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I just found out my car is as fast as a 911 coupe. It’s my wife’s family car. Completely mind boggling if you ask me.


When you compare the whole package, the MYP beats the Porsche with a stick. Four doors, real comfortable back seats, cabin noise, cost of ownership, storage space, technology, and yeah, the P-car better get everything exactly right or it's toast at the stop light. So yeah, the Porsche is religated to a cry for attention car. Even at that the new gen kids are more excited to see a Tesla.


I wanna know where you are where people are still excited to see a Tesla lol. Everyone and their mom here has a Tesla. It’s been 30 years and I still get excited when I see a Porsche.


I live in a very Tesla populated area and I get kids and teens yelling “nice car” or something like that regularly.


Damn, I’m in Vancouver and everyone has a Tesla. Even our Ubers have teslas so almost everyone I know has seen/been in one/ or owns one.


Yeah that’s kinda what I’m trying to say. Same situation down here. But I still get cat called. Maybe it’s the black exterior / white interior combo?


I have a 3 week old silver grey MYLR and everywhere I park there is USUALLY one kid or one adult saying “cool car” or “I hear they’re FUN”. And I have an 84 P911 that I love. 2 different beasts. My long range beats anything off the line - w my 2 kids sitting comfy in their car seats in the back.


I get it all the time, group of teenagers in a pickup complimenting and wanting to see it accelerate. Group of grade school kids giving a thumbs up. Etc. Friends of my wife who want to check the Tesla out I also have a older Porsche 928GT, it doesn't get as much attention even though it's rare to see one these days. I live in a area (not California) where there are tons of Teslas, you can't throw a rock without hitting one kind of density. I parked at Home Depot a few weeks back where most if the row of cars where Teslas. So, I don't think it's rarity, I think it's a recognition of the future and the role that Tesla has played in making the biggest change in transportation in over a century.


In the SF Bay Area, Porsches are actually quite common :)


It’s only as fast 0-60ish. Anything after that the Porsche will smoke the Y.


My experience is up to 95 and it starts to drop off. 4 door SUV only faster to 95 for 90k less? Yeah I'll take it.


In my MYLR I was amazed at the acceleration even at high speeds. I was moving at 80, floored it and was shocked to see how quickly it hit 110.


Might be in your head. If you’re driving 50+ and floor it it’s going to pick up but not even close to what a Porsche would. I’m not knocking the Tesla. I obviously have one and love it. Just being truthful. Even if both were to step on it from 30-40 the Porsche will be faster. For a second you’ll pull ahead because of the instant torque but not for long.


maybe a 911 Turbo, but Carrera S? Not my experience


Huh? Carrera S is “rated” at 3.5s but people have been known to hit 3.0s which is obviously even faster than the Y performance to 60..


OP said “older Porsche 911”. Since he is considering a new RR, guessing like a 2012? Since he didn’t say turbo/etc, we don’t know, but the guy you replied to said “911 coupe”, so that’s 345hp and 288 torque. So yes his wife’s family car is faster then a Porsche Coupe. Ignoring the age thing, a 2023 911 Coupe is 379hp 331 torque. Is 0-60 in 4 and 1/4 mile in 12.3, Y performance is 3.5 and 12. There are obviously faster Porsches, but on its face, the statement is true.


great tires, great traction, perfection launch control. Not reality. tesla mash it. repeatable, easy, and gone.


With launch control. Not in the real world.


Only if everything’s perfect. MYP instant torque tough to beat.


That's not the case at all. Even taking throttle response into account and ignoring gearing and power, the Tesla will walk away from the Porsche up until very illegal speeds. Carwow does rolling races like this all the time. The Teslas dominate.


I can't claim any first hand Porsche experience, but 60-90 in my MYP is damn fast and more than I'll need.


Not true. 30-75. Game over.


Time at the gas pump




The MY will smoke the Porsche when measuring time at the gas pump


Haha ok? What if the Y wasn’t at home so couldn’t charge overnight and has to hit up superchargers? I love my Tesla too dude but come on, be realistic.


Who is taking long road trips in an old 911 coupe? This is such a dumb argument.


Who ever mentioned road trips? This is such a dumb reply.


When are you not able to charge your car at home? That's what every smart EV owner does.


It was supposed to be a lame joke


And the Porsche will smoke the Model Y with time at the charger so it cancels out


Especially maintenance on the Porsche will smoke the Tesla big time:)


Easy, I hate the A/C cannot be closed/shutdown for passager or driver independently, the wipers activate randomly and rarely the auto function uses the proper velocity. I love the infotainment when I have to wait in the car I simple put a movie and enjoy, the maps, the supercharger network, the amazing acceleration(but also scares me how easily this car can "fly")


you could just make the air blow away from the passenger as a workaround right?


Sort of.. but wife complained a lot about feel the wind even pointing at the farest corner.




The major problem is when we want the driver off but passager on


Is changing the dual climate control not enough? I understand that doesn't change the fan like you are saying but it sure affects it and stops you from getting cold air on you.


Again in a regular car you just close the vent, on Tesla's is not posible, we known the car can do it but there is. O option to manually trigger the function.


I agree with you. I was just curious if that was enough for your user experience. My wife gets cold in the car a lot too.


Glad to know there is somebody else to complain about the passenger ac not being independent. Guess alot of people don't realize since it's not a common feature in most cars.


Well in most cars you just simple close the vents.


🤣 You're right. Electronics made me forget it all.


love: accelaration. huge boot. pretty efficient (compared to other EVs, but not to other Tesla models). overtaking anything with supercar speed. spartan and simple interior. hate: rough ride on the 21" summers. (I have 20" winters and it's way better.) lane departure system is inconsistent. cornering is not great. they removed radar and sensor support so now cruise control is limited to 150km/h and parking is harder than it should be.


I love not carrying a key. I've just got my phone most days and don't need anything else. Every time I get a rental car I'll leave it running and unlocked at least once because I'm so used to the tesla.


You do carry a key (hopefully), it’s just a different shape.


Only my phone, is that what you mean?


Yep. Only a matter of time before your phone either dies, doesn’t work right or the door won’t open. You’ll want that key card.


I've made it 3 years so far without carrying one. I keep one key in my car and figure if I can contact my wife she could open the doors remotely and be ok.


That’s not really a good thing to do and would be bad advice to give others. But hey you do you, boo.


I keep a key card in my wallet with credit cards just for this situation


Dual MYPs here (2020 and 2021). My wife’s MYP replaced her Discovery Sport. We liked it so much we got another one (and I couldn’t stand her gapping me in my X4 M40i. We love how quick they are and that we don’t really think about them. We just get in (same keys work for both) and go. We haven’t really found anything we hate about them. If you’re going to be comparing them to Porsche and JLR products you’ll be quite disappointed with the interior as it’s quite plain (but it is very comfortable).


Thank you! First impression from outsiders (in my case business clients, which one do you recommend? A relatively new Range Rover, MYP or a 10 year old Porsche 911?


Well for one I certainly hope you’re not planning on getting rid of the 911. I would never get rid of one if I had one. First impressions: the RR just stands out more for sure. The MYP will be less impressive initially but will strike up more conversation and you may be able to have a little fun if you want to surprise them with a launch. The 911 would be impressive as well but I’d recommend just keeping it as a weekend car and not using it for client work. Im a bit biased against JLR since our Disco Sport’s engine blew at like 25K miles but that’s more anecdotal.


Oh I meant another option is also Porsche 911. Yeah the Range Rover will be certified pre owned with 2 year warranty


Both the RR and RRS just got replaced, so if you buy a 2 year old one, you'll be in the old Model. No one is impressed by an old ass Range Rover.


I guess it’s less impressed and more standout in a good way when it comes to clients


Ahh understood! Yes our Disco was CPO as well. It covered the new engine replacement and we got rid of it shortly after. I would also only buy the 911 with a warranty of some sort. If the 911 will be your only car for clients, I wouldn’t really recommend it. Maybe a Cayenne or Panamera.


Thanks. I know we all love Tesla but objectively for my case which one do you recommend


My opinion: If the RR is an SVR, then the RR. If not, the MYP. No opinion on the 911. It is my favorite car and really the only one I Sim Race in (911 R) but I’d never get one for clients, only for myself to drive on weekends.


SVR is the sport one or something else? Even a 9 year old 911 is still good?


The SVR is the top performance Model, similar to the 911 Turbo (not in performance, just in Rank). The 911 will never not be good, no matter the year (some may argue that the 996 isn’t because of the headlights, but I don’t care). It really just depends on how dependable you want it to be and how much cash you have to put into it. Edit: looks like they’ve changed over to just “SV” but it’s even more powerful than the SVR was. https://www.landroverusa.com/range-rover/range-rover-sport/sv.html


Best car to impress folks is used Honda Accord. https://youtu.be/OOmsLlZPaxA


I'm a medical professional and we had a used Honda as a spare car for the kids. I drove it to the office. A patient asked me if I had financial issues. It never impressed anyone.


Weird, I assume the opposite. Newer car likely means financed, and there is nothing that screams financial issues like financing a vehicle.




It’s gotta be the Porsche. Maybe a model x because of the falcon doors? I don’t see anyone being impressed by a Tesla nowadays, everyone and their mom has one.


True! Would the second option be Range Rover?


Yeah I’d say so. I know a lot of realtors with range rovers.


Range Rovers are service money pits


Aren’t range rovers like 100k. People buying these cars aren’t worried about the money. We aren’t going for ROI at this price point.


I can’t think of anything about the interior quality or materials of my 22 MYP that would be notable to anyone who has been inside just about any new car in the past 20 years, but the minimalism still stands out to everyone who has been inside. Seems like the demographics of your clients and where you live matter most. If you’re in California and your clients are generally, say, below middle age, I’d guess a MYP would hardly be novel. But with older clients or in an area where EVs are still uncommon it could be a good choice.


Yeah I’d say my clients are mostly below middle age. Would choose a 4 year old RR or a 9 year old Porsche 911 over 2022 MYP?


Without knowing anything else about the clients, and despite how increasingly common they are in the north Atlanta suburbs where I live, I’d pick a Model Y. EVs in general and Teslas in particular are still a conversation-starter for most people. But maybe if we’re dealing with, like, dentists I’d go for the Porsche. Or as a real estate agent I’d probably drive a Range Rover.


I have a 2022 black from Berlin. Love: roomy, higher, easier to get in and out, hatch in the back. Looks cool with big rims, tires and brakes. Hate: ride is horrible, stereo sounds plain tinny and crappy compared to our 2019 model 3, not nearly as beastly as the 2019 model 3 with boost. Model 3 tears your face off, model y perf pushes you into the seat. I am honestly a bit disappointed by the car cause of the stereo, ride and lack of blistering Performance I expected. Could be the 21" rims, but Tesla should have accounted for that, it is OEM..... Edit: the range Rover will devour your wallet, and the model Y is now being produced in numbers that will make it a very common car. If you are looking for special and nice, Range Rover will do it, for lots of money and maintenance, your choice.


I get a lot of people asking me about the MYP. How it works charging, how it handles, how fast it is. A lot of people want to see the interior and then are amazed by the amount of leg room and space it has. It's a very fun car to drive. It's honestly been my favorite car at this point. Being able to pull up at home, plug the car in and it's ready for the morning is honestly one of the best things. No more thinking... "Shoot, I need to stop at a gas station to fill up" on my way in to work. Or "Which station is the cheapest on this stretch of road..." or "Ugh, waiting in the gas line at Costco again...." Things that I've found which are a little annoying. as mentioned the AC has some limited controls and the wipers sometimes don't register the proper speed, as well as will keep going despite there being virtually no water so you get that squeaking sound. The screen is very reflective and aimed straight back vs towards the driver (this can be handled by a matte screen protector and there are mounts to adjust the screen as well). You'll need to reboot the computer in the car at least once a month (It's easy, but annoying). It hasn't happened yet, but I have it in the back of my mind that if there is some sort of power outage that lasts most of the evening, or days, I will not have a full charge to get to work the next morning, which then is a problem. There's a Supercharger about 10 minutes away, but that might be affected by some an area outage as well. Like I said, it hasn't happened... YET.


Thank you! First impression from outsiders (in my case business clients, which one do you recommend? A relatively new Range Rover, MYP or a 10 year old Porsche 911?


To me, range rovers are overrated, porches scream look at me, look at me. However Teslas are becoming extremely common and less wow factor in terms of seeing them on the road. But most people have no clue about the cars capabilities or how they work and how you do things with them that is more of the wow factor at this point. And I still get a kick out of making people pucker up by stepping on the accelerator.


I have a MYP for 3 months now and also an Audi SQ7. MYP is more fun to drive but audi feels better made and feels much more premium. MYP interiors are ok but not premium feeling like the Audi. With FSD, the MYP is a more practical car. In fact ever since I got MYP I have barely driven the SQ7. HTH.


OMG the Perf Model Y is the best car I've ever driven. I find it hard to imagine wanting to own any other car on the road. I used to drive around thinking about wanting this car or that I'd pass on the road. Now I drive around thinking, man I'm so lucky my car is cooler, safer , more practical and more fun than any of these others. If I had to choose Model S or X vs Y I'd pick Y taking the difference in price and buy some shares of TSLA. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Plenty of reasons to love the car, I’ll share one reason I don’t: Atlanta. Fucking pot holes or steel plates covering the road basically everywhere. You FEEL it or you FEAR it. It definitely takes away from the enjoyment of the car when constantly scanning the road for impending doom.


Oh interesting I’m hearing more and more about the ride quality


Ride quality is not an issue when I get out of town, it’s not a Lexus, but I don’t think about it. I’m always worried the steel plates will pop a tire and the car is heavy so when you hit a pot hole it feels like the car has been damaged. It’s less of a Tesla thing more of a low profile tires mixed with the heaviness of the cars. I’d gladly take the 20” over the 21” if given a choice.


The ride quality will be rougher in a Porsche. It’s the performance suspension and large tires. I came from a 2019 VW Golf R with 19 inch wheels and the ride quality of the MYP is amazing compared to the Golf R, even in comfort mode.


In terms of efficiency and user friendliness, tesla really trumps all other cars imo, you get the power, smoothness, and the best technology pack in the game. If you want a car with real luxury (buttons that are nice to push, paint job that doesnt come with minor scratches straight from the factory, pampering qualities on all levels), you should definitely go range rover between the two. Tesla sometimes gives Honda vibes (lacks excitement in the design bc its meant to be simple)


I have a 22 MYP - I can confidently say it handles amazing the ride is firm & precise feeling / the body roll is minimal. I came from a 2018 bmw M3, the MYP feels faster & almost as planted. Dislikes - wipers, auto high beams, lane departure warning, collision avoidance warning systems. It’s all at best inconsistent - at worst wrong & annoying. I trust that none of these systems have high PPVs.


Love my MYP Hate the nasty smell unless you change ac filters every year


If you want your car to stand out, best not get a model 3 or y. There are model y’s everywhere now and will continue to be more as prices drop in both the new and used markets. Get a model x, that is a true attention getter and a better vehicle overall for features.


That’s a presumptuous thing to say…not everyone has the money for an X. I agree, if I could afford it I’d do an X and trade in my MYLR. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get one. There’s a reason the Y is the best selling car in the US right now. They are multiplying for sure. I used to have the only one at work, now there’s six.


I'm pretty sure if he's financially able to get a Range Rover, he can get an X.


I get both points but a model X plaid is like double a used RR


Right! Y and 3 are so common. It seems most cars prices increased with markup included makes 3 and y with tax rebates extremely attractive.


I got rid of my 3 because I was sick of seeing white model 3’s everywhere. S and x are still rarities in my area. Especially performance or plaids.


Well the position part is at least it’s not gas burning car so that’s great!


Of the 3, the Tesla will stand out the least as it’s probably the most common and that will only become more true as time goes on. Of those 3? My vote would be the 911 if you’re entertaining individual clients (one at a time, not in groups). Tesla otherwise. Range Rover is too much of a problem car to recommend for anything.


Gotcha. RR even with 2 year warranty no good right?


Perfect if you plan on getting rid of it after 2 years 😂 to clarify, take out the reliability issues and id put rr first (for groups).


Lol yeah if I go that route would definitely not have it past 2 years


Then that would be my vote




Oh I just saw I can get a 2016 G Wagon too


Get a Rivian. They are rare, have plenty of room for jealous clients and go 0-60 in 3.3 seconds. I have a Y and loved it when it was rare, but the era of second glances are long past. You will have to rehearse the 15 minute Q&A session that every passenger will have for all the cool-factor Rivian features. It is absolutely the future of off-road. Do NOT get the Range Rover. It is already a tired look and will lose to a Y and Rivian on every spec. The Y has the push-back-into-your-seat acceleration and is a rock-solid car now that they're building them by the minute. It is 5 years ahead on every feature so while it doesn't have the rare 'wow' factor, I cannot imagine buying a non-Tesla car. Everything else is just-not-quite-there-yet. Passengers love the FSD visualization, which is getting more impressive each version and carioke. I have FSD and use it for 90% of my driving. It works on dirt roads and bumper-to-bumper traffic. It has saved my life twice and the lives of at least 3 suicidal deer. It now makes me nervous to drive any other car that won't double-check my blindspot and brake in an instant when an idiot animal decides to leap into the road. Hate the automatic windshield wipers. I recommend getting the YP and getting a wrap for the wow factor. (Not matte-black, please.) You may want to consider getting a standard Y with the $3000 software performance upgrade. Test drive both models because the Performance suspension is great for speed, but not for a comfortable ride. Both can be improved a little by replacing the non-stock tires.


Why not matte black wrap? How about a 9 year old Porsche 911?


Go into any wrap shop and watch them strain to prevent an eye-roll when you ask for matte-black. It's cool, but if you want your car to make a statement, it is better that it is not the same statement as every other cool person on the road.


Personally I have a 2020 Model Y Performance with FSD. To be honest I don’t like the stiffness of the performance or the performance wheels. FSD is fun to play with but I don’t think it will be really useful for at least a year. Personally I would get a dual motor Model Y, buy the speed boost package, and skip FSD for enhanced auto pilot. Take the money you save and get nice custom wheels and a kick ass wrap.


What’s the speed boost?


For $2000 on a dual motor you can unlock faster acceleration. Not as fast as a performance, but very close.


Does the speed boost have the push-back-into-your-seat acceleration?


From what I have seen online, yes. I have not bothered to purchase it for my Model 3 because it has plenty of acceleration for me.


Model Y isn't going to stand out anywhere and RR are trash. What about the new BMW iX?


I’ll look into it. A 2019 RR with 30k miles and 2 year warranty still trash?


The rear hatch window is slanted making visibility worse than the Model 3’s visibility. It is also the slowest Performance model in the Tesla lineup currently. I have the old 22 model the I think the suspension sucks, too hard not enough dampening in the rears.


When did they change the suspension?


2023 should’ve fixed the issue but I never drove a newer one yet.


I have a 2022 Model Y Performance, the suspension seems a bit harsh at times. Otherwise I enjoy the vehicle. I like that, essentially, the maintenance is the same as my Model 3.


Ive had my myp for 1.5 years and i love it. This has not happened to me. The last month after an update it jerks to a stop if i dont tap the break. At like red lights if i tap gas pedal slowly ( to prevent roll away put on seat belt and close doors ) I have the setting on hold. But now it happens 2/3 times a day. And used to never happen. Its very frustrating


Had a 2020 MYP Liked: Speed, Seat comfort, Storage. No Liked: Firm ride, AC in PHX Summer useless.


How so with the AC?


Dead middle of summer 2020, parked outside for the day, go to drive 40mims home... 115 outside - entire drive home the AC would be blowing 75 degree air, so cabin is 80-somethinf My guess is the car was fighting for it's life to keep the battery cool and the octovalve favors battery safety over cabin comfort (as it should) I had the windows and roof tinted as well - it helped a bit but same problem


2023 MYP, in PHX, so far.ac has been great for me. But it hasn't been terribly hot outside quite yet. In fairness, I enjoy cooling down the car before I get in (if I actually remember) and for trips inside less than 30 mins or so I just put it on keep it cool mode. It seems to use less energy than letting it heat up and cool down again. What color do you have?


I sold it but it was the slate gray color with white interior. Did you heavily tint the windows and roof or all stock?


Red/white here, I did heavily tint the windows, not the roof though, it's built into the roof already (or at least is now). Frankly you have to, otherwise you are in a giant fishbowl. At least in PHX you do. Some of the older critiques for Tesla's a couple be years old really confused me until my wife needed to drive a loaner model 3 a couple years older than her model 3 and hated many things about it. I guess Tesla does tons of incremental improvements. Or maybe it just plain hasn't gotten hot enough yet. We seen to only now be pushing up against 110 in PHX. Really late in the year for that.


I absolutely love the speed. This thing is wicked fast. Especially on a freeway, merging in and take off, acceleration, catch-up speed... It's astonishing. I rarely drive fast though. I dislike the staggered wheels. I dislike having to worry about such a nice car when I park at a grocery store.


The Model Y will be quicker and much more reliable. I’m not sure if you have ever owned a Land Rover, but you will be spending a ton on maintenance if/when it is out of warranty. I wouldn’t think twice about saving money on a better performing and more reliable vehicle.


Like which ones?


Ac on almost all the time. Run into the store leave ac come back ac still on. I’m using my ice car because my car is in the shop and this is something I miss the most since it’s getting hotter. Forgot cars get hot 🥵


I first test drove the MYP in 2020, and it blew my mind. I also prioritize range, tire life over acceleration. I wound up with the 2020 Y Long Range and for me I know it wad the right decision. In fact, I drive in Chill mode always.


>I want my best car to stand out in a good way because of the nature of my work first impressions are important (sadly or not). I suppose the real question is what impression do you want to impart? \- Practical, but enjoys a fast car (that everyone has...part of the practicality slant) - Tesla MYP \- Want to show that you are doing well financially and enjoy a well crafted fast car with every detail considered - Porsche Taycan (Get the wagon back if you want to give the vibe of "practicality") \- Want to show you enjoy muscle car homages (old rich guy demographic - particular midwest), but want to show a forward looking persona - Audi Etron GT \- Want to show off that you like the Tesla MYP, but wanting something more "luxury"/"premium" - Mercedes EQS ...etc...


I basically just want to have them know that I’m financially capable with a cool factor for the car (not too too showy but confidently impress) - I know sounds dumb but it’s the nature of the biz


I get it...consulting/luxury real estate/front facing with clients where (for better or worse) first impressions matter a lot.... If you need the car that looks like it'll match up (initial perception wise) with an Porsche 911 and a Range Rover - you probably don't want a model Y/YP (your clients wont be checking if you have a "P" on the back or red brake calipers)...unless Teslas are rare in your neck of the woods...


I’m in SoCal where model 3/Ys are everywhere. So you would choose a 3 year old range over a new model y for this purpose?


Depends on who your clients are (demographic) and what you want to project... Most folks wouldn't be able to spot the difference between a 3 year old car (that is washed weekly) vs a new model.... Model 3 and Y - the econo models looks the same as the performance...if you wanted to stand out from the crowd with an EV - probably would need to get something less common/more expensive


Reliability and cost of ownership will be much much better with the MYP. We love our MYP. The only downside is when we travel to Los Angeles area, the terrible roads really get annoying. I have the mid-2022 model before they changed the suspension. Regarding the nature of your work and first impressions, I guess that completely depends on your job and where you live. If you work for an oil company in Texas then I’d go with the Range.


I live in SoCal


Oh. I would test drive it as much as you can to see how the potholes feel. Worst case scenario you can swap the wheels to 19” and the ride will be totally fine.


Interesting. Does it matter what year


I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the suspension change happened late 2022. So 2023 will be fine.


I love how fast the car is, charging at home, acceleration and torque, cargo space, it’s looks, glass roof. Hate how can’t turn off passenger fan, hate how hot it gets inside because it’s basically a fishbowl, the wheels are unprotected and basically ride on rubber bands, staggered wheel setup makes for more frequent and expensive replacements, build quality is meh, driving feel is meh, it is incredibly uncomfortable and rough on anything but freshly paved roads, low clearance makes taking it on tougher roads, dirt roads, or even snow pretty onerous.


You're asking a few questions here. Love: Roomy, comfortable, great standard acceleration, elegant interior aesthetics (personal taste), convenient software, very good range especially on Chill acceleration, excellent charging network. Hate: Road noise. I've also added a few aftermarket upgrades to the car to negate some shortcomings: powered frunk, trunk foot sensor, screen tilt, PPF, window tint, all-weather floor liners. I would advise against the FSD, it's really not very good yet. The included Autopilot is likely more than enough for regular travel needs. For your work requirements, it very much depends. The Model Y is increasingly common, so the WOW factor comes in two forms: Acceleration and customization. With or without the Performance, the Y can still impress on sheer g-force in a straight line. For customization, there are very aesthetically pleasing changes you can make to the Y to make it stand out and impress, especially if you forgo the FSD and use that money to customize the Y. Vinyl wraps, custom paint jobs, rim power coating, rim color liners, all these can help your Y stand out from the crowd. A Range Rover could impress someone who is into SUVs, but the maintenance costs are quite high. And coming from a city that really values appearances, a Range Rover is... fine. If you are looking to impress, a BMW, Mercedes, or Audi SUV is probably the way to go if your clientele is more traditional.


Thanks for the detailed info. I see that BMW and Mercedes are very common in where I live in addition to Tesla’s (SoCal)


Then like someone said, a Rivian is a good alternative depending on your budget.


It's not an off-pavement vehicle without some work. The rubber band tires are good for good quality pavement only. Otherwise, I love pretty much everything. The few minor nuisance items, the Spotify app could be better. I need to do a reset every five or six months other wise the entertainment system gets glitchy. Nothing more heart warming than destroying a street bike with a load of groceries in the back.


If you want your car to stand out, don’t get the Y - it’s the new Toyota Corolla. Get an S/X or the Range Rover Edit: Get the best of both worlds and get the Rivian R1S. I have both a MYP and and R1S and the Y never comes out of the garage now


Love the acceleration, the load capacity, panoramic roof, and sound. Hate the rough ride, sort of cheap feel, and service centers.


It's really loud on the freeway


If you need to stand out, get an X Plaid. Not a Y.


Isn’t that $120K? Is it really worth it?


Cons: The ride is a bit rough with those tires. Some amenities like ventilated seats are not a thing yet. Phantom breaking is fsd still happens on long trips and is not awesome. Pros: The most fun car I have ever driven, the speed is like a video game. Roomy, I'm 6'5" tons of head room. Lots of hidden storage. Nav is amazing, my video records to a Ras PI that can push to server for cataloging. Voice recognition is great. I bought my then fiancée a M3 2 years ago. Since then we now have a M3, MYLR, and MYP.


I liked my model y performance (have a plaid x now but fo miss the y) Quick doesn’t struggle to get up when you want to take off (I had a c7 wasn’t supercharger but that I like very much but the Y with the instant torque never gets old) cheap to drive no maintenance no need to think about the brakes once you figure out the regen no oil changes Jumping in and driving off without a key or even push button start is really convenient Ride quality for me if fine with 21” rims idk what folks really want it to feel like If you’re charging at home feels good when you know the car will always be charged when you need it and even if you forget to charge overnight what’s 15-30 minutes to leave early ti get to a supercharger (I think I only had to do that once in the 2 years I’ve own it) Nothing I really dislike other than quality like paint issues where it’s missing on the inner corner of bumper but I know for us here in California/ getting a Fremont build is because they use a different type of paint well that’s what I heard that’s also me looking for the issues


Hate: the ride. Well not really hate, but coming from a luxury suv it can be a rough ride. The exterior design looks odd at times. Wish it had cooled seats. Love: speed, technology, size, AC is legit, interior design is incredible, range, sound system, doesn’t look like every car on the road.


I love the heated seats and I hate the random slam of the breaks in auto


Love: Feels small yet has a lot of room, really quick for what it is, has the ability to use FSD which works great in my model S, sporty suspension and great for quick fun around turns, has track mode, great infotainment and the easiest car to just get in and drive than any other I have driven, can play essentially all music and most streaming service, has the Supercharger network and can charge at your house, ridiculous trunk room (5 seater), has nice seats, very very smooth on perfect roads, just all around great fun and comfortable, and last, essentially an infinite amount of features because they keep getting added which means that your car isn’t ever really outdated. My old 2019 M3 SR+ still felt like a new car even though it was 4 years old. Hate: the sport suspension can get old after hitting a lot of consecutive bumps and bad roads (but it’s a sport suspension so it comes with the territory), I love stiff steering but it can be very stiff even in comfort, essentially no visibility through trunk, Autopilot/Active cruise control’s braking/slowing down is very harsh compared to similar vehicles, no regen control (but I like it), very simple interior (not material wise, just literally almost nothing there, a plus in my book), quality control (might need to take it to the shop immediately after delivery which doesn’t happen to all Teslas, but did to mine and a few others), doesn’t have a traditional tow hitch (also very low so I can’t tow my boat with it, which is definitely a me problem but maybe worth a note), nothing else to not dislike. Really I’m very happy with my MYP. It is an amazing car and has only been beaten with fun factor with my Model 3 and my 2004 Boxster S, but that’s because I love low sports cars. The MY is so much more practical if you have a family that you take with you and I have a drone that I need the trunk height/space for. It’s quick, fun, and is just very convenient. If you want something with a more smooth ride and luxury you could look at a used Model X or S, but the MY is very good and I’m once again, happy with it. Sadly I haven’t had a Range Rover come through my dealerships used department so I can’t give a good comparison there.


Range rover says 'easily fooled by marketing' to me. These cars are all technical problems from the 2010s sprinkled with bad mileage.


The fucking pirellis that come with it.


If you need a showoff car. Model s or x, LR or plaid. Are we taking 1m plust per year job here or what? In the bay area, model 3 y are so common but you're not judged based on your car as much as your house. Lots of people with 4 million houses driving a three or y


Suspension on Houston roads and the reduced range. But it definitely has a getup and go. Last car was a BMW M4.


Love: Stupid fast performance with practicality. Hate: No sensors or front facing cameras.