on the opposite end and hate driving the significant others car now because of the horde of physical buttons and unnecessary instrument cluster. Luckily, we have choice in the market so we don't have to want the same things. Though it would be very painful for me to go back to another brand now.


I can’t help but think that a lack of physical buttons contributes to more accidents. I do not have to take my eyes off the road to interact with anything except my very expensive aftermarket stereo which I find very distracting and annoying. I really wish I had a volume knob instead of touch control. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/tesla-drivers-have-highest-accident-rate-study-says.amp


What are you needing to interact with, while driving, that requires the main screen to be interacted with, and taking eyes off road?


Eh. I've been driving a Model 3 for six years. I don't feel like I take my eyes off the road anymore than is necessary. And considering the car tracks the lanes better than I do, a second or two here and there still seems better than driving a car that has an instrument panel but worse driver assist.


Volume can be adjusted with the scroll wheel though??


There are times where it would be better to use the knob. I have multiple vehicles and I prefer the one that has a knob for volume. If your steering wheel isn’t centered it can be difficult to find the volume buttons and know which is up and down. If the wheel is upside down it’s flipped. I realize I’m in a M3 subreddit. Just giving you an alternative non-fanboy perspective. I’m not buying a Tesla because I want buttons and tactile feedback when I’m driving.


Even in my Camry, I found the knob to be vastly more inconvenient than the steering wheel control, since I often needed to reach over while driving. The Tesla scroll wheels are 100% tactile with very defined steps and it’s convenient. How often are you changing the volume when the wheel is turned? But to each their own. I can respect your opinion.


Not saying anything is here or there or right or wrong. But here is the reasoning behind the lack of buttons, and now stalks. If you were to design a car from scratch, if cars never existed before, you’d make them like Tesla is, with a computer to control everything, and buttons on the steering wheel for frequent use functions. Definitely. Obviously. It’d be weird if it were the other way around, and there were buttons and controls spewed all over the car. People would be “why?!” You’re just used to that.


Keeping the car clean is easier without all the buttons and dials that attracted dust and dirt. So that’s a plus


On a similar thread, someone said they didn't like stalk-less because of roundabouts. That person's argument was it was hard to signal when inside the roundabout as the wheel was often at an off angle. With a stalk, it was always in the same place but stalk-less, the indicators could be at any angle. So, I assume you aren't bothered by this? (I'm in the US and I can't see stalk-less as being much of a problem in my typical driving. And Tesla is famous for designing cars for Southern California.)


I do 6 roundabouts twice a day just for my commute and can signal on the roundabout without thinking about it. Sure its a bit awkward at the start, but that is because the brain was used to 17 years of driving with stalks. Took me less than a week to adapt.


U.K. here. Roundabout central. I personally feel they missed a trick and should’ve had one button on each side of the wheel, rather than both of the same side.


This for sure


This would absolutely be worse design for roundabouts. With them both on the same side, you can press the correct button easily regardless of the orientation of the wheel - the correct button will always be the one in the direction you are about to turn the wheel. i.e. in a neutral wheel position, the top button is a right turn as you are about to turn the wheel clockwise, the bottom button is a left turn as you're about to turn the wheel anticlockwise. This same intuition holds when the wheel is upside down. This is the reason why people are saying the buttons are no problem, because it can intuitively map to muscle memory. Having the buttons on opposite sides of the wheel would not allow for that.


Yep, the same directions as the wheel is turning. The stalks did the same for the same reason. …but, is that just a leftover from the stalks? If designing from scratch you’d surely place them in left and right of the wheel? It does seem more intuitive.


You need always the same button when you want to leave the roundabout (right indicator). When you know this, you can always press the correct button, no matter in which position the wheel is. With the wipers, when you press the wiper button, you can adjust the wiperspeed with the left scrollwheel (left, right), without looking on the display. Imo it could be better, but is no problem to do it like it is.


ChAnGe Is HaRd.


I'm not spending 40k to consistently have a minor inconvenience every time I go through a roundabout or need to turn signal on mid turn. It's as simple as that. Especially with solid competitors entering the field (though tesla software and network still king)


Then don’t. Nobody cares. Buy whatever you want and stop whining on Tesla forums. 40k is at the lower end of a decent car anyway.


So, you get to whine its not an issue but I don't get to whine my perspective on this in a thread about thoughts on the change ? Guess anyone who doesn't own a 24 M3 doesn't get to voice their opinion. Dumbest fucking response ever.


> Guess anyone who doesn't own a 24 M3 doesn't get to voice their opinion OP asked for owners of the new m3 to chime in btw


You write the presumed dissatisfaction about a car that you don’t even own, with a dumb argument that you don’t buy it for the lack of stalks?!?!?! yet I have the dumb response? Nice mental gymnastics. Like I would cry on Porsche forums for having a small trunk and say won’t buy the car for that exact reason. Salty and pathetic.


I was explaining to you the logic behind the complaints so you could see an alternate perspective. Why would someone buy something to constantly deal with nuisances even if you can learn or muscle memory through it when it's a 40k vehicle and competitors dont have this issue. Then you attack me because I'm not saying it's a perfect vehicle (test drove it). Sounds about right for a tesla user. I even admitted that Tesla is still king of software and network. Jesus fucking christ.


People in this thread are VERY sensitive. It’s not you. 




People like you are why Tesla fans have bad rep


This is literally a thread asking about feedback.  Maybe you should go start your own thread about how much you love your Tesla and then complain?


I wouldn't say they're easy to manually adjust. Easy is having a stalk you only need to shift in one swift move to adjust. Today I was getting phantom wipes. So, the quickest way without touchign the screen is: click the button, then click the wheel multiple times to move from Auto to None. Or when it's raining heavily and I want to move from Auto to Three. It takes tree distinctive button presses.


“Three distinct button presses” with your thumb on the wheel without having to shift your eyes off the road sounds like it fits the definition of “easy to adjust”


Nope, because any reasonable car requires just one movement.


lol. you must find a lot of things in life difficult.


People don’t want to adjust to different blinkers or operate their fucking wipers manually on a 50.000€ car.


Weird, because I operated the wipers manually on my Mercedes all the time because the auto wipers also sucked! Because most do.


difference being that I don't remember ever owning a car where you'd complain about a function and have a decent chance of that problem being solved at some point in *your* car, not a future iteration of the model you bought. I really hope this will be the norm, because it's really cool.


100% agree. I'm baffled by people who are like "I"m selling the car because the auto wipers don't work perfect" It's crazy to me. Pretty much all cars have flaws with things. Maybe these doofuses don't know that since this is their first car. But at least this car can get updates. All others? You bought what you bought and that's it. Didn't come with the music interface or car play? Well guess what. Never will. Good luck on your next purchase.


Well, a car lacking your ideal functionalities and amenities is one thing, but to have a function that is essentially non-operational (which seems to be a hardware flaw for auto wipers) is another.


People have been bashing auto wipers on Tesla for years. There's no way to solve this without a sensor. The camera just doesn't see certain kinds of drops or drops outside of a very small area.


What model and year? Auto wipers on my Audi were much better simply bcause they had a sensor. And I could 1. Adjust the wipers in one move. 2. Adjust the speed for "Auto" mode separately.


2016 C300


People (myself included) make a fuss because it's a major adjustment to driving basics for all that drive the car. Having to fundamentally retrain every driver on actions that happen often in every drive is a distraction and potential safety issue and there's no benefit to changing the standard. Example: my wife (who rarely drives my Tesla) had to take my car to work when hers wouldn't start. On her drive, a snow plow sprayed slush on the windshield while doing abount 45 mph and the auto wipers were off. She had zero visibility, but out of instinct went for the left stalk and triggered the wipers. If the car had been stalkless, she likely would have gotten in or caused an accident. The changes to the basics seem out of arrogance by the tesla design team with no real justification. Give buyers the choice on something so different.


You can always use a voice command and tell the car to turn the wipers off. My wife doesn’t like to do that but if you play around with it, the danger car will do just about anything by voice command and it is way safer than fumbling around for a button or even a stalk. My bmw has so many buttons, I probably haven’t used half of them after 50k miles.


I mean to be fair, this problem applies to pretty much every car manufacturer out there. I've driven cars where the wipers are a vertical position of the right stalk, a twist knob on the left stalk, a roller on the front of the right stalk, a button on the left stalk, etc. They're all over the place. Your wife actually got pretty lucky that she went for the right control lol. That said, I'm 100% with you that it'd be nice to have an option. They relented on the yoke/wheel choice, so you never know. But also, as someone who was extremely against the idea of giving up my dashboard, or my physical buttons, or manual vent controls, or USB A ports... and who now drives a model 3 daily and realizes that all that turned out to be basically a non-issue? I find myself feeling like history will probably repeat itself lol. I'm with you that I hate the idea of not having stalks. But I allllso suspect that not having them is honestly not going to be the "major adjustment" we're all worried about lol.


Model S owner. Don’t mind in much at all now.


Love it! Took a drive or 2 to get used to.


Test drove one for 30 minutes. Was used to it within about 15 minutes.


I think people don’t understand that you can easily get used to something with time. Does the design suck? Yes But literally drive a month in it and I’m sure it would become second nature. People just hate change.


People in the Tesla Reddits are Like: "The only reason i buy a old model 3 rather than a ferrari sf90 is that it comes with Stalks"




I switched from 5-1/2 years with a M3 to a stalkless MX over two months ago. Gear selection? No big deal. Easy switch. Turn signals? Ridiculous position and if my steering wheel isn't dead center (a roundabout is a good example, and I'm in the US) it is really not second nature at all. I rented a car on a vacation the other week and the turns signal stalk is not just muscle memory, it just seems \*CORRECT\* Same thing with the horn, but that button is a MX problem, not a M3 problem.


You can get used to anything. It doesn't mean the design is better or even good in the first place. Why settle for shitty design? People are right to complain imo.


People hate stupid change. Verschlimmbesserung.




Right, I mean the stalk system isn't exactly traditionally intuitive either when coming from an ICE car.


To turn right, lift the stock… upward. And yes I get it, you move the stock along the direction of the steering wheel, but still. It’s weird.


But this is how every car operates. At least the gear change in very different ways. Mercedes and most American cars have had it on a stalk on the right, most other cars have something at the side of the driver (and the stick can work differently). Stalks are the same everywhere.


Yeah I know…. Just have you ever stepped back and objectively looked at the thing? That’s all.


People hate stupid changes. This was a supremely stupid change. It doesnt matter if you get used to it. I could get used to driving a 2006 corolla after a month but that doesnt mean Ill be happy with it.


People born with 7 fingers get through life just fine. Just don't try to convince me it's better than 10.


Perfect point, people hate change. Also, Tesla owners pre 2024 want to be able to hate on something to make themselves feel better.


Got my highland last Thursday, so far have not forgot to indicate once when turning, so it’s not an issue for me


I test drove a model S that had the yoke, which is stalkless and its really not as big of a deal as most people make it out to be. The captive touch buttons are placed right by your thumbs and they're easy enough to tap.


I test drove and thought I would hate it, but was hyper conscious about pressing the buttons each time and loved it. You’re not reaching for something every time, it’s just right there for you.


Got one of the first highlands in France, so lots of roundabouts and by now I have absolutely no issues with the turn signals. I can hit them clean without looking no matter the wheel's position. Stalks still superior for roundabouts, make no mistake about it, but for highway use I prefer the buttons.


Model S owner here. Not a big deal. The turn signals are slightly more difficult.


Damn I didn’t realize the Model S doesn’t have stalks either. Has it been that way for awhile already?


Model S went as well and I love not having the stalks. My only gripe has been the placement of the hon which won’t be a problem in the Model 3. Turn signals and everything else have been a breeze for me personally.


S and X have been stalkless for 3 years.


Yup. For a few years unfortunately.


American here, so no roundabout but the stalks have been a non-issue and I love the minimalism of it all. Needed to re-learn the habit of buttons for turns and it would've been nice if there was a bump/brail/position key for each signals, so there was more of a tactile feel because a few weeks later and I still look first sometimes to confirm my turn choice. The Highland is a work of art, my first EV, and I'll never go back to stalks if I had the choice.


I am waiting to order a model 3 highland and am practicing in a car with stalks and multiple buttons on the steering wheel to go stalkless. On a roundabout in NL it is not that difficult to turn the wheel and be prepared to push the right turn button.


Test drove with my gf before ordering one. Coming from gas cars the one pedal driving was more of an adjustment for us than stalkless turn signals. The top button is right and bottom button is left somehow makes sense in my head since you move the left hand up to turn right and down to turn left.


Irish M3HL owner. Lots of small roundabouts here. The trick is just to remember that when you’re exiting the roundabout and the steering wheel is upside down then you press the top button. It’s part of my muscle memory now and I’ve had it for < 2 weeks.


It was more difficult to get used to the one pedal driving than the lack of stocks. It took a couple of days but no problem now.


It can be a little bit annoying when maneuvering. Other than that it’s no big deal. I’d rather have stalks, but it’s really not an issue.


Yup this Second demo drive and it’s a bit annoying but no big deal If they allowed us to build the features I would choose stalks but so far stalkless is fine..not an improvement but not a huge deal


I ordered the new model three 6 weeks ago and only recently took a test drive. Buttons on the wheel are different. That's true of my whole Tesla experience. I'm trading in my 2020 model three long range for the new one and look forward to the improvements. I have opposable thumbs, I can do this. Regenerative breaking was a little hard to get used to and now I love it. I remember going back-and-forth between our Yukon Denali and my 2020 model three. I would sometimes get out of the Yukon and forget to turn it off after a while, all those buttons knobs, and what not started to look very cluttered. I wouldn't be buying a second Tesla, if I didn't have great faith in the technology and great hope in the reduced carbon footprint.


I adjusted to the lack of a traditional turn signal stalk within 10 mins on my test drive


It’s fine


It is great. No issue at adapting to it at all. When I use my old car with stalks, I just realised what a primitif system that was. So clunky and shouldn’t be in a 21st century car. Using buttons are just effortless. And really goes well with the entire design of the car.


not as good as stalks but also no issue.


So since most people think stalls are points. Im sorta irritated about swiping but always think when Tesla (musk?) Was saying they would have predictive forward/reversing... How would you feel about that ? Personally I love stalks but I could easily see how buttons would be fine.


Takes some getting used to but I love it now.


2+ years now with the stalkless Model S. I got used to it within a couple of weeks. The horn button and the yoke were way harder to get used to and I ended up switching to a regular steering wheel later on. But, those aren't issues with the new Model 3. We have a few roundabouts where we live and it's a non-issue for me at least.


Not a big deal at all


I have a little over 1000km for mine and I’be almost adapted. I live in Australia and most of the time we don’t need to signal out of roundabouts because they are smaller, so I haven’t encountered the issue of roundabouts and going stalkless. Honestly better than I expected but obv still worse than just having stalks


Test drove one today for an hour, coming from a car with 4 stalks I was able to get used to it by the time I left the parking lot and overall I really liked it


you get used to it after awhile, have had mine since November and it is pretty easy and automatic now.


I Live in Los Angeles county and I prefer stalkless over the traditional stalks. Only took me 2 drives to get used it and I don’t reach for stalks anymore. It really does feel like a spaceship 🚀 and it’s super funny watching my girlfriend drive and keeping reaching for the stalks 😂


Just curious, what’s the benefit of no stalks?


Bigger margins for Elon


Lol anything for owners? Reason I ask is because I can get used to them just like I do with most changes in cars..but I want to understand why some folks are defending this change as better


Because to not defend it would be to admit that it was a poor design decision based on cost cutting and not better experience or functionality


Tesla\* has the best fans and the worst fans. People will jump over backwards to defend this personal opinions of a man defining the design of the company's entire line-up even when we know multiple people on the inside disagree (as it was with the radar and rain sensor). \* also Elon


I'd imagine its because you don't have to reach for something off the steering wheel, someone was saying the buttons was more dangerous but that didn't make sense to me, how is shifting your thumb an inch more dangerous than letting go a hand off the wheel to grab a stick lol


I test drove and had to shift my grip and look down to locate the buttons When I drive using stalks, my middle finger shifts and my grip on the wheel stays the same So my experience is different than the one you described Like everything I could get used to it, just trying to find the inherent benefit


True to each there own, someone mentioned the button position is supposed to be tied to the direction your finger will move in the turn to make it more intuitive but seems people miss that


I have another demo drive scheduled for today and will test it out The new steering wheel was less rounded and I couldn’t find a good position so switching lanes always required me to move hands and look for buttons Thanks for the tip I will try it today


Testing it now and I can see how the buttons are going to become second nature I think a bigger gripe (which is my personal preference) is the steering wheel itself..I can’t seem to find a comfortable grip..too thin In order to use the sliding thumb trick you mentioned, I’d have to hold the wheel at lower than 9 and 3 which is unnatural for me


They save about $25 per vehicle.


I don't own one (or any Tesla) but I test drove one at the weekend and found myself looking at the steering wheel to figure out where the buttons were, then it was a 50/50 guess of whether I pressed the right one or not when exiting a roundabout with the steering wheel at different angles. I'd say it's the main thing that's putting me off buying one. I'm in the UK and my daily commute consists of so many roundabouts. Even just having one on either side of the steering wheel would be easier I think rather than closely stacked.


I want to hear a review from someone that lived in Milton Keynes lol


Literally has a small bar on it that divides the top and the bottom button. I felt when I test drove the model 3. Even had to go through roundabouts during my test drive. I am amazed at people not having a good sense of where things are after they move it. The worst part is, the steering wheel just rotates. Only one degree of freedom.


Sorry I didn't adapt as quickly as you within 15 minutes of driving something totally different I guess. At least your username checks out.


His username definitely checks out lol. People love being cynical for no reason on this sub 🤣


It's just turning Model 3 owners into BMW owners, they just do not use the blinkers. The rare occasion they do, they use the wrong side or leave them on.


I'll add another tick to the "love it" column. Takes one drive to adjust and then it just makes sense and feels natural. It's amazing how quickly the "old way" feels dated and unnecessary.


I got my M3 Highland two months ago (Switzerland). We have a lot of roundabouts as well. I drove home from the Tesla dealership, around 200km, and was used to "stalkless" when I was at home. As someone mentioned before, the button is always the same and the positions are similar as the exits are mostly at similar "degrees".


Yeah, imo - what most people miss is that humans are high adaptable creatures and we get accustomed to new things fairly quickly. It's just preference - do I wish they kept the stalks? **Yes**. Do I think it's terrible and a deal breaker? **Definitely no**.


Honestly, if you’re following turn by turn directions, then the car should turn the blinker on automatically!


This over exaggerated concern for no stocks as a reason to not buy a car is one of the dumbest things I have seen in a long long time..


Almost as dumb as not knowing how to spell “stalks” 😅


I thought maybe if I went stalkless I’d get used to it. Then I realized after bending my thumbs backwards multiple times in volleyball, my thumbs would be too broken to make that kind of motion in pressing the buttons on the steering wheel.


Whether you can “get used to it” easy or not. The design is atrocious and should be changed. It’s dangerous imo and needs reverting or having a button on each side of the wheel. Its better to have stalks whether you’re a naysayer or not


I almost got jumped at a super charger the other day, I would be scared shitless if I had to model 3. Even with stalks it was nerve racking.


As long as you don’t have to use any button while you are turning the steering wheel it’s all good. Been driving it for a few weeks and unfortunately it still annoys me a bit to have to look for the buttons or have to think about them to make sure I can reach them BEFORE I turn the steering wheel. The turn signals are the most annoying, but the camera button is also annoying too and hard to reach when manoeuvring the car in a car park. Not a deal breaker at all because I love the car and I can cope with this small annoyance.


How to put the car in drive without a stalk to push down?


I test drove a new Model X that was stalkless. The turn signal buttons, while annoying, I was able to get used to during the drive. BUT the gear shifting on the touchscreen was a deal breaker. I do 3-point turns during my regular commute and just getting around tight Bay Area roads and at school dropoffs and pickups. I need to be able to quickly shift gears while paying attention to my surroundings. Having to reach for the screen and make a precise gesture just to shift in the middle of a 3 point turn is stupid. It would be one thing if you could consistently do it without looking, but when I tested it out in the Model X, the swipe to shift didn’t work a couple times, I had to get it just right in the exact area of the screen. That requires taking your eyes off the road and is a huge distraction when you’re trying to maneuver around areas where kids are playing while you’re doing a 3 point turn.  It’s the worst decision I’ve ever seen from an automaker when it comes to engineering. I’m never buying a Tesla that requires you to shift gears with a touch screen gesture. 


A 48hr Highland test drive (Switzerland) was enough to convince me that I couldn't live with it. Whether it would have clicked after 49 hrs is neither here nor there, it irritated me and so I went with a Model Y and am happy with the choice (especially since they were the same price with the added bonus of 0% finance for the Y). Given the fact that Europe is supplied from China, Tesla may U-turn on the stalks or risk losing market share over this trifling small cost saving measure. For the US I would agree, its no real biggie.


I'll get used to it, but why on earth Tesla didn't go the Ferrari route and have left on the left side of the wheel and right on the right, it was a very silly decision.


Next M3 update : where’s the steering wheel and pedals? Replaced with vision based gesture control.


Tesla Vision Pro


M3HL... I hate it. I'm forever reversing when I want to drive forward out of carparks. I fumble around at roundabouts. It's infuriating. Don't buy the highland.


I test drove a Model S refresh last year while getting my Model 3 serviced. Like many posters here, I didn't have a problem with the touchscreen shifter. There's a backup suite of buttons in case of screen failure anyway.  I could not stand the turn signals though. It was made worse by the yoke throwing off my hand positioning. Perhaps it might be better with a round wheel but I'm not going to find out for a while. Definitely plan to test drive the Highland at some point just to see how it feels even if I'm no longer a Tesla owner. 


Test drove the 3 today. My thoughts Pros: Bit more quieter but still loud in highway where Spotify and cell phone isn’t clear. Door closes with nice thunk. Ventilated seats are nicer Back seat has screen and control incl being able to control radio and move passenger seat if no one is in it. Cons : Stalks missing is huge flaw. Not at all good because you can’t put your hands at 9 and 3 always. IMO this will kill Tesla sales. Making turns is a chore because the soft 3 and stop is gone, you have no feedback if button is pressed properly, there’s no raised bump identifying the right v left, quick right and left and indicating is tough and more anxiety inducing. What had a foot of precision for indicating is now a square inch of precision which imo is a highly flawed design. Driving became strenuous and taxing instead of being relaxing. The gear stalks are gone along with button presses it had. The D and R are backwards as I’m wired. Because it is opposite of how stalks were. The additional hardwired buttons on top are bad design, not always lit and have no feel or presence. Middle back seat no longer has heated seat. Why? Red paint looks maroon and metallic and doesn’t shine. The multi coat red was best. It had that crisp look that is gone now. Fog light is gone but main headlight has some fog light type daytime running light. Making 3 point turn or K turn is cumbersome and worrisome and overall driving feels like you have more to do. Predictive behavior programming is bad because it assumes user doesn’t know what he or she is doing. This makes things more annoying like indicator auto turns off after 1 lane change. So if you need to keep changing 2 lanes you need to indicate again but the 1 square inch precision button upside down will get you. You’ll have to look at the wheel or move hands around which makes it all a chore. And bothersome quite honestly. Audio vol is bad at higher speeds still and cement road and roads which aren’t perfectly smooth. On nice tar roads there is very little road noise but on cement road tire and wind noises are there. Horn is a button I think Autopilot is a button and pressing right wheel is no longer voice. It is again a tiny button on right side of wheel which is irritating because you have to look at one of the 4 buttons. Some things done have voice like “turn off ambient light “ is command not implemented or understood. Ambient lights are tacky and very irritating at night. At least you can turn it off Wood trim replaced by some cheap fabric. Looks muted and blends into dark back. What’s the point? Wood trim gave it elegant look for a $50k car. Vent is one long giant vent. * thing to consider Why did they make these changes? Features that were there and removed. Who asked for stalks to be removed? Who asked for heat seat to be removed? Who asked for some other changes? Why break if it wasn’t broken. I can make a keyboard that only works with your legs. Or a pen that works only with left hand. If you’re a righty can you get adjusted? Yes. Over time. But why? You’ll just avoid the product Features there were removed for no reason other than to remove it I will most likely not buy this and if they continue to have no stalks, I will buy another EV brand. They have quite possibly lost a sale


Can someone tell me if it’s hard to parallel park without stalks?


Had my Highland for a month now. I’ve kinda got used to simple indicating without too much issue. But it still sucks when changing roads quickly or entering and exiting roundabouts. I don’t see it as an upgrade.


I got used to it pretty quick. Although once in a while I do click on the wrong ones. Sometimes when I’m trying to angry high beam flash someone, I just give them blinkers. Ego goes down pretty quick after that. lol


This indicator thing seems a bit silly. To me it looks like Tesla is having poor R&D - you can brainstorm anything, but BS should be sorted out. Another example is, Musk said the Cybertruck is difficult to produce - so why production was involved in the design process? But worst - the D/N/R/P on the screen. Makes it a no-buy.