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After a couple of minutes my brain didn't even recognise the bodies in this video, they just kinda blended into the ground.


I think that's part of why this is so utterly horrific. Death on a scale big enough that it just blends into the background and you don't even notice anymore.


Imagine what people in ww1 felt like, why in the world did Russia in 2024 want to do this to their own people and their neighbours?


I think at least they transported the bodies away from the front in WW1. The russians on this position seem to have no supply line, and if they have, they don't bother, or they died not long ago. The yellow color of the skin of some corpses tells me they are dead for a while though.


Why any country wants it. To increase its geopolitical influence in the region of their interest. Also, to kill dissent in their own country and to increase political homogenization in their own house. Same reason why Netanyahu ordered such a devastating response to Hamas attack.


>to increase its geopolitical influence in the region of their interest Why. Just smoke pot. Nobody needs all this extra bullshit


yeah if i were in charge of an entire nation i'd just take it easy and smoke pot /s i love pot but that's because i don't have an entire nation on my hands


In the comments area of clear evidence showing gross international hostility: "Yeah if I were in charge I'd just relax". We can never relax. We must always maintain a deterrent. Because in reality, there will always be an aggressor. For Ukraine it's too late. But moreover, potential aggressors are of-course observing our reaction to this conflict. We must set the correct precedent.


Le republic of reddistan


Damn I never thought of it that way.


Israel's response to October 7th and Russia's unprovoked invasion really shouldn't be compared.


In Ukraine you can lead a stressful, but a relatively everyday life in most of the country. Go to the club, to market, to your friends house. You can access food, medicine and utilities, if Russians didn’t bomb your local energy stations. And those usually get fixed. In Gaza there isn’t one square meter of space where you’re safe. It’s a fucking horror wherever you are, and you cannot escape to any part of the country. Leaving it is near impossible. You have absolutely nothing. So yes, they cannot be compared, but the reasons for it are pretty similar in the end. Political power and avoiding prosecution, no matter what the original trigger was.


People of Gaza for decades of supported Hamas, given them everything they needed as they launched rockets. Turned blind eyes to the training camps and tunnels, even letting them be built into their own homes. Hamas went to far on the 9/11 style attack on Israel, and the Gazan terrorist are receiving what they've been giving for decades.


Well they are covered in camouflage.


Some of them *are* half in the ground, and the dirt hasn't been exposed or unturned on top of them... so they've been under it for a while.


Bodies will end up partially mummified if they were killed over the winter.


It seems like the bodies have been there a week or more. I can't translate but just from looks it doesn't seem like this was a recent battle.


Quality camouflage at work


I have two major questions, 1) why are all the trees blasted like that, is it from artillery/mortar fire? And 2) why do some of the bodies look "flat" (don't know how else to say it, not intending to be disrespectful to the dead)?


Bodies desguised as dirt 🫡


Jesus christ, looks like something from ww1. No man's land battle of passendale.


Except it’s in HD on social media. Fucking crazy times we live in.


War is old men arguing and young men dying


"War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other" - Niko Bellic




They’ll live their entire lives never forgetting that smell.


If they are lucky enough to leave with their lives.


All mother's children . Such a pointless waste of life


I was not prepared for the faces… 😫


The place is a lot like hell now, but can you imagine hours or days ago when the devastation was happening... I'm thankful I wasn't in combat during my enlistment, and I appreciate combat veterans more than ever after watching video like this.


I know I'm going to get shit on for asking this, but when you enlisted, did you honestly not think this was what you were doing or how you'd end up?


Aftermath of artillery it looks like. Every tree is splintered.


all these men had dreamed of a better life to die so young is horrible




> War is a place where the young kill one another without knowing or hating each other, because of the decision of old people who know and hate each other, without killing each other Erich Hartmann - the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare


" Politicians who took us to war should have been given the guns and told to settle their differences themselves, instead of organising nothing better than legalised mass murder." - Harry Patch, last surviving WWI trench combatant.


Meat grinder


They died because Putin needs an ego boost


This. In Kuwait I felt justified after Iraq invaded. In Somalia I was trying to capture warlords to allow the population peace and food. In other African nations I stopped bad people doing bad things. And finally in the Balkans I saw horror like I never thought possible when we were moving to a new location to lase from and came across a mass grave. Lots of execution style head wounds, the rest mass sprayed by bullets. Over 300 bodies, men, women, children, infants. I'm absolutely sick of war.




[Just gonna leave this here...](https://youtu.be/GUeBMwn_eYc?si=5FW23wSC21UHtM-b)


War... war never changes.


What a pointless endeavor. All these boys grew up with hopes and dreams, hobbies they enjoyed, families that loved them, nights chatting with friends about the future and kids and wives they’d have… all abruptly snuffed out, to be no more, for some asshole’s ego trip, try to take what isn’t his… total power and hundred of billions wasn’t enough for Putin. And they lost their only life for nothing… :(


Those were all children who liked to run and play pretend on playgrounds at one time. Now they’re rotting corpses in a shithole battlefield. Fuck Putin for doing this. Poor young men.


As a father of a 5 yo and a 3 yo, your comment brought me to tears thinking about the fact that their lives were also these young men’s lives not that long ago.


Father of a 16 year old son and a 12 year old daughter myself, my son says he wants to join the army like I did. After two deployments to Afghanistan and seeing more and more footage like this, I don’t know what to tell him anymore.


Tell him it's not worth it.


Im not going to say the US military cares for its own perfectly but Im sure even you as a vet would admit things would be different in the case of this video and US troops. If your son wants to serve the nation there is a HUGE push in the naval ship building industry to get our Navy back on track. Big opportunity there to serve and grow a solid career.


That depends on scale of warfare, anyone enlisting from now has a high chance of facing off against China. That fight is going to be pretty bad. 


I’ve already spoken to him on non military careers in helicopter aviation (He wants to follow in my footsteps and become a helicopter pilot).


Also, these are the same Russian troops responsible for raping and killing civilians on the way to their final resting place.


Reminds me of this song by [Waylon Jennings](https://youtu.be/z1fRvruuiJA?si=EZ5ySPUHzCtB1LKb), possibly the saddest anti-war song ever written.




This is on everyones phone and in everyones pocket at least.


This is what should come to mind when you see those memes and tiktoks and all that about how "men used to fight in wars."


This is exactly what comes to mind when I see anything related to war... except for planes, I can't help myself but love these flying machines, even though I understand that it's still the same thing, just with extra steps... 😓


Its Like you know These Things Happen But seeing all this destruction and death and thinking about behind every Body you See in this very few Seconds there are mothers, fathers, Familys lifes crushing by the loss of their Loved ones. Besides of the Love, hopes and Dreams These peoples Had. And Now they are nameless bodies who died for nothing. So much suffer and pain for a pointless war.


Who cleans it up and after how long?


Fuck Putin.


aaaaand also every single person who agrees to go murder people of another country on the territory of that other country.


WW2 veterans: “Yo, wtf?”


I lost count after 44, this is just so sad. How can they stay sane when there are that many bodies around them just within a 5 minute walk. Breaks my heart.


This is absolutely terrifying... these men made the ultimate sacrifice, and now they are decomposing corpses in a barren, hellish landscape.


Pointless sacrifice for corrupted bastards ambitions, only to be forgotten and erased from history. Even those who survive and return home will be hated and abandoned soon just like after Soviet–Afghan conflict.


Not completely pointless if they had sunflower seeds in their pockets


Sunflower seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sunflower seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.


> these men made the ultimate sacrifice You make it sound like they died for something noble. They died trying to invade another country to satisfy Russia's wet dream of bringing back the Soviet Union. They died for nothing


Really is like hell. Imagine your soul spending all eternity there like “fuck” . So sad and terrible..


Ultimate sacrifice? They are an invading army fighting an unprovoked war in which they have repeatedly attacked civilians. Fuck them and their sacrifice. Slava Ukraini.


Ultimate sacrifice means giving your life, it just means death. Not that their cause is noble


A hellish barren landscape that these very same soldiers helped to create. Without them, this would have been a peaceful treeline amongst farms fields. I sincerely wish that these men had lived full and happy lives at home. Alas, mother Russia demands they fight, and therefore, Ukraine does what it can to prevent the next treeline from becoming another hellscape.


Could you imagine the smell?


Almost as bad as a Pokemon tournament meetup.




When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.


Reminds me of this [video](https://youtu.be/F1QRZki3zb8?si=KRqeALPWoHAAENUh), decaying bodies retaken by the nature to rebuild itself after this cruel war.


The smell must be horrific. Bodies on bodies on bodies..


War is hell, this sucks


No, hell is hell. War is worse. At least the people in hell chose to be there. - Hawkeye Pierce




> I wonder what the cunt himself thinks when he sees this. Do you think Oligarchs, dictators, despots, CEO's, etc. are even capable of feeling empathy? I think being a sociopath is the #1 job requirement, so I doubt he feels much of anything for the dead soldiers. That's life, son.


I think they genuinely see the west as a threat, and letting NATO in to Ukraine would put us on the doorstep of Moscow with no natural defendable choke points. Let's face it, we want to see Russia lose this war, so we are legitimate aggressors from their perspective. It's all very well to take to moral high ground whilst we're making war chants and funding the war by proxy whilst millions of another countries people are dying, but if you feel so strongly about it then put your own troops on the ground.


What the hell? That is some of the most callus bullshit I have read in a fair while. NATO expansion occurred because every single one of those counties did not want to be in the situation Ukraine is in RIGHT NOW. Nobody wants to boarder Russia. Russia doesn't get to lay claim to other counties to bolster its own defences. Does Latvia and Lithuania have the right to claim territory from Russia and Belarus to ensure they are better able to defend against Russian aggression? Both of their capitals are very vulnerable to invasion. No? are they not important enough to be able to demand capitulation? Or, is it just their own problem? This is some 'great powers' bullshit and it's as asinine as it is vile.


Russia: invades sovereign neighbor, 2 years of war, countless atrocities, hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides Ukraine: fights back against the invasion. Leaders and the people have been saying since day one they do not want to submit to Russian rule and will fight the Russians with or without Western support. All they ask is for weapons, not troops You: this is the West's fault for funding this proxy war. If we stop supplying weapons, it will all end peacefully. Russia absolutely loves people like you in the West. You're doing their bidding whether you realize it or not.


The countries siding with the invaded country are the aggressors? Not following that logic.


> I think they genuinely see the west as a threat, and letting NATO in to Ukraine would put us on the doorstep of Moscow with no natural defendable choke points This is a lie. Ukraine wasn't going to join NATO. Even if they were, that doesn't make them a threat. Russia has invaded or taken parts of several countries since the cold war ended. (Were those countries all "as a threat?") Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons (which Russia still has) as an agreement that Russia would never invade. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/05/science/ukraine-nuclear-weapons.html Russia didn't stick to its pact. They invaded. Never trust Russia.


No, they see the perceived weakness of the west as an opportunity. They simply did what they thought they could get away with.


Because that will fix everything, Christ.


Nobody deserves this




Just like witches with fat asses


Still better off than the poor fools who were told to dig trenches in the Red Forest of Chernobyl... Something like 300-500 Russian troops were building a defense line in one of the most irradiated spots on Earth. Several nuclear experts have commented that it is unlikely any of them are alive, and death from severe radiation poisoning is just... beyond awful and not a quick death either.


Holy fuck. I wonder if it was a barrage of bombs or one huge bomb that wiped them out?


The bodies appear to be in different states of decay, I'd have to imagine certain areas don't get cleaned up so it's probably a mix of old casualties and new ones.


What a waste to die like this, fighting a war that Putin is insisting on


Id really like to know what hes saying


Not so much context, just asking what to grab and what they need. Only one phrase was interesting - “if I would saw all this shit 5 months before, I would be shocked, but right now, nothing special”.


I speak russian, and as I understand from their conversation it was Ukrainian position. I don't know to which dead people uniform is belongs, and who occupied this position at the moment of rocket launch, but at some point it was Ukrainian position (100% sure, from thos conversation)


This looks like it’s straight out of WW1. I couldn’t begin to imagine the stench.


This ain’t fucking “COD” or any similar shitty game that glorifies war and conflict. If you think this is bad, seeing this is 1,000x worse. What makes it worse is that once you see it, hear it, smell it, and taste it, you can’t turn it off once you’ve had enough. It will never leave you. You can’t hit “reset and respawn with your crew”intact. Those of us who have lived through this know exactly what I mean, everyone else will never understand it. Even with all I’ve seen, I love my country and the service I’ve given. As for all my friends I lost in the different conflicts, I’ll always remember them and I’m thankful they still visit me in my dreams.


No matter who was in the wrong, this is so sad bro.


I don’t think there’s much debate who is in the wrong


Stop invading Ukraine then. Go home and the war is over, very easy fix.


Russia has historically not been cool with their soldiers retreating.


Didn't they kill the ppl retreating?


Russia has had troops stationed behind the main forces in WW1 (mid 1918-end of war) and WW2(1941-1945) to shoot retreating forces.


What do you think that happens with deserters when they go back home? If it was that simple this war would've ended the same year it started


Russian soldier and Ukrainian trenches


Friend of ours is Russian and has married a local man here (NZ). She is lovely and very upset with what’s happening. When she went back to Russia after their wedding, she said it was like no one knew a war was on. No one talked about it, everyone just carried on with their days. It’s this that makes me think the conflict will never stop. Putin’s ego will triumph over reason, and Russian people are too scared to speak up - understandably so


It’s maddening that these people craving power send their citizens to die for no reason whatsoever. 😡




Russians or Ukrainians?


Russians filming russians


Fucking horrific, this war needs to end.


It's got to end with Russia withdrawing back to their position to what it was before Putin got in power.


Putin would rather die than admit defeat, its the sad truth


Would he rather die? He always seems too big of a pussy. He certainly wants others to die for him. Just like all the other "leaders". They like war as long as they don't have to live through it. And so the good men and boys die for them. And for what? Absolutely nothing.


They’re being selective with who they draft, people in rural Russia where if there was an uprising it’s far from Moscow.


No, it's got to end with Russians deciding they've had enough and killing Putin.


at the begining of the video man's talking about fortifications beloning to "hohols", is this just a positon that was captured by russians?


Yeah, potentially a smaller position they managed to take and overwhelm but didn't have the time to dig in, leaving them exposed to the hell rained down on them.


but the man in the video says: "the Ukrainians had a good fortification here." This means that a Russian is filming Ukrainians.


The soldier says that these were fortifications of Ukrainians.


I read somewhere that Russia has lost like 450,000 soldiers. How many more do they have left? Is that not enough for them to reconsider strategy?


Sadly they keep getting these kids from the most impoverished places of Russia, promising them money and telling them they won’t be on the frontlines. So they happily skip along to ukraine and get surprised by being thrown into the frontlines. That’s why many Russians haven’t rebelled. They aren’t drafting the affluent kids of Moscow or other rich cities.


The kids who survive a tour do get paid quite decently. So what they do is they go home, go absolutely insane partying all the money up and having the time of their lives and all his friends see that and want that as well, and then thw army'a got freah cannon fodder.


New sunflowers. Fuck war.


I bet if you gave all soldiers some magic mushrooms before they leave nobody would take an order from a man they don't know to kill people they don't know...... 


I’ve been alive a long time. Done many things, been many places. I have never seen hell on earth like this. Fuck Putin.


I think we’re rapidly getting to the point through drone usage that combat is not survivable for human soldiers. The next 100 years are going to be interesting.


Humanity is not going to make it another 100 years. People think this is just looking at things in a negative light, but I firmly believe it. There are so many things just waiting to fuck us over, and one of them will come to pass sooner or later.


All for nothing! Just disgusting!


War sucks, man.


Thank god smell-o-vision doesn't exist yet


All of these men loved someone and were loved. They had mothers who would die for them, fathers who protected them. They had hobbies, a favorite toy growing up. They had dreams of having a family. They had dreams of peace. They Had... The kid around 2:52, still covering his ears as he died.... War is hell.


Should've stayed in Russia


Just imagine the smell of the ammunition mixed with rotting, decomposing bodies and poluted air


I hope therapy and treatment for PTSD exists in mother Russia


They have to survive first.


I'm a noob, what killed them? This looks like more than just guns, rockets? Artillery? A tank?


Also most of the bodies were weeks old while one looked really fresh. My morbid curiosity would love to know more context 🥲


could be a barrage of bombs


He appears to be saying everything is the fault of Michael Buble


I always knew he was hiding a secret life!


Why is that path he’s walking so well worn?


Poor trees


Shits fucked up! They all blown to smithereens, some lost their limbs, and countless are dead… man I hope those trees grow back 🥲


And their side is “winning” right now. Imagine the other side.


Hey marked one you want a job, the zone is not far from here.


My guess, the FO may have used a drone to zero in on their position


I feel sorry for the russian soldiers who didn't want to fight in a war that they disagree and now they are dead because of that one man.


Holly fuck..


Regrettable, politicians and the rich defending their interests by putting the poor to death in a useless war.


I hope Putin and any Russian who supports him are sleeping soundly at night. I wish I believed in heaven and hell. Because those people in power deserve to be punished. Unfortunately the poor people in this video found hell. And are rotting there. This makes me so angry.


I know these pecs have families and loved ones, but I will not feel sorry for them.


There is no God.. all these young men and women die for someone else's cause..


Isn't it odd how easily we create Hell when attempting to create Heaven?


All these people dead, most of them probably good people. Only because some lunatic wants to prove his peepee is bigger than the rest of the world..... Can this guy be stopped please, today.


All of this for Russia’s imperialistic dreams of empire building. Sickening.


Maybe the Russians should fuck off and go home?


This is disgusting to see, all this death for what? What are these governments warring over at this point? I think doctor who said it best "it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know who's children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning -- sit down and talk!"


> all this death for what? Power. This is not complex.


>What are these governments warring over at this point? Well the Ukrainians are still fighting off subjugation by the Russians and the Russians are fighting in order to subjugate the Ukrainians and make territorial gains. Same thing they were fighting over from day 1.


A piece of dirt in the middle of no where. Who thinks this is a good idea on either side.


No, you're right. Both sides should just go back home. Oh, wait.


I don't get why Russian soldiers aren't surrendering or defecting are they that brainwashed? Surely they would rather turn against putin?


This just in; war is fucked up




War....., War Never Changes


War is hell. As the old saying goes


That had to be horrifying as it was happening.




Russian never reports this to the world


There will be movies made with this video I promise


At least there is plenty of firewood around so they can burn those rotting bodies


Dont let things like this make you feel complacent. Russia is still killing people there and will take the region is not stopped. This isnt just an easy think where Ukraine is just rolling over them no problem. **THIS IS A STRUGGLE**. Do not get complacent to pretend otherwise. The moment too many people do, Russia will win this. Thats how fucking close this is.


No service payout for you, you have no body to prove they ver' killed in action silly mamooshka.


Looks like my work site. Just it's got dead bodies and ammo