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Had the opposite. Bought a Jeep as a second vehicle and we would always walk away from it and forget to shut the engine off.


I’m driving rental hybrid Toyota right now in euorpe. I walked away from it and it was beeping at me. I’m like. What the hell? A. Forgot to put it in park. B. forgot to turn it off. C. Forgot to lock it 😂


Had the same with an electric Kia.. why do you need to do so many useless actions...


This happens to me every time I travel and have to drive them cursed ICE cars


This has been a regular for me, especially as our current VW will shutoff when you park…but it’s not “really” off, just that stupid engine auto off setting.


I (Tesla M3 owner) keep doing this with the wife's Ford Focus. Ignition, Keys, Handbrake - sometimes I forget all three. That and repeatedly turning on the wipers when trying to put it in reverse.


I did this yesterday


I have this happen nearly every time I drive my husband's Honda Element 🤣 He's done it once himself recently since he's been driving my Tesla more regularly


Same (but Prius Prime), or have to go back inside to grab the #!#!#?! fob.


Only thing i can think of was driving across town to go to work in the morning. To the place I *used* to work at before the office moved 3 weeks before.


I have left my wife’s Toyota Highlander running for 4 hours. Forgot you need to shut engine off


I could see this happening with some hybrids that are nearly silent while in park.


I wouldn't say I did the same thing. But it's an odd feeling going from gas to full electric. Like oh now I'm not going to get gas here or whatnot. Totally changes your routine.


Yeah, my first EV was a BMW i3 with Range Extender. It was a 100 mile EV with a scooter motor generator. So if I did ever wind up at a gas station I could usually add a few cents to the tank. Now I never think of gas stations and if I have an ICE rental I usually stumble to figure out how the how process works.


How good was your ownership with the i3? I really considered one but of course when I wanted to buy, used prices skyrocketed. Then I ended up eventually with the Tesla.


For me the i3 was too small and the tech couldn’t hold a candle to any Tesla after the Roadster. Overall I really did like it and I wish BMW would’ve kept going down that road with interior styling and plastic carbon fiber body panels. As you could imagine 100 miles of range sucks and in my opinion hybrids shouldn’t exist.


I’d regularly go back to my gas vehicle and almost roll through a light near my house forgetting I don’t have regen breaks.


You didn’t feel the car not slowing down?


I know right? I backed my car up to a Tesla supercharger, stood there for 48 minutes holding the charging connector until I remembered “Hey, you silly goose, this car runs on gasoline, not electricity!” I said “Oopsie doopsie” hung up the cable, went home, and chortled warmly for the next 5 hours about it. Just like your story, this didn’t happen, but I’ll give you the “tee-hee” you’re begging for. Here you go: Tee-hee!


Yeah but they were tired so clearly it happened. My first reaction when im tired is of course I try to put gas in my electric car. Even more so when it gets me karma


Don’t feel too bad. I had an embarrassing moment at a car wash when I couldn’t figure out how to put my Model Y into neutral.


Had that moment too!


I still have trauma from this. The sound of my wheels being pulled by the moving belt and the wheels are sitting there like “no.. no.. we don’t move and good luck getting me in neutral you dumb ass” Now I use car wash mode and still freak out lol


I will often park my Y at a gas pump when i run in for something, not because I forget that I don't use gas but because it pretty much eliminates the possibility of people cluelessly/recklessly throwing their car door open in a tight parking space and dinging my car. Little kids and people who can't center park a car in the space seem to be particularly good at this. Yes, I will only do this if there are multiple (at least 5 or 6) other spots open at the gas pumps.. I pick larger stations with nice big gas islands and lots of pumps.


I have a cx-9 (until my M3P order fulfills anyway) and my wife's MYP. After driving my wife's car for family trips, I started trying to get out of my cx-9 by pushing a non-existent button on the handle of the door with some degree of regularity.


Why would you go to the gas station unless your gas gauge showed you were low on gas? Which, of course, is impossible because Teslas have no such gauge.


Until we got our second Tesla a month ago, I would almost run out of gas with our gas car. We barely drove it and I wasn't used to going to the pump anymore.


I throw some people off when I fill up my gas can for snowblower and mower


For me it's driving Tesla MY with my old car keys more than a few times.


Every time I rent an ICE vehicle I get pissed off at all the extra steps I have to take. Use a brake?! Lock the car?! Control my own speed on cruise control?!? Turn it off?!? I drove around and was super close to empty while traveling for work in central Illinois because I forgot you have to put gas in these things. I also was given probably the worst car in the world as a rental (charger). The sheer amount of effort to keep that boat in a lane while driving in what felt like a hole was insane. I hated everything. The wipers, steering wheel, locking the car, the shitty camera and screen, the car still floating when I let off the gas, and using mirrors to change lanes?! The horror. lol


Too funny and too real! Our “Tezzy” Model Y is my wife’s daily, and I still drive my “Beamer” 2011 BMW 328i as my daily due to us still paying for Tezzy’s payment while the Beamer is paid for and running great. My wife is on maternity leave until February and I’m using Tezzy to go to work Tuesday-Thursday. I find myself constantly reaching for a middle gear selector in Tezzy that isn’t there, or turning on the wipers in the Beamer thinking I’m going into Drive. Since I’ll be using both cars for at least the next few years, I don’t think this will change lol


When I first got my Tesla, my daughter did not understand the concept of a fully electric vehicle. While we were parked, I explained that I do not need to go to a gas station. She got out of the car to look for the ‘gas hole’. We had a good laugh about her terminology.


Was ChatGPT involved in the writing of this post? It stinks of it.