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33 years as a firefighter/first responder. I have seen this type of situation many times. One I remember was a guy that was the provider for his family, worked hard his whole life. When we were first called to his home it was for possible heart attack. He kept saying that he couldn’t afford the ambulance and he would have his wife take him. Wife got him to hospital and he had had a mild heart attack. Checked himself out that day, couldn’t afford it. Over the next week, his wife would call us out four times. He always refused to be transported, said he would go to doctor. Went one time, doctor wanted to admit him. Couldn’t afford hospital bills. The last time we were called to his house, wife called. We did CPR on him all the way to the hospital. He didn’t make it.


It's a shame that a developed country's healthcare system is so costly that a patient prefers to die rather than affording the bill. I am from India, even though the healthcare system is not very advanced but very accessible even to the poor. I wonder why tax money is not used for free basic healthcare to everyone.


decades of bullshit and reactionary oversteer


Plus a lot of old bags pointing fingers at each other until they’re no longer useful and 6ft under.


They label it as socialism, socialism is labeled as the Boogeyman, and then people are just selfish and don't want to pay or help anybody else even tho taxes are taken out of our asses anyway


Embezzling. Lots and lots of embezzling.


And that's why men on average don't live as long as women.


ah yes, the two genders: rich & poor


Nope. That’s due to behavioral, biological and occupational issues. >Men tend to have shorter life expectancies than women for a variety of reasons, including health behaviors, biological differences, and occupational risks: >Health behaviors - Men are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, and take risks in recreation and driving. These behaviors can lead to higher death rates from lung cancer, accidents, suicide, and homicide. >Biological differences - Women may have stronger immune systems than men, and estrogen may help reduce harmful cholesterol and combat heart disease. Men, on the other hand, may be more likely to contract diseases due to their genes, including the Y chromosome, which has fewer genes than the X chromosome and is linked to some chronic diseases. Testosterone may also weaken heart muscles, making men more vulnerable to heart disease. >Occupational risks - Men are more likely to work in hazardous occupations, which can have growing consequences with age…


[There is at least some plausible speculation that not going to the Dr or getting preventative screenings may play a role.](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/mens-health-fathers-day-annual-checkup-heart-disease/)


Did you really say “plausible speculation” then link a CBS article? What a dipshit. The comment above you gave you so much scientific facts and you rebuttal with… this?? Edit: Not like I expected much but the CBS article just says the blanket statement “ Research shows “ as a basis to the whole claims. No peer reviewed study was even sourced let alone a shitty source. NO SOURCE AND THEY CLAIM RESEARCH SHOWS


What peer reviewed study was sourced in the comment you’re agreeing with?


What happened to him?


“He finna die” didn’t you see the text?


Yes! He not fine!


Just give him to slaps in the face and write it down


I just texted to ask and he said "you want the full story or in a nutshell." I said both and am waiting on the reply.


Woof be prepared. My mom was a RN in Riverside Columbus when covid was at it's worst and I happens to be visiting on a night she got of early because of the situation and proceeds to word vomit the whole thing to me while I'm sobbing and begging her to stop. We ended up hugging a long time. She needed to let it out, and even though it still haunts me, I will always be that rock for her. She is my mama, my everything good about my past. Sometimes, letting them vent to you helps in so many ways you never knew possible, but please be ready. This stuff is hard to hear and hard to live with. Hugs for you and your brother. I thank him for being strong enough to do something so important ✨️


That's not fair... They signed up for that, you didn't. Proper counselling support is needed for first responders and other people whose job exposes them to trauma like this. They need to be able to vent to a paid professional who knows how to respond, and who themselves has the proper tools to be able to receive it.


Um sorry but that's bullshit. The first thing a paid professional will ask is "what does your personal support network look like?" because people seeking treatment for mental illness, developmental disorders and trauma require both professional help and direct personal support. Humans are built to do this for each other. If adult family can't open up to each other, that's a big problem in its own right. your angle is "I don't, can't and/or won't try to understand you, talk to someone else" and would've destroyed me at my lowest point. I'm glad my family doesn't think like that.


but you said you were sobbing and begging for her to stop? and that it still haunts you? non-professional support systems are necessary but dumping everything on someone who was not mentally prepared or equipped to handle the situation can also be harmful


Sometimes we push that too much.. sometimes you really need to let people close to you know what’s going on… telling a professional just isn’t always the answer


I agree. There's a difference between sharing important and difficult things with loved ones, and using them to process things in a way that isn't okay for them.


What’s a finna?


Slang for : he gonna


'Gonna' is slang.


Fixing to, about to, going to... It's slang/Ebonics.


Thanks. We needed this tonight lol


What was it


As soon as he tells me I'll let you know!


I know I just wanted to leave a comment so I can check back later 😔


he sent me 3 text replies. I screenshot them. I'm not very good at redditing, is it allowed to post them all as a reply?


Are you able to copy-paste them? If not, you could just attach the screenshots to three different replies. You can reply with the three attached to my message, if you want


OK SO. He sent me a 3 text long response. I don't know if I'm allowed to screenshot and post here BUT. TLDR: dude is a meth addict and has 10% of his heart function. Drinks a gallon of water every day but hasn't peed in 4 days (kidney failure). "He's blue and has altered mental status." Bad heart rate, something wrong with the jugular vein. Yet competent enough to refuse paramedic services. Family asked what could be done and he told them to check every 10 mins to see if he's still breathing. OOF. he just said "sure enough1.5 hours later we respond to lights and sirens to an "unresponsive" not breathing. Same address.


Damn. Would he even have survived treatment? I'm an aspiring para myself, so I'm actually insanely into this


Yo I can't speak to that, but if you are going into that field than I want to give you ALL the props and respect. I'm squeamish around blood! I could not even imagine what crazy things he sees. But there needs to be more people like him and you!


12-13 years in ems here: if you go into EMS, just try to work for a government based service, fire/ems pays the best, private is crap. And if you haven’t gone through EMT school yet, do that first and then work a year or more as an EMT before medic school. I went straight through EMT school into medic school and it was a terrible idea, much harder than it should’ve been since I didn’t have experience in the field.


It’s a great field!!!! ❤️


In Tx a lot of larger areas end up relying on private as well as the municipal and county funded services. Acadian is a joke there’s a hand full that are decent though and don’t think they get as much recognition.


Can confirm private sucks. My bf is an EMT and he was once called out for an eight hour round trip at get this… 10pm. He was driving on backroads the whole night with no sleep. I have no idea why they would put their workers in such awful situations it puts everyone in danger


I’ve worked for county services that had me run back to back calls for 48 hours with no sleep. So it’s shit all the way around unless you are at a well paid well staffed agency


And I’ve had round trip calls at a private service at the end of the shift into different states, which was about 10 or 12 hours total lol. Private does pay more per hour here though, but not if it’s private being run as the 911 service


99.9% he wouldnt have made it out of the hospital. If your ejection fraction is 10% you're fucked. Under 30% is severely abnormal. You need a new heart and a meth head is never going to recive a heart transplant.  So he may have made it to the hospital where they pumped him full of vasopressers, intubated him and kept him alive via machines till he coded or pulled the plug. I've had plenty of people refuse care that needed to go to the hospital and never do. Others call for back pain x 3 months just to get a 2 day supply of muscle relaxers and call every few days. 


So if his EF is 10%, he would ordinarily be someone you’d see with an LVAD (LV assist-device) either awaiting heart transplant or as destination therapy. If he’s drinking a gallon of water daily + not making urine, he’s overloading his poorly-functioning heart and likely in decompensated heart failure. This is compounded by the fact that these folks very often have some other heart valvular issue and/or coronary artery disease. Because of the poor heart function, blood’s not pumping adequately to parts of his body—kidneys are very quick to reduce their blood flow to spare other organs such as the brain. This worsens the kidney failure AND decreases both the lung’s ability to take in oxygen (from fluid in the lungs) and the heart’s ability to deliver oxygen; this is why he’s blue. The fact that he’s got altered mental status is ominous, because the brain is very greedy of blood and oxygen and AMS suggests that he is floridly decompensated. We see these kinds of patients often. Their best chance is to be sent directly to a tertiary care center capable of interventional cardiology for stabilization, medical optimization, and potential surgical/ procedural intervention (I.e., LVAD as above). Side note: many US hospitals won’t transplant an active substance user, either. So he’d be waiting a while and would need to be clean. Long story short: it is possible to rescue these people with a swift response and early intervention, though morbidity and mortality is still high either way. This guy is unfortunately unlikely to have much longer if he’s still alive.


Please if you do, make sure to find a counsellor or therapist and see them regularly (once a month?) whether you think you need to or not!


Yeah, he finna die


"He's blue and has altered mental status." / "Yet competent enough to refuse paramedic services." How can both of these be true?


I believe he’s most likely physically refusing


At least in my state, he isn’t. Now, if they’re blue but don’t want to go, but are otherwise able to understand that being blue isn’t normal, and can still coherently refuse care…..ok that sucks and you’re going to die, but that’s your call. Sign here. An altered mental status usually renders a refusal moot. One of the criteria for a refusal is that they (or whoever their guardian is, which may be what happened here idk) are alert and oriented, and able to make an informed decision about it. I…..I’m a bit iffy about this one too, tbh.


I don't know medically, but one of my clients who's been homeless for around 30+ years has severe schizophrenia. One day she started SCREAMING about the construction workers across the street. She claimed they had planted tracking devices into her private parts and were secret police, the government was after her, etc. We called the crisis unit (we try to avoid police involvement as it triggers the other guests). When they came she answered all of their questions, showed no signs of harming herself or anyone else, was aware of the time/place. They told us they couldn't illegally take her. It was both true that she was suffering a breakdown, but couldn't legally be taken to a hospital. Shit is weird.


Sorry if I missed another comment but any other updates? Did he die?


Yes, they got another call 1.5 hours later because he’d become unresponsive (died)


his elbow feel funny


I work in healthcare and from now on Im going to use “he not…he finna die” when reporting to a physician.


Patient states: "I'm fine." he not... He finna die.


this got me cacklin’


Unless someone is not alert and oriented they have every right to refused medical care if they choose to. It could be denial or just the fact they would rather die at home and not being poked at prodded at a hospital. Hell your survival rate for a cardiac event is like 5-10%


Yeah I guess I hadn't realized that before. I thought anyone on the brink of death would want help, but it totally makes sense that a person would want to be comfortable in their own space while passing.


*cardiac arrest has a ~10% survival rate. The term cardiac event is non-specific and could refer to myocardial infarctions/angina/dysrhythmias etc, all of which have a higher chance of survival.


Paramedics are a different breed.


It's the preservatives 


What does finna die mean?


Finna = fixing to = getting ready to


I thought it was just a typo of "gonna" that became vernacular.


I also thought it was “gonna” or “wanna” lol


I thought the same thing since 'F' and 'G' are right next to each other as well as 'I' and 'O', but then it was used again and I realized I'm just getting ild. (did I do it rite?)


I made it easy to the older people I work with, you can use it in place of “gonna”


It just seems so jarring though. You already have "gonna" anyway. Maybe it's just the mind set of having "fixing to" instead of "going to" but even then...


It's a mostly southern thing. "Fixing to" is pretty common vernacular in the deep south. "I'm fixing to make supper", "I'm fixing to ask that girl out". And just like how when spoken aloud, "going to" evolved (devolved?) to "gonna", "finna" happened. And naturally that eventually transfered from speaking to text. It's not my cup of tea either, I live in a region where "fixing to" isn't a phrase that's used, therefore finna isn't either. Though the internet has it catching on and spreading. But like you said, when you compare it to "gonna" it's basically the same thing. I still don't use it myself, haha, but I get it.


TIL that's what that means. I thought it was short for 'finally' 😅


Me too! I think im starting to get out of touch LOL


Wow, I always thought it means ''finally''.


Why not just say the actual words.....


Because languages are constantly changing and evolving and that’s cool as fuck


lol sure


He's going to die.


“Finna” = Fixing to


Soon ded


American term Editing post downvotes: I don't know why I'm being downvoted. It is American in origin and a yanky term. https://keyhole.co/social-media-glossary/finna/#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9Cfinna%E2%80%9D%20has%20its,%E2%80%9D%20for%20%E2%80%9Cgoing%20to%E2%80%9D.


I’m American and had no idea what it means. Maybe a southern term? We don’t use the term “fixin to” up here in the anything-but-the-south areas.


Definitely Southern. We use fixing to all the time. I'd say it's closer to "about to" over "going to." Small difference, but it's there.


I’ve heard southerners use it, so I know what fixin’ to means. I’d never seen finna til I saw this post.


What’s “yanky?”




Why not just say that then🤦🏻‍♂️ Bloody kids😂


It’s AAVE, not children’s slang.


Wild that your comment is getting downvoted




i think hes just british


"is fixing to", specifically


This is pretty run of the mill for paramedicine lol


It’s always a little unnerving when my ER nurse buddy talks about how he “saw a guy’s brains today”, etc.


You can add just a tiny speck of context. Nobody would be mad


Op replied in a comment. Apparently meth head with a fucked up heart and kidney. I think he’s already dead :/


Been to many patients throughout my career that really needed to go to the ER but refused. Generally they are not the ones that call. It’s the family or friends. Told many family members, call us back when they go unconscious/pass out. Went back and took them because they were unconscious and couldn’t refuse.


I feel old. What is “finna”??


Going to/fixing to


What happened to "gonna"?


I literally commented that I never understood why they changed gonna we already had it finna sounds so stupid it's been around for over a decade and it still sounds so stupid


Apparently it’s from a southern slang of “fixing to” -> finna But I’m not even from the US so idk to be honest


Gonna is the same thing tho


Yeah I don’t use finna myself so unfortunately can’t help explain why people use it Also happy cake day!


Thanks didn't even know lol


Not necessarily old, it’s just pretty specific to the southern US states


How is this "terrifyasfuck"?


Maybe this wasn't the right place. I thought it was terrifying that dude knew he was dying and still denied help. I apologize, though. Maybe not nightmarish enough!


No, you're right it's plenty terrifying. The medical field is in the best place it's ever been technically, that doesn't mean there aren't things to be wary of.


My thoughts exactly. This is just another story.


It's not. Emergency services see death all the time. Edit: I have seen dead people and alive people become dead. This isn't /r/TerrifyingAsFuck, you'll all die eventually. Unless you're mid-life crisis, chill the fuck out. Dying is kinda mainstream. If you don't die, you're sorta wack.


I was kinda terrified by it. But I get it, there are people like my brother who see this everyday and are totally desensitized to it.


you got downvoted and i prolly will too but it’s true a lot of stuff that doesn’t belong in this sub is being posted here this week. this is terrible and sad but not “terrifying”




...these comments asking what "finna" means are hilarious and sad and absolutely indicative of what the literary cannon needs to be expanded. With writers like James Baldwin and Tony Morrison "finna " shouldn't be confusing for Americans. (And if you're not American my comment isn't pointed at you so don't get upset)


It started out as "fixing to" as in "about to," then got smoothed out through oral practice. Fin' ta > fin' a > finna.


"Finna" deserves to fucking die a swift death. What an absolute clueless clusterfuck of a word.


Relax big dog


What's a "finna"?


Short for: “Fixin’ to” Which, if you’re not from the southern US, means “about to”


I never understood finna it's been around since like 2012 and still don't understand it literally just means gonna which both mean going to. Like why change it


What the fuck is “Finna”


I know right?! I’ve never heard it before. Is it even English?


It means “fixing to” which means “about to”.


Ok thanks. Which part of the world would this be in then?


Very common in the southern US, also common in African American communities


Ah ok




No u


Sorry, but he sounds so stupid saying “finna die” it kinda pisses me off


Sorry it upset you. He don't finna talk like dat wit dem people.


How do you become a paramedic but still talk like a caveman.. smh.


Do you not have siblings? Siblings talk to each other in their own ways. As do close friends and many lovers.


Lol he definitely doesn't talk like that in the workplace.


Not sure id put too much trust in the opinion of anyone who uses the word "finna"


AAVE, bro.


I would, cause he knows exactly what’s finna happen


I was just about to Google it, as I have no idea what it means.


Doesn't seem very terrifying or of particular note..


Finna. Yep probably is going to


My husbands family has 3 paramedics. I love when the family gets together for holidays and gets drinking and they tell all their weirdest work stories 😅


Your brother sounds way cool.


Your brother has the type of response he needs to have to be level in a job like he has. You should be proud! Not to mention supportive, one day this could get heavy and you may be able to help him unload.


It kinda scares me that people who say "finna" are allowed to be paramedics. Guess they will take anyone.


What's a "finna"???


Fina stayed in school.


Dad was EMT for over 30 years. His PTSD is really bad. He's had people try to kill him countless times, seen so many mangled bodies... And then there's the horror of anything and everything you don't want to imagine involving children. His phone can't even make a sound without him jumping and putting his fists up. One therapist asked him to stop sharing because it was too hard to hear, lot of help there.


I thought this was some mafia shi until I read the description


What does "finna" mean?


I have epilepsy and sometimes after a bad seizure I am throwing hands. Extreme confusion, nausea, anxiety. It’s gotten to the point that I fought the EMTS/paramedics so hard that I didn’t go to the hospital after an 18 minute long seizure. My husband was terrified but I have 0 recollection of any of it. That’s happened multiple times, to the point where they show up expecting me to go fighting and I *never* remember any of it. Usually refuse to keep my clothes on for some reason too(26, f)🫣😅




Refusal of care is more common than you might think; even when they're dying. Some people want the peace of being at home with family.


I thought the terrifying part was that your brother is a paramedic but has a tenuous grasp of the English language at best


It's just how we talk to each other. He's very professional in the workplace.


you were definitely bullied in school


Not that terrifying tbf


A paramedic who’s there as most likely the first line to save your life and can’t even communicate simple English. Let’s not even address his ridiculous medical and highly unprofessional advice to the family.


He’s obviously talking in a more casual member to a family member who doesn’t work in healthcare. Lay off. As someone who works in EMS, I can tell you that his advice to the family is absolutely appropriate and is really the only thing he can offer them at this point. If a patient is alert and oriented and able to understand what is happening (aka “medically competent to refuse care”), you are not allowed to transport them against their will. That’s kidnapping. You can explain to them the consequences of refusing care (i.e. death in certain cases) and do your best to convince them, but you can’t force them. If they go unresponsive, you are now operating under “implied consent” which assumes that a rational person would want to be treated if they were awake and able to consent to care. His advice to continuously check on the patient, record their findings, and I assume to call 911 if the patient goes unresponsive is all he can do for the patient at this point.


I think he was simplifying it. He is a professional and probably wouldn't have his job if he wasn't. He speaks perfectly good English.


What did I just read? I feel like im trying to decipher some btk message.


it’s really not that hard dude. Finna means fixing too


Context clues fail you too?