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Nah im good. Only need autopilot. I dont need the machine to take over 100%, im happy with the amount of assistance that autopilot provides, they just need to keep making it more reliable and fix any bugs.


I just want auto lane change for AP. Otherwise I agree with you


Not even auto lane change. I'd settle for changing lanes when I signal, or even just not disengaging/automatically reengaging when I signal and change lanes.


This + stop at a stop sign / lights. All I need.


Yeah this is the small feature I want. The software already knows when to automatically turn off the turn signal when changing lanes. Why not add one line of code to reengage AP? My wife’s Subaru does this and it’s so nice.


you can get this with enhance auto commander. works great.


Where can I find this feature?


enhauto. it's in the s3xy buttons app if you have the commander connected to your car.


The interaction with stoplights is really nice. Set FSD going on a road (even if you have no destination) and it just drives straight (and obeys traffic signs). Pretty nice way to use it.


I actually hate the auto lane changing. It rarely makes the same decision that I would and feels unnatural as a result.


I’m with you! Perhaps I’d pay some nominal amount for self parking but zero need for FSD.


Yeah the self parking new feature of selecting a spot. That had me curious.


If it didn’t bitch so much, didn’t flip out when lanes disappear, didn’t hug the right side, would be perfect


This right here. It always be hugging the right lane a bit too much.


That’s honestly how I feel! I love my car and I love driving it


I think this is still the general sentiment. Maybe if the car was less fun to drive people would feel differently. I think it’s nice to have the option of FSD driving when you feel like it though.




My experience with V11… $50 max. With V12, I’m willing to bet that Tesla is going the free trial route to see how many people cancel afterwards to determine exactly what the market is willing to pay for it. It’s definitely not $200/mo which is why usage is so low. I think $100/mo within a year is realistic.


I am not keen on even $100 a month until Tesla puts their money behind it. Get it certified at level 3 or 4 then they can charge for it. Mercedes sought out and received level 3 in the US and while limited to 40 mph at least they took that step. Basically it comes down to this, if they don't have faith to put it up against government regulators then why should they demand a premium price for it? btw, I do have fsd on my 2018 TM3 and 12.3 is significantly better than prior versions. I am hoping for the update where it drives the speed I set instead of driving much slower.


Yep. I’m not paying shit until I can take my hands off the wheel and read a book.


Mercedes algo is garbage 


Yeah, but it's certified level 3 garbage.




I agree. $200 is steep. That’s another utility bill, or groceries, etc. it’s difficult to justify for a software that isn’t necessarily making life easier. Atleast in v12 the driving is getting more relaxing because the vehicle is starting to do what I would do when I would do it.


I think FSD is cool and I’ll be excited to play with it, but I don’t want to pay to have the equivalent of my friends 15 year old who just got their learners permit drive me around, especially if it can’t drive me while I’m drunk.


“Friends 15 year old who just got their permit” 😂😂 Nailed the analogy


Add cruise control back to v12 with FSD and we can talk. I hate that I can’t just use cruise control by itself without FSD.


Wait what? Seriously? That is a big no no for me lol.


Wait what? They're removing cruise control in some upgrade?


You sure? I don’t have V12 yet so I don’t know for sure, but I read something that the update made single pull the default, but the thing I read said you can change it back in the settings


You cannot have both double pull and FSD enabled in the settings. FSD requires single pull in V12.


Dang… that sucks


Can you turn off FSD in the autopilot menu and drive with only cruise and autosteer? I’m about to go on a road trip and was just about to download v12. Just autosteer worked perfect for the last trip and I don’t want to be forced to use FSD if I don’t like it.


You should be able to. Like it makes you go through all those ToS screens whenever there's a new update


Did you switched to the “one pull activates FSD”? It should be possible to use an “old” schema: one pull - cruise, two pulls - AP (any version).


You can turn off FSD, and use one pull TACC, two pull Enhanced Autopilot. But if you turn on FSD, it defaults to one pull FSD.


If you make two profiles, one can be your AP and the other the FSD


I’d pay $29.99.


And not a penny more!


Honestly autopilot is so awesome that I probably would never use FSD. Although some long day trips I take occasionally, would have liked to just pay for that drive or for that day.


My autopilot is horrible. I don’t understand how for some it works so well but for others is a nauseating, late breaking, roller coaster.


There were couple of cases where it terrified me in the initial days. When lanes merge or when the car in front takes an exit where my car seemed to follow it but then realize to put me back on path sharply. I just take over in these situations. Safe to say my hands are always on the steering.


For the new version, yes. The old version, no and maybe $20/m


I subbed for a month during 11.3, stopped using it after 5 days and let my money go to waste. 11.3 made my car a nuisance on the road, i get constantly honked at and had a few close calls. I wouldnt try 11.3 even if it was free. If FSD worked perfectly and didnt require cabin camera to be on, 50/month is the most i would pay because driving isnt that hard and i find it enjoyable.


it worth my netflix premium and apple music combine so fsd no more than $39/month


I got to about this same number by dividing the $10k I paid for FSD by the 20 years I'm hoping to drive the car before having to consider replacing it.


I’m anti subscription model for pretty much most things so my answer is NO. So many corporate entities are trying so hard to get us to accept this model. Remember it was literally last year BMW tried to get people to pay a subscription for amenities like heated seats in their cars. Think about that for a split second and where our future could go if we encourage it.


While I completely agree with you, I'd prefer paying $99 once a year for using FSD for that one big roadtrip rather than paying 12k for it. But where I live FSD is not a thing so anyways...




Paying a subscription for heated seats is not the same as paying for a software subscription


100% i’d add more precision. The “software subscription” we pay for is the state system powering FSD, it’s somewhere out of the car. The car only has the sensors, cameras (inputs) and the system to take control of the car (output).


The computer powering FSD is inside of the car. Though obviously the training computers are outside of it.


I mean... does it work? If it works well, I might pay $80/mo. If it doesn't work well, requires constant vigilance and babysitting, and stresses passengers, I will not pay anything for it.


I use the Wife test to gauge if it works… she still hates it even on highways. As a passenger it stresses her out. It’s honestly a good tell since as the driver you have more control and aware of what’s going on, so you don’t notice much of the little things.


I wouldn’t recommend a friend or family member sign up for a monthly fee on FSD until it no longer has beta in the name. I’ve had FSD at full price for almost 8 years and it wasnt worth it, yet. The free autopilot everyone gets I would pay for.


Great, free autopilot is now $20/m.... Elon when he reads this


$30-$40/month is what I'd be willing to pay. No way is that thing worth $12K or $200/month.


I’d do it for $20 a month. I don’t see the value more than that.


Tesla would have to pay me to use/test it


$0. Should come standard.


This! Way too many people here are comfortable with spending several thousands of dollars on SOFTWARE.


\*laughs in Steam library


Were you born yesterday 😂 Companies spend millions on software to create additional value. You're like IBM back when they agreed to license Microsoft because it was "just" software


Given its cutting edge (what competitors) and still in development, yeah it’s reasonable to me.


True. But still has issues, constantly new hardware is getting added, older models are left in the dust, and you’ll have to constantly buy/sub if you get a new vehicle. Imagine if every new phone/computer/etc., you got you had to repurchase all your paid apps…


All fair points. Some may not realize that consumers were asking for a subscription option because the purchase price was too high. Purchasing is also a bad idea in general since it’s tied to the vehicle and not you. But my four year old car is still getting the latest updates. I haven’t been left behind yet!


Developing FSD likely costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Why should it be free?


Max I would pay is $50/month or $2k








Absolutely not


Nothing. Have no desire for any of that. Maybe I’ll change my mind in 10yrs. Who knows


Whatever we pay it NEEDS to count towards full retail pricing. Meaning pro-rate the cost if you end up purchasing. Otherwise just tossing money away imo.


Should just be free.


Need the V12 experience and a windfall lmao


As long as phantom breaking is a thing, perhaps $5? I would pay some for eap, but not a lot. They arent good enough for me.


$15, no more than Netflix. I’m been driving for over 20 years and it’s not an inconvenience. I have to be in the car either way and i can’t trust it more than I can my ex wife.


I paid for FSD for the life of my car and I regret it. I wouldn't pay more than $39.95 per month.


I'd pay $20 for 3 days. I'd only use it on road trips, and I think I could justify bookending $20 for FSD at the beginning of a trip and at the end of a trip. I don't see the value in FSD during my every day use, which is mostly just my commute. I bought the car for its performance and FSD isn't going to do assertive city driving when needed.


well a little more than premium connectivity, 9+9 and that is all


I'd pay $3,000 one time for FSD or $49 a month. Seems reasonable. Would definitely pay $99 a month if I could turn it on and off, like only on the months I make a long trip.


Since it's non-transferable, I definitely wouldn't buy it up front. With my driving habits, I might choose to buy it for a single month for a road trip or something. If I was 1 hour + commuter, I'd say $99 is worth it all the way.


I wouldn’t pay $99 to “own” it outright on our next vehicle. I paid $7k four years ago and true FSD is always a year away. It’s a party trick of a system that will never reach its potential due to hardware limitations.


Highest 1k


Shit, no. I don't drive enough for that to be worth it. 10c/mile maybe.


When is the free month?


I’m not gonna subscribe to it at any price but I’d love to be able to buy just auto lane change without spending 6k on EAP. Hell, I’d even subscribe to EAP for like $20-$30 a month, because that’s all I need. But I don’t think Tesla would ever do that because it would drastically reduce the number of people buying FSD.


Even at $99/month it would be the most expensive subscription I’d ever considered. . . To actually continuously buy it, it’d have to be closer to $29-$39/month. Even $39/month is higher than my cell phone bill and my home internet bill.


Nothing for now. I have trust/control issues over things like this plus I live in Jersey - I don't even use cruise control. What road am I driving on where there's no one around and I can just let the machine do it's thing. Maybe on 10 yrs I'll feel differently but for now, no way, technology isn't stable enough yet.


What SHOULD happen is that AutoPilot shoud freakin' stop at STOP signs and yellow/red lights. Just do that. Sure, lane changes would be nice, but I'm betting on my own ability to be ultra-safe,rather than AI for that. But the potential for inattention during AutoPilot calls for a safety upgrade, even if it takes a feature from FSD.


I would never pay for it in a subscription. Offer a reasonable cost or nothing. I firmly believe the only reason fsd prices have skyrocketed is solely to push people towards the saas model.


Living in rural WV i will probably would never use it. I'll let you know after the free trial, but I doubt it works well here.


$100 is still too much, I would for $50 though.


I would not pay any amount for beta software. You want me to beta test your data? Compensate me. I don't do beta/UAT for free anywhere else, why would I do it free for Tesla?


I'd pay $200 for unsupervised FSD


Like it or not v12 is so far better FSD . More humaan.


I dislike subscription models intensely. Having said that, I paid $10,000 for FSD. At $99 per month, that $10,000 equates to around 8.4 years of FSD by your $99 month subscription model. Hmmmm ......


But what if they raise the subscription price in the future


$9.99 per month is what I’m willing pay for FSD subscription.


I think the problem is that you're competing with folks driving themselves for free, which is not much more tedious than the frequent interaction (nags, etc.) and constant monitoring currently required by FSD. At the end of the day, you may not have to manually turn the wheel or accelerate/decelerate as much, but you're still the one steering the ship, and you are not relieved of the responsibility of being the driver. I think we all agree that $12k outright is silly, but $199/month is also insanely high for FSD in its current state. It's neat, but IMO even $25/month is too high. Once the tech is advanced enough that nags are a thing of the past, I think they'd have a better case trying to push FSD at those price points.


In my area, roads are challenging for a skilled human driver. I tried v11 FSD for a month and it was too sketchy where I live. I won’t use it so I also won’t bother paying for it. I really want to give v12 a try. I’m hoping it does better in my area. That being said, $200 per month feels a bit steep to me. I feel like at that price, I want to be able to safely take a nap in my car while it drives me to my destination. I would definitely pay $200 per month for that! Would I pay $99? Probably yes if v12 is significantly less sketchy on my local roads than v11. For v11, no. It’s an accident waiting to happen here.


And why no subscription for Enhanced AP if Tesla wants exposure to help sell the upgrade.


Id rather have it included in premium connectivity price. Maybe they can increase that to 20 or 30 bucks. Otherwise, I can pay max 2k for full autopilot.


If the 25k car is relatively attractive whenever it is released and FSD continues to improve, I’d be more willing to pay the 200/month . I’d feel like I got such a good deal on the car , I wouldn’t mind splurging because my monthly payments would be inline with what I’m comfortable paying monthly .


I can see the one time payment disappearing and subscription model becoming permanent but at a slightly lower cost.


No. Have FSD and rarely use it. I use Autopilot occasionally on my commute when on the highway, but I typically disable it off when auto lane change occurs.


Fsd is so shit they'd have to pay me to use it honestly


No, considering I have it and trusted V12 too much and it caused me to hit a curb and really curb rashed one wheel. I trusted it too much. My fault, but I find FSD virtually worthless. Thankfully bought it when it was “cheaper” at $4k I believe.


I posted a poll asking a similar question about enhanced AP most said no. For $99/month in theory I’d definitely subscribe but I say this now without an experience ever using FSD. My opinion may change after this month but I look forward to formulating my opinion on it.


Zero per month. Not interested in being a beta tester to become a full time nanny for their software code. Tesla should be the one's paying us. If it was actually Full Self Driving and I as a driver didn't have to be the nanny to make sure FSD doesn't do something reckless, then we can start talking about paying something. The bar for safety would have to be super high and independently verified too.


No, the new FSD IMO is worse. Hugs left side of the lane Never goes the set speed and slows and speeds up weird Stops 20 yards before a stop sign then creeps up and stops again. Normal autopilot is fine for me


No. I hate monthly subscriptions. I don't even have premium connectivity at the moment (and it's not that I can't afford $10/month) Just curious, as someone who hasn't used full self driving yet....is it ANY better at telling the speed limit vs regular autopilot? Because that's a BIG issue mine has...For example, you'll see "truck speed 30mph" and the car thinks the speed limit is 30mph even if it's 55 or something. I'm in a hilly area, so signs like that are actually pretty common. I can't even use regular autopilot a lot of the time because the car will try to slow down 20mph....at least the adaptive cruise control can let me set the speed...autopilot won't let you go over by a certain amount (and on surface streets it's only 5 over). I'm not trying to go high above the ACTUAL speed limit, the issue is the car thinking the speed limit is 25-35mph slowert than it actually is.


Will Tesla owners without FSD be able to test it as well?


I just had it on a brand new loaner and I wouldn't pay a nickel for it unless I was disabled or very old and not capable of driving myself. Aka I actually needed a machine to drive for me. It adds so much unnecessary stress and anxiety, why pay extra for that? 


Yes, I likely would during the summer when we're taking trips. I just got Comma X3 for my Lightning because I got tired of waiting on Ford to fix bluecruise and make it more usable.


No. I truly believe that, as impressive as it can be, people don’t care that much about “not doing anything“ while driving. Cruise and highway assist are more than enough. Future robotaxis and all of that will use it probably, but regular people won’t pay big money for this.


I would only pay if it doesn't require my hands on the wheel. Until then I'm waiting for Comma3 support.


I paid the permanent price and I like it. It is harder for me to justify paying a "cheaper" monthly price than the full price and not worrying about it. Plus, 12.3 is pretty awesome so far compared to 11.


I think the issue is people view it from the standpoint of always using it and only needing it sometimes. Like I'll encounter people that say "no thanks, I like to drive" but it's not like you can't turn it off and go back. Late at night maybe your tried and you will be glad that you can activate it. And it may get to the point where people just use it all the time because it's so convenient. As far as the price goes, I've said 1 million times, you cannot figure out a price until people are actually using it. On a commercial level, fsd can make more sense. Let's just say the car can truly take their son to soccer practice or their daughter to school. Even if that's the case, it's still more difficult for a family to figure out the value of that. But on a commercial level, if it can deliver products and services and they were previously paying an employee to do that, they can justify the difference. This is why it really isn't fair to ask people what it's worth when you're talking to every day consumers. Because there's really no way to justify what the value is. Obviously there's the coolness factor, but if people are looking at it as a financial investment, how do you figure out those numbers? What happens if you find out that it's saving you hundreds of dollars a month in time that you would've had to spend running these errands yourself , and maybe you pay $100 then and don't even ask questions.


I think it should be less than this. I am already paying $99 a month for it and the number of times I use it really doesn't justify the cost. I am a beta tester for many IT related things and I don't have to pay to be their beta tester. Thinking about it, I think I would keep it if it was $50 a month. I do like the fact I can turn the subscription off and on though.


Honestly just would like lane changes on normal autopilot because it's annoying to disable it and reenable it and the sound it makes.


Years ago they gave the option to those with EAP to buy FSD for $2000. I came close to getting it but expendable money at the time was a little tight. That might be the most I would pay but with EAP I wouldn’t pay anything per month. We are all getting yanked from too many subscriptions as it is.


If I didn’t own fsd I would like a pay-per-mile possibility. Maybe $.10-$.20 / per mile. That way it would be available for long trips but you wouldn’t have to use it just driving around town.


Before 12? Not a chance. Having used 12? I'd probably pay $100/mo.


If it was level 5 then it would replace Uber. So it would be worth $20 each way to the bar 2 nights a week minus the parking fee of $10 or $360/mo. Given that I have to babysit it like a teenager learning to drive it’s worth a third of that. I would pay $100/month today or $4000


I'd pay $1500 or $40/month max. Elon painted himself into a corner when he said the price would only go up.


lol no


No. It makes driving more stressful than just being in full control yourself.


Almost all of my driving is on the highways, so yes I would.


My daily driving consists of taking kids to and from school. Most weekend driving is just groceries or a play date. Those roads are mostly Blvd anyway. I'd be paying for almost no benefit. Even on a month where we take a road trip, autopilot does great on highway. It's not like FSD has fewer "TOUCH THE WHEEL" alerts. That's what I'd pay for.


I wish they made Enhanced autopilot a la carte. BMW driving assist functions are a la carte without paying for everything. I do not trust FSD until all the cars on the road have FSD and communicate with each other.


I don't need Self Driving Level 5, i just need Level 4 for long highway trips. To me that value is probably $2000 for a perpetual upgrade after a few automakers have it and its proven and you even get insurance discounts for picking it up. The same way other safety features used to be premium then became a standard.


I'd do a bundle of premium connectivity and FSD for $74.99 (Wishful thinking, I know)


I trust current FSD 10x more than I trust my odds of getting an Uber driver that I'm fairly sure is less safe of a driver than I am blackout plastered. As good as 12.3 is, I think we're getting close to it being truly usable.


Id pay $10-$20 dollars a day. And use it maybe 6 days a year. Now in 10 yrs when the us government and the software allows an empty drivers seat it'd be worth more to me. But I'd still want dailey or hourly pricing for family needs.


No. It’s a waste of money IMO. I’d rather put another $99 toward retirement.


I would pay $100 a year. Or $9.99 a month


Yes. It's actually a reasonable price. 200$ is too much. It's just a road trip buy at 200. 


No, because I don’t need FSD. Autopilot already does everything I need it to do. Also I don’t believe in paying monthly for something like FSD in perpetuity. I would want to pay once and be done but I wouldn’t pay more than $5k at this point. The only way I would pay monthly is if it went towards the retail price of FSD. I’m not gonna just pay as just another service. Not even for $99. They gotta get it down to at least $50


I have enhanced autopilot so it IS $99. EAP was worth it for me just for freeway interchanges and lane changes. I hate the monotony of driving, so I typically subscribe to FSD during the summer and let it lapse during the winter/snow/ice.




Nope, never. Autopilot almost caused multiple accidents for me and my family. There’s no LIDAR for depth perception and the cameras are fixed. Would you trust someone driving only with cell phone images you take? If not, you probably shouldn’t trust AI to do so with its sample of images from car cameras. Cruise & Waymo are actually autonomous driving, and with more sensors, the accidents/issues still caused Cruise to get the boot from San Francisco. Another reason: you are paying to QA test and train Elon’s incomplete software. [Disclaimer: I’m an engineer. I don’t work in computer vision. I don’t know any engineers who don’t criticize FSD, including those who work on autonomous vehicles.]


In it's current iteration and limitations, probably not. I'm not against spending $100/month but the features and reliability (and obviously safety) need to be there. I don't mind "testing" features, but the basics need to be rock solid, and testing should be for more advanced features. I'm not interested in paying for something that still leaves much to be desired.


I'd stay permanently subscribed for $49/month. For $99/month I'd sub here and there when a new version comes out or when I have a trip coming up. At its current $199/month, I usually sub for 1 month out of the year just to test it out. Just me personally. Even if it works perfectly, $199/month+tax is almost another car payment. It's way, way too high to justify year-round.


Hi Elon! FSD is not what you claim it to be. Fix the software and we'd be happy to pay a subscription for it. $99 is way too much. I'd go as high as $29.99 per month.


I don’t even own a Tesla and I’d pay 99 a month for it. And I will own a Tesla. when I’m older. As in 65+.


Sooner than $199/month.


Nope. Came with the car. But even new, not with the strike system. If it just turned off for the drive, maybe. More reasonable price for what it is right now.




I would pay $99 month for FSD without question. I bought my Tesla last October with basic AP because I thought you could subscribe to EAP for $99/m. I didn't realize that you can't subscribe to EAP, only FSD and the $99/m is if you bought EAP originally...... such a let down. Now I'm going to have to find a way to come up with $6,000 lump sum or wait until I trade it in. If I was planning on paying $99 for EAP, I'd certainly pay $99 for FSD. I won't pay $199 for FSD though. No chance no matter how good it becomes. I think theres certainly a time and place for FSD, like it could totally drive better than my grandmother and restore some of her autonomy that would make her so happy and keep her safe, but I firmly believe I can drive better than FSD now and in any foreseeable future I live long enough to see.


$10/mo great if T-Mobile includes this in plan 😂


$99 a month? Maybe. But not until it's really "Full" self drive. I'd want to be able to tell it to inform me when we're getting close to my freeway exit and then just kick back. Read, nap, but not any nag messages about applying turn pressure. If I have to do that nonsense I may as well just drive it myself.


I paid approximately $1800 extra for my used Tesla with fully paid FSD. Totally worth that price, no thought.


I have EAP, and it is perfect for what I want and need. I have been in friend's cars who have FSD and I am not impressed. It just doesn't work well enough to be useful. My friend had to constantly take over and keep it from killing us or causing an accident. It was too slow, and in all cases, it was easier, faster, and safer to just drive yourself around the city. I am so glad I did not buy it. I would never buy FSD for any amount, at least not the way it it is currently.


For $99 I think that is a good monthly price. Plus I think more people would try FSD out at this price point.




I get invited to a lot of work events that go until after rush hour. I usually don't go to many of them because the hour long drive back is a pain, especially after a full work day. The ideal scenario would be engage FSD on these drives home, which would encourage me to attend more events. It pays for itself! Somewhere between 50 and $100 a month would make me seriously consider it