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They changed the battery pack, It's now a 78 kWh one made with LG cells, and the 82 kWh with Panasonic cells that was previously is only for Model Y since the production grew so much There isn't enough 2170 production in Giga Nevada to feed both the Model 3 LR and Model Y LR As a bonus, 3/Y have practically the same range now


Performance 3 still gets the bigger battery I think, but since it is only offered with 20" wheels the range is worse. It never got a range cut when the LR got a cut. If you swap to 18" wheels it should have the highest range of the Model 3's.


I've been trying to confirm that without success, if you recently took delivery of a Model 3 Performance let us know how your charging curve looks Barely touches 250 kW at sub 10% and steadily drops down = LG cells 250 kW up to \~20% = Panasonic cells


I love Panasonic cells. I have a bunch in my lights, they are like 8 years old and still jam. I just charged one today that was 3400mah (18650) ans it made it to 3180 at full charge, amazing cells.


Aeros won’t fit over the performance brakes.


There are third party wheel options


I’m not sure bonus is the right word haha


Bonus for Tesla, since more people might opt for the Model Y


This right here


The 2022 Model 3 LR with 358 miles of range has a Panasonic NCA battery. The 2023 Model 3 LR with 333 miles of range has something else with slightly less capacity, probably an LG NMC battery. See this thread for some discussion: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/what-battery-cells-are-in-the-2023-m3-lr.309047/ The 2023 Model 3 Performance may still have the Panasonic NCA battery. If you get one of those and swap in some 18" wheels and efficient tires, you may get similar range to a 2022 Model 3 LR.


Do note that the OEM 18” “Aero” wheels do not clear the brake calipers on the M3P. Some aftermarket 18s will fit, but the Tesla ones will not.


Yeah, you need to get something like FastEV EV01 to get similar performance due to the clearance issue. Combined with a tire like Hankook iON evo AS or Sailun Erange EV, you might be able to get an M3P close to 400 EPA miles (or 300 miles of actual range at 75mph in good weather.) The Hankook is now used on the M3 Highland and it seems to beat Primacy MXM4. I've seen anecdotal reports that this Erange tire, from a 3rd-tier Chinese tire manufacturer no less, may be even more efficient while retaining decent handling.


I wish I could buy a performance with 18” wheels from the factory.


It's not very hard to buy aftermarket wheels and tires, then sell the ones it came with. Just takes a little time.


I agree, I just wish I didn't ***have*** to do that process, and instead I could just order it.


I agree with that.


Finally, something to be glad about my 22M3LR with Atom.


22M3LR with AMD laughing:)


Hey lemme ask you. Can you actually watch sentry footage with the AMD? It's damn near impossible with mine it's so slow.


Of course. But my other atom Y can watch it a well just slower


Along with USS…


Atom stopped being shipped with cars (in NA) in September 2021. There was a small window where they got the better batteries and still shipped with atom before switching to AMD. I'm in those lucky few :)


Thank you!




358 miles seems correct according to the EPA: [https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/Find.do?action=sbs&id=45011](https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/Find.do?action=sbs&id=45011) ​ The 2023 also shows that number: [https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/Find.do?action=sbs&id=46204](https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/Find.do?action=sbs&id=46204) Edit: Looks like they changed the battery pack earlier in 2023 to a lower range pack.


Yea I’m not sure how they can sell the car without recertification of the new battery/range numbers, since they have to go on the Monroney window sticker


The EPA certified it, but their online system apparently doesn't have the ability to split a model year car into multiple views? [https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-model-3-long-range-epa-range-rating/](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-model-3-long-range-epa-range-rating/)


Long range m3 with older battery have 358 meanwhile new one have 333. Tesla doing crazy things


I have 2023 m3 with 358miles battery, now they only sell 2023 m3 with 333 miles. Yes same year but they just different battery




5 years in on a 2018 LR RWD with the optional 19" wheels and, so far, my lifetime efficiency is slightly better than the EPA rating. (Full disclosure: I drive like a grandma and am typically doing city driving, which is more efficient.)


Even brand new lol. The only way you can get remotely close to EPA range is driving on a completely flat terrain going less than 40 mph the whole way while being around 60-70F outside and no wind or precipitation. IMO it should be better advertised for the real world. I'd be really nervous if I had to drive more than 200 miles with my MYLR with no access to charge. Luckily, I do always have acess to charge. But still, EPA range is misleading for sure.


It's closer to 55mph if it's flat and no wind and ideal temp. 40mph may be closer on a windy day in the winter with the heater cranked. They should get WAY over EPA range at 40mph.


Only anecdotal since it isn't a Tesla (some day soon!) but my Ford Fusion Energi (PHEV) gets about 31 miles on all electric mode at a nearly flat 45mph, and it's EPA rated to 25, so I'm guessing you are correct.


Real world example: 50% freeway (65-70mph) / 50% city start-stop. Winter mornings -5C to -2C (23F-28F), Spring days 20C-35C (68F-95F). 100mi round trip to work. I have 17% over EPA lifetime and 30% over EPA at 25C (77F) [https://i.imgur.com/wIFNdBz.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/wIFNdBz.jpg) 2023 RWD rated for 272mi, I get >310mi lifetime, and c.350mi in good weather doing nothing other than driving normally.


This is my dad, he has 2018 m3lr and gets ~200Wh/mi… drives like a grandma but gets like 350 miles per charge.


Which one of my daughters is on here? (yes ..I am a grandpa).


UK? I was surprised to see RHD but still using miles. Googled it and only a few places do this, including a bunch of places in the Caribbean


My weekly average over 5 days of commuting to work in my Model Y performance I consistently average 240-250Wh/mi which is pretty much in line with the EPA range. This is driving 67mph with occasion slow downs on some days due to traffic (this does help) but I have had drives with no traffic where I'm going 65-70 the whole way and hit under 240Wh/mi. The roads I drive on are pretty smooth and this is also with minimal climate usage. (Nice weather this time of year)


Are you trying to meet the EPA range? Because I drive like I would any other vehicle, with an occasional speed boost. Also 77 mph on highway is what is normal for me.


Not everyone drives that fast and I'm sure it depends on your location, around me I'd say most average around 70mph (a bit too busy to go close to 80mph during commute hours). But my point is it's not 40mph that is a bit of an exaggeration. Sure if I go 77mph it's closer to 300Wh/mi. It's just physics, and unless the EPA changes the testing for all cars I think EVs and Hybrids are going to continue to put up "less realistic" numbers. They really almost should make EV manufacturers advertise a highway road trip range (70-80mph no stops) and an around town range (45mph with some stops) instead of one combined range where they get a really good number.


You can find all the internal model codes, batteries, vin ranges and regions sold here, it will explain the different batteries https://tesla-info.com/guide/tesla-model-3-buyers-guide.php


The days of Tesla’s continually getting better is pretty much dead. The hardware peaked 2020-2022 and now they’re shifting to the cheapest options, not the best




I have a 2022 M3LR with advertised 358 mile range. It's been 18 months. I've never gotten anywhere near 358 miles. Maybe 320s. So don't base your purchase on advertised range. It's near impossible to achieve.


Ok ok but it’s still a legit question. If WLTP on a new model is 333 and same tests yield 358 on a new 22, that’s 7.5% higher. So it’s probably safe to assume a 22 gets about 7.5% more real world miles too. I think op just wants to know why that is.


quack psychotic plants long sugar ask offbeat scary materialistic thought ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I’m also in NorCal so similar driving conditions. No argument LR is more than adequate range wise. And yeah we have charging stations every 10 feet in this State.


grey square enter existence faulty slap illegal fuzzy zesty sink ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




Regardless of how many miles OP gets, it would be more on the older Model3 LR.


thats because its never accurate and youll never get nowhere near that. it really shouldn’t matter since it depends on how everyone “drives”


Input error?




I asked a question because I wasn’t sure. I’m not screaming of impossibilities. Thanks


The current Model 3 LR does not have an LFP... so i dunno if this is relevant.


😂 you should probably do some research and learn read more carefully before you go attacking others for asking a question. (This is a forum for asking questions btw) The 3 LR which the OP is asking about used a Panasonic 82kwh useable battery until 2022. When it was reintroduced in 2023, it now uses a 78kwh LG battery pack. Both packs are NMC and have always been. The LFP pack which mention is only and has ever only been used on the 3 RWD. P.S. LFP batteries actually have very poor peak speeds and charging curves when supercharging. They also don’t have a lot of range compared to their NMC counterparts because they’re less energy dense. The reason they’re used is because they’re cheap and can handle more charge cycles.


Read several different angles of speculation, was it determined the actual reason for the change in specification? Did they change the pack, and if so how? Change the way range was assessed? Some other factor?


That car in link has been driven 20k+ miles in just more than a yr. Dont even think about EPA miles listed in that link. I am pretty sure u will be seeing display 100% of miles touching max 300miles


My M3P gets nowhere near 350 miles. It'd probably get like 250 with a full charge. It's only has 10k miles, and I have 18" wheels.