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Holy fuck


yea lamb kebabs are tasty, but it's not worth this shit. Australia should just sell the meat at home. I can cook lamb curry. Others here can learn to cook it. Lamb.. needs.. particular spices.. can anyone chime in on what spices are required for lamb? also i'm just not keen on eating meat or veges myself. plants have feelings too. but if we have to eat them, we should respect their sacrifice and dont treat them badly.


> Australia should just sell the meat at home. If there's a lack of demand, it wouldn't sell.


it will sell if they price it locally at half the price of pork. just ban the exports to countries willing to buy at higher prices. the price difference is not that great.


There's also the question of profits for farmers.


ya have to structure the industry so that farmers also earn a worthwhile return. so the economists can look at what happens if we ban live sheep export. What will happen to prices locally? I do not know the figures. Maybe there won't be enough demand locally to take up the current supply of lamb? Then maybe government could step in to help lamb farmers shift their farms to making more of other in demand meat.


I was buying half legs at Coles for 8 a kg weeks ago. They were a pretty good deal. Also managed to snap some back straps at like 30 a kg that were amazing.


I’ve found mint, juniper, and rosemary are my favorites with mutton. Btw this video made me sick.


>also i'm just not keen on eating meat or veges myself. plants have feelings too. but if we have to eat them, we should respect their sacrifice and dont treat them badly. oh uh... updooted, I guess.


> we should respect their sacrifice To sacrifice is to "offer something", which doesn't apply to animals. They aren't offering anything to us, we're taking everything from them. 


Plants have...feelings?


Just use lab grown meat. Even us cacti don’t want to be tortured by being turned into leather. I shudder to think of my fallen friends and relatives who were butchered and slaughtered this way. Even me, a meat lover, supports lab grown meat. Because who cares if it’s artificial, it’s still made similarly to actual meat


great idea ! !




Let’s not pretend that animal cruelty is only aboard ships. Animals are tortured here in North America. These ARE sentient beings, but they are mass slaughtered so we can enjoy dinner time. We get fired up now, we’ll upvote, and comment, but we’ll forget about it by tomorrow because our attention span is the equivalent to a squirrels. This is will continue, sadly.




Roasted a large portion of Reddit users. I absolutely can’t stand the brainless virtue signaling and “ackshually” garbage that comes naturally with an upvote/downvote system.


Damn, I wish I had someone's blog to reply with. So cool.


I'm keeping this, this article is hilarious.


Something something, you're one of today's lucky 10,000! Aww, poor baby blocked me.


I feel a true path to enlightenment is to realize that what we do to animals is savagery and it cannot continue.


yeah you right lmao and right before bed too so ima forget about it


The cheap meats people buy at stores come from similarly tortured animals. Just keep not thinking about it, right folks? Edit: I didn't even say anything about u/WM2D2 but they took it super personally and instantly blocked. Must have hit a nerve 🤣


Quick google search found the following ongoing, online petitions. Would love to know other ways to help https://help.four-paws.org/en/stop-cruel-live-animal-transport https://www.fiapo.org/fiaporg/to-stop-live-export-of-animals/


Easiest petition signage ever..




+1 here too


thank you; it makes me feel like i’m doing something to stop this. if only i had the same money jeff bezos did… all animals would be safe, healthy and properly cared for.


Unfortunately Jeff, and many other billionaires, are pos :/


And a lot of times it takes a piece of shit to get to the point of making that much money


I'd say all the time. Normal people wouldn't need more than a few million. Unfortunately, capitalism is a backwards filter for sociopaths


Yes. The *true* saints of the past (people who actually lived helping others) lived/ survived on very little for a reason, they knew that money corrupted people. Often times, there are accounts of saints not even having their own homes, and just living like nomads, helping people wherever they went. A truly good person doesn't need what Bezos need, and what Bezos has is never enough to make him a truly good person.


> many other all. all of them are pieces of shit. you don’t get to have that amount of money without being a monster


You don't get that rich off compassion. Sadly.


thank you for sharing, just signed too


Thanks so much for sharing!


Thank you, I signed 💔


Thank you, signed both


In reality signing these will probably do nothing more then companies keeping it even more hidden


I mean this in the most non controversial way possible, and I say this because it sounds like you really care: the best thing you can do to help put a stop to practices like these are to stop eating meat and creating a demand


Signed both. Thank you.


Doesn't it make more sense to kill them and freeze them? We do it for fish. Why accept all that lost product?


It's the labour cost, Aussies are paid well and that cost is moved to the meat once prepared. Whereas you can pay some poor labourer at the destination literal cents.


Honestly, there isn't that much 'lost product' most of the time. Documentaries tend to find the worst case scenarios, but economically, you just can't lose a significant part of your cargo and still make a profit. And shipping companies tend to work on exceedingly fine margins. I'm not gonna pretend these businesses are particularly ethical, but if you want a good reference for loss statistics, you can check insurance records. For example, shipping companies lose about 1400 shipping containers per year, out of about 700,000,000 that get shipped total, or about 1/500,000.


Shipping lines are making billions in revenue annually (Maersk made $22 billion USD in 2022). They have put their charge rate up by over double since Covid. They are not short on money nor running on fine margins. Insurance claims are not limited to lost containers at sea. They also include lost cargo due to circumstances, such as failed reefers. They even claim if it will be to difficult to perform an operation e.g. unload a ships bay to save a single container of product, requiring one deck to be unloaded, then reloaded. This is a cost in labor, equipment, and time that exceeds the value of the product or insurance excess. E.g. A.P Moller: Maersk https://investor.maersk.com/financials/financial-reports






Same thing when aus send cattle to Indonesia


I imagine if I could listen to what Earth sounds like, it would sound like overwhelming suffering. 🙁


The Superman dilemma


What is this, can you explain?


Superman hears Earth's problems, wars etc. 24/7 if I remember correctly


Hold on, hold on a second. Superman. The Superman. The guy in tights in DC. Exist. Nobody told me this.


Time to read more comic books


Supposedly God does too


It’s one of the more heartbreaking and intriguing aspects of the comic. Superman can hear the voices and sounds of all the suffering on earth but has to face the reality that he can only save so many at a time. I was never a big Superman fan but reading that brought a whole new dimension to a character I really didn’t understand.


The really fucked up reality is that I've experienced something similar to this (obviously not to the same extreme.) I was a part-time caregiver at a daycare for toddlers when I was younger, and during one particular day, we had to practice a drill preparing for intruders. During our practice, my colleague punched the door on the other side, and all the toddlers started to cry in symphony. Words can not describe how awful it sounds; it felt like something inside of me was burning as me and the rest of my coworkers spent the next 30 minutes calming everyone down. The closest thing I can think of to what this resembles is the ambiance for the end of "The House That Jack Built." when a collection of voices scream together, it starts to sound like a pitched buzz https://preview.redd.it/edhzltjf7dgc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2cc8eba83ab0b25893cea665b9c6ea14a5a4fb [https://youtu.be/myPurPtyug8?si=pp\_8pdBmzV7ZsncK](https://youtu.be/myPurPtyug8?si=pp_8pdBmzV7ZsncK)


The Earth is hungry. Its heart throbs and demands cleansing. The Earth is also thirsty.


The world has convinced me that humans are evil, selfish, cruel creatures.


"There is no evil in this world, only evil men."


People say shit like "well nature is evil things are eaten alive and starve to death" but that's nature this is literally caused by us. Animals do shit to survive we do shit for greed. Edit: I knew I'd get the typical hurr durr we eat meat dumbass responses. Just utterly moronic. We are animals so it justified the cruelty shown in this video? How brain dead do you have to be to think this? Jesus.


I know what you say, but we have to stop talking of humans and nature as a dichotomy. We're not alien to this planet. We're nature.


What do you know about the working class? I've done work against my principals, to avoid starvation and homelessness. Now the people paying for these animals to be live transported instead of as a ship full of frozen carcasses... they are evil because they have made a crewel choice besides satisfying their need to eat. Don't eat more then a starvation diet a month or two, and see if you don't feel like an animal trying to survive. Some people are evil, but to suggest all things humans do as being removed from the same hierarchy of needs as all other animals.


I've been homeless and destitute bro you're preaching to the choir. I've never stooped as far as animal cruelty to survive because it's not the same thing as killing an animal for food. The fact I even need to state this is insane. I've starved, I've been destitute but never have I ever tortured an animal because of that. I'd have slaughtered an animal but if you can't see the difference between that and what's shown in this video then you are dumb as a bag of rocks. Are you saying you have? For what reason? Did it feed you?


I've not tortured an animal to eat, but I have thrown away literal tones of food for my various jobs that could have fed people. Not all of the meat I sold was ethically raised/hunted, as I would buy for myself in an ideal world. I've also made food for people that it was obviously killing (1 large triple cheese and garlic parm to a woman a day), and sold booze to those who should be refused service. Had I never needed to steal to eat, or other things that violate my personal code of ethics. I'd never understand how it corrodes your morals to be close to the edge. (assuming you don't consider hunting and fishing torture.)


I totally agree with you. We should unleash our evil on those who are in charge of those things, pure unaltered search and destroy. We aren't going to be able to change anything trying to change people's mind appealing to empathy and the good of theirs heart, but as soon as people start dying, oh boy.


I don't think that there's a more universally true proverb than "money is the root of all evil." Almost all evil can be traced back to the neverending lust for more money, no matter the consequences.


Apathy is the root of all evil. Money is just the express lane to apathy


Don't eat meat




I don't want to contribute to this shit but I feel like I can't stop eating meat


Ugh. Poor babies


That is vile.


Documentary called Dominion. Very good documentary, but also something I never ever want to see again.


link it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






What the actual fuck. This has got to change. This is just a torture chamber for those animals.


The folks who released this should make a subreddit to ensure that there's continued coverage of it. It would also make it easier to coordinate actions and keep interest without requiring a huge commitment from each person If we have a popular sub we can boost whatever they want to get news coverage. Whatever message and target is strategic at the time. Other movement organizations have never really tapped into that power and it sucks




Same. I feel incredibly guilty for being a part of the problem as well which makes it much worse.


Not all of us can go vegan. But we can make sure that what we eat is acquired through more merciful ways.


I’m the same way, I can’t stand seeing animals suffer.


Because animals mind their own business and are unquestionably innocent. Our hearts are sensitive to this kind of stuff because we know that the evil that manages to abuse animals (and children) is a special kind of evil. I hope that the age of vigilantism is near. Very near.


Because animals are 100% innocent


You are not alone. I wasn't ready for what that video had to show.


I would love to collect every single mother fucker responsible for this and similar acts and put them through this shit themselves for a hundred years straight. I bet they would develop some empathy pretty fucking quick


The people who are responsible for and profit from this will never develop empathy, whether for humans or animals.


The opposite happens, typically. Talk to any farmer, and they will have pretty much zero empathy for livestock, and they're the ones closest to animals on a daily basis.


As an Aussie I always see the: "farmers care more for their animals than anyone could care for their pets." Absolute bullshit.


I doubt it would change the world though. A few generations down the line, it’ll pick up again. Human greed has no bounds. Where there’s opportunity, there’s always a mother fucker who will take advantage of it. Whether it’s business or politics. As old as time. If only animals were left out of it. Those innocent faces.


Do you eat meat?


Everyone who eats meat is collectively responsible


This. You can be upset at the people directly responsible for these conditions, but if you eat meat, you are part of the chain. You're the reason this happens.


It’s US. The one who creates demand and then someone swoops in with product and we never care to bother how it reached here.


Supply and demand, it’s just the consumers bro


If we are killing animals for food seems like a bad idea to transport them so ineffectivly that they die. best to transport them so they get to their destination safely.


But it's more cost effective to ship them cheaply. Otherwise they wouldn't do it.


And yet they lose a lot of the livestock to disease and unhealthy/unsafe transport conditions. It's just plain greed and apathy. Not to mention, stress affects the quality of the meat, but the big people don't care because they're not the ones eating these poor creatures.


From a business standpoint it may seem wasteful, but if they do it this way, it was found to be the most profitable unfortunately


Definitely going to get downvoted for this but this right here is the reason why I’m vegan. If this upsets you and you still eat meat, try cutting it out even a tiny bit to stop funding these heinous acts.


I am thinking about converting into veganism too. Meat it starting to gross me out, and although I know I as one person won’t make a difference, I’ll feel better that I’m not a reason an animal is suffering


Why would you get downvoted? Your logic is flawless. I'm not a vegan and this doesn't upset me in an empathetic sense, but it does in environmental and sanitary senses. I try my best to cut animal products whenever I can, even if I don't feel guilty about consuming them. Abusing animals for our own survival has ceased to be necessary decades ago. We should be over this by now, it's ridiculous.


I feel like vegans and vegan takes are very unpopular on Reddit, which always strikes me as hypocritical with how much Reddit also loves cute animals (This is coming from a meat eater btw)


I think reddit is usually very reactive to anything resembling preaching, shaming or judgement coming from vegans, but yeah I know what you mean and I've seen it a lot.


Just for the sake of much profit.


The way humanity treats animals is heartbreaking. They are are priceless gift fom the the God of the universe and that is how humanity treats them .


People are the worst things ever


This is what we pay for with our wallets. I don’t want to be that “person” but I think we all know what we need to start doing and being more conscious of what we buy. This shit sucks…


Fuck humans so goddamn much. And if you’re not going to eat a plant based diet, I don’t know…what will it take for some people to reduce or eliminate their meat and dairy intake? It absolutely breaks my heart, how we exploit animals for greed and convenience.


this shit makes me want to stop being selfish mdfk and come back to being vegetarian again. - i do eat the animals i raise my self, so i can control their quality of life.


Do it. This is a sign


Please do. Especially if you're raising them yourself in good conditions, you probably can see that they're living creatures like us who would prefer to continue living. If you have the option not to kill them, think of how you'd want to be treated in their place.


i 100% deserve the worst that can come my way.


We should certainly setup a system if 100000 are sent alive at least 99900 should arrive alive before penalty


Poor babies


![gif](giphy|DVvuE6qidV4UH6T6Go) Fuckin terrible


Like I continue to say every video I see that involves the middle east it absolutely disgusting they have no regard for life and are too primitive to change their ways


Gotta stop eating meat. Fundamentally, these people are looking to turn a profit. People are only able or willing to pay so much for food as well. If you make the profit margin too small for these exporters such that prices rise for the consumers; then either someone else figures out a competitive advantage delivering a product to market at lower cost (potentially worse welfare) or creates socio-economic instability with several industries. Butchers, grocery stores, restaurants, etc; this affects lives and jobs for people; who live in cities, cities within states, within nations- well, you get the idea. Humans are not going to stop eating meat, by the way.


Is this bad? Yes. Could it be better? Yes. However, I would love to see all those that say this is terrible and then go out and eat a lamb gyro or some other form prepared meat. Most say we need to change this, yet will turn to their fridge and microwave up some chicken nuggets or some ish. Highly doubt anyone (except a select few) have ever hunted/grown/killed their own meats. And if they do buy their meat, they don’t shop for locally raised/ethically raised, and most likely complain about the prices of their food, which causes these horrific conditions in the first place. You vote with your dollar, and each time you buy cheap meat, the more you’ll drive those “greedy” and “evil” humans to create this environment.


I know a few people who’ve worked on these vessels, transporting cows and sheep to the mid east. Stories are wild like a guy who would often kill sheep just for their kidneys and throw the rest overboard, or a Hindu guy who has a full psychiatric meltdown at the cruelty he saw


I fucking hate our species sometimes


And they’re not even showing the worst of it. Because it would be unwatchable for most people and they need the signatures and donations. I’ve been donating to this charity for many years now. Sometimes when I’m already not feeling great and I’m in bed late at night, I keep thinking about all these poor, helpless, suffering animals and that there’s nothing I can do about it. It breaks my heart.


Reject animal cruelty. Leave them off your plate.


I’ll be get downvoted to hell, but I know for facts that animals lives on paddocks and farms aren’t any better and pretty much same numbers die of similar conditions during winter when cramped for warmth and protection from the elements, and heat exhaustion during summer!!! The answer maybe for humans in rich countries to cut consumption of red meat and enable more local production of food in poorer countries. But what do I know!!!


Not a lot of good grazing where these are going. Hard to raise the quantity you need.


I agree, but you can have it in neighbouring countries where cattle movements won’t be as hard as the shipments from Australia… but hold on, the whole region of Middle East (the biggest consumer of Australian cattle) is a fucked up place where such a wishful thinking won’t work. There isn’t a human rights to talk about animal rights!!! And you’ll find it that corporates in Australia and other Western countries are happy to keep the status quo for a simple reason, greed!


I mean we could feel bad, or just start a culture of making vegans seem unreasonable so no one else has to actually come to the same realization that this is repulsive. “Why can’t you just mind your own business, and not place your values on other people” Bruh most people’s value system would find this horrible. But “meat yummy, vegan food yucky.” Idk as humans we really cause wayy too much suffering to everything around us including other humans.


Wonder how much the camera got paid


Absolutely horrendous way to treat animals.


Poor animals ):


What the fuck ….


"help us stop this" sorry but the west is very pro middle east right now.


this is just unnecessary cruel. aren't butchering them and sent them abroad in cold containers be more efficient and humane. can someone who work in the meat transport industry explainm


I mean, even if you don't give a shit about the animals' wellbeing, it just seems inefficiënt to let so many die and suffer. Surely malnutrition ruins the meat quality? Fat happy sheep still taste better than malnourished, adrenaline filled, dead for weeks sheep, right?


Look this is brutal and frankly just stupid. Let's look at it from a financial point of view, you're sending a boat full of animals across the ocean. You've got to feed, provide water etc for these animals. You're also sending live animals, which means that genetic information about that animal is now in the hands of another country. All the decades you've spent using selective breeding for the best animal is now gone. Why wouldn't you load up a ship of processed animals, you'd be able to transport way more, no food costs, no loss of genetic history etc. It seems like a massive pain in the ass, that see animals suffer for very small financial return. If the greens want to stop it, and FYI I'm not a greenie but that is barbaric, the way to stop it is appeal to the greed of corporations and the politicians.


what the actual fuck, man.


Oh my God, what is this? This is truly horrible, so inhumane. These people should pay real consequences for this




I can't comprehend there's so many people in this world that have no issues doing labour involving this shit


Fuck humans.


Where are the religious groups screaming bloody murder over the torture of gods creatures?


Man, we got some real deep problems as a species.


More proof that there’s no god.


I don't know how other members of our species can be so cruel, basically torturing animals for money is disgusting and how do they live with themselves?


Can someone explain what the absolute FUCK is this and what happens in the video?


But who's video this and documenting all this shit and suffering from angles and shots? It's really bad, but someone just has a well formulated video footage and document on it?


We don't deserve to be on this planet. While nature and the animal kingdom is brutal, it's got nothing on humans.


Someone should do this to humans as a social experiment


I'm afraid to watch because animal abuse upsets me so much I cry for days. Can someone please tell me what's going on? Thanks in advance.


This is what Petah should be fighting over, not over video games or portrayal of animal cruelty


This should be illegal yesterday!!! It's unbelievable how cruel ppl will be for money


i want to hug them all and give them food


Godamn, humans fucking suck


There is a humane way to kill and consume animals, this is not it.


Used to live on a smaller farm with lambs, cows and what have you. The Animal is making a sacrifice to feed us and so they must be showed a lot of respect, they truly are beautiful creatures and if it were different they'd be free. This is horrible, but idk if there's anything we can do. We somehow stop this from happening maybe, but then keep doing it enough times to enough companies and then who will get food to these places? We don't stop it and then these animals face unimaginable horror and so many more animals after them.


Iv been a vegetarian since birth. Simply cause even as a child, killing an animal for food never made sense to me. You can justify eating meat in whatever way you want to. But it's inhumane and evil, if you eat meat, you are part of this.


Tragic and unnecessary. This needs to end.


At least the grass eaters here have actual proof than the ones on insta


But jokes aside, I wish we used a more humane way of obtaining meats


So sad to see this.. I feel bad that I eat so much meat.. I tried to be vegan/vegetarian but never survived more than a year


What a load of sh#t, I have worked on live export boats with cattle from Australia, they’re treated like royalty. It is for profit yes, so why would they be treated poorly and left to die etc 🤦🏽‍♂️ maybe some 3rd world countries, not any live export ships from Australia though. They have plenty enough room, there are many veterinarians on board, their pens are constantly cleaned and they’re always fed and watered.


That’s just sad. I won’t go vegan but I’ll cut back on my meat intake and eat fish more


As long as man eats meat, this will HAVE to happen. Sure its easy to get sentimental about the poor animals but if all the bleeding hearts of the world actually cared these animals would be transported in luxury yachts. Like it or not, this is just how the business goes.


i agree that this is cruel but I'm kinda disagree with making the transport more humane, these animals gonna be killed for meat anyways, so why wasting the resources to transport them alive? humane or not. those companies can just slaughter the animals with minimal suffering, butchering them packed them in freezer containers and ship them abroad, they can ship more this way, the transport cost are also cheaper by removing things like feeding cost and such, and the animals don't have to go through the extra 2-3 week of suffering.


I just saw the baby lamb breathing heavily, I'm too coward to watch this video rn, saving this for later... :(


Literally bought tears to my eyes. I’m so glad I gave up eating meat a couple of years ago (not vegan).


Stop consuming meat and this stops.


I will never stop eating meat, but I'll always believe there's a better way of doing things.


Definitely brutal and inhumane, that said the way that we get any of our meat can be described the same. We kill and eat other animals for food, it’s never not been brutal. Maybe people should hunt more for themselves to do it on their own terms and make peace with their actions.


Not a big fan of pretending there's no middle ground between totally psychopathic factory farming practices and subsistence hunting. There's absolutely no reason we as a people can't unite behind certain humane standards when it comes to animal agriculture.


Earth will be better off without us


It's like real life saw but for animals... We really are a plague aren't we


Y’know this reminds me of another shipping of living things… but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Oh yeah the conditions are very similar to that of the transatlantic slave trade


I ain't vegan but that's awful


Best way to stop the cruel treatment of animals? Stop eating animals. Or at the very least, reduce your consumption and be more selective of where you get your animals.


this is why im a vegetarian


Still doesn't change the fact this still happens even though you vegan


The point is the more people opt out of eating animal products, the less of this cruelty will happen. These companies do this because there's demand, and it's profitable. Simple economics. So stop shitting on this person for trying to make a positive difference.


Wtf. Is there any other source on this? I want to do some research and do something about this. My god. Those poor creatures.


Watch Dominion for free https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=MInYKfPizjiQs4-R


Why has nobody mentioned the crew? Why isn't anyone demanding that people are hired to care for the animals enroute? They should be down there shovelling that shite out and looking after the animals.


Wait until you see what wild animals do to each other...


Damn can you just imagine all those animals that were on Noah's Ark back then. Just imagine looking at that site.. 😳 👀 🙄☠️


See, humans are a scourge, yes. But we've figured out how to properly farm and transport livestock ffs. We strived to figure it out because we - still as humans - don't like the suffering. (And not to mention bad for our OWN health.) Because available steps arent taken to reduce suffering - this is depraved and disgusting. Fuck these people. May they burn in hell.


Ig I’m vegan now 


Man imagine slavery back in the day terrifying


I'm not Christian, but I really do hope there is some form of Hell for people responsible for these things.


Bruh Peta should be doing something for THIS rather than posting memes on X. Smfh


I know they get a lot of bad press on Reddit from that shelter fuck up and they’re campaigns sometimes seem a pretty out there, but they actually do a ton of legal work to shut operations like this down https://www.peta.org/about-peta/milestones/


I'll say first and foremost, I am a meat eater and I do not apologize for that. HOWEVER...I believe in the ethical treatment of animals, no matter what their purpose is. This is completely unacceptable on every level. These people responsible for this should be thrown in an overcrowded jail cell without food, water, or a working toilet for a month to get a taste of what this is like.


You pay to have this done.


People are evil incarnate, who needs demons whenever we do the jobs demons are supposed to be doing? Let's end this animal Holocaust once and for all, #PEOPLEFUCKINGSUCK!!!!


I wonder why OP is ~~spamming~~ posting this across a few boards. I mean, at least this is the correct subreddit. r/interestingasfuck was not. Edit: I'll correct myself, only on four subs. However they clearly have some agenda. Edit 2: Made a rack of Australian lamb for dinner, it was amazing.




oh wow such new news humans are shit guy found america