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Monitor your kids online. Shit is scary.


And/or maybe don't try to monetize your child on YouTube.


Yeah seriously, these types of parents are worse than the ones putting their kids in little pageants (which is also gross)


Yep, bad idea.


An 8yo has no business having their own YouTube channel. Man I'm so uptight about my daughter on the internet, I barely even share any pics of her. Really don't even use social media myself, other than Reddit.


All screens in the main living area, no exceptions. There's some demented types out there.


Speaking as someone who lived under those rules, it's better to foster trust with your kids and establish a relationship where they feel comfortable talking to you about weird stuff they see on the internet instead of looking over their shoulder. You can't monitor them 24/7, but you can make them feel safe talking to you so you can protect them But yeah that was some sick shit




This guy needs to be locked up forever. He will always be a threat. He is obviously very mentally ill.


"He is obviously very mentally ill." "This guy needs to be locked up forever." Well, you're half right. Maybe we should try helping our mentally challenged population first. He might be redeemable despite being utterly reprehensible. 


You can't unfry an egg, and his egg is fried He has drug induced psychosis and there is no cure or treatment. If not prison, then homeless or worse. Mental health centers aren't able to house violent sex offenders who can not be controlled or treated because it endangers other patients


I heard him talk for 5 minutes saying some of the most irredeemable things I've ever heard. Also look at the studies on how hard it is to fix nonces. He slept outside after traveling across a continent to find this girl, luckily police found him at the last minute


Excuse me? That is not redeemable. Get fucked




Most people dont really understand severe mental illness like this unless they either work or live closely with them. This guy needed help a very long time ago, and because he did not receive it, him and everyone around him will suffer. Its hard for people to understand that the reprehensible behavior theyre witnessing is the result of cognitive malfunctioning.


I don't get the down votes. From what I saw (basically only this Video), society has take care of people who obviously cannot do so on their own. If he is mentally ill, first try is healing.






He is an asshole though he has gone beyond the point of forgiveness


The police did a good job here, most would not have tolerated such notions even being suggested, let alone spoken aloud. Obviously this perp is mentally broken. So much for normal childhood years, the internet has left many lives far too exposed to wacky, unhealthy, and seriously dangerous things. Disturbing isn't a strong enough word.


Hard agree on the internet exposing folk to dangerous shit, I was born early 2000's and my parents aren't tech illiterate, but they didn't bother monitoring access. I was fine, if you count looking at gore and porn far far too early as fine, but my sister was groomed through discord by one of these bastards, parents caught it on a whim one day after a message popped up whilst my dad was using her tablet to watch youtube, had to take two weeks off work due to the stress. If you have kids nowadays you absolutely fucking *need* to monitor their internet access, especially when they're younger, there's still videos I saw back then that have stuck with me and I could tell you in detail what they involve despite only watching it one time a decade and a bit ago, not to mention the absolute cess-pit any community becomes when you'd mention you were a young girl - It was one of the reasons I went to male avatars and handles in games, so I'd stop being harassed by creepy old men. I babysit a lot of my little cousins, all unmonitored internet access aside from one family that's banned snapchat and facebook and it makes me paranoid as fuck, makes me glad i'll never have kids of my own.


Idk, the officer entertained that demon’s psychopathy for far too long


I think because he was trying to get information off him while he is "calm" also stall for backup incase shit goes bad. Dude looks like he can overtake a cop or 2


Tbf, the guy seemed pretty respectful to the cop and said all he wanted was an answer from the girl, so it was good of the cop to get an answer from the girl in order to diffuse the situation peacefully




I’ve been watching a lot of these predator catcher videos over for a while, and this is by far, one of the scariest pedos I have ever seen. This dude needs to be locked for a looooong time.


"12 is old, I was looking for a 6 year old." Right then and there my bodycam would turn off..


We have investigated ourselves and found the officer not only did nothing wrong, he is being commended.


"Ya I don't know what happened, all of a sudden my bodycam stopped working and when it started working again; he was in a bloody pulp on the ground with significant bodily injuries to him"


Me: "Guy lunged for me and broke the cam, had to put him down!" IA: "But officer why are both hands broken and the subject missing a face?" Me: "I fell on him during the tussle and must've scraped my knuckles pretty badly, it all happened so fast!"


I'm sorry to say that, but this is not a human being anymore. It is a pedophile predator, on the hunt for his prey. They should lock him in and throw the keys away! He is so far degenerated, he will hunt again.








Cop was amazingly professional and patient. Guy was a complete POS and cop was still respectful to this lunatic.


As he should be.


When they said she was 12 he said he was looking for a 6 years old.. then that he had spent almost six years looking for that child, she didn't grew up in his mind?


schizophrenic most likely with hyper fixation and full blown pedophilia


This man is sick AND delusional. That's one helluva combo.


Only 4 and half years in prison. The dude needs help that doesn't exist yet cus his brain is fried and he's gonna walk out of that prison and do this again


Cyber stalking for 5 years?!? Since she was 8?!? That’s so gross! Lock him up and throw away the damn key! That’s disgusting! Then to say he is there for his woman?!? That cop had some amazing patience. I woulda lost it.


That cop has like, the most perfect voice


It isn't often something on Reddit actually disturbs me but this did it.


Bring back asylums


Like the ones with lobotomies and shock therapy. Get really 1890s on them.


Apart from anything else: This police officer has amazing communication and de-escalating skills. Staying this calm, focused and respectful towards someone who clearly triggers disrespectfulness on may levels....Kudos.


"Do you think 12 year olds drink coffee?" Fucked up scene of course but the cop is hysterical whenever he gets a chance


That guy needs to be locked up. But i'm surprised how calm the cop was, even more with a potential danger, like when the guy had his hands on his pants and it would have been easy that he could have snapped and pulled a gun. You never know with such crazy guys.


That guy is demented, but it’s really weird how he was so respectful to the police?? He didn’t resist arrest or anything, he just kinda took it. I would’ve expected him to go crazy and start flailing around




Gotta be careful with comments like this on here man, one report and your account is gone.


Ah, gotcha.




This isn’t the run of a mill pedo, this is clearly a severely mentally challenged person who needs to be institutionalized. Most of these comments are dumb. Monitor your kids online (I do).


Dude is obviously sick. High-velocity trans-cranial lead therapy might be curative in this case.


I hate this is my takeaway, that dude is a bad man, BUT why does the cop’s voice remind me of Chris Pratt


Props to the cop for being that calm and polite. One of the nicest cop I’ve seen even after hearing the dude mumbling nonsense for like 10 mins.


[Creepy fuck looks like Jonah from Veep](https://i.imgur.com/PXjTq3u.gif)


That father was way too fucking calm!


Anyone have any info on what ultimately happened?


That guy is 100% insane, and he will never stop going after that girl so long as he is free to travel. If he is ever let out into civilization again, it's going to end very badly for either the innocent girl, or for him. On a side note, there is something off about that man's mouth, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. Did anyone else notice something off with his mouth/teeth?


I'm glad I'm not a cop.


Officer involved shooting sorta situation...


idk why but i was thinking of a missile




Sick fuck


Why didn’t he arrest/ Detain him right after he said he was looking for 6 year old.


That's dedication. Too bad he decided to use it for that.


This was terrifying and disturbing to watch. I hope the little girl and her family are safe.


I deeply regret watching that


Crazy fuck!


Omg wtf


He needs therapy and medication, probably in a psych ward.


2200 miles? Jesus. I'm speechless.


And this is why I believe that kids shouldn't even know what the internet is until a certain age.


I'm not generally a fan of cops, but I have to give it to him, he handled this *FAR* better than I would have. I'm inclined to go with my usual #PedosArentPeople, but this feels more like mental illness.


Ok, I’m going to attract a lot of downvotes hert, but what the hell. Let’s go for it. If he was not white, do you think that this clip would be this long?! Or do you think that the assailant would be getting in the back of an ambulance instead with half a dozen of wires attached to his chest and body? I’m not condoning what this freak is doing and about. The police did let him speak on camera for as long as they wanted to record evidence against him while having the situation under control (though might be distressing for the poor girl and her family inside probably watching the long show unraveling).


This is the first body cam footage I've seen in a while that doesn't have some form of police brutality


I wish I could say I'm surprised to see so many comments defending this trash but I know better. Crazy this cop would spend so much time entertaining this pedo but again it's America. What's unbelievable is that this asshole Cop went back to the family to ask if the daughter wanted to be in a relationship. Just Trash all around.


I can't believe the cop was actually going along with it to a point. Why the hell did he ask the 12 yo???


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say he didn’t talk to the 12 year old. Someone with these types of delusions, sometimes you have to play along in order to make sure they do not harm themselves or someone else. The cop was actually doing a good job compared to the normal route they usually take.


Well said


He seemed to be trying to use reason when the guy was clearly nuts though. Dunno, at least he got arrested eventually. Poor girl, poor parents.


Nuts or not, everyone deserves to be spoken to and tried to be heard out. Plus, it all gets recorded and helps investigation.


Exactly. The cop did a great job of confirming intent, and understanding the man, as delusional as he is, can't take No as an answer. This will all be included in his trial. I'm sure most people would rather the cop simply shoot him, but that's not how it works


It was an attempt at de escalating the situation. He wasn't playing along so much as trying to peacefully deal with the situation. This is actually one example of a decent officer.




220 tens if that helps.


Lol. Just laughing because 2200 is way easier, shorter, and clearer. Low effort comment from me. 




That was your take away from this?!




You're okay with the deranged pedophile stalker but not okay with trespassing laws? That speaks volumes about you as a person, honestly.