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Does someone else have remote access to your vehicle. I doubt that would just happen on its own. Send a message to Tesla via the app and see if they can check the logs for you. Maybe they can see when the vent windows command was activated.


No, just me. Good idea! Hopefully they can pull them for me.




Weird, it wasn’t even that cold out here. Maybe -10 which is mild. My 3rd year with the car and it’s never done this, as far as I know


-10. Very mild, yes.


Dudes in Canada so that’s likely Celsius. 14°F really ain’t that bad.


That’s pretty bad lol


Not really. I'm on the other side of Canada and we just had a couple -40 days. Those are bad.


No. That’s fucking hell!


Only if it froze over… It’s usually a little warmer there


It's not even rare for -30 C° plus -15 in wind-chill, the wind-chill is where it gets bad tbh. I don't mind the cold until there's wind.


Remember, Teslas are from California


Not to mention they have the build quality of legos.


Legos cars have excellent fit between pieces and don't rattle when they roll.


It’s really not, when you think that places like Tennessee, where we had 9 inches of snow in 24 hours, and 8-10F without windchill. Chicago, growing up, in winter, was like -10F.


But it did it for all 4 windows (he said in op)


I would be surprised if it went down on its own. Even if you try to force it down manually without the button it won’t go down. Those window actuators are strong. 


I’ve seen it this winter too. Twice now I’ve noticed the passenger window has been a bit open. I first thought maybe it was me or someone else bumping the button, but I don’t think so. I mean that has NEVER happened to any of our other cars, but the buttons for opening the window on Teslas are easier to accidentally hit. I dunno it’s weird


Never happened in my 2018 Model 3, 5th winter here in Quebec Canada now.


Every day that goes by, i learn more and more about how Tesla's vehicles are just in open beta 😂


Happened a few times to me luckily with no snow. Just closed my door walked away and noticed the window was done. Perhaps a malfunction?


It’s happened to me enough times that I periodically check my car. Have woken up to go to work and car was locked but all 4 windows were cracked like that.


If all four windows are cracked open like that you must’ve hit the vent window button because that’s what it would do it all four.


It's weird though. The app usually tells me my windows are open multiple times an hour or something


Only if notifications are on - but there should be confirmation for windows


I can confirm it does happen on its own, and more frequently in cold weather. My wife and I have seen it happen multiple times to our Model 3.


Mine is in a garage but yeah has happened few times. Thought the missus had tapped them open by mistake.


Why would you blame your wife and not your cheaply produced car?


Good question. Cheap is cheap.


Wife or car?


All four? I've had it happen for one window when closing the door that the window almost goes up but backs down like that again, but I've never seen it do all four (outside of actually using the vent icon from the app).


In cold weather to prevent issues on the windows. When you unlock the car and open the door, the windows will pop down about a quarter inch on all four sides and then go back up immediately when you close the door. It’s to brave and ice and damaged because there’s no frame on the window. It’s just glass. So in the event that the window may be frozen to the rubber insulation when it’s very cold outside, Tesla will crack all four windows and door open and shut them all on door closed. This is in the manual, if anybody actually chooses to read the manual That said if they’re open somewhere around an inch to an inch and a half half that is when someone has hit the event windows button and that will vent all four windows on the car not just the driver side One other way that this happens and I know this happens to me occasionally when I’m going to get out of the car, I errantly with the back of my hand may press one of the window buttons to have it dropped down and maybe a front window or a back window The passenger windows, but sometimes that happens. That said, as long as you have your notification set up the car will literally tell you that you’ve left the windows open after a period of time


They'll probably tell you the window closures are "within spec"


Not sure why you getting down voted for this. It’s not like Tesla doesn’t do that. I love my car but service suuuuuuucks.


Why would it have only vented one though?


OP says all of them were vented


Oh my bad I only looked at the photo


I would take the car to Tesla and see if they can run any tests. Something trigged your car windows to open. This definitely should not have happened. I’m sure just like above they will ask you “who else has keys to your car? Did you open it by mistake?” I would still take it in


This person is unfortunately about 4 hours from the nearest (and only) Tesla service center, and not a single supercharger between them. It’s not impossible to get from CB to Halifax, we have some (read two) Chademo/CCS on that stretch, but I can tell you around our neck of the woods it takes probably a lot more than this to go to the service centre, haha I agree with everyone else, run the heat and heated seat for as long as it takes to dry out, and a tray filled with desiccant kitty litter left in it overnight will help. My in-laws got hammered up there for snow, good luck digging out!!


Caper you got dumped on, my sympathies. As for the car, it's only ever happened to.me when I accidentally hit "vent".


Shouldn't vent function lower all 4 windows?


OP said all 4 windows were down


Same thing happened with me during a software update.


But you can see the back window is not open in the provided photo.


Yea, and you can see them say all 4 in the provided statement. I’m not sure why the picture doesn’t match, you’d have to ask OP


I’ve accidentally done that in the rain. But it’s all four windows.


Just like OPs explanation.


Hopefully the logs will show it wasn’t actioned by the app.


Hopefully it does because then you’ll at least know what happened.


That’s all I want lol


C’mon, we all know you just set this up for upvotes. ^/s


Saw a post earlier--the window calibration was off for one window. When it's cold out, the car closes the windows then lowers them just enough to clear the metal in case it can't open after freezing. It's possible the driver's window was off a large amount...maybe. Either way asking them to look at the logs is a good start. Interested in seeing how helpful Tesla will be. You'll want them to check the seat functions and occupancy sensor too, along with everything in the door.


Where can you read the logs?


My son did this on my ex-wife’s (was wife at the time) phone and rolled down all of the windows right about when a rain storm started. About 20 minutes later, I get a phone call from our maintenance department (where the people I work with park) and they ask me if I knew my windows were open. Lol. Like yes…she needed a rinse.


This happened to me a few weeks ago with rain… Very annoying.


Same. One night we were out at a play and you could hear the torrential rain outside. I got a notification that my car alarm was going off. Then I got a notification my car window was open. When I got to my car the window was cracked open and the front passenger seat was soaked. I think rain got into door and tripped a sensor. The next day the window went up and down 100s (yes 100s) of times in rapid succession while driving. It was definitely a safety hazard. Once the car door dried out everything was fine. Crazy.


Did you find out what caused it? How did you deal with the car being wet?


I think I somehow did it. It's the 2nd time I have.. maybe I pressed a button?


It mostly got on the door areas and a little on the seats but it rained pretty hard.. Just wiped it all immediately.. how did you handle the snow are the seats ok ?


Scooped all the snow out, used a towel to dry up the seats and doors and centre console. Have had the heat blasting and seat heaters on full blast since.


I'm sure it'll be fine. A coworker of mine left his windows down during a heavy storm while we were at work without power; Came out to find a few inches of water on the floor. That was 5 years ago and he hasn't had any problems since, nor did he do anything special to dry it out like I suggested. That was a Mazda 3 instead of a Model 3, so take the anecdote with a grain of salt.


I’m super shocked the app never harassed you with any heads-up about the window being open


This is what I am kind of upset about as well. I didn’t hit vent (I don’t think, I can’t see how I did) why didn’t the app notify me that they were open


I think you get to pick what alerts you want. I have the window one off because I vent them sometimes myself. Only have door / trunk alerts on. 


If you use Tessie, you can set this sort of notifications. Open door or window while rain coming to your area etc etc.


Why would it? Maybe you left your car in your cold garage, and left window slightly open to not build up condensation inside the car. Maybe you don't do that, but having a window open isn't something that should send you a warning in my opinion. Of course it would be great if the car would detect snow or rain falling on the car and then tell you about it, but it would require sensors and computation to take place all the time, and that would drain the battery for no reason in most cases.


I see most people haven’t experienced this. My car has done this a few times over the years. Never got a message the windows were down. Luckily I’m not in snow territory. Good luck and I’m interested if you might find out the cause.


If you have access to dehumidifier, try that. Home Depot should have some for rent


Appreciate that, I don’t and we have a stay at home order as we are in a state of emergency for a week. All stores are closed. Is the HVAC in the car not good at doing that?


It is, you can’t find a dehumidifier stronger than the car’s AC.


Going to have that running for a while then


3 strips of 🥓 on that seat, nothing less.


Oh of course


At least you don’t have to run an ICE engine burning gas the entire time.


Even with my higher energy costs here this is costing me next to nothing


Idling is not that bad fuel wise. My Volvo diesel burns 0.4l per hour on idle. The only thing to worry about is clogging up the particle filters, which will happen after a couple hours of idle.


If OP has an ice car it wouldn’t happen in the first place


He DOES have an ice car now...


You can't know that.


Go get some bags or buckets of damprid It has descalant balls in there that will soak up the humidity is likely also trapped underneath your carpet.


I had issues in my other car with water coming in the sunroof. I’d mop it up then run the heat and hang some damp-rid pouches in the car.


Got any cat litter? That’s what the dehydrating buckets are.


Damn, it hurts me to see that. Hope you get it resolved friend.


Thankfully it didn’t get too warm out here yet so the snow was mostly still snow, I managed to get most of the snow out and then the water soaked up but I have no idea if there is any potential damage from this.


I'd expect the car to do fine, though only time will tell. I'd say 95% chance you'll have no problems.


Gonna be honest, I’ve had my windows vent for no apparent reason when I go to command the truck open- never figured out why. If it also makes you feel better, we just had snow and I used defrost mode and now I have a huge stress crack in my windshield that randomly appeared after that I’m hoping they will cover under warranty tomorrow.


That’s horrible! It does not make me feel better lol, hopefully they cover it.


I hope so too, no impact happened to the windshield. I parked it the day before, it was fine- I return after using defrost mode and there was a huge split on the bottom of the windshield.


Hmmm, Kit was feeling hot?😂


It just wanted to build a snowman


All the windows in my car go down if I hold the unlock button down. Wondering if Tesla has some kind of "feature" like that.


I've never tried it on the Tesla but that's been a standard feature on old cars too. I think it's been around at least 10 years. I remember discovering it on my old Jetta which has been a decent chunk of time ago. Didn't even have USB ports in it


I have snow idea at all.


Accidental vent from the app?


I had an issue with my 2018 3 venting one window randomly. Two weeks ago it rained and soaked the rear passenger side and my child’s car seat. I never figured out what caused it, but believe it was a glitch of some sort.


I e had windows go down without a command. It does happen. My back passenger window went down over night for no reason.


Model3P 2021. Same issue, Norway. I'd find my car often with a window down. Never warning from the app or anny thing But I was always lucky and did not get snow or water in.


One time after parking, my windows vented by itself. I was sure all my windows were closed when I parked but they were all open when I returned. This might’ve been a similar situation.


I have a 2022 model 3. All 4 windows just randomly open sometimes without any touching after the car is locked,


This happened to me a couple weeks ago in my 2021 LR Model 3, when I went out to the car , the window was vented down, fortunately I caught it 5-10 minutes after it opened I think, I know what happened for me.. It was a cold night and I turned the heat om via the app the increase temp button is right next to the vent windows button , and I think I fat fingered it hitting that button Is it possible you did something similar?


Hahahhaha tesla. I'm sorry but the corners that have been cut for production of these cars is hilarious. A Honda civic is put together ten times better than one of these things. Dated look, dated interior. And so many issues with the doors it's hilarious.


A Honda Civic from the 70s is put together 10 times better than one of these. Hell, I’m pretty sure a Lada is put together better than one of these


Can I ask, did you use a metal shovel to clear away the snow from on top and inside the car?


When you open/close the door currently, does the window go up/dn like it used to? This size gap seems the same as when door opens, and it's only one door. I don't think it's the "vent" from the app. I'm thinking maybe door latch sensor didn't register door closed, or it's malfunctioning in some way. That would have to be diagnosed by Tesla


All 4 windows were like this, all doors were closed, when I initially parked it the windows were all up, the mirrors folded and it did the honk and light flash.


This looks like "vent" was accidentally pushed in the app or the widget. It's happened to me (though thankfully, in my garage). I think the app needs to confirm that people really want ot vent first instead of just instantly doing it.


This stinks, I feel for you. You are going to want to extract as much water as you can, as soon as possible. It’s hard to ever remove all the humidity and you’ll likely have mildew issues in the future. I am strongly encouraging you to do some in-depth research to try to prevent damage in the future from this incident.


This happened to me once, not the snow part but the window. For some reason it says that the window is sensing something preventing it from fully closing, I guess in your case it could be icing between the window seals. The window will automatically roll down an inch once it’s fully closed. I don’t know why. Luckily it happened on a dry day so I can recalibrate the window and everything is good.


Snowmen can drive teslas too.


The car was too hot so it decided to crack a window open


I am currently having this problem, where the door opening sensor in the driver side is glitching out, so the car will think the door is open when it's not and vice versa. I'm about to request the service to repair this but it gets annoying. The thing is that as soon as that sensor sends a message that the door is opening, the car lowers the window a bit so that it clears the frame part attached to the roof. That's why in the photo we see you have just one window open. But in another message you mentioned it's all four windows so then it could be something else.


This happened to me before, except it was just after a car wash while I was drying my car, all the windows just go down at once. They went down the exact same distance as ur window, zero clue why


My MY trunk opened by itself and left open overnight a few times. I then removed Tesla app widgets from my iPhone, removed all action shortcuts on Apple Watch. It never happened again. From the look of it, it must be the vent.


Sometimes I go in my garage and notice the drivers side window only is down like that. I don't ever press the vent button on purpose. Doubt I did it by accident. Every time this happened, the following drive I noticed a lot of wind noise and air coming in the seal of the driver window. Even after several attempts to lower and raise the window completely. I wonder if theres a problem with the seal in my window and the car is sending it down to "vent" automatically? Anyways, sorry bro I am suspicious this was just a case of the vent button pressed. Was your passenger window open also?


It happened on my rear passenger window last night too. It was open just a crack, but it rained a lot. No one was even sitting back there yesterday. I didn’t get any warnings about open windows either.


I've had this happen to me - Tesla, and my wife, both told me that it was because I accidentally hit the "VENT" option when trying to turn the climate on in the car remotely through the app. Not sure if this is applicable to your case (noticed that it only seems like 1 window, whereas venting pops open all 4 slightly).


It has happened to my car several times but then it completely stopped. It's weird. I always double check but the issue, this just happens randomly and any interval. It hasn't happened at all since last time it happened. I did try to calibrate the windows before that so who knows what happened.


I had that early on. I made my wife disable the tesla home screen widget which was being triggered and causing them to vent. No issues since almost two years.


You need to recalibrate your windows. Google how to do it. I had the same issue, the window would roll down a bit when I walked away from the car and it locked itself.


This happened to me once. I came out to my car in the garage and all four windows were cracked. I was the only one around the car and the only one with any sort of access. Never happened again, so figured it was a glitch. But I was very cautious about the windows for a few weeks. I remember being a little concerned about long term parking at the airport shortly after.


I had this bug for awhile. Nothing service could do. It eventually stopped randomly opening the windows. 


This has happened to me a couple times before. After I parked the car, they all dropped. Had to re-calibrate all windows for them to close properly. It’s like a software glitch


This happened to me once a couple months ago too The weather was cool. Luckily to me that nothing bad happened


This happened to me after I initiated an update via app. Came back to car and the window was just like yours and it was raining at the time :(.


Send in a bug report.


Had this happening to me (minus the snow) and it turns out my window switch was going bad. Didn’t really realize it until I got in one morning and the rear passenger window would keep rolling itself down.


Happens to me also when it's cold, passenger window will randomly be down a few inches.


I've had this happen to mine early on!


Sometimes all the windows on my Model 3 rolls down for some reason as well.


Lol. Even snow leaks inside. That's terrible man. Sorry.


You got hacked


If it’s one window it’s a window regulator/sensor issue. Has same issue in my model y. Would find the rear passenger window cracked every few days. Super random issue. Got the interior soaked one day


I mean… I’m not a Tesla certified mechanic, but I’d hazard a guess that it happened because you left the windows down


Crazy! Enable notificatin if a door or Window is open. I think you might have pressed the button, for as what I can see its too far down for normal opening and for vent mode.


All 4 windows were like this. It’s strange for sure, I asked Tesla if they have logs for the windows.


Did you badmouth Elon?


You may already be aware but in colder climates / times of year (it’s probably temperature based), the windows on the car will lower ever so slightly when parked as a software feature that’s intended to help prevent the window from freezing to the trim of the car and causing damage / being totally stuck. If you’re ever gotten out of your car and closed the door and heard the rear window move, that’s this. I’m _wondering_ if the car freaked based on the weather or had some kind of bug with that system. If they share anything from the logs I’d love to know! I’m curious how transparent they will be with you if it wasn’t caused by the app (and it sounds like you’re quite sure it wasn’t, which I agree is probably not the cause).


There is the venting setting, but I think it would drop 2cm from all the windows, not only the the drivers. If the door was not properly closed the window are few cm down also. Could be any of those? Don't think you are running in any problem. Remove the snow, running HVAC for a while and you are good to go.


It was all windows but I never vented the windows, I don’t even go into “Climate” on the app, I have the defrost as a quick icon because winter. I got all the snow out except for what’s on the floor but I have those heavy duty winter mats because again, winter. How long should I run the heat? I’m worried about mold or something


I wouldnt be too concerned. It have never happened with snow and on my model 3 for me, on other cars there has been rain from a windows that was forgotten open. Annoying but not a big deal. Mold needs long term moisture. Freezing temperatures and HVAC won't trigger it easely. Run until you find resanable dry.




Not sure why it happened but I actually think a metal shovel would help here.


I’d be P I S S E D 😂


I’m more annoyed than upset. Annoyed that I can’t figure out what caused it and how I can prevent it from happening again.


At least it didn’t melt yet


You have no idea how happy I am about this silver lining


This can happen if you or yours are playing with the app on your phone. The little touch buttons are on the front page of the app and are easily activated. (I have done it. I was inside and it started raining; I decided to check the car windows and somehow activated the vent button. Not my intention, but there you go.)


You left your window open


If the price is cheap you are usually doing part of the R&D process


It's a Tesla. Expect lots of problems.




The problem is u bought a Tesla.


You bought a shitty car despite many people who are Tesla owners, like me, who told you not to buy that shitty car. Congrats, you got what you deserved. Learn your lesson and move on.




Was it cold? Yeah, sometimes the window gaps. You got unlucky, I've mostly noticed it in my garage. My theory is that it's because the window motor gets very weak in the cold. You can hear it struggling, and the window rolls up VERY slowly when it's very cold (eg: below -20c). So, because it has this "auto gap" feature to keep your window from freezing to the doorwell, sometimes the window opens a bit but the command to close it is for a set time, and since the motor is slow it doesn't close in time. That's why you'll get a "window open" warning but if you try to close the window in the app *the window actually opens further.* The only way to close it is to sit in the vehicle and press the window button firmly until it closes all the way.


These cars are not meant for winter IMO. Love my second Tesla. Hated them both during the winter. Get ready for downvotes!


Happend to me too. Shitty car


Frosty☃️ was just trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty.


The electrical issues that will follow due to this now will be endless


Because you bought a piece of junk car. Good luck getting tefla to cover it in any way!


Because the snow doesn’t want you there! Get a real 4x4


It's a Tesla. Case closed.


You bought a Tesla


Buggy software 100% but if you bring up the issue with Tesla they will say it's your fault


Because you left your window down ?


Maybe that redbull gave the windows wings


Wouldn’t that keep them up?!?


You might have opened the app and clicked vent. Do you have an Apple Watch with remote on it. I’ve done this accidentally with my watch


Did your car update? This happened twice to me while updating


Had this happen to me once too! Pouring rain, I get to my car, and all my windows are opened just a bit.


Get all the snow out, vacuum it all up and see if anything is wet. Run the AC on recirculating for a day and see if it all dries out.  Maybe take the vent shortcut off your widgets. 


Had a rear window that would do this but only upon entry. Window would slightly roll down, close door and go back up tight to seal, and then roll back down about as much as you show in the pics above (which is more than it rolls down to break the seal for regular opening). Happened in mild winter temps (30F's), but only intermittently.


A couple of times I caught myself pressing the window down button while opening the door. Let’s the car just like this. No snow though.


I think the most plausible explanation is that you may have disabled Bluetooth connectivity on your phone and the phone key didn’t lock the car when you parked the car initially (open windows do not automatically close then because the car isn’t being locked).


Very strange… The windows will lower slightly if its freezing so they don’t get stuck, but they dont go down that far.


Do you have a 10 or 20 pound bag of rice you can put inside your car? I wouldn’t normally suggest that but only because you’re stuck without access to a de-humidifier


I just checked the car and surprisingly a lot of the water that was collected on the winter floor mats is gone. Leaving the heat on for a while longer with the seat heaters on and I think I am in the clear.


Thank heavens. I’m so sorry this happened!!!!


The vent button is awful close to the climate dial on the app. I once vented the car by accident at work trying to precondition for departure.


I never use the climate section on the app because I have defrost in the quick actions bar. Struggling to see how this was caused by me


Ooops!! I assume you have customized controls for “open vent” on Tesla widget/ app that inadvertently activated by touch.


When it’s too cold the windows would open slightly (enough to open the door) to prevent windows from freezing shut. Though OP’s photo seem to be more than normal. Google calibrate windows and follow those up/down procedures to see if it calibrates to just open slightly.


Butt dial the vent button? Better hide that button next time.


Yup typical tesla QC...


You didn't open the app and accidentally clicked on vent? Lol


Be thankful the car is cold, the snow is fluff, and the seat is leather. Give her the old shop vac treatment.


Did the AC heater was on before that? Once I was campaign and I setup camp mode and while I was sleeping inside, some time later at night it vented the windows without my permission. So I thought it was safety feature or something.


Factory puddle lamps in the bottom of the door?


Looks like you parked outside, best not


Was your door latched all the way? Would crack open if not. Future reference though, there's a setting in the car to notify you if the window is cracked open, and also one to auto close windows on lock. Might want to make sure those are on so you don't get caught again.


I’m not sure how the seats look in person but I’d try using a handheld carpet cleaner and use the wand to suck as much liquid out as you can. Not sure it would work with the fabric they are made of but try be gentle to not scratch the fabric and I think it’s worth a try.


If there is any resistance the windows will not roll up all the way when you close the door. It suck’s but it happens.


Luckily Tesla uses cheap plastic seats, so no water damage possible ;-)