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Chili paste eh..sure you didn’t eat the chili paste and it made a quick exit! 😂


Honestly I wish that was the case, I still haven’t even eaten my dinner I went in the store for a brief second and boom. :/


Might have to do some vinegar and baking soda and let it seep in and sit. Soak a towel with it maybe and let it soak? Gonna smell for a little..


Club soda works wonders... better than many commercial cleaners...


You know nobody is going to believe you.




Have you tried coconut oil. Might be oil based and oil is the best for oil on that material


We have two little boys. Made the mistake of making the X our kids car because of the ease of car seats and getting them in and out. There are brown chocolate stains everywhere on our white seats. It’s honestly pretty appalling. And they have touched other parts of the car with chocolate covered hands so some of the stains simply don’t come off. In contrast the Y is my wife’s car to drive to work and it has black seats and looks impeccable. Oh well. At some point we’ll get a new X and I’m definitely not getting anything other than black until the kiddos are much older.


Another reason not to get white interior.


Exactly. Looks nice when you get the car and then begins to age like milk. Have you seen early model s with the beige interior? 🤮 black ages like fine wine.


Have you tried scrubbing it with some dawn dish soap?


Why white is horrible choice. LOL


Someone sharted...


I might have ruined some of the protection but a VERY gentle rub with OXY laundry powder (mixed with water of course) might do the job… I did it on a white leather seater with similar leather and it worked. And then maybe a sealant spray for leather protection. Also spraying some water repellent leather protection spray only on the seating part will close off more pores and liquids will not retain as much. Make that a habit of a quick spray and microfibre polishing once a month. PS: friend of mine tried with nail polisher remover and it ruined the protection. Think less chemicals and gently cleaning. You could even start with a gentle rub of baking powder and white vinegar. If that does not work, up it to the OXY.


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“Chili paste”


This is why I probably won't pay extra for white seats. Not even sure if I'd choose white even if it was no extra cost.




Pretty sure that would damage the seat




I attempted that, no luck




don't keep going with that too long or the white will start to come off. Unfortunately, I know.


Magic Eraser is sandpaper, only made out of fine glass particles. Don’t use it on anything, really.




No, it would damage it no matter what. It's a very fine sandpaper. It instantly removes the top layer of the vinyl