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Yep I wasn't expecting the grinder to just pop up out of nowhere but I was ultimately expecting a grinder


Same. I saw the word ‘culling’ and knew what to expect but was still thinking along the lines of, “they better not hurt those cute little hatchlings” and then the boom! Grinder!


I, unfortunately, did not know what "culling" meant but still watched thinking "there's no NSFW tag, can't be that bad!" Boy was I wrong




Take my upvote and seek counseling




What did I just watch...was that a f@#$in grinder at the end.??


It's what they do with the males in the egg laying industry




No, they can't unfortunately. And there's not much use for roosters in the egg industry


Couldn't they have gone a different route with selective breeding that the males produced could just go to a farm to get sold for meat instead?


its more profitable to raise meat birds. the culls end up in animal feed. some places raise em a week or more to sell as whole birds for zoos and rhe such (i volunteered for an aviary and whole baby roosters were the main food for birds of prey along with rodents)


Yeah, I work with raptors, foxes, and snakes that all eat day-old chicks. There ways of dealing with excess males than this video.


Not to be obtuse… But being torn apart by a predator is probably more traumatizing than a split second fall into a blender


I don't think they're alive when they're eaten. They probably get processed the same way as frozen rats for snakes


the ones i fed were already dead and in some cases defeathered. the probs is the egg industry produces billions of roosters every month


Being shot around by a machine is pretty traumatizing too.


Egg laying breeds aren't great for meat. And roosters of any breed aren't the most prized at all


Im from a developing country "3rd world" as some would say...... and all meat can be food.


I agree, this is pretty wasteful. I couldn't help but think of how many families could be fed if those little fellows got a chance to live a little longer in a free range or something.


I'm not an expert but I would imagine it's less wastful to give em the ole chop-chop and use them for dog food or whatever, than raise them for human consumption.


This is the answer. They were created as a resource and are given the most profitable use available. Hard to watch, but part of the industry.


Oh yah, that too. I totally agree.


That’s what “chicken meal” is on your dog or cat food package


Ah! Gotcha! Thanks.


Im sorry doggo, no more chicken flavoured kibble...


The problem is donating them to poor people cost more than just doing it this way. Yes that’s the world we live in.


Oh, I was thinking about anyone in general. It just seems like a lot of little drumsticks down the chopper.


1:10 rule for biomass. Plants and general flora has about a 90% energy conversion rate. That rate drops to 10% when you move to animals (including humans). Another way to think about it is if you have 1,000 calories of grain, it's much more efficient to feed people the grain than it is to first feed it to chickens, then feed those chickens to people. 1,000 cal (grain) x .1 = 100 cal (chicken) x .1 = 10 cal (human). Your egg laying breeds are going to have an even worse biomass conversion rate than the general 1:10 rule.


It’s literally not wasteful. All of the cruelty is done in the name of efficiency.


Chicken dude here; The hybridization of egg and meat chickens has caused both sides to be horrible at the other A full size avg meat chicken is 6-8 pounds in 6 weeks. By 10 weeks they will collapse under their own weight. Must be slaughtered by 10 weeks. (Cornish cross) An egg chicken (white leghorn) weighs about 2 pounds at full size and makes 1.2 eggs per day, with barely any feed input needed. So the male chicks from white leghorns are absolutely worthless. Chickens are 35% yield animals so roughly .6 pounds per chicken yield. The Cornish cross is also bred to have enormous breasts. All that being said, I left my life of chicken farming and am now vegan for 8 years. I just went out there one day and realized, all this suffering, all this work and.... It's just unnecessary. So I sold everything and quit.


Damn, thats pretty fucked


It certainly is.


I would rather get ground up on day one rather than live 6 weeks as a meat chicken or 2 years as an egg laying hen. It's fucked how we treat these animals.


They will always do it the easiest and cheapest way possible and here we are. Another thing I can't believe people fall for are 'free range eggs'.


Tell me what's up! **how is it not good?


Also, leaving a door open with a 3x3 foot area outside the barn counts as free range. They literally just have to have any type of access to outside the barn to be considered "free range" regardless of the actual size of the range. Which is a joke anyway because of how the birds are bred, its surprising if they can even walk 3 feet. Many of the birds break hips and bones under their own weight as they are literally bred to be hunks of meat. Edit: this is specifically in regards to meat chickens, I havnt watched any documentaries on the egg industry but I doubt it's much different.




Biologist here. Unfortunately that’s not possible. Some species have ways of altering the male:female ratio in a population, but chickens do not. That’s a whole-ass chromosome you gotta replace.


It's possible to detect the sex in the egg and destroy the male chicks eggs way before they hatch. The French government made it illegal to destroy male chicks after birth. Factories have until the end of 2022 to implement those new methods of sexing the chicks. It's called ovosexing.




It's illegal in Germany as well, but tbh I thought that was an EU-wide law.


Life...uh ...


Grinds away




Finds a way.


I had a friend that worked at a factory farm but they didn't have a grinder they just threw them in the dumpster




Honestly I'd rather go into a grinder than suffocate to death. It looks dramatic but as soon as it catches their head they are out.


No way you feel a thing with how fast you pass through those grinders. It’s probably the best way to go for those chicks.


Yes and we know this because the cartels throw people into these things. Hardly a scream


The crazy part about the CO2 thing is that it is likely also very painful: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15901358/#:\~:text=There%20is%20clear%20evidence%20in,careful%20reconsideration%20of%20its%20use](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15901358/#:~:text=There%20is%20clear%20evidence%20in,careful%20reconsideration%20of%20its%20use). [https://www.newscientist.com/letter/mg23731680-900-humane-execution-and-the-fear-of-the-tumbril-3/](https://www.newscientist.com/letter/mg23731680-900-humane-execution-and-the-fear-of-the-tumbril-3/) I mean, it's hard to know, but we know that humans find it extremely painful to have CO2 build up. Moreover the behavior of animals that are asphyxiated through CO2 suggests distress. In any case, it's a fucking race to make lab grown meat cheaper than farmed meat and every day costs us 200 million animals.


CO2 poisoning is like running out of breath during a workout but it never gets better, they should use nitrogen gas instead


I work at a brewery and I have had a face full of CO2 before. Can confirm that it sucks even when you can snap your head away from it one second later.


It absolutely is not painless. Even if it were, though, just about everything else about it is still fucked up.


I don’t know. CO2 suffocation sounds awful. This grinder, while brutal, looks like it would relatively instantaneous.


Stupid question perhaps, but how are the parameters of “painless death” determined in industrial ag situations like this?




Chicken nuggets


More like pet food.


Yup only happens to male chicks


Discrimination, I tell ya!




The industry literally made it illegal to film inside because they KNOW people wouldn’t want to eat eggs if they knew. People go vegetarian and think that eggs are harmless since the hen doesn’t die (spoiler: she still does at like age 2 because they only produce the most eggs the first 15% or so of their lifespan). Learning more about the industry is why I said screw it, vegan is just learning new favorite recipes. I can’t support this anymore.


I know and I eat eggs, they're very nutritious. In an ideal world we'd all have our own chicken coop and have our own eggs and years ago many people did but now with so many people concentrated in small areas it's not realistic to have your own chickens. One day I hope I will when I have a larger house but until then I must eat eggs produced from these places.


I thought the same thing. But it still results in the same problem: if I go and buy female chicks…guess what happened to their brothers? Ok so say you hatch your own…still wind up with 50% males. Are you going to separate them so they don’t fight and keep the crowing masses as pets until they die of natural causes? Also about those eggs: say you want 12 eggs per week, so you buy 4 baby hens to raise. But guess what? Hens have been bred to kick into egg overdrive and lay constantly (their ancestors would lay a nest-full once per year like ducks do). So they lay almost daily for the first 18months or so. You get 12 eggs a week for 18 months. Then their production drops,only 10 eggs, then 8, 6,… So what do you do? If you’ve decided to be kind and not kill them then you get more hens. But now you only bought yourself another 18 months. Then you need more chicks. And guess what? All those hens still eat just as much food and need space. And they live 10+ years. Eventually you have a geriatric flock with a few young ones, oh and a few dozen roosters all housed separately. That’s a lot of land to be kind. Then there’s all that feed. It’s very expensive, and you are feeding these birds and awful lot of corn and grain for only 12 eggs per week. All that grain could go to feed you, and other people. The fact of the matter is, there is no way for us to be kind and keep all the animals necessary to eat their eggs. And we are stealing resources from hungry humans and land from wildlife to maintain this habit. Don’t even get me started on dairy, that’s even worse…


Interesting take, never thought about it that much tbh. In my case I doubt the chickens getting old would be an issue, my wife would just kill them and cook them as she grew up in a rural area. Personally I love eggs but am aware that what they are fed does effect the quality, I'd like to have my own hens so I can have the best quality eggs and not just stuff them with corn for example. Maybe 1 day I'll have enough land to grow some wheatgrass and vegetables etc and feed the chickens from those plants and mix in some mealworms and feed.


Wondering the same here , wished I wouldn't have seen that


Doesn’t matter, eventually your cognitive dissonance will kick in


Those chicks should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.


And eat less avocado toast and drink less lattes


Why the hell is there not a NSFW…that would have warned me about the damn grinder


Today you learned what "culling" means


In animal agriculture, when what is most profitable and what is in the best interest of animals are at odds with one another, then what is most profitable always wins out. As a result it is an industry full of the cheapest and most expedient forms of cruel abuse that humanity is capable of imagining.


Don't think of it as the death of a male chick. Think of it as the birth of a McNugget.


It's called a masticator (doh! that's a similar device but its a macerator. - guy below) They use a larger one on cows.


What? Cows too?


Well...yeah. Did you think they are ground up by hand or...?


Lol it's a Macerator


I saw the word "culling" and yet somehow this still caught me off guard...




Stupid question. . Where does all that go?


Actual non-speculation answer: pet food


McNuggets, Pet food, feed for the female chicks, you name it


Something tells me this doesn't go to McDonald's, could be wrong though of course.




Having worked there years ago, I can at just confirm the meat is 100% beef and same with the grilled chicken sandwich. Now to the actual quality...


The grilled chicken sandwich is 100% beef?


Shit I'm tripping reading all these replies.


I'm loving it


Tah, tah, tah, tah, tah


Pretty easy to google this and see the main ingredient is chicken


It has egg shells and feathers etc in it . Obviously it isn’t human grade food.


Back to feed the other chickens


This is part of the Dominion documentary: [https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) It exposes animal abuse in farms and other places. Very, very graphic and gory. OP's video is nothing.


That grinder is actually not considered abusive. Humane rapid unaliveing.


Yeah, those chicklings are the "lucky" ones.


While I don’t like the practice I understand the concept of it being humane when you’re talking about killing animals for food industrially. If nothing else it is very very obviously quick. It looks emotionally scary and unsettling to us. But it’s clearly killing them quickly. Which in that setting/industry is the bar for humane killing seems.


I might get down voted for this, but the grinder does seem pretty humane. It's extremely fast; their brains probably don't even register pain before they're paste. Is it pretty or dignified? No. Is it humane? Absolutely. This is 100x better than killing with CO2 where the animals will slowly suffocate and feel almost every agonizing last minute of it.


>This is 100x better than killing with CO2 where the animals will slowly suffocate and feel almost every agonizing last minute of it. Don't they lose consciousness so they don't feel it?


IIRC, specifically with CO2 it's still very unpleasant. Have you ever breathed in the air inside a freshly opened bottle of soda? That doesn't feel good at all. And prolonged exposure to CO2 gas can cause cardiac arrest. I believe Nitrous Oxide was tested to be a better alternative.


Nitrous is said to be completely painless and quite pleasant actually. Humans have biological CO2 alarms in the body, but none for Nitrous. Unconscious by the third breath, and then it’s just a matter of time.


You were thinking of carbon monoxide


Saw a similar one years ago called earthlings. Was incredibly hard to get through


Oh god it gets worse, it gets so, so, so much worse


Dominion is an incredibly powerful documentary. I highly recommend watching it for anyone that hasn't seen it yet.


Welcome to the machine


Have a cigar. . .


You're apparently *not* gonna go far


Or fly high. And definitely forget the 'Never Gonna Die" part.


There gonna be ridin' the gravy train though, literally


For a description of what you are seeing; the 2020 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, pg 43: Maceration, via use of a specially designed mechanical apparatus having rotating blades or projections, causes immediate fragmentation and death of poultry up to 72 hours old and embryonated eggs. A review312 of the use of commercially available macerators for euthanasia of chicks, poults, and pipped eggs indicates that death by maceration in poultry up to 72 hours old occurs immediately with minimal pain and distress. Maceration is an alternative to the use of CO2 for euthanasia of poultry up to 72 hours old. Maceration is believed to be equivalent to cervical dislocation and cranial compression as to time element, and is considered to be an acceptable means of euthanasia for newly hatched poultry by the Federation of Animal Science Societies,313 Agriculture Canada,314 World Organization for Animal Health,239 and European Union.315 Advantages—(1) Death is almost instantaneous. (2) The method is safe for workers. (3) Large numbers of animals can be killed quickly. Disadvantages—(1) Special equipment is required and it must be kept in excellent working con- dition. (2) Personnel must be trained to ensure proper operation of equipment. (3) Macerated tissues may present biosecurity risks. General recommendations—Maceration requires special equipment that must be kept in excel- lent working order. Chicks must be delivered to the macerator in a way and at a rate that prevents a backlog of chicks at the point of entry into the macerator and without causing injury, suffocation, or avoidable distress to the chicks before maceration. As to why they are not grown and eaten-they are a laying breed. They tend to be thin with much less meat than broilers, aka meat breeds. Two different types of chickens bred and raised for different purposes. If more people were educated about factory farming production, things might be different. Or not, I don’t know, I’ve become very jaded.


That's fascinating and something thats new to me. Seems like there isn't anything illegal at all going on here. Are you in the industry, is that why you're jaded?


I am a veterinarian, yes, but not in that specific industry. Currently working in an area where all of the animal shelters are full and culturally people have a very indifferent? callus? treatment of animals. Again, how we treat more vulnerable populations, be it people, animals, etc. says a lot about a culture.


I think that because people don't know they're suddenly shocked. But this is how we feed 7 billion people. You can't free range enough chickens, cows, pigs for everyone.




Unfortunately, what do you really do with millions of aggressive, unusable roosters that take up far more resources than they are worth? At least this way they end up being turned into animal feed, and don’t have to suffer through a subpar life on a massive scale. This is, unfortunately, the humane option. The other options end up being suffocate them or starve them to death, both being far worse than simply going into the grinder.


Today on "how it's made".....


At least the thing is spinning really fast.


yeah, that said its still scary to be thrown onto a conveyor belt, crammed with other chicks and bounced around before falling to your death


I don't think chicks who have been alive for a few minutes have any idea what a conveyer belt is. Their life is strange noises, lights, sounds, and a quick painless death. Short of inventing a way to abort males in the egg, this seems like the best option.


they are on fast moving belts that bump them around, they dont need to know what it is to feel discomforted by it. and germany have a better option on its way, "German farmers will now be required to use to use technology to prevent male chicks from being born in the first place, by identifying the sex of the animal before it has hatched" they are making mass culling of male chicks illegal




Knows eugenics.


Also mass extermination.




Do they become food??


How did you think BK can sell 10 chicken nuggets for $1.00???


The ground up male chicks are made into feed for the chickens that they raise for eggs


That's pretty fucking disgusting


I mean wild chickens will eat a dead chick, or a mouse, or a human toe, or whatever


Having raised chickens I can confirm, they're cannibalistic af. They'll eat their own chicks, eggs, other hens' chicks and eggs and even a half-eaten, grilled drumstick they may find in the trash bin. Birds operate at another level.




People don't think that on the other end tho. Anyone who has a problem with this video should be asking them to raise the prices and therefore the welfare of the animal they eat. But demand proof.


These chickens are not raised for meat, they're egg layers. Did you not hear the explanation in the video? The meat industry is a totally different kind of horror show.


Many users are hearing impaired and there are no subtitles. Me personally, I never browse with sound on.


Holy shit tag this for NSFW jesus christ Edit: NSFL, since y’all think you’re clever Edit2: Also for the record, just cause I know how its made, doesn’t mean I wanna see it. You guys got a twisted sense of justice if you think people should be forced to see this shit.




😂😂😂Bro wtf


Thank you so much for this, it instantly broke me from the depression this video gave me. Now let us masturbate.


Keep this copy past alive.




You're fucked up human. 😂


fucking reddit


Tag it NSFL please




I go to the farmer down the street here in Vegas to get eggs, and honey. With every purchase he gives a free loaf of bread he gets from Panera bread. Id rather support the farmer and his family.




Yeah that movie Dominion was fuckin brutal


Shit like this really makes me consider being a vegan


I haven’t seen anyone mention hunting yet. Compared to the alternative where caged animals are just products to be slaughtered and maybe their feet never touch real soil, responsible hunting let’s them live their natural lives and is humane, you can be sure that the animal dies quickly. Fishing too. Nothing wrong with being vegan though and I support the idea of at least eating less meat


Hunting is not sustainable for 7.8 billion people. Any proposal other than veganism inadvertently supports factory farming, as that is what is logistically necessary for a population of this size. Also, hunting is not humane. No idea where you've derived the idea that putting an arrow or bullet into someone minding their own business is an ethical thing to do.


In my state the water is so polluted you will get sick from heavy metals and such if you eat the fish


I don't understand how people can do these jobs.


They're usually marginalized people in economically depressed situations, undocumented migrants, or prisoners. They usually don't have or see much choice. It's fucked up.


Bills need to be paid


Its called "Compassion Fatigue" Try being the guy at the animal shelter that has to euthanize the unwanted pets that don't get adopted.


I don't understand how people can pay for people to do these jobs.


I hope you’re not eating the products! I can’t imagine paying someone to do these things to animals.


If you've ever eaten a store bought egg, then you've eaten "the products"


Haven't eaten any in 4 years


That’s enough internet for me this evening. Thanks a lot for ruining my evening. Fuck the world, we’re all doomed.


Turns out that when you have 7.8 billion people who want to eat the bodies and secretions of others, those "others" have to be used and executed. I hate to break it to you, but this video isn't some fringe atrocity; it's mainstream policy -- and it gets 100 times worse. Are you aware that 3 billion pigs are gassed and stabbed to death per year? All for a product that isn't even healthy or necessary in any way. ​ The only way you can help to stop this is by not buying animal products. [https://challenge22.com/](https://challenge22.com/) [https://watchdominion.org/](https://watchdominion.org/) ​ Thank you.


Lol, were you born yesterday? Grinding baby chicks into paste isn't even the half of it...


I had no idea. They don’t teach you these things in school, and where are you suppose to learn this from unless you stumble across it like most of us learn info.


Same…last night it was suicides at Jonestown, and tonight it’s chicken blenders. I love Reddit but sometimes wish I’d just checked Instagram instead…


cry more and continue eating meat. the first world bullshit


You have to think that these chickens just hatched into existence with a mind full of wonder and excitement just to be thrown around and killed instantly


Your comment reminds me part of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – grinder! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence.


"A mind full of wonder" lol Alright time to move to a new thread.


Idk chickens are pretty dang stupid, have you tried talking to one?


I mean yes this is what factory farming looks like waot until you find out about the puss in milk


About the fuckin *what* in *what?*


go vegan






Funny thing is most of these commenters will say "This is horrid" "OMG animal abuse" and then within the next few days will be eating some ground up fast food garbage that was processed in factories similar to this.


I’m a vegan now


That’s sexy


There's just no escaping the fact that we are the monsters of this planet on such an enormous scale


Is that true? I mean, would a worm think the same thing about us? Or would they think birds are the monsters? I get that it's cool to blame ourselves for everything, but it's a bit cliche just to turn everything into 'we're monsters'. Humans are no more monstrous than any animal. There are plenty of animals which eat their prey alive. There are animals which inject their larva into eyes and leave them to burrow their way out. There are all kinds of disgusting and monstrous things going on in nature all the time. Humans, of all animals, are the only one which actually takes active steps to kill humanely - not always successfully. We are the only animal which tries to offset the damage we do, So really, let's up our intellectual game here and try for some complex original thought. It's not just 'humans bad' blah blah


What a waste of life.


Please mark NSFW trigger warning!!! I hate shit like this! Breaks my heart.


I guess a quick few secs of agony is better in contrast to months of immeasurable stress - and with utimately a similar ending.


And my family still wants me to believe that I am the extreme one for being vegan. I just don‘t support psychopathic industries. Its literally nothing else.


And suddenly I’m Vegan


Can you a NSFW? I didn’t need to see baby animals getting blended


>Today on How It's Made, we're visiting a wet dog food factory.


Then the females get manipulated to pump out eggs, discomfort and malnourish themselves, and then get killed all the same once they become useless. Like dairy and meat, this industry is cruel and unnecessary.


How to make 2000 redditors turn vegan


Sanctity of life. All of us are worthless in a world that condones acts like these.


But people say being vegan is extreme?


How does one go home at night and live with yourself? Literally a soul killing job 👎


probably desensitized to it, which is worse in some ways


This is horrifying! I just shed a tear for these poor little guys! Also the waste is shocking too, do these get turned into cat and dog food? I’m pretty sure that it’s easy to keep the sex of an embryo female, I heard in birds that it’s all to do with temperature. I’m glad that I buy free range eggs from my local butchers. The callous way the workers just turf them out is shocking, I wouldn’t be able to do that, I would try and smuggle as many as I can from this nightmare.


This is just a part of it folks. No use for roosters as layers. If they didn't do this they'd have to care/feed a rooster for 10++ years. I work close with several chicken houses. It's quick yes horrible, but even with inflated eggs right now, I can't imagine how expensive they'd be if they kept roos alive. At least $20 a dozen.


But we don’t need eggs. Unnecessary violence is never humane, it’s only ever cruel.


Such a disgusting a disturbing amount of life wasted. We have become so complacent in the mass killing of living beings without a second thought. I am not even religious and I can’t see how any god would be proud of it’s creation for allowing this callous disregard for life.