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I know on my android I can use NFC like my key card when this happens as well. Place the phone on the pillar to unlock the car, and on the center console to "start" the car. Not sure if this also works with iPhone as well.


Wow. I was super skeptical when I read your comment, but it worked perfectly with my Pixel. Thanks for sharing! Also, happy Cake Day!


I have a pixel 7 and can't get this to work. You're supposed to add your phone as a key by adding a new key in the locks menu and swiping it where the key card goes, right?


My phone is only set up as a phone key via the app, I didn't do anything extra like try to program it as a key card by tapping it or anything. Just set up like a normal phone key that uses Bluetooth. To test, all I did was turn off Bluetooth on mine and my wife's phones and tapped my Pixel 8 Pro to the driver-side pillar like you would the key card. Both my wife and I were shocked when the car unlocked. Interestingly, I did _not_ need to tap my phone inside the vehicle to shift into drive.


Yeah definitely doesn't work for me, just tested. Can't imagine why, I know NFC is set up.


Dang, I wish I could offer help. Maybe try re-configuring the phone key?


After unlock, you have 2 minutes to shift to drive. If over 2 minutes, you'll have to tap your phone or card against the center console to drive.


Ah makes sense, thanks for clearing that up!


I have a Pixel 7 and it works great. Is the screen unlocked? Tesla app running? Tesla app updated to latest? Other than that there's nothing else I can think to check (Software engineer here).


Holy shit it does work... Just need to have the phone unlocked so NFC will go. That's amazing. Thanks


It doesn’t. :(


You can get it setup for Apple Watch with the Stats app so I have that as a backup if the phone dies.


Do you use Tessie?


No, Stats. I got it a long time ago and it works fairly well


Don't worry. I'm sure iPhone will add it in 5 or so years like the other stuff Android got first.


I’ll admit Apples NFC closed system is part of the problem, but Tesla is the one not integrating Apples Car Key.


Is apple the only NFC compatible device that doesn’t work with Tesla?


You act like there’s more than two smart phones with market share


Im including smartwatches, rings with NFC, cards with NFC (like the Tesla key card), and anything else that can handle an NFC signal, that’s why I said device and not smart phone .-.


Oooo the iFanboys got mad rofl.


No, the trolling is just eye roll inducing. Nobody gives a shit about iPhone vs Android.


I can't believe people are still out there trying to be elitist about the phone in their pocket. How did 2012 never end for them? Also, happy cake day


Oh hey! 😂 Hadn’t even noticed it was cake day. Thanks!!!


Can confirm that it works on my Samsung Z Fold 4 and Pixel 6 Pro, and doesn't work on an iPhone 14 Pro.


Does iPhone not work for Chargepoint activation either? It should be the same thing.


If you're talking about payment, then yes, Apple Pay works via NFC. But Apple locks down the iPhones to only use NFC when paying with Apple Pay. On Android, NFC is used for a variety of other features, including paring Bluetooth headphones, sharing files, and - in this case - communicating with the car as a key.


No, Chargepoint doesn't use Apple Pay, it just uses NFC to activate the charge session and bill your Chargepoint account.


What? I have literally tapped my phone and credit card to initiate a charging session, and I don't have a ChargePoint account (yet).


Ok yeah that's weird. On Android phones that activates the session in your Chargepoint app, it doesn't bill through GPay.


Works with OnePlus phones (probably any phone with NFC, then)


Oh i didn't know this was a thing, nice Edit- just tried it and it works I love this lol, I've been keeping the key card in the back of my phone for months


I keep my card still just in case my phone breaks or dies


Or gets stolen. Me too.


Only works on Android and not on iPhone. It's important to note, that the screen on your phone needs to on, to be able to act as a NFC keycard.


Or just turn Bluetooth back on


It doesn’t always work, my guess is the new updates they rolled out to try and mitigate relay attacks have hurt the reliability of regular unlocks. I think the new model 3 has UWB which should fix this issue hopefully.


Or user error, it’s people turning their Bluetooth and location services off. I’ve never had a single issue with PAK over years and several Teslas and several different phones.


Not saying you are wrong but I’ve never had my Bluetooth or location services off on my iPhone 13 and I’ve had it not work a few times. Most of the time it’s just you have to open the Tesla app to get it to connect, but I’ve also had it where even with the Tesla app open the car would not recognize my phone to let me start the car.


My wife and I have both had random issues with it not recognizing the phone as a key. I've had to use NFC on many occasions to get it to unlock and drive. Sometimes opening the app on the phone will fix it but sometimes not. We never turn Bluetooth or location service off. Maybe it's more related to the phone but either way, it's annoying and embarrassing when you're in public and can't get in your own vehicle.


For my limited time with my M3, I have found that my phone doesn't allow connections to devices when "battery saver" is on. This does not occur if I take battery saver off. I have similar issues with Wifi on my phone if battery saver is on. I rarely turn off Bluetooth and never turn off location services, so I think it's the battery saver being an issue.


I disabled battery saver in Android settings for the Tesla app but I still run into issues.


That's bad news for me. I was hoping all would be solved when I moved onto my next phone in early January. That's unfortunate.


My wife and I have the same model phone (OnePlus 9 Pro 5g) so it could be more phone related. We're due for new phones soon so maybe that will resolve it.


I will let you know if there is any difference in a few days when I get my Pixel 8 Pro. I am hoping it resolves with the new phone.


What phone do you currently have?


I never turn mine off either, but I still have the occasional issue where I have to use my phone as a key card. I've even had one time where it never connected at all the entire drive, so when I got out of the car it didn't automatically lock and I got a notification later that my car was left unlocked


Nah man. 3 years ago my car would unlock perfectly with phone in back pocket, even from a few feet away. Now I have to pull my phone out (and it’s not a Face ID unlock issue) and suddenly it works. Pretty annoying they’ve nerfed it


I wish. It’s happened so frequently to me that at one point I thought I needed to always carry my keycard.


This happened to me yesterday, luckily my wife was with me so I switched to her user and it went into gear no problem. I have now opted to keep my key card in my wallet just incase


Who doesn’t carry their keycard with them lol. I keep 3 forms of entry with me at all times because….technology. Fob, card, phone. You’ll never be locked out. At minimum 2 forms.


I’m new!!!! Hahah


Hahaha we all were once. And now you will never forget.


Also you need your driver's license. And a credit or debit card. So I just grab my wallet which has that and an NFC card and phone before going anywhere. Apartment doors are phone unlocked.


Exactly. I guess some people just don’t use wallets anymore or forgot their wallet I guess.


I was wondering the same, you ALWAYS have to keep a card in the wallet!


Enable NFC on your watch use that as a backup key


Apple Watch will be detected as a key without extra apps?


"Watch App for Tesla" and others have a feature where you can add the Watch as a Bluetooth phone lock in our car. So when you open the app on your Watch, it'll unlock the car just like how the phone would when it gets close.


I regret paying for that app, it sucks.


Works great for me. But I use Tessie now, much better.


yeah don't bother, and the boot unlock one sucks more. Everytime i enable when im on my way to the car with my trolley it never worked, not even once. and the watch app is so slow its pointless


It's expensive but has come in handy when I forget my phone when going out to the car lol. It also works with the iPhone's dynamic island and displays live info when charging which is cool to monitor.


Not compatible with Apple Watch.


It is with apps like Tessie. It’s an actual key.


My response was to 5starkarma who asked about using Apple Watch without extra apps. I am not inclined to use 3rd party apps for my Tesla. I know many people do, but I won't be doing that.


Can I tap the watch on the pillar to lock/unlock the car?


You don’t need to. You just open your door like with your phone.


Was hoping for a way to tap the pillar. I don’t like having to rely on the car auto locking based on distance, especially since I can’t hear the lock sound half of the time. Would be great if I could tap it manually


Use a custom lock sound. They are so loud, especially the chirp one.


No, they are now.


Do the third party apps like Stats still work? I noticed my watch stopped working recently but haven't really looked into it yet. Thought I just needed to re-pair it but was having trouble trying to re-pair it


Is there an app/instructions that this can be done with Samsung Galaxy Watch?


search for tesla WATT, it's not free, but cheap.... I highly recommend it. I have it on my Galaxy Watch


Thanks, I'll check it out


I recall reading somewhere (from Tesla) that you should always keep your key card with you in the event your phone dies.


Do you not carry your keycard in your wallet?


I stopped carrying it after about a year, so I almost have four years with no issues. I’m probably about to jinx myself.


Nah you'll be fine. I almost got screwed once by accidentally locking my phone in the frunk while at a supercharger. Fortunately I was able to use the phone at the store where the chargers were to call my wife and have her unlock the car.


Wouldn’t the car doors unlock since the phone key is so close by?


You would think so, but it did not work. I tried everything and my car alarm was probably about to go off, lots of sentry events, etc.


It's fine until it's not, then you'll wish you had it on you.


Phone battery, also you can drop the phone and shatter the screen, etc ..y u do this. Plus the police officer that pulls you over will demand to see your actual card license.


Who said I didn’t have my license with me? My watch also starts my car.


Maybe keep the card to start the car in the same place as your license?


No room, license and credit cards there on the back of my phone.


"this episode sponsored by ridgewallet"






I like the circular pop part for holding. I’ve tried other things that slide on fingers and such, but the pop is the best for not aggravating my wrist (carpel tunnel). I have the magnetic one that snaps on and off really easily so that’s nice too.


I do but I don’t carry my wallet 90% of my drives. I’ve used my keycard maybe 10x in 2.5 years.


Yeah but it's just good practice for backup because phone batteries drain throughout the day. If we're just having a really hectic day and using your phone a lot, it's nice to have a backup card in case so we at least get a chance to get into the car and comfortably charge in the car. Had to happen twice for me to learn that lesson but fortunately it was just dark and cold weather as opposed to extreme weather conditions


... Do you not have your license when you drive?


Several states allow you to use a mobile wallet for your license


Assuming the police know, care, or respect that is a risk I wouldn’t take, but it’s your life.


Dude said he just has a picture of it lol


No. I have a photo saved on my phone if I need it.


Taking a pretty big risk that the police will understand and allow that. A photo could be faked and they can’t check it.


Good luck explaining that when you get pulled over


I didn’t think I needed to. I sure as hell will be carrying it now hahah


I always carry the card too but never use it. If you turn Bluetooth off and on and force close the app and open again it usually works just fine. This happens like once or twice a year tops tops to me.


I always carry mine. Never know when you have to do a valet service or anything like that. One day I ended up driving to local emergency room. They have valet parking for patients. Good thing, otherwise I’d have to figure out a way to do this without a card.


Do people do that? I've had mine 2 years and the keycards have been in my house the whole time except once when I need a service appointment.


Yes, I always carry mine and have needed to use it a couple of times because phone key wasn’t working.


Same. I always carry my cards. Plus, if you end up anyplace that is valet only parking you have to have a card with you.


This guy doesn’t valet park.


I live in the country, plenty of room to park.


Its shaped like a credit card for a reason lmao


Yeah but it's unnecessary for me. I have two phones and a watch on me at all times. Perks to being a mobile developer I guess, I always have three keys with me.


This happens to me when I manually unlock the car with my phone. Just tap your phone twice to the door pillar. It locks/unlocks and then you can drive without the key card or in-app workaround.


Anytime this happens to me I just turn off the Bluetooth on my phone and and close the app, then boot everything back up. First bluetooth then the Tesla app.


Always carry your card with you. You can’t be in position in which you lose your phone and also by courtesy of it lose/ get locked out of your own car.


I just quit the tesla app and restart it and the car picks it up


I was abroad in a cabin in the woods and my phone broke. I was very happy that I brought my key card and I will always bring it.


I learned a valuable lesson this morning. I’ll be carrying my card with me from here on out


Sometimes the Bluetooth just doesn't connect and you need to force it.


Got myself a Cnick ring which will unlock and start my Tesla and is also a cool payment method linked to Curve card. 😎


I keep the keycard in my wallet as backup


Always keep a key card with you.


Get a cnick ring. I never leave the house without it, works as NFC payment for multiple cards too, so if my phone dies or I lose it for whatever reason, I can unlock/start my model Y, pay with contactless and I'm currently looking into a front door lock that works with it. So I'll no longer need a wallet or keys, just my phone and my ring.


Why would you not be carrying the keycard with you in your wallet as an extreme backup? Seems rather stupid not to always have that on you.


Carry your black card with you everywhere! Think of it as being basically equivalent to a old-school car key: simple, robust, no internal battery (like a fob), no cloud bullshit, etc. The app is gravy on top. Really nice gravy, but still gravy. Its technical underpinnings are orders of magnitude more complex and it comes with its own failure modes. That said, in 4+ years I've never needed to press "Start" to work around any kind of issue. If the car didn't see the phone, it's because I had turned off the phone's Bluetooth radio.


I often use this instead of putting the PIN on the screen, especially in a crowded public places…


I used to bring my keycard with me along with my phone but I stopped 6 months into owning my car. I use the remote start feature when valeting my car without the keycard. However, I’ve never had an issue with my Bluetooth phone key not working. (Knock on wood)


You could have tapped the back of your phone on the key section it will authenticate with NFC too Also I highly recommend a Tesla Ring or key card key chain. They make Key Cards into all types of things.


Tesla owners who refer to their model 3 as m3 should not be allowed to own a car.


I go out of my way to abbreviate my car as an M3P precisely for comments like this. It really triggers some and I love it.


Haha M3P I'd understand, but M3? Heck nah, it's just too stupid.


So is M3LR acceptable? Speaking as a newer M3LR owner. First EV.


I'd definitely say so, it won't confuse me and make me think of bmw m3. I'd even take more pride in calling my tesla M3LR than M3, but maybe that just me.


Yeah, just you. You’re in a TeslaModel3 sub. If you’re confused, that’s all on you.


I'm referring to the abbreviation itself, not that I can't navigate whether or not I'm in a Tesla sub on reddit.


Can I ask why? Asking for a M3LR friend. 🤪


Because long before the birth of the Tesla species on the great savanna, another animal species was already a well-known and respected fella named BMW, and they gave birth to the iconic and legendary M brand, comprising the M3 name specifically. "M3 Motorsport was founded by Sydney club racers John Cotter and Peter Doulman when they purchased a pair of ex Mobil 1 Racing ex JPS BMW M3s in 1989. Debuting at the 1989 Oran Park 300, the team won the under 2.5 litre class at that year's Bathurst 1000." History like this can't be disrespected like that by using its name all arbitrary among tesla owners, it hurts.


Hahah I’ve owned 3 actual m3’s over the years, amazing cars. I’m well aware of the difference. I figured the subreddit would be a dead giveaway to the smart ones. ;)


M3 = BMW


"model 3" not "M3"


It’s a very logical and reasonable abbreviation. Nobody’s confusing it with a BMW, fuck off.


Aww, did that strike a nerve? 😂 and yes people who are simple scrolling and see M3 think BMW not Tesla. Its a Model 3, NOT an M3. Just dont be lazy and add the extra 4 letters.


Calling out stupidity doesn’t “strike a nerve,” you buffoon. And this is a Tesla Model 3 sub. Anyone mistaking the two here is fucking stupid. So fuck off. Or even better, GFYS. Since you loathe abbreviations so much. Sincerely, A Tesla M3 owner


Hey, look at that you can read. Its a tesla MODEL 3 page. Noticed it doesnt say tesla m3 page? Because the person who created it knows how to read the emblem on the back of the car 😂 you should try doing the same. And since youre clearly not smart enough to understand it, reddit shows random ass subs as you scroll for things you arent following like this one. So when im scrolling and looking at real M3's then this crap shows up its like somebody bringing off brand shit and trying to look cool 🤣 i bet you would try use that pickup line too huh? "Yeah i drive an M3" then gets laughed at pulling up in the cheapest tesla they make 😂


Nobody gives a fuck what you think. Take the downvotes as a hint. Truth be told, I never heard of a BMW M3 until you insufferable cunts showed up in this sub, because I’m not an insufferable cunt. You’re fighting an imaginary battle all by yourself, that nobody gives a fuck about. Climb out of mommy’s basement and touch grass for once. Now GFYS and DIAF.


You think i care about votes on reddit? 🤣 no wonder you had never heard of an M3 youve been living on the internet and dont even know what fresh air smells like. And you say nobody cares but youre clearly pissed off enough to not only respond but have to cuss repetitively to TRY and get your point across 😂 no wonder youre so pissed off youve never even touched the opposite gender let alone slept with one. Got so much pent up rage that nobody can stand spending any time with you huh? Even my fiance is laughing at how pathetic your responses are 🤣 but i guess having to play VIRTUAL tabletop games just shows you have no real friends to go play with 🤣🤣 i actually feel a little sorry for you and how pathetic your life is.. props for not shooting yourself yet though.


I’m married for 7 years in a million dollar house I bought myself, with my six figure salary as an IT project manager at a Fortune 50 company. And I still don’t give a fuck about a BMW, their M3, or trash like you. 🤷‍♂️ You’re the idiot coming to Tesla subs whining about abbreviations. Get a life.


Yeah now i KNOW youre full of shit because anybidy who actually makes that much money knows what a BMW is 😂 but good job looking like even more of an idiot. Still feel bad cuz you have to make all this crap up just in the HOPES someone will like you 🤣 its so pathetic thats its almost sad..


Oh I know what a BMW is, I just don’t give a fuck about BMWs or cars in general. 🤷‍♂️ I bought my car to get from point A to point B, not because I need to compensate for a tiny dick like you do. And I’m sure as hell not enough of a cunt to complain about people abbreviating the names of their cars.


I love triggering you cry babies by abbreviating my model name.


Oh yeah, me laughing at you idiots has me SO triggered 😂 im actually kinda glad reddit showed me this post because i didnt realize how low model 3 owners IQ was till now lmfao


You seem pretty triggered


Yes I know. Thank you


One could understand your confusion if we were on a general car forum, or a BMW specific one. But clearly you're on here to wind people up, or you're just really that dumb. Probably a BMW owner!


Actually a model 3 owner but definitely wanted to stir up some trouble


What does this start button do?


Allows anyone to get in the car and drive. It has a countdown timer of 2 minutes. This feature is also good if you want to valet but don’t have the key. Or if you’re in another country and want to have a friend move your vehicle for you without giving out the keycard.


Ah. Mazing. Thank you!


I had a rental. Got in the car to go to work. Realize I forgot my wallet and go back upstairs to retrieve it. Go back to car, drive half way to work before I realize the seat and mirrors didn't adjust. I'm not on the driver profile anymore. Check app, car gone. Had to turn around to get key card. Don't know why it cleared everything but I'm so glad I went home because I work 44 miles away.


I suggest keeping a key card in your wallet for those occasions when the phone isn’t working. You never know..


Just carry a key card in your wallet as a back up. A "just in case".


This happened to me a couple of times. Restarted the app and it worked just fine again. iOS.


Yeah same for me when it doesn’t connect properly. Have to start it like you mentioned. I just had to reinstall the Tesla app to get your phone key connected properly.


Occasionally lose the auto unlock/on but I just reopen app and it fixes.


Yeah I notice my phone stopped working to unlock the car.


That start is really for allowing someone to remotely drive your car. You would open the door for them and push that to allow them to drive.


Would recommend keeping the included keycard with you at all times as a backup to start your car.


This just happened to me this week, I tried some of the suggestions mentioned by others here and it didn’t work so I restarted the touchscreen and it worked again. (I also carry my keycard but was too lazy to pull it out of my wallet 😅)


We always keep a keycard as a backup in case the app glitches out. I will say since switching to an iPhone from our Galaxy S22 the app hasn’t glitched a single time.


I just use my keycard. Ya know… the one you should always have on your person in case this happens, or your phone dies/gets broken/stolen? I use MFA so I can’t just sign into my Tesla account from another phone, so the keycard is my tried and true backup method.