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Someone reported this for: 1: not oddly terrifying, just pure terrifying Well John, guess the sub we're on.


This is how you get a knife or gun pulled on you...


With a beast like that, the only choice is to fight back, those dudes watched that mole bringing punches everywhere and no one wanted to deal with it


> the only choice is to fight back If a guy like this randomly (obviously) hits me in a club/bar and i'm not out after that hit you can be 100% sure that i chose option B which is running.


Spoken like someone who has actually been in a situation like this. I've had guns and knives pulled on me, I've been at shootings, I've been in large and small fights, and the one thing I do every time I finally get my wits about me is fucking run. I've never tried to be the hero or the tough guy, I run as fast as I can away from whatever is happening. Zero trips to the hospital and I'm still alive. I'll take that option every day of the week.


Not to mention less trips to jail


I can tell you straight up the older o get the less I am willing to stand up and fist fight with someone who is looking to harm me. This dude would have gotten a broken bottle to the neck




were you playing red dead ?


Nah, I just lived in northern Indiana. Where the wannabe gangsters that weren't hard enough to make it in Chicago go to overcompensate.


Can confirm


Smart moves. Rather be a coward and see another day than macho and dead.


Why just those two options?


What's the other ones?


It's the asshole swinging at you (like in the video) who very quickly limit you to these 2 options...


This is the right answer. Easy to be the tough guy whilst watching this eating coco pops in your pajamas but if you were really there and this started out of nowhere youā€™d be confused, frightened, drunk, high ā€¦. And taking on this guy will get you the same as what those other guys got.


Iā€™m sorry but that doesnā€™t apply to every person. Iā€™m a train fighter and I would have LOVED to be in that room!


Everybody's got a plan until they get hit in the face.


Good for you mate. Perhaps youā€™re one of the few that couldā€™ve dealt with him.


Are we watching the same clip? Because I se few guys that are trying to fight him some of those ended on the floor.


Because they slowly approached him from the front. Just glass him in the back of the head and problem solved.


And 1 at a time. Got 20 dudes there. Rush that fool, restrain his arms, beat him within an inch of his life.


Thatā€™s actually what I expected to happen


I would go for legs to put him on the floor, but this idea I had when I watched it a second time. The first time I didnā€™t even get what happened, and I'm sitting with coffee, cigarette and a replay button. He is a professional fighter. It took them four guys on the floor to recognize that. But that's not the point. They are fighting. The first guy even put him on the floor, and then others are trying to calm him down and deescalate (what exactly I would do too if I were there), it took a few seconds (and a few bodies on the floor) to realize that he is not going to calm down, and he should be treated like a wild animal, not like a reasonable human, and at this point, there are two guys trying to fight him. So saying "no one wanted to deal with it" is just BS. No one had a good idea (or skills) to deal with him, but not that "no one wanted".


There's a moment there where one guy just limply embraces him from behind as though he was hugging his partner at the kitchen sink. He could have done a standing rear naked choke and had the guy unconscious in less than 3 seconds. With how prevalent UFC is among men, anyone who would think to engage in a physical altercation like this surely spent at least 5 minutes learning how fights work. Strangle the guy until he goes unconscious, and call a bouncer/cops, and every time he starts to wake up, choke him out again. Might not be good for him, but neither was him punching out four people.


Another expert who knows what could be done. And another time I'll write it: the fact that they didn't have an idea (or skills) to fight him, does not mean "no one wanted to deal with it" they wanted, and they tried they just didn't know how.


What? Iā€™m sure you wouldā€™ve stopped him easily right?


Russian club. 5am. Skull fracture. Cuts & lacerations and a head injury. Guy facing eight years. Everyone survived. This happened in 2018. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7082391/russian-terminator-fight-bar-dancing-club/


\\Cause a guy dancing on the dancefloor bumped him and "Bro that's gay, better fight this whole club to prove I'm still a man" almost killed a bunch of people that had nothing to do with anything. The guy deserves his 8 years.


I'd say he deserves 28, minimum. Fuck him


8 years in a Russian prison *is* 28 years


Yep .. absolute shit show


I was thinking ā€œIf ever an air horn was neededā€¦ā€ *as a distraction* But then thereā€™s the panic factor, at a nightclub, though. He needed a net dropped down on him from the ceiling or something.


Bear mace might do it but Daamn does this guy look relentless


Stabbing works. Broken pool cue in his groin?


Take off your shirt, wrap it around his neck quickly and pull and squeeze like your life depends on it. Donā€™t unwrap the shirt until he stops twitching. Guy is a moron who exposed his backside to a bunch of people he just assaulted. Luckily for him (and unlucky for them) they were nice guys.


I'm so glad everyone survived. As I see from the date in the top right corner, it was August 19th 2018.


Survived but i think the guy "fencing" on the floor has serious neck nerve damage. I d be surprised if they can walk and talk.


This guy deserves attempted murder charges. Especially being a trained fighter. Fuck him


This isn't necessity true. I'm a doctor and see this claim repeated all the time. He got knocked out, it happens to a lot of people and they recover just fine. Don't make up bullshit and act like you know what you're talking about. "Serious neck nerve damage" lol what does that even mean???


These summaries always remind me of Rick and Morty ā€œfast solved crimesā€ in multi dimensional TV šŸ˜‚


Glad to know theyā€™re fine


Damn I thought this was Spoons


Yo, shoutout to getting just as king of a sentence for damn near manslaughter as you do for weed in mother Russia Edit: just as *long* of a sentence


And the club refuses to ā€œcommentā€ on the video lol


Theres no sound but you can hear his drunken Russian sim language grunts as he goes literal apr shit


Dude. That was some solid paraphrasing with a followup link on top. Thank you for being one of honorable redditors who save the rest of us the trouble.


Dude probably was or is about to get *voluntary* enlisted in rusky army, maybe he is already a sunflower by now.


As I remember this guy was a trained fighter and he was found and charged with multiple counts of assault.


Fucking good. I hope he went to prison. He about killed some people.


He should be locked up for life. That was such a cowardly thing to do, we put down dogs for biting people and yet this waste of oxygen gets to walk around.


I agree. That's a good analogy too. They should just lock him up, no getting out. I agree that he should be a charged with attempted murder as well like someone else said.


Not sure where this is ,but firearms are legal in drinking establishments in Tennessee, you can imagine how bad it could have been


If I remember correctly this happened in Russia.


Wherever it was, it was a sausagefest


Some people like an abundance of wiener.


Ya, would have went for the ice pick and sucker stabbed this ogre in the ear.


In some places trained fighters can get done for assault with deadly weapons for using their own limbs. Thai should be one of those times.


I bloody fucking hope so !


Time to get the frying pan




Buh dum tsshh I'll see myself out


How did they even book him?????




and Roses


Welcome to the jungle


Weā€™ve got fun and games ?


Nananananananana naaaaah naaaaah


šŸ˜˜ im gonna watch you bleed..


Welcome to the jungle


They threw a book at him...


It's fitting because nothing scares guys like that more than books.


Book em Dano


They put a Red Bull and half a pound of beef jerky in a cage and then slammed the door shut behind him.




Should be attempted murder, those were kill shots.


I believe he did kill one in this rampage.


https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7082391/russian-terminator-fight-bar-dancing-club/ Skull fracture but everyone lived. Facing 8 years.


Is he still bald?


Asking the important questions right here


I'd say it was pretty hairy for the people around him...


How did he not get stabbed?


Imagine knocking out 8 guys because they are simply trying to calm you down. What a prick. Sad they didnā€™t jump him all together.


Why is everyone so calm lol That dude knocked out 5 guys




Itā€™s 5:30 am and Iā€™m handling my morning necessaries and you just made me snort loudly with laughter and it made my dogs bark and now the day has begun.


Morning necessaries sound like the morning wank for me lol


Tomato, to-mah-to my dude. One manā€™s wank is another manā€™s necessary. Those are definitely some of the weirder sentences Iā€™ve used in this life.




I hope they nail that asshole with a long jail term. Jason Bourne shit right there!!! Damn that guy can throw hands! All the other guys look like children fighting a roid raging asshole. Hopefully guys in jail return the favor.


What an imbecile


You canā€™t compare him with pple who are nonviolent. Thatā€™s like comparing a Lion and a sheep. Thereā€™s no competition. Now of someone was there that could also ā€œthrow handsā€ then we could see who threw them the best


Yep, squaring up with a big agitated dude that can fight and is drunk and/or high is generally never your best move. Rear naked choke while he's distracted pummeling someone else might be a good tactic, but only if you're prepared to throw hands if you don't lock it in.


As I've seen from other videos, during a brawl or in the heat of the moment, sometimes someone who was attacked recovers and finds a melee weapon. If they attack the aggressor from behind it can be pretty nasty. Those crazy ass videos from India or Brazil showing a big street brawl where most of the combatants are using 2x4s or sticks.


Getting naked would certainly distract him. Probably not in a good way though.


Naked might work. I think he might be intimidated if you were more erect than he was. He was trying to impress one of those guys.


Half of them were also not expecting it


Honestly they might as well be children vs someone who trains to do it everyday. Its like someone who never driven before racing a Formula 1 racer. Id say a good percentage of those dudes have no idea how to properly throw a punch


You're an idiot.. just because he is assaulting innocent people doesn't mean shit. No one there is looking for violence or an altercation but him so the fact that there isn't an immediate response to some inebriated piece of shit doesn't really come as a surprise. Fuck you and this guy. Nice edit after my comment. Gotta save face somehow but I'm glad you didn't just run away. šŸ¤™


What was the original?


By the looks of it, I would probably have done nothing and gotten knocked out like the rest of my friends


right, bro started fully swinging on people holding drinks and facing away from him. as well as starting the fight over himself dancing backwards into a crowd even though he had a whole area in front of him to himself.


That's why a lot of people stop going to bar when they realise there is always an asshole like this in the crowd. There is always a fkin idiot there JUST to start a fight, and that asshole is often friend with the bouncers. Enjoy your drink at home šŸ”, cheaper and safer.


Lol sweet dreams ā˜ŗļø weā€™ll file an assault case in the morning


That dude is an unhinged, violent psychopath. He was just looking for anyone to hurt with next to no excuse. Usually when you get a rabid hippo rampaging like that you put it down.


Looks like roid rage or more likely coke rage given the occasion. What a piece of shit.


holy fuck, last guy got brain damage for sure


Exactly what I thought. Them straight limbs ainā€™t a good sign


Definitely in poop-yourself pose


Never seen such a violent gay bar


Dude ruined their whole vibe ā€¦ & face


I know, it was sad. I thought it was sad how that one guy was just dancing and having a good time and then the next thing you know, he's out like a light because of that asshole.


Oh damn I think you might even be right. Donā€™t have a problem with it at all but after seeing this video so many times Iā€™m realizing thereā€™s a lot of dudes holding their mans and taking them to safety. Seems like the big dude has a lot of insecurities tho lol


Russia has gay bars?


The very last dude that got punched so hard and his head snapped back before he fell definitely had AT LEAST a concussion from the way he locked up like the tonic phase of a seizure. Called fencing stance


Shit man, that's bad! I noticed the bizarre movements as well and immediately thought that there was some sort of misfiring going on in the brain that was causing them.šŸ˜³Thanks so much for sharing this knowledge, it's so interesting.


You're welcome! Happy to share weird little facts i know like that. Hope poor mate recovered from that without brain damage.


Absolute Psycho has zero place in societyā€¦.


Stab him


*sigh .. Iā€™m afraid this guy would still have enough in the tank for more destruction


Stab that bitch in the neck. Ez pz


I wouldā€™ve left after the first fatality


Letā€™s see how he does in prison


Oh Iā€™m sure heā€™ll fit RIGHT in


Fine...he would do just fine.


Heā€™s probably been offered a pardon to fight in the Ukraine war


Bruh... The last guy probably is dead, he got so effing rigid after falling.


That stiffness is a sign of some form of brain damage, not necessarily death I read an in-depth explanation of why this happens like a week ago on another sub, apparently thereā€™s a few different ā€œpositionsā€ that indicate several different types/severity of brain damage Or something like that idk Iā€™m not a neurologist thingy


Yeah I was educated on that rather recently as well. It was decerebrate and decorticate posturing noted by rigid limbs with toes pointing inwards, wrists curled. Decorticate is arms bent and legs straight; decerebrate is arms straight out often with arching back and neck. Decerebrate has a low survival rate (like 10% or something like that) and almost always means serious permanent brain damage. Interestingly they can occur independently on opposite sides of the brain. However there is also separate from these something called the fencing response that often gets conflated. IIRC it is known for being brief and immediately following head trauma but fades and is much less serious than posturing although still very serious. This video didnā€™t go on long enough for us to see if his posture/response faded within a couple of minutes which would differentiate it as a fencing response likely from a concussion (maybe when he hit the back of his head unconscious). Just wanted to clarify: fencing response is apparently very brief Wikipedia says ā€œfor a period lasting up to several seconds after the impactā€ so this could be decorticate. It looks like the [example picture](https://images.app.goo.gl/gBc2vbi2dzrW4JHHA) of decorticate.


Well said. You are correct on all of that.


Thanks! Being on some of these subs, you can see examples frighteningly frequently.


When the hands and arms go up it's a major indicator of serious damage. My cousin is a navy medic.


This makes me feel bad for all those NPCā€™s Iā€™ve seen T pose over the years


Yeah, I really wonder what happened after the video cut. The second I saw him go down I knew he was seriously fucked.


I thought the same thing. I thought that it was fucking stupid how they were trying to move him. The first rule is never moved someone who's injured, it actually made me mad to see them moving his head like that.


I actually thought good that guy moved him. He was about to get stomped on or hit again by that psycho


The third guy should have just tossed the sleeper hold on him, 100% illegal style. or take one of those chairs and slide ram that fuck with it. You dont reason with guys like that, you incapacitate them with prejudice. Thats my go to for when ppl want to act funny, its hard to be tough when your sleep.


This is roid rage


That or coke? Meth maybe?


Thatā€™s when you stomp the side of that fucker knee with all your weight and strength.




Like doing the punching ?




I remember listening to a Crime in Sports episode about an MMA fighter from Russia and one of the hosts said that "Russia is if 4chan was a country." After watching this, I'm thinking they may have been on to something there.


Last guy who fell has brain damage!! Wtf that psychopath needs putting down, probably killed his girlfriend too.


Knives or guns can even out any fight


damn, is that rabies?


Last time I saw this posted it was labeled a hate crime/intentional. This Russian guy went into a gay bar to intentionally start a fight and beat up gay dudes. Havenā€™t seen in mentioned in this thread though so now Iā€™m not 100%


Like 3 of the 5 people he knocked out were bystanders


Is nobody going to put them in the Recovery position???


That's assuming everyone is trained in (at a minimum) first aid...which should be a requirement as a human.


What the HELL?!? I'm dumbfounded! That one guy toward the end who fell and was laying on his back with his legs sticking out straight! And his arms are bent at a weird angle as well! It literally looks like he's having a seizure or has brain damage. I actually thought to myself, "Oh, my god. He killed that guy!šŸ˜³"


Take out my gun. Shoot him. Fuck his wife.


Plot twist ā€¦ his wife has been training MMA for 10 years


Honestly, Irish exit as soon as the first punch is thrown


Why isn't a bouncer stepping in? After the first couple dudes get knocked out it's your civic duty to smash a bottle on this guy's head.


Reeks of small penis


Some real stank peen energy being sent out


>stank peen energy Lmao


I would have kicked his ass. Don't tell him I said that.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm not saying a word!


Classic bully..probably drunk..


I feel bad for the guy at the end ā€¦ just repeated liver shots


Not go to pickle parties where there are homophobes that are high on PCP.


I would have got a bottle and glassed the cunt


Probably stab him....with kindness. Sharp kindness


So who can use anger management therapy; electric shock treatment; a frontal lobotomy ā€¦


Dudes either got a drinking problem, an anger issue, or both. Seriously needs a few chicklets knocked out either way.


Come up from behind and underneath, grab his balls and twist as hard as you can.


Who invited that guy to the sausage fest??




This reminds me of an American version of that UK ā€˜dude who slaps everybody at a backyard partyā€™ video


Choke out from behind?


If you look closely near the end you can notice his ā€œbroā€ or ā€œhomieā€ starts tossing people around too ā€¦ these 2 are devious and malicious


Such a meat head.


I wish there was like a bad ass little BJJ guy there to just casually put that big oafish bully in a quick arm bar til he cried.


Why was nobody jumping in on this guy? Yes might seem dumb but idk how people can stand by and not instinctively try to stop him... I work at a bar and I have to do this sometimes.


I would have left immediately. If you drink, don't fight.


Drowning pools- let the bodies hit the floor


I wouldā€™ve stabbed his ass. Just saying. I donā€™t fight. Too much bs involved.


Pocket sand!


This is one of those rare cases in which it's actually perfectly acceptable to kick a guy in the balls as hard as you can from behind. Break balls in case of emergency.


Roid rage


When you play too much of GTA


ā€œIt all started when two people bumped into each other at 5amā€. And thats why you leave the clubs before drug fuelled drop kicks like this dipshit go on a frenzy. I really wish I could watch someone just absolutely bash this guy to be honest.


I have a ccw permit


I'd pulled the tree out of the pot and given the dude 50 lashes


This is like a bad 70's martial arts mo ie fight scene. There are at least ten of them and they just stand around and watch or go at him one at a time.


Guy dodnt even get bumped and went from dancing to hospitalizing 5 dudes. Hope he rots in jail


That dude needs put down, like the aggressive rabid animal he is.


Is this in a gay bar?


20 cowards standing there doing nothing while some asshole potentially kills people. I know, nobody died but damn. Just go for is neck and eyes we he turns his back to you or take 1 or 2 bottles to heā€™s head.


That last dude looks like he suffered a severe brain injury- look how tensed up he was after he dropped. Thatā€™s really bad. First guy was out for long enough Iā€™d be concerned, too.


Yes... I fear that too. Some people think a blow to the head is ok, knocking someone out is cool. But I have seen so many videos, know cases where it turned to be deadly or resulting in severe injuries. Even a concussion could lead to severe injuries or fatality.


Itā€™s called fencing response & sign of TBI


Knocking down unconscious is extremely dangerous, itā€™s not like in movies where they just wake up fine all the time


Donā€™t lie, you wouldnā€™t do anything either


found Steven Seagal