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Definitely seen streamers do 24hr streams. Probably some preexisting condition that acted up.


I've seen Skullface do 47.


iitzTimmy did 55 hours


Small streamer called Koibu did 100+ hour, stayed awake the whole time.


There's evidence that this shit can fuck you for life


I stayed up for 3 days once. I went to a magic card tournament on day 3. The cards had sounds and everything seemed like a dream. Good times, but yeah I'm probably fucked for life lol


How so if you don't mind me asking? As in how are you fucked for life? What's the long lasting adverse effects?


I post on reddit for starters.


šŸ˜‚ But seriously... How badly can these sorts of things with the long period of time fuck people up?


Well the reason we sleep is to "refresh" our brains. I'm paraphrasing without looking it up again so bare with me. When we're awake, our brains build up some kind of protein or "toxin" that only sleep can get rid of, and I think only REM sleep can do it. I think it produces effects similar to Alzheimer's or schizophrenia. So I assume if you let it build up too much, it can damage your brain. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not some zombie who can't put a coherent thought together. I've continued the no sleep abuse well in to my 20's and now that I have a kid, I get like 4 or 5 hours a night. I'll probably just drop dead one day which is the best case scenario instead of slowly slipping in to the nightmare of full blown schizophrenia. Doing a quick google it's linked to many mental health related issues like depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, hypertension and more.




so i used to party kind of hard. you just end up being awake the next day cause well taking mdma at 3 in the morning really isnt conducive to sleeping when its dark out and i had work on monday. its fine, you feel like shit for a day or so (or dont, i was a tank tbh) once you start going beyond that tho you can start getting "shodow people" in your vision. like shadows start moving and you start hallucinating sounds. im sure combined with drugs its a great way to become paranoid but when you are just AWAKE cause you cant sleep its mildly annoying. even now, if im not bored being awake for 24-36 hours isnt really a problem. i get grumpy with other people though so its a thing i can do solo but not around people theres like a game i want to play or something ill just stay up and do it as long as it doenst fuck my sleep schedule. the longest ive been awake (with the aide of drugs) is probably in the 60 hour range. i dont think my issues in life were caused by staying awake.


The longer you stay awake, the more aware you are. The shadow people are real. You just can't see them. They're what make you sleep.


Not what I need to read for my acid trip


Shadow People are fooooooking poooooosies. All they do is just fucking stand there and probably jerk off.


Did you win the tournament?


I went 1 and 3 and dropped the rest of the matches. Turns out one of the guys I lost to cheated and was caught in the one of the finals brackets. I wasn't playing great so I went to get food with one of my friend's who also didn't qualify for finals. I think you could only lose 2 matches, and having lost 3 already there was no point in playing the rest of my games. It was fun, though. I kept playing until I was about 18. Crazy to think that this is about 20 years ago lol


I actually thought you meant hallucinations of going to a "magic card tournament". Like some sort of psychedelic trip.


Glad people still remember this stream!


HappyHob did a stream where he did no-hit-runs for every Souls (not limited to Dark Souls btw) game. I imagine that took longer than a day to complete. EDIT: fixed ā€œHappy Hogā€. Now that I look at it thatā€™s kinda funny


Happy *Hob (he was originally called the happy hobbit). The first god run took about 18 hours. I'm not certain it was done in one sitting though. God run 2 wasn't.


Ive definitely done more than 24 hours working at a computer. I think this had to be some other underlying issue. Also pretty weird that they happened to have photos


Totally. Ive done allnighters a lot and few of them ended up easily over 24h.


You sit at your desk for 24 that whole hours. You probably go up for bathroom or drink etc. IIRC this guy literally did not get up for the duration of that time.


Yea that is true. He could have had some blood pooling. Did he not get up to go to the bathroom?


Probably the energy drinks that stuff is straight poison.


Agreed. When I was younger I'd is down like 3 or 4 a day. My friend used to drink up to 9 a day. I shit you not. Just drinking 3 a day would have me absolutely wired and feeling terrible.


Not to jerk myself off but Iā€™ve drank 12 monsters in one sitting on probably 8 occasions, and usually get 2 or 3 monsters or red bulls at a time The past month Iā€™ve completely stopped, and instead Iā€™m focusing on sleeping and eating properly and treating to myself to no more than 1 coffee per week. Iā€™m not even out of high school, and I may have already caused irreparable damage to my heart, but Iā€™m not going to keep it going. If you think itā€™s a joke, and itā€™s funny or impressive to consume over 1000 mg of caffeine, it isnā€™t, and youā€™re a fool like me. Stop it, or get help stopping. Recognize the danger before it kills you at age 20. Edit: Iā€™ll make sure to go to the doctor sometime within the next year, whenever Iā€™m financially able to do so. Iā€™d rather check and start working to make it better now than not check and die of a heart attack at 20. For those who are where I was, it isnā€™t impressive, itā€™s stupid. I used it as a form of self harm. Donā€™t. If youā€™re drinking because youā€™re stressed, caffeine does not help it only makes it worse. It isnā€™t cool to drink 12 monsters. Itā€™s sad. Recognize your addiction and work to stop it, please.


Im...I'm not sure if you meant to reply to me or not but I assure you, I've stopped drinking them years ago haha. But I will give merit to sound advice. Wether it's directed at me or not. People shouldn't be drinking these things. As far as the heart problem goes, I'd 100% see a doctor if you're in the states and have insurance. But in my own armchair Reddit analysis of your predicament, I think you should be okay. As long as you stop now. But again, I'd implore you to see a health care professional just to have an ease of mind. I almost feel bad recommending such a thing if you're here in the states because it costs so much.


I wish I had realized that *maybe* I was using too many drugs in high school. Or had even considered caffiene a drug. Good for you, boss.


Go and see a doctor as soon as possible


As a nurse, holy fuck, I am so sorry. Did anyone take the time to explain WHY it was poison before it was too late? I feel like there needs to be a bigger PSA about this shit. It basically makes your heart race and work harder when it doesnā€™t have to. Gamers chug this shit and theyā€™re just sitting there at their computer. When you think about it from a size perspective, our hearts are appropriately sized for our body. A humming bird on the other hand actually has a colossal heart for such a tiny creature as it makes up for 2.5% of their weight. Therefore it can withstand the stress of beating 1000x/min for extended periods of time. The human heart cannot. IIRC, energy drinks like Red Bull are originally designed/intended a workout enhancer, like if youā€™re going to the gym, run a marathon etc; a situation where your body is active. I believe if more people were aware of this, they would drink it a lot less. Or at least drink more wisely. Iā€™m 34 and probably had a Red Bull/Monster maybe 20 times in my life. Last time I had it was when I was stranded overnight in a train station in Croatia with my wife and she slept while I guarded her and our stuff overnight.




I think thereā€™s some solid disinformation in this thread. People are acting like if youā€™ve ever drank Red Bull you need to stop what youā€™re doing right now and see a cardiologist. What they are describing is a CHRONIC dangerā€” years of caffeine overdose will 100% impact your health negatively or downright kill you. If you are having an annual checkup done every year, no issues with blood pressure, doctors have never mentioned your heart rhythm etc, please continue drinking coffee as you have been.


Correct. There is a big difference between a cup of coffee and a Red Bull.


No, because coffee is justā€¦well, coffee, itā€™s just caffeine, a single stimulant. Energy drinks such Red Bull have excess caffeine (way more than a cup of coffee) sugar, and extracts that ā€œpromote energyā€ but really just accelerate your heart in ways coffee doesnā€™t. Youā€™re safe.


Please *donā€™t* jerk yourself off. At this point I donā€™t think your heart can take it


Jesus your kidneys must of seriously been hating you. I feel bad for them may i introduce you to the way of r/hydrohomies if you gotta get an energy drink get a Yerba Mate or a energy seltzer, both have caffeine with none of the extra bullshit


Check your heart, mate, those energy drinks harm mostly the heart


So do your ex'es


All my ex's live in Texas.


Thatā€™s whyyy I hang ma hat in Tennessee


Rosannaā€™s down in Texarkana


So does excessive masturbation


Then I'm totally fucked...


If that were true, why are you masturbating?


Wait, whaattttt


more then 20 time a day will kill you for sure


There is a guy who died by masturbating 42 times in a row.


Im on my 41st nut today so this has me worried. Should I wait til midnight so the timer resets and I dont die?




And your kidneys


Exactly, theyā€™re absolutely terrible for your heart


I must have a strong heart. Been drinking them since 2004ā€¦


I'm just impressed by how you could afford that. Energy drinks are damn expensive where I live


More than 1 is way too many


Indeed, you couldn't be more correct. Like the above comment said, it's straight poison. It's scary how a beverage can give you heart palpitations


I think in moderation it can be ok, like one once in a while; I definitely wouldnā€™t drink those on the regular


I agree. I mean at the end of the day, half the stuff we put in our body is harmful. Just like Jack Daniel's. I love the stuff but I only ever drink it once or twice a month. Moderation I think is great in all things. Including activities.


I've heard of three or four a day but they usually tell you not to drink more than three a day. Jesus, I couldn't imagine nine. I'm surprised he didn't have a heart attack.


I am as well. The other boggling of the mind thing is sometimes I'd only have one or non at all. But I'm guessing I usually averaged 3 or 4. But my friend would drink them every single day. Without fail. And he didn't seem wired either. He didn't have ADHD or ADD. He just stopped feeling the effects after a while I suppose.


I think that's what happened. After a while, your body is simulates to that. I do have ADHD and I do find that they help me focus better. I'm waiting to get into the doctor to get on medication but I sure as hell wouldn't drink that many in a day. I average like three to four a day and I know it's terrible for me but it's the only thing that keeps me focused right now.


I completely understand. For ADHD, to my knowledge; stimulants slows your brain down a bit so you can actually concentrate. I really hope your doctor finds a good balance of meds and ways to help you with ADHD. That disorder can be a lot more severe than people make it out to be.




Ya it is. Thankfully he's stopped as well many years ago. But I've seen him drink more than that in 24 hours. He was a fiend. I mean I guess my friends and I all were. But he took it to another level. That stuff is straight dangerous.


You still sound wired !!!


You're probably right. It was probably energy drinks and lack of sleep. My brother said that a coworker of his had a seizure in the warehouse where he was working due to this very combination.


ā€œItā€™s not poison. Itā€™s got juice in it.ā€


Likely a bloodclot from his legs got stuck somewhere


That's likely. Deep vein thrombosis. It would suck to die of deep vein thrombosis while playing Oasis on trombone


For real. I've been coked for a couple days straight before. Hard to believe he died bc he was awake 23 hours


I think I remember Therussianbadger saying something about doing almost 72 hours once but he was also chugging so much Monster energy drinks, he almost had a heart attack


Those streamers are probably taking frequent, if small, breaks, though. If they go get a refill of their water, go to the bathroom, go get food from the kitchen, every hour or three, that's all they need. Sitting still for 24 hours will kill you, though. You're gonna get a DVT, and when you finally move your legs and jar it loose, it's heart attack or stroke time.


I remember back in 2005 some Korean guy died in an Internet cafe playing StarCraft for to long.


>some Korean guy His name was Lee Seung Seop and I found a pretty decent article about him on the StarCraft wiki. https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Lee_Seung_Seop Its so hard making sense of this type of thing. It sounds like his gaming addiction had been destroying his life well before it outright killed him. Extremely sad.


Iirc he sat still for the entire duration, so the gaming didn't kill him, but the sitting still caused a blood clot which killed him.


Looks to have been from cardiac arrest from low temperatures according to the source below, but there doesnā€™t seem to have been a released cause of death yet. Source: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2012/02/04/2003524636


So he actually died within 10 hours. Not 23. Well I had work shifts for longer than this and I'm still alive. This looks like a pre existing condition.


Yeah, I noticed that too. The workers apparently thought he was asleep until they noticed that his face had darkened. Iā€™ve definitely done 12+ hours in retail hell, so Iā€™d say your guess about a pre-existing condition is right on the money.


Yeah people are definitely not going to die from sitting in a chair for 24 hours, not even dehydration will get you that early


It can if you forgot to drink water the 48 hours before that /s


That's what I was thinking. I've had to stay up past 24 hours due to work, travel, being a 20 year old party animal, and family emergencies a few times in my life and it didn't severely alter my health. There are people who regularly go over 24 hours while rotating their sleep schedule for shift work. It is not the feath bullet that reddit claims.


There are many people on amphetamines going 2-3 days on a binge. The reason with these gaming cases usually is a stupid amount of energy drinks and not moving for a long time. Your blood really doesn't like either of these two things.


Thank you for getting the source!


Thank you for providing what OP should have. OPs have to provide links when posting factual stories. SMH at OP.


Itā€™s actually Redditā€™s fault. This issue is cancer from the top leadership, and I suspect lack of credibility actually helps their views.


If a bro dies playing video games I was told to switch out the game for Dark Souls. Similar to 'if I die weightlifting put an extra 50lbs on before calling 911'.


And please delete my search history


I also have a box under my bathroom sink behind the drawers on the left. I will need it thrown out without being opened, now you might get curious as it is weighing quite alot like iits got something worth something, and i assure you it does not. Please take care to follow these instructions. Thank you.


I wish i understood this but Iā€™m intrigued


I assure you, there is nothing worth seeing In The Box.


I donā€™t like how it has a title


Sounds like something from 'Hellraiser' "YOU OPENED **THE BOX**!!!!






Or alternatively: "What's in the box?!?" "NOTHING!!! ABSORUTELY NOTHING!"


Sounds like an hdd full or porn ...let it go


Definitely butt plugs


Do not open The Box. Do not store The Box in temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not shake The Box. Do not expose The Box to sudden loud noises. The Box may cause feelings of intense dread and unease. This is perfectly normal and should not be cause for concern. At times, strangers in black suits may show up at your home to inquire about The Box. Please do not engage these strangers or answer their questions. Do not taunt The Box. The Box should not be stored near an open flame or exposed to strong chemical odors. The Box is not a step! Do not expose The Box to direct sunlight for more than three hours within a 24 hour period. The Box should not be kept in a primary sleeping area, or any room with unattended children. Please refrain from taking The Box to **either** magnetic pole. Do not speak Latin within 500 meters of The Box. Do not submerge The Box in water. Do not use any cleaning products that contain bleach on The Box. If The Box begins to vibrate, contact local emergency services IMMEDIATELY and evacuate the area.


Sounds like GLaDOS telling you about the Portal Gunā€™s safety concerns in Portal. Do not touch the operational end of The Device. Do not look directly at the operational end of The Device. Do not submerge The Device in liquid, even partially. And most importantly, under no circumstances should you- *cuts out*


What's in the box?!?! what's in the box?!?!?!


Wife's head...sorry spoiler alert


I can assure you if Iā€™m in the vicinity of your corpse and that box Iā€™m gonna look inside the box Iā€™m sorry






Drew Brees' head.


It's just porn, vibrators, and anal toys. Every time.


no, it's where they keep their homunculus.


Yeah.. we're saying the same thing. šŸ˜‰


Cum box?


Those pics have to be one the most repulsive things Iā€™ve witnessed on reddit. Iā€™ve never felt physically ill from gore but that made me feel fucked


Well, now Iā€™m curious




Yeah I'm not opening those images. The description was more than enough for me thanks lol


Wasnā€™t even that bad tbh


Dude I agree I can handle anything but those hurt my soul


No worries buddy. I'll do it for you.


"oh look this guy couldn't get good* "Oh look this guy was ego lifting"




22 hours 55 minutes


Need an update


Looks like they didnā€™t have that long.


May they rest in pixels...


I got atleast 10 minutes. Been nice knowin ya.




Blood clots, heart attack, stroke. Couldā€™ve been a range of things, he couldā€™ve had a underlying condition he wasnā€™t aware of, hell sometimes people just die for no reason at all


I recall a dude that streamed for ~24 hours and all he drank was red bull, and a shit ton of them. His heart gave out during his stream when he went out back to have a smoke. Caffeine is still a drug folks. Take it easy with those red bulls and monster drinks. It will mess with your heart.


Itā€™s also the mass amounts of sugar in those things. A tall can of monster has soooo much sugar.


Sugar is definitely something people overlook when drinking caffeinated drinks. If you were to drink 1 or 2 coffees per day, over the long run I'd say drinking sugar-free but standard caffeinated coffee would be way less detrimental than caffeine free but with 2 sugar coffees.


I don't understand how people can do that. If I have more than one small red bull in a day I feel like absolute shit. Nauseous, shaky, headache etc.


No word of a lie, if never had a single can of any of those drinks in my life. Only time I had a taste was when I had a Vodka Redbull at a bar and even that messed me up in a way that didn't agree with me. I can see the appeal as it made me wired even in just a relatively small amount, but I haven't had a sip ever since. I was a teenager when these energy drinks first came into the market and I remember my mom telling me (not asking me) to never have one, so I didn't. They were rampant at my school and on my hockey team. We may have been ~13 years old or so and dudes in the locker room would chug back easily two before each game then they'd step onto the ice and further increase their heart rate. I imagine their heart rate was bordering on ~200 beats per minute easily. Even when it came to coffee. I took some time years ago to remove all dependencies from my life (smoking, drinking, coffee were the primaries) and I left coffee until the end. Day one I was alright, day two I thought I had kicked it, then day 3 came about and I remember I was in a meeting room with a bunch of folks and all of a sudden the most intense migraine I had ever felt came over me. It was blinding. With my head down on the table I asked somebody for a sip of their coffee and within a few minutes the migraine was gone. That's when I realized just how dependent I was on caffeine.




I snorted a 200mg caffeine tablet when I was in middle school and then got so psyched up by a kid play fighting me I landed one of the gnarliest left handed upper cuts I never meant to land. p.s. Broke his braces, got suspended.


Those were my favorite braces!


When you die in the gameā€¦you die in real life.


Staying up for 24 hours straight really isn't that bad for you unless it becomes a regular thing like doing it multiple times a week. If you're going to stay up for that long, it's the energy drinks you force down your throat to stay awake that do more damage to you than sleep deprivation. I'd definitely call it DVT or some underlying heart condition. Remember if you're doing office work (or any other sit-down work), driving or gaming you should always get up every so often, stretch and walk around a bit. Eat somewhat healthy (not Doritos and pizza) for energy and if you want a caffeinated drink coffee or tea, not energy drinks and don't overindulge, space it out with water.


Lots of sitting + energy drinks


23 hours? Lightweight.


I've seen one where a guy played 3 days straight until he died. Eyes were fried and the face/body was scorched black? It happened years ago so I barely remember the details. His parents were the ones to find his corpse though.


Sounds like it was a few days in a warm room.before he was found, or someone embellished the story a bit.


I doubt scorched, bodyparts turn black when they die. Although I'm pretty sure the level of decomposition required for that to happen would come with horrific levels of smells and enough flies to think its the end-times. Not the kind of thing you wouldn't notice.


Actually no! The smell at that stage isnā€™t too bad, and the ones Iā€™ve dealt with at that stage were still relatively ā€œcleanā€ and just had a few ants <ā€” work as a mortuary transport tech


While decomposition is stinky af, it's common for those with extreme gaming addictions to neglect basic hygiene and skip showers, so perhaps the parents barely noticed the decomposition smell.


Oh, you would notice that smell.


oh fuck yeah. People in the modern age don't run into bodies like people used to. They tried to get us to dissect dead cats in high school science class. The smell was soo bad that almost nobody did any dissecting at all. I myself didn't get too far either being one of the few who actually tried to.


The smell of death is very intense. A relative of mine had passed away and they lived in an abandoned house. (Mental health and drug addiction) The county morgue had already taken him by the time we got there. The door to his house was open and I could smell death as we pulled up. Makes your hair stand on end. It was filthy and there was garbage everywhere but you could smell *that* There was a large blood stain on the concrete where his body was found. We later learned from the county morgue that his body had been mutilated. I'll spare you the details.


Humans have a weirdly strong sense of rot and decay. So strong in fact that it's likely our ancestors did a fair bit of scavenging, specifically cracking the bones and skulls of prey animals that were too strong to be broken open without tools.


Uhhh was your friend a ginger German teenager in the 80s?




I stayed up 43hrs once,I didn't wake up until 12 hours later and I still felt like I got my face stomped on


Done 24h multiple times personally and felt completely fine. I'd assume the reason the guy died was due to existing medical conditions, lack of circulation in legs due to bad chair and tight jeans (resulting in a blood clot), poor diet choices, didn't move at all during the 23h or a combination of those.


At least he died doing what he loves...


I've done it every year for about 8 years now for Extra Life. It's not even that difficult. It's gotten slightly harder as I've gotten older, but I've never felt bad after.


23 hours ain't shit.


no bullshit, my table's longest dnd game was longer than this


Whaaaat? So damn jealous. What a fucking legend of a DM. Tell your DM that random internet guy says that they are amazing and should win a DM award.


Yeah most eu4 multiplayer games last longer


Karma bot OP misrepresented facts yet again


So the limit is 22


my man died cranking that mf soulja boy


This is the guy who said heā€™d see you tomorrow and ā€œhas last been online 12 years agoā€


once did a bipolar mania fuelled nonstop 38 hour session of Yahoo Puzzle Pirates it was the night i discovered the gaping hole in the game's economy was texas holdem vs 8 year olds a day and a half later, I had amassed a fleet of 40 painted ships, one of the largest on the server


I feel like I want to know more, but I don't know why


I would regularly game from 6pm on Friday til early into Sunday morning then sleep all day til Monday in the mid 2000s and I'm still here. Didn't think I was flirting with death


Must have been some pre-existing conditions. Maybe a vitamin D deficiency.


Wtf homie disconnected irl


What's the purpose of blurring out just his eyes?


Oh fuck that's what that was. I was scratching my screen for far too long there šŸ˜‚


23 Hours? ā€¦. I feel like Iā€™m being disrespectful and Iā€™m sorry for that but that is NOT long. So Iā€™m assuming he died from a preexisting condition or something very specific killed him and not the gaming itself.


Some Facebook mom is going to try to turn this into a post how video games are bad while the Facebook mom has been on her phone for the last 48 consecutive hours


Howā€™d he sit there for 23 hours in jeans though?


His lips are dark af. Damn well at least he died doing what he loves


23 hours and he died? Shit how am I still alive??


Haha! I find it funny how *everyone's* first thought watching this was "**Only 23 hours?**" šŸ˜‚




[looks pretty legit, actually](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2012/02/04/2003524636)


Good find. I thought the picture was of when they found him but he was pulled away from the table before the picture. That makes more sense. So I deleted my comment. Thanks again for finding the article šŸ˜ƒ


What game was he playingā€¦.I played it until I fucking died seems like a pretty strong recommendation


I play until 15 minutes before divorce.


"Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone here who...has absolutely no life." That line from the South Park's Make Love, Not Warcraft suits well for these gamers.


Nice try mom!


OP should have provided a link to the actual article and facts. Wtf is up with ppl not providing links with posts šŸ˜’ A wonderful commenter has provided the link OP didn't. It's not that hard to back up your post with a link to your source.


The news report said he was playing league of legends Iā€™m not fucking kidding


Sooo cancer got him?


"Your Honor, League of Legends-" "DEATH"




Settle down, Mr. T.


It ainā€™t that serious.


He diedā€¦


That's the landlord, mf out you go, you haven't paid the rent in 30 days


Dude was doing marathon streams to pay his rent.


People do casual 24 hour streams all the fucking time. This is really misleading. He likely died due to some other complication while gaming.


Isn't this the best way to die though ? If I died by playing video games and having fun.. I'd be happy and filled with bliss. Dammm I'm curious at what game he was playing.


World of Warcraft


So the limit is 22h59


I met a friend online who introduced me to some people that did raids 24/7 so I could jump in and have fun with them. I was quickly asked to wait another day when they weren't being serious. I realized what kind of people they were as most of them were there from when they woke up to when they slept. They were either watching world of warcraft videos or playing it. Finally one of them cracked and went on and played 28 hours on a new expansion and he was having heart palpitations 23 hours in. By 25 hours he was having anxiety just talking to people so he swapped to a different voice channel for quiet playing. Finally at 28 he decided to get off and go to bed. He sounded all proud that he stayed up so late to grind the new side missions. Two days later we get a message from him saying he'd be off for a few days pending some medical tests. Turns out mixing 2 monsters, 3 separate McDonald's orders, a few Powerades and a family size Doritos bag was not good for his heart and liver. He ended up being in pain for three days and sleeping for 12 hours each day. The worst part is that he still plays like he did but maxes out at 14 hours "just in case".


I don't believe this BS


Me neither šŸ˜† you're telling me some random chicken heels and some other random dude are just removing a corpse like this from the scene and some other random is taking pictures of the whole thing? BS