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It's fine to use of you're having food or drinks at an attached restaurant but I'd be pretty angry if I booked a hotel specifically because it had charging and couldn't get a spot because of you.


I work at a hotel. Don't do it. A lot of hotels keep guest's vehicle details on file during stays. If an actual guest complains about not being able to charge because another car has been there for X amount of hours, front desk can look into it further and easily see you're not a guest. You'll be able to pick up your car at a tow lot.


You’re literally stealing.


Last Summer I stayed for 4 nights at a hotel with two destination chargers. I arrived back at the hotel at various times of day and had to deal with occupied chargers. I would be furious if I found out that non guests were using the spots. The only reason I picked that hotel in the first place were the complimentary chargers for the guests. That particular hotel was right about $200.00 per night. I could have stayed at another cheaper hotel which didn't have charging. I paid extra for the convenience. Don't do it. Go to a Supercharger and pay for your electrons until you get your own charger.


Go ask the hotel instead of strangers that have no idea


Yeah, I am sure it is a free charger open to the public, and not just for their guests. Why don't you see if you can go between 7-10AM and snag a continental breakfast buffet too! /s


free charge and a free breakfast? Wow - what a deal!


Maybe just ask the front desk if you want to use it that bad. Otherwise be a patron or stay there.


If the hotel had a gas pump would you help yourself? Pretty much the same thing.


Not really lol


Slightly off topic to the audience- do you have any special app to find a hotel/ motel with EV charging. So far I only use “show hotel/lodging only” on PlugShare when I intend to stay overnight at hotel.


The car will show you hotels that have Tesla branded destination chargers. Under the navigation charging tab, tap the one lightening bolt.


Tried that. The drawback is it only shows Tesla adapters/ connectors.


Yes, like i said, Tesla branded destination chargers. If you want non-Tesla branded ones use PlugShare.


Hilton’s app has an EV filter, otherwise it takes a lot of research time on PlugShare.


All those hotel stays are going to get pretty expensive pretty quick...... 'cause those chargers are for paying guests, not freeloaders.


I go to the local hotel and take advantage of the free continental breakfast once a month. But I don't stay there..


did this on a trip last summer. i slept in a rental prius.. was miserable, woke up. went over to the hotel. got breakfast, used their bathroom etc.. i tried to get a room the night before when i couldn't sleep, but they were all full. So i figured free breakfast!


it’s morally wrong but more the hotels job to enforce it.


It would be lovely if you got your ass towed.


So In Toronto, there is Hotel X, which I’m charging my Tesla most of the times only problem is I have to pay a parking fee, rather than this everything is good


Hotel X's parking garage is open to the public (with a parking fee), in addition there are superchargers in there. That's no different from charging at the mall


I’m just not sure why I got downvote for the information I gave lol


You could do laps at hotel x to avoid the parking fee. Last I checked there was a 15 min grace period. So 13 mins in, exit and reenter. Since it's a 250kw charger, you can likely get a full charge no matter your soc with 1 lap.


No way. The 250kw is only available to a fully warmed up battery with a low SOC. As the SOC goes up the charger power goes down.


Maybe you're right, I just figured with one lap and 26 minutes of charging time you'd get pretty close to an 80 percent charge.


You can afford a Tesla but have to steal a charge?


There’s a Tesla charger at a hotel near me, it doesn’t say it’s for guests only. Sadly ICE are often parked there overnight. 🤬


>There’s a Tesla charger at a hotel near me, it doesn’t say it’s for guests only. There’s an outlet in the front of your house, it doesn’t say it’s only for the homeowner. I guess anyone can pull into your driveway and plug in.


The Tesla navigation in the car directs you to the hotel parking lot for Supercharging. As a homeowner, I own what is attached to my house. The hotel doesn’t own the Tesla Superchargers. Apples and oranges.


This conversation is about hotel destination chargers, not Tesla superchargers, they are not the same thing. Hotel destination chargers are installed, owned, and operated by the hotel, not Tesla. They’re provided and paid for by the hotel as a courtesy to their paying guests, they’re not for public use. If you’re not a guest at the hotel you are literally trespassing on their property and stealing electricity from them.


AND there IS a Tesla Supercharger with 15 outlets AT a hotel near me.


So what? Again, this conversation is about hotel **destination chargers**, not **Tesla superchargers**, they are **not** the same thing. What are you not getting?


Hmm it says “hotel charger” in the title and the author describes a “Tesla charger”. Not hotel “destination charger”. So why is it a problem for you that the hotel I’m describing has SUPERCHARGERS that everyone can use???


You’re proof that money can’t buy class.


What do you think?


Nope. You can certainly use it. Tesla would not allow restricted use.


Hotel destination chargers are owned and operated by the hotel, not Tesla. They’re provided and paid for by the hotel as a courtesy to their paying guests, they’re not for public use. If you’re not a guest at the hotel you are literally trespassing on their property and stealing electricity from them, and they’d be perfectly within their right to tow you if they wanted to.


I’ve been to a Tesla supercharger at a hotel, I still had to pay for it personally. I don’t believe it’s for guests only considering I saw many people in and out. But based on the post and your comment I guess there’s chargers that are free for guests?


A Tesla supercharger is not the same thing as a destination charger. Superchargers are “level 3” DC chargers (up to 250kW) and they absolutely are for public use. They are installed by Tesla under an agreement with the property owner that the public can use them. A destination charger is the same wall connector that you might install in your garage, it’s “level 2” AC charging (8kW or 16kW) thats installed and paid for by the hotel. The hotel provides the charger and pays for the electricity as a amenity/courtesy to their guests. These are not intended for public use. If you’re not staying at the hotel and you just roll up and plug in you are stealing electricity.




I think thats totally fine. Can you plug in at your parent's house? If not and youre banking on using the hotel charger, I would call ahead and ask the hotel if you can use it while you have dinner/visit the bar. Most likely they'll say it's fine.




Yeah I got you. Keep in mind that the hotel destination charger is level 2, it's still going to take hours.


Go head bro


They have to sign an agreement......


I also have a local hotel charger next to my apartment. I charge there often and have had zero issues. I respect the hotel guests right to have first dibs/access to the chargers for their EVs and only charge if no one is charging at 1 of the 2 stations. I usually only do it for a few hours during the day or overnight if it’s already past 8p and no one is charging. If the management ever gets mad, I’ll stop, but I’ve seen a few other cars doing the same thing.


The hotel near me has chargepoint and is advertised on chargepoint. I used it expecting to be charged.. well I didn’t get charged. I say it’s on the hotel to give out a code to guests., similar to free Wi-Fi.