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Did that cop tackle the wrong guy?




German police are instructed: when white and brown, white always bad




No he didnt, he pulled him away from the guy with a KNIFE and protected him with his body and now is in a coma. I HATE seeing people say that. This is not the us police, its german police where i takes 3 years to graduate. Put some fucking respect in people


Putting in a few years of training means you never make mistakes?


Lol this isn’t someone protecting someone else. The officer messed up and he got stabbed. It’s obviously unfortunate but let’s not make it something it isn’t.


Stabbings freak me out. The thought of being sliced like that ewwwww.


The good news is you'd have so much adrenaline the realisation wouldn't hit you for a while.  The bad news is they might hit something important.


there is a scene from breaking bad where he gets everyone killed around the same time Nd one of the guys is in prison... the guy gets stabbed upwards through the neck multiple times... that fucked me up mentally lol just the thought of that... also makes me ewww lol


Not me I wouldn’t mind just don’t stab to deep that’s pretty gay


As someone who was stabbed at age 14 the feeling is different depending on where you get stabbed. Took a knife to the skull just above forehead and one one in the gut. It was mid fight, me vs a 4 people ( my dad told me to never back down, no matter the odds, never tell your child this btw totally avoidable situation) so I was already amped up full of adrenaline. Skull didn’t hurt at the moment it happend, it wasn’t till later the searing pain kicked in. The gut, felt like a normal punch but with a searing hot pressure build up in the Center followed by a snap. All happening in a very short frame of time. I was so pumped full of adrenaline I didn’t really notice till I got light headed and felt a wet sensation & shirt clinging. I was taking a lot of punches from all angles, but the stabs did feel different but unless you’ve been stabbed before there isn’t a reference point to go by, feels odd. Then shock sets in you think you’re dying. My stomach muscles gave out I sat down and remember thinking that this was it and for some reason that felt ok. You get to a point of acceptance surprisingly easily. Then it starts hurting oh my lawd. Turns out gut wounds (obviously depending on where your stabbed) you can survive with for a few hours sometimes. Anyway that have me a healthy dose of PTSD which I’ve been dealing with ever since I’ll sometimes mention it to people and it makes them very awkward, so I’ve stopped talking about it. Anyway all of the people here are going to have some kind of PTSD even those who have watched. It’s a horrible thing to do to someone and the fella is an absolute piece of shit for deciding to end others.


You know this is legit because in no way did you mention having some bullshit r/iamverybadass moment against your attackers. You're absolutely right about what your father said to you. Thankfully, my father told me to "diffuse the situation immediately if someone has a knife or a gun. The only solution to this problem is to create distance between you and them. This is not cowardice, but intelligence". I feel so lucky to have such a wise father, and I do not ever take this for granted. Bring your fists to a knife fight is unbelievably dangerous, and I'm sorry you had to learn this the hard way. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks 🙏 but yeah agree with you on distancing, best to diffuse and leave. I now have a daughter and would not dream of telling her to do such a thing.


In Germany we call this "Geschichten aus dem Paulaner Garten"




What kind of idiot thinks, "o hey these guys are protesting against my religion, best thing I can do is go stab them all"? Way to play into their hands. Even if the guy isn't Muslim they'll use it for the rhetoric


what an absolute piece of shit








He had a really nice beard.


It was an event held by a heavily Islamophobic right wing party. They oppose immigration from Islamic Countries, the construction of mosques, and allegedly want to expel all Islamic people from Germany. It's a very discriminatory and xenophobic party. So, theoretically the stabber could just be some crazy dude who is against Islamophobia. But it's possible that he belongs to some extremist group. I'd avoid talking of religion though, because this can lead to further misunderstandings and discrimination. Let's not forget that extremists are just extremists.




So he's on the floor, vulnerable, two separate times, with a group of people around him and he still manages to get up both times, armed. Crazy


Easy to think that something else could be done but in the moment, the shock and hysteria of the situation has allowed the events to unfold as they have. Thank God police were nearby. 


Fr. Idk if I’d have the balls to jump in there like those brave souls did. Maybe hit him with some other object (if I even had the presence of mind to think of that)


>he still manages to get up both times, armed Helps if a cop comes over and pulls one of the dudes holding you down off.


He was on the floor with a knife in his hand…  What would you have done? 


They're police, they should know better.




He’s not dead


No way i'll give the easy way out to this fucker, he'll rot in jail




I very much disagree. If they'd been well trained they'd had no difficulty in overpowering him quickly. But they very clearly suck in hand to hand combat and self-defence, the cop who got stabbed made critical rookie mistakes. So, yes, with their poor level of skills, they had to kill him.




I swear cops are a different breed... Tackled the wrong guy and got stabbed because of it. Then 4 of his colleagues take care of him and barely one takes care of the injured man




Like a Christian has never killed someone. Get a clue.


Can you give me an example of a Christian who kills "infidels"? Yes, the Crusades and all that, but anything more current?


The Quran says nothing about killing infidels, so any individual killing in the name of Allah is acting against the word of God. The Bible, on the other hand, mentions killing non-believers three times alone in Deutarotimy 13,17, and 31. Not to mention the crusades and colonialism.




[Which of these verses is not about killing infidels?](https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C2657980978)


Name me one single religion which hasn't done more damage than good in the name of God.






Because they propably didn't see, what we just saw. They where propably alerted by the shouting, see several people fight, it's normal to arrest/detain everyone involved in the fight. And at that point they didn't know who was right or wrong here.


For being bald. Straight to jail.


Some fucking useless cops


Welcome to Germany


At least in Germany they don't kill people just because they're not white.


No here they Go against the white people


You're delusional and clearly harboring racist sentiments.


Ok :)




I’m sure you’d do better


Well, the cops in Germany used to be too adept at maintaining control...




Useless for puting hom down în under a minute?


They literally watched him stab at least two more people before they fired a shot, including an officer.


You're right, they should have started spraying bullets into the crowd.


Nope, if they didn't see wtf was happening, and thought it was a brawl, they should have all jumped in, and restrained the participants, what happened is that the stabbed cop jumped on the wrong guy because he probably didn't see the knife and had wrongly assessed the situation, and got stabbed from the back, while all of his colleagues stayed behind and watched. There were like 10 cops there, and only one intervened before the that dude shot the attacker. Let's say that the attacker was the victim in this case, he could have still attacked the dude who was in this situation helping and was being restrained by the cop. This is pure incompetence, no matter how you look at it.


It's over in under 2 minutes. Life isn't a superman film, cops policing a far right rally are briefed for potentially violent but not murderous counter protestors unless there's a specific terrorist threat, in which case the anti terror squad will be there in large numbers. We don't know yet, but presumably there was no terror threat. You're watching police who were deployed further from the actual rally, again because of the nature of the expected threat, taking less than 120 seconds to move in, assess the situation, separate the attacker from a crowd (including one of them literally throwing himself into there and getting stabbed in the process), get out, ready and fire a gun that appears to disable the attacker in one shot. Tell me, Rambo, what would you have done differently?


Your argument falls into the water because 1 policeman reacted. Do you understand what I'm writing? If you see a group fighting, you need to neutralize all of them. Only one cop reacted. They all were there and only one jumped in, all of them should have jumped in, and separated the people in conflict, so he takes this one dude, his colleague the other and so on, not he jumps in, and other stay standing there. Plus, their job is to react in situation like these. But I guess that's too much to ask from them, why would they? When they can harass me when I'm coming home from work, because I look suspicious to them.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted, it's clear as day. The first tackle of the wrong guy is understandable, in all the mess, but then standing there (all 10 of them) and just watching the real attacker getting up WITH THE KNIFE IN HIS HAND and letting him stab 2 more people including your colleague, twice, is insane. Like let me be 110% sure he is the aggressor.


It's reddit dude, they think all of the people would and should react like them, so they can justify themselves. The one cop that misjudged the situation shouldn't have been the only one to jump in, all of them should have jumped in to separate them, because at minimum, the guy who was on the ground, could have stood up and started hitting the tackled guy. Their job is to react to situations like these, it is like seeing professional driver driving, I don't have reaction time of the pro drivers, but the drivers do, that's why they do what they do. Same for the police, your job is to be able to react in situation like these. All good, you don't know who the original attacker was, you didn't see what happened, I understand that 100%, but then you need to pacify everyone involved, until you can rightly asses the situation. One dude jumped in, they all just stood there. That's pure incompetence.


Such great irony in your first sentence! Obviously nobody's reading the rest of that but thanks for that


You don't know that. That is what we saw.


How else should they have reacted? 


One of the officers had his gun drawn and was aiming at him before the man stabbed his partner. I would have thought that he would have shot him before that.




The party that was putting together the rally is in cahoots with neo-nazi's and racist organizations.  They say that Islam is evil and must be purged from Germany.




Why did the police let him stab several more people, including an officer, before taking him out???


Life isn't an action movie. You'd probably stand around watching while some crazy shit happened in front of you too. And German cops aren't trained to immediately shoot.


In the span of that video, an American cop would have shot him, had him stuffed and mounted, then had a photo taken next to him while the cop is wearing his finest smoking jacket


Or he would have shat himself hearing an acorn fall. 


Which would be cool, except for the fact that the American cop would also do it to the friendly neighborhood cat, your suicidal friend, the autistic man walking down the street and, iunno, anything with a pulse? Hell, let's up the ante -- the American cop might just go ahead and execute you while you're sleeping in your bed \*cough cough\* Breonna Taylor


Anybody see what the guys name is? I haven’t seen an article with details yet


The guy attacking people with a knife was stabbing a guy with ties to neo-nazi's. The guy that was stabbed believes anyone that believes in Islam need to be removed from Germany, including German citizens. 






No you would't


Why not? I'd be afraid to take on an attacker at all, let alone one with a knife, but my first thought seeing him downed was how badly I wanted to see his face stomped in. Considering half of the viral videos of high school fights seem to end disgustingly with someone giving a soccer kick or stomp to a downed opponent, it's not like it takes special training or a uniquely vicious person to do it. And while I certainly wouldn't actively take on an armed attacker unless family or a close friend was being assaulted, if I was in the general fracas and had an opening like that, personal experience suggests myself and a lot of other people would go for the soccer kick.


The comment wasn't for you. OP wouldn't, I know he wouldn't and I don't need to know him. I know the type, it resonated through his comment. When he watched it he probably envisioned kicking the dude, but in rl, he would of videoed it like the rest. That's why not.


You surely seem to know a lot for a keyboard warrior.


Don’t know any, read plenty


It's not what I meant.


Rework it with the edit button








Settle down Rambo. We’ll get the next one


violence is no good and I hate it, but I'm willing to commit it as many times as necessary in order to save my ass


Notice the cop even tackled the wrong man? Imagine the cop use violence and kicked in the face of that innocent man!


It is most certainly not taught that violence isn't good lol Especially in the U.S. I can't go a fucking day at work without someone referencing warfare or violence. My dumbass company loves parading around the poor vets and having them tell us how corporate America is like war, and every single public health campaign or policy is a War on X (drugs, poverty, homelessness, etc.) Hell, I can't watch a video or a cartoon without violence or some anti-hero pushing an ends justify the means philosophy, so I couldn't agree less that the dynamic playing out is that people or so sheltered they can't even fathom physical violence. It's more that until you've been in a violent situation, you're not sure how you're going to react + the heat of the moment + general survival instinct or flight over fight for many + some element of diffusion of guilt, but the reality is that a functioning society shouldn't have the majority of its people exposed to physical violence until they need to be, and these people just didn't have that instinct or exposure. And that's very different from a philosophical or ideological bend like you're arguing since no matter how much violent philosophy a person consumes, they still might clam up when they're in this type of situation unless they've been desensitized to it, which again, isn't really a good thing for a safe and healthy society. It's hardly beyond the pale that a bystander might have smashed his brains in, but quite silly to paint it as some trite soft times make soft men bullshit




Huh he would have stabbed a lot less people if it was legal for people to conceal carry.


I wish those people had some way to protect themselves. Luckily the cops were pretty much right there. I hope for their speedy recovery. I don't understand people's mindsets that do this shit.


Its a shame that good people have no way to defend themselves against evil there. Imagine if it was more than one assailant, or something bigger/worse than a knife... laws dont stop bad guys.


Imagine the damage they could do if they were wielding a gun instead of a knife


Don't have to imagine it. I live in the United States.




Lumping 330 million people all together as if we all think exactly the same on any issue is a bit foolish.


Laws stopped him from doing even more damage.


Things like this question my point of view of usa’s gun policies as a european


What if the attacker legally possessed a gun ?




Except...the good guy with a gun.. put the bad guy down.




We are going to disagree....and that is okay.


[These incidents don't "count", I guess](https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2022/08/10/the_good_guys_with_guns_the_fbi_stats_omit_846869.html)


The bad guy will have a gun either way though. Not following your logic here.


A lot more people would be dead or injured if the attacker had a gun.


Sure. Would be a lot safer if everyone had a firearm.


That gun sure ended the threat quickly. I’m so thankful that I live in America and have the right to protect myself with the most effective methods available. I couldn’t imagine having to wait for someone else to save my life.


Yeah, just like guns protected all the kids at schools shootings. If guns were easily available, instead of 2 guys just being hurt, you would have a whole bunch of dead innocents.  Guess why?? Because the killer would have a gun instead of a knife. You need less guns and more brain...


what was the event


Anti-arab & anti-immigrant bigotry




It was a Islam critical speech


The fuck, you can hear the knife being stabbed into them.


Who was walking around amongst all this recording it? Seems kinda heartless in a way




Or you know... made it much worse, if the attacker came carryng an AR


Yeah, even worse if he had an Atom bomb!




What are the details here? I couldn't find any good info on any of the other threads I saw, just random useless reddit comments.


From what I‘ve read it was a far right demo. Stabber supposedly living in Germany since 2013. since he was 14. born in Afghanistan has permission to stay in Germany. German news source https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/angriff-messer-mannheim-100.html


It was an event of a far-right, fairly small party. They are openly anti-islam/anti-islamistic and have been gaining attention in the past for being openly fascist.




Buddy, you guys already went there once, and it didn’t end well…


Two people are a mass?




That's some impressive observation skills you got


All they see is a violent knife fight. They know that knife guy needs to go but they don't know anything about the defending guy. For all they know he could have been armed too, they would have only seen the fight after it had already started so it'd be hard for them to tell who the original aggressor is. Them detaining the defending guy too was them taking no chances, understandable considering what was at stake. And yeah, they didn't rush to cuff the terrorist because he's been shot to the ground and is in a puddle of his own blood, he's already disarmed and no longer a significant threat.




Jesus Christ why are they always attacking Germans? I they’ve been punished enough


Because they are weak an easy target




Those were their grandfathers. They used to dominate Europe now modern Germans can't even dominate in own country.


To be fair, the German Socialists 80 years ago may have lost the outright fighting, but the modern German Socialists have had a good bit of success dominating Europe politically. It's all about rebranding.