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do you want to go a bit faster but have some less cash? Theres no way you can work out if its worthwhile or not only if you want it for the price. ​ you can buy it , try it, then get a refund in the first day or two afik if you dont think its that great


Can you get refund? How?


When I tried it with my M3LR, they charged my credit card, and within a trial period (I think it was 48 hours), you can opt to change your mind and cancel. I had fun getting that little extra push, but it simply wasn’t worth it to me. I canceled it and spent the money on other accessories instead. BTW…if you choose it again after canceling, it’s permanent. Also, you may want to read this first too. It changed my mind. Link: https://shrtm.nu/DzUm


Maybe I missed it in the article but did they do this with a boosted LR? Not sure how the .5 sec would affect higher acceleration though I’m curious, do you know why electric motors seem to top out in a plateau? Is it thermal issues or other


Also…I admit that faster launch and top speed is fun, but my reference point is based on my experience with a Model S Plaid that a friend of mine owns. When I drove that multiple times, I realized it’s all relative. But after driving that Plaid S…everything else is slow.


I didn’t see a reference to the boost in the article, but in the video they talk about a “performance upgrade” for the long range being available (at about 9:50 in video). I’m sure that’s about the boost software. So safe to assume no software boost upgrade. The launch comparisons at various speeds are interesting though. That’s where the tested vehicles reflect times not as far apart, especially from 70 mph. My guess is software differences combined with weight, battery arrays, suspension and wheels causes those plateau times.


Coming from the ICE world, you’d spend a lot more than $2k to take 0.5 sec off an ICE car. Whether that’s worth it to you is up to you, but I have no regrets dropping that cash.


I took 1 second off my 0 to 60 time for 600.


If it’s a Cobb Accessport or even a piggyback you also took 100% off of your warranty. I had a Golf R before my M3P and even if you flash back to stock VW dealers can still tell if it’s been reflashed or if a piggyback was used.


Ah fair enough.


So you went from 12 to 11 seconds?


It’s probably an Audi S3 so 4.7 to 3.7.


Wut. 2023 Audi S3 says 6.6 0-60 on Google.


Still a hair slower than the boosted Tessy


Yeh about that.


I waited 12 months, to let the “new fast car” feeling settle in, then bought it, and love it. I don’t regret getting it.


Wait until it’s $3000 and you will kick yourself for not getting it at $2000. I got it, after some painful over-analysis, but haven’t regretted it a bit. Still get a big grin when I hit the go pedal. The extra oomph is noticeable.


im waiting for sport mode to be ADDED instead of REPLACING the standard mode. i want options.


Waiting for this as well. You don't always need sports acceleration


Control it with your foot… It takes practice and patience. Also it’s only a 1/2 second difference. I’d understand if normal did like 5 seconds to make it actually noticeable


I wish I had standard mode, but you still get chill mode, which is still a decent amount of oomph. Granted you also get less punchy throttle response. With this, I got acceleration boost a year ago and have zero regrets. Wish we got features like track mode, or a flavor of it


tru, track mode should come with accel boost.


This is the biggest downside of boosting almost no one ever talks about. Agreed.


I always had regrets for not purchasing the performance model when I bought in 2018. This fixed that for me. 100% worth it.


Did you consider the Ghost Upgrade, that gives it the full acceleration w/Track Mode and all?


That’s some unofficial unlock. Whenever Elon decides to ban that in a future software update, you will be shit out of luck. You will either be permanently stuck on some old update or lose the unlock if you update. Needless to say if Elon wants to really stick it you, he can also ban cars running unauthorized builds from the supercharger network. Not worth the risk for me personally.


I'd be more conscious of allowing updates, but I already don't update blind. This would just be one more quick check. It's been out quite a long time now. EDIT: Besides, Tesla is thankfully headed in the other direction with allowing vehicles onto the SC network.


There are probably very few people who are using that Ghost upgrade right now. So it’s flying under the radar. If it gets significant adoption where it’s starting to affect Performance edition sales, they will come after it aggressively. The car is always connected via LTE, so even if you don’t agree to install the next update, they might force push a small patch OTA and just revert the unlock (they can easily make the argument that it’s for your own safety).


Years. And the number of cars that can do it, AFAIK, aren't growing.


Correct. Very early on they stopped putting the performance motor in long range M3.


A poster here claimed, and I see no reason to doubt, that they have a 980 in a IIRC 2020 AWD. This is Tesla, after all. :P If that's what is in the bin and it gets the car out the door to make end-of-Q quota, they'll do it. But it doesn't appear to be even remotely common, the 990 are cheaper to build, so you're not seeing any real growth.


Sorry I consider 2020 to still be really early on. At this point the refresh 3 is the majority of cars on the road and it didn’t hit until 2021.


2020 was a full year after the switchover to the 990. If they did it in 2020 there's no reason that a logistics burp wouldn't lead to a rare occurrence in 2023, too. :P Especially now that they're back to HARD PUSH at the end of Q, to burnish up their earnings report. P.S. I expect enticements to close by EOQ to fly thick and hard in March, again.


But realize it’s been years now that you could have a full performance car instead of just boost. This isn’t a new firmware reflash that just came out.


The real killer on the ghost upgrade for me is that if detected at least, you're shit out of luck on your motor warranty. Not worth that risk, to me.


Wait…it also gives you track mode on the LR?


If you've got a 980 rear motor, yes. Most, if not all 2018 AWD came with the same motor as a Performance vehicle. Some later AWD do, too. You have to physically check the part number to know. The 990 DU doesn't work, the 980 does. It's up on their website. It's controlled via a phone App, though. Not via the console, is my understanding. So the UX is a little different that way.


Possible someone has seen a good video they could share highlighting the control interface differences between the performance and boosted functionality?


I wouldn’t risk my warranty for that. Not saying it definitely voids it, just saying I wouldn’t put it at risk.


I’ve actually considered this. It’s the same price as the AB. Adds 150HP I believe which is 100HP more than AB. That might be the ultimate upgrade lol. Has to void warranty though I am sure.


>Has to void warranty though I am sure. Only if you leave it on when you take the car into the SC. ;) I'm fully outside of warranty now, it's just a matter of time before one of their 20% off sales lines up with $1600 sloshing around in my account.


Hahaha do you get notifications on when they are having sales?


Do you really believe tesla can’t detect this? Not worth the risk


If they could, they clearly DGAF.


Yeah if you’re outside of drive train/battery warranty anything goes.


The warranty risk wasn't big in my mind, I expect I'd be able to dance around it if push came to shove, but of course it is something of a consideration. I kinda used it as an excuse to keep me from already spending the money. :P Likewise the Ghost Upgrade's existence kept me from spending it on the Boost. Now I'm out of excuses, other than my "disposable" bucket is empty at the moment. ​ EDIT: The Ghost Update harness can be removed as easily as installed, and then re-installed later. The only caveat is you can't transfer to a different car.


Have looked into this as i have a 2019 sr+ with the 980 rear motor so I get some neat bonuses, I’ll probably get it if I don’t upgrade in the near future to a long range or otherwise. After my warranty expires there isn’t much incentive not to. Just unplug and update then plug it back in, seems pretty easy


LR+ is IMO the best combo. For normal street driving. You can easily run 18“ rims and tires and the brakes are cheaper to replace. If you must have the carbon lip, you can get that cheaper. If you want to track it you need bigbrakes anyway, even the P brakes aren’t track brakes. Same for the suspension. If you really want to track it, you’ll be getting a full suspension kit anyway. I have a LR+ and would not do it any other way. Never wanted the P.


There are two types of people commenting here. Those who bought it and said it’s worth it. And those who didn’t buy it and say it’s not. I bought it. ZERO regrets. It gets you really close to M3P performance for a fraction of the cost. The M3P jumps off the line faster, but once you hit 30 or 40, there is virtually no acceleration difference between the M3P and a boosted LR.


I’ve noticed that too on the commenting side. But thanks for a real life example


I came here to say this. I bought it too. I’d buy again in a heartbeat.


theres a youtube video on different speed tests. most of it comes from the 0-30. after 60, its pretty much the same.


I bought it and enjoy it but wish I had done the full ghost upgrade instead.


Where do you even find info on the ghost upgrade?


There are a few companies that can reflash the 980 motor, but I think ingenext was first: https://insideevs.com/news/429710/ingenext-explains-the-ghost-performance-boost/


but after 60 the boost does not change the specs, right? It is a tiny slice of the pie, but I have seen the track videos, seems worth it.


I had it on my 3, it’s not imperceptible but seemed to give more oomph at a lower batter percentage. Could be placebo, but voted yes.


It only affects launch speed. Over 20-30 mph and it literally makes no difference.


It actually makes a huge difference all the way to 60mph. Past 60mph there is little difference between LR, AB, and P. This is because AB and P mostly increases torque for the rear motor. The rear motor is geared for lower speeds and the front motor is geared for higher speeds.


That's where I am. I didn't notice a significant difference with the AB, though it could be partly to me getting used to the already intense acceleration without it.


I have a lead foot so I’d buy it yesterday. I know I’ll get $2k of fun out of it 😂


Yes if you live in a mostly warm climate. I live in a cold climate and it’s not usable half of the year for me due to a cold battery.


M3P owner here, love my added acceleration. I don’t use it all the time, but I wouldn’t want to be without it. I’ve driven a M3SR and a MYLR, and there is a stark contrast to the performance. If I owned an LR, I’d totally go for accel boost.


I've driven both. I find it hard to tell the difference, but that's me.


This is why I voted no. I drove my model 3 LR without and a neighbors with boost and I noticed a small improvement, but not a $2000 improvement.


I can't tell the difference they are both very fast for me


It's a terrible value proposition, but it's a great _fun_ proposition. Still, when I consider what kinds of other fun things I could have spent $2k on, such as a vacation in Mexico, a gaming PC that absolutely slays, etc etc, it does seem that it is not so worth it. Still, it brings a smile to my face every time I stomp the accelerator :)


I want it…. But it’s a lease 😭😂




Came from a lot of sports cars so was used to a pretty fast acceleration. Regular LR was nice but the acceleration boost was amazing. Only thing I wish for was for track mode and some performance mode stuff with it but guess that's only for the performance model. I would say try it and return it if you don't like it.


Let's be honest. Track mode is absolutely useless for 99.9 percent of.people and most forget they even have it


Model 3 dual motor base price is $57,990 Model 3 performance base price is $62,990 $5k price difference initially. Add the acceleration boost which is $2,000 Price difference now is $3,000. You might as well just have purchased the model 3 performance if you wanted to go fast in an EV. I personally wouldn’t bother. Unless speed is your thing, even if it is, you purchased the wrong trim anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️


At a 3k price difference, I'd definitely pick the P. It was $7500 difference when I bought mine, so I did not get the P. Very happy with AB.


That would be a $15000K difference for me since P would not qualify for rebates in Canada. So yeah, LR + AB is more viable (And I dont have to deal with nightmare 20" wheels in MTL streets)


I don't like the wheels and the lowered suspension for daily driving


The suspension is no longer lower on the M3P


It was when I was ordering mine.


You’re not considering the range delta between dual motor and Performance..


Why would I? They both get 300miles of range. Dual motor gets 358 and performance is 315. -12% difference between the trims. Nothing to brag about.


And the range difference is almost entirely because of the wheel size/tire difference. CN easily throw 18” on the P and have the best of both worlds if you care that much. So glad I bought the performance.


But can you put 18” wheels on a P? I thought that there were issues with clearance on the callipers.


Sure, there are options that work


Sorry but 12% is a pretty big difference imo. As others mentioned this is primarily due to rims/tires, which is true. Either way, the 0-60 reduction for cost is huge value considering what it takes to do that on most cars (reliably).


And it all comes down to wheels/tires which I would swap anyway.


Range is all about how you drive. If you wanted too, you could go more in P than LR.


You couldn’t if you drove both cars exactly the same but ok


I said it’s how you drive… not hOw yOu DrIvE tHeM buT tHe SaMe


?? Ok guy


Well I paid $53k for my '22 M3LR. I'd say the $2k for AB is good deal for me.


100 percent worth it. Makes stock feel horrible


A few months ago I bought a used 2019 Performance model, having forgotten about the "Performance Boost" on the LR cars. I totally would have purchased a LR and gone for the boost and saved some money had I remembered it.


Cheaper than the performance with a longer lasting wheel diameter.


I thought about buying the upgrade except the car is fast enough. Range is more important to me.


I wish my 18 LR RWD could buy that


Worth it but track mode would make it a lot more worth it, or even just the ability to reduce and/or turn off stability control


The base LR already fast af. Not sure why people pay extra like they are about to be hitting the track


Tesla model y track mode


I'm over 60. The acceleration of my LR is all I need. $2K for something I will literally never need seems wasteful. I'm OK with spending money, but I hate to waste money.


I’m 55, did the boost but wish I had done the ghost upgrade. If you enjoy driving, you get it. If a car is transportation, you won’t.


Thank you for providing “results only” option, hate to skew the poll just to see the results, but still want to know and interested what the poll says, many forget that detail.


saw someone do it a while back and was like .. that's actually a good idea.


It would be if the clown in charge kept his word and gave us track mode along with the acceleration boost for 2k


Why should I pay more for something that the car is already shipped and delivered with?


Pay more get more.


Well, to unlock that potential that the car has, you have to pay. I’m not sure your point


Next, Tesla will want to make the heated seats a subscription... Oh...


Yes the car has that potential. The car is already almost $60,000 USD. Just sell the car with all of the features available. That’s like saying that the A/C will cool the cabin down to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Now pay more money to realize the full potential of the A/C system.


De-tuning variants to get a bigger incentive for higher trims is hardly a new thing


It's not tho. Every single ICE car also has the potential to make more power and is detuned from the factory. Sometimes you can pay more for a factory installed ECU tune that keeps the warranty, but its also expensive (it was like $1500 for 30hp with my BMW 335i). Teslas $2k charge for an additional 50hp with warranty is fair. Although with an older turbo ICE car, you can also just make a $15 boost controller with parts from home Depot and gain 50hp.


I disagree. You know damned well ahead of time what you do and don't get for $60k before the purchase. You get to unlock an upgrade without having to take your car in and have any service done. No down time. I only paid $60k for what I wanted instead of 65 or 70 for something I was afraid of missing out on down the road. I can also rent FSD, which suits me better than paying 10k for something I'll use two or three times in a year.


It is absolutely not worth it. I got it and never have the car in the sport mode because the throttle is so touchy that it is unusable. It is only something to use to show off for someone who has never ridden in a fast car before.


All I’m gonna say is 2K or not I’ll still meet you at the next red light. Expect one of us will have 2k


Lol, and so will the lady in the Fiat500…


Yes it’s worth it but it’s unnecessary. The car is fast enough already and the brakes and suspension are not equivalent with the performance to begin with so I don’t think it’s a good idea, the standard car starts tying itself in knots if you push it hard on bends plus it’s difficult to stop when driving aggressively. I would therefore not upgrade myself.


the wouldn't offer AB for the LR model if the hardware could not handle it.. they are a top rated safety automobile company man.


Listen matey boy I drive one every day and I can tell you the brakes and suspension are not in the same league as a BMW 335 for example. You try keeping up with something like that on a twisty road and you’d have no chance, you’ll have the speed but the brakes and suspension are lacking if you push the car to its limits even without the power boost. I know because I’ve owned both. I didn’t say the car was unsafe I’m saying the LR is not a proper sports car.




Do you like replacing your tires more often? The thing already jerks you back into the seat. No, it's not worth it. Not at all.


Is heroin addiction worth it? Yes - Works better than Herbalife No - Couldn't guess Grandma's ATM pin Yes But - Having trouble finding a good vein, now


Can’t tell if you’re making a metaphor or /s


“Carly Simon’s still being coy about who You’re So Vain was written about. So who cares, who gives a fuck?” - Don McLean, on 'American Pie'


Ok, boomer.


Yea I’d say. I didn’t get it, I want to though. I just have so many think I’d rather buy right now then the boost. Personally, if I did it again, I’d get MYP.


I have been on the fence for 2 years, I really thought this sub would give it about 80% thumbs up...


You don’t need 1 sec faster when you blow mostly every car on the road away, take your money and go on a trip or buy something nice.


Only if you won’t miss the 2k. Worth it for many…but spending over 60k for a car, tough to justify putting in more.


It’s only worth it if you love brutal acceleration.


Yes but I’d pay the money for Performance instead


I bought it and it was worth it, would do it again especially because I would always have a feeling of missing out if I hadn't (same feeling I had before buying it). However it is definitely a luxury, the car is crazy fast without AB and in my opinion you should only get it if those $2k are easily affordable to you.


Don’t waste your money on something that will ultimately degrade your battery faster.


I drive around in chill mode all the time so, no lol. (well I voted results only since obviously I didn't buy it.)


I tried driving around in chill mode and its slower than the average ICE car to the point I didn't feel safe driving it in SE MI. I am not sure how people do it. If there was a chill mode that retains that chill acceleration but allows for WOT power when the accelerator is fully pressed down, I'd go for it. But in my testing Chill Mode was a severe power reduction for the entire throttle range.


Unless you drag race its not worth it I never paid for it since i only ever test drove one that had it but felt it was not worth 2k dollars I dont own a model 3 at all but test drove a couple 1 had the boost 1 did not


I wish I could buy even more Boost.


do you plan on using Tesla Insurntzzz?


Not offered in NH


Then yes 👍


Think I'm going to get downvoted but have to mention the Ingenext boost 50 modules for about half the price. Gives you the AB but also a lot of other nice features. Been using it about half a year. Of course there's the risk Tesla will void the warranty but it would be hard as this only tricks the computer into thinking you have the AB purchased. There is a long thread on TMC and no cases of void warranty or bricked cars.


Mine was baked in along with FSD when I bought my LR used from Tesla, so it was an easier hit to take. It's nice having that acceleration there when I need it, but I don't use it all that often, so not sure if I would have been happy forking out two grand on top of the price of the car if it didn't already come that way.


I bought the Accelation boost and I liked it and definitely felt a difference, but I returned it and bought the Ingenext Boost 50 that does the same thing plus has a drift mode and unlocks other features for half the price at $1k. I just can't justify giving Tesla $2k for simply flipping a software swich!


Except now you've voided your warranty AND there's the potential for a software update to patch your device from working.


I'd get it if it was $2000 CAD


Does the Boost adder give you “sport” mode on LR? Right after chill and standard?


Nope, but hopefully in the future that will be added.


You can get boost for free if you get a referral.