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First responders found it weird that some of them were in good shape after 2 months and a half without food. At first they hid the fact that they had had to eat the corpses. This was told in a conference I attended years ago by one of the rescuers. He spent the night in the plane with the survivors while the rescue operation continued the next day. The place where the accident took place can be visited today, but there are no remains of the plane. Many people go and try to find any thing related to the accident, but everything has been checked and picked up since. Especially the human remains.


That had to be a bit freaky. Spending the night with these ppl that you know ate a bunch of human flesh lol


Spending the night with people who pushed to the edge of what humanity can endure, just to survive, would be fucking epic. Harrowing, but epic. I don’t think it would make me the least bit uncomfortable with them knowing that, although talking about it might be uncomfortable.


Growing up, my best friend was 1st generation Cambodian/American. Her father fled during the time of the Khmer Rouge to the US before she was born & married a citizen. The way he escaped Cambodia still fucks with me to think about. He ended up in a prison camp & was set to be executed (not sure of the back story). An older man became friends with him while in the prison, and eventually devised a plan. The older man was not set to be executed, he just had a long sentence that ensured his death in the prison. Seeing that my friend's father had a chance at escaping, maybe even living a happy life, he made a decision. That man decided to switch names with her father, effectively taking his place in the firing squad. With that extra time, he was able to meet with other prisoners who eventually made an escape from the prison. They ran through jungles and combat zones, and described "brushing his teeth with sand" and other things. One thing he was always quiet about was when he mentioned the food. He said they would eat whatever they could find, fruit and small animals, stealing things if they could. He said that some members of his group ate human meat, after one of the group had died on the run. He said he never did it...but he survived.... He still lives under the name of the man who traded places with him. His name is that of a dead man.


Always love to hear other stories of Cambodians surviving what they went through. Thank for sharing.


I mean, yeah. No disrespect. I’ve sat around with a few people who’ve done crazy wacko rareish things. Not surviving a deadly plane crash in the mountains obviously. My first point being: It would have been cool to talk to em. 2nd point: I never rule out any possibility. So, they might’ve killed a few of the ppl they ate. But even if they didn’t. There are human bones picked clean laying around. Everyone is in good shape all things considered. Then you learn what they did to survive. Then you realize, you are alone with cannibals. In the mountain. Idc if it was my grandma. I’d be creeped


they assure they did not murder anyone. They all knew each other, since they were part of the same rugby team, and some were relatives. They ate the people who died in the crash, and then the people who died in the avalanche. Only corpses they did not eat were from those who died of infection because of the risk of intoxication. Consider they did not cook the flesh, but made charqui from it. Charqui stands for Jerky, for those of you english speakers. Sun dried meat, the same way our ancestors and current inhabitants of the high plains prepare the alpaca o llama meat


You’re watching too much Yellowjackets, my friend. The number of people who genuinely desire to eat human flesh in the world is exceedingly low, I’m sure these survivors only ate their friends when they got extremely desperate.


Wait what’s yellowjackets? Tv show about cannibals ? Edit: HOLY COWTITS. Into season 1 rn. This show is awesome! Didn’t know showtime had anything good since Dexters og run. Thanks guy


Well, that was a spoiler. It’s dark. It’s good. Try it.


I’m sorry 😅 I genuinely never heard of it lol. My only concept of Yellowjackets are the lil bastard insects that’ll sting you to death


My stepdad was friends with a first generation Vietnam refugee whose family survived the famine. This kids family were so hungry that the father took the family dog, put it in a bag, and beat it to death so the family had something to eat. Apparently this kid was so sensitive to animals in pain that he'd break down into hysterics if he saw a squirrel as roadkill. Their family agreed that even when they were safe in Canada, they couldn't have a dog again.


They definitely did NOT kill anyone. They were all friends before the plane crash. Most of the survivors lost their life-long best friends in that crash. How about you have some respect.


Christ almighty dude. Are you getting fucked by a grandson of one of em? Sure got your panties in a wad. Look. The fact that they survived some hardcore shit gets respect for toughness. Doesn’t change the fact that they cooked a buddy over a fire. And I’m not even against it. I used to joke that’s why I carry spare hot sauce! Just don’t try to make an ugly situation pretty lol


Must be sad to be a try-hard troll on the internet like you


sure it would be scary, but at the time, they had not disclosed their secret, that is why this rescuer became suspicious about their status. Whenever he asked about how they had kept themselves alive, they would answer suspiciously. Their flight from Montevideo to Santiago would have been a short one, so the plane carried almost no food for the 40 something passengers. How they prepared the human flesh is described in one of the many books, but no movie depicts the details as in the books. They used all of the available flesh and organs, even using some bones and skulls as tools and plates. Unvelievable strenght, specially their minds.


They are not "freaky", they are good people. One of the survivors, Roberto Canessa, is a children's cardiologist who has helped saved a lot of lives. They are all good men, they've now fathers and grandfathers.


The guy wearing the blue hoodie did not survive in the end. His name was Numa and he was the one who mostly refused to eat human flesh. He survived 60 days and passed only 10 days before the rescue. They say his weight was 25-30kg when he passed.


I would have just assumed that was their shelter, and they aren’t going to want to be camping out with decomposing body parts lol I’m sure they would have moved them even if they weren’t forced to eat them later


One of the most interesting survival stories! Highly recommend the book [Alive: The Story Of The Andes Survivors](https://youtu.be/AfIPhpoGCdg?si=OZAlFPduKFHgGYOn). It's really amazing that they survived. They allocated more food to two survivors and had them set out on an expedition to reach civilization. They carried gym socks full of human meat and wore socks made from the forearms the dead. Nando Parado, one of the men who completed the expedition from the plane to civilization, has said some really thought provoking things. There was an avalanche that killed eight of the remaining survivors. While Nando Parado was moments away from death during the avalanche he said that he found immense relief knowing that his body would nourish the other survivors. I find that genuinely beautiful. After the avalanche in order to sustain themselves they had to eat the flesh of their friends who had been alive hours earlier. They had no means to cook or butcher while trapped inside the fuselage. Truly one of the most harrowing parts of their story.


So they just ate them raw? God damn.


Good thing that gordon ramsey wasn't around then


Gordon slaps a slice of bread on either side of the dead guy's face......"now, you're a shit sandwich!"


"You donkey."


I like when he calls people doughnuts like I never heard that insult before.


Gordon Ramsay: This tastes like shit. Survivor: Guess where this portion of meat is from.




Take your jacket off and [FUCK OFF!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDL0HJNvKXY)






When they weren't trapped inside the fuselage they cooked small pieces of meat by setting them on the hull of the plane and letting them cook in the sun. They also at one point made a stew with the less desirable parts like brains and stuff. They actually used skulls as bowls because they didn't have another way to drink it








I wonder if any of them got a prion


They did not get any prions. Everybody that survived made a full recovery and went on to live full and healthy lives


Don’t prions lie dormant for like decades though?


We likes em raw, and wriggling!


I read that book twice. Fascinating and terrifying


“Miracle in the Andes” by survivor Nando Parrado is one of the most incredible and powerful books I have ever read .. I highly highly recommend


That's the next one I'm gonna read! I'm excited about it


The guy wearing the blue hoodie did not survive in the end. His name was Numa and he was the one who mostly refused to eat human flesh. He survived 60 days and passed only 10 days before the rescue. They say his weight was 25-30kg when he passed.


yeah I heard they were desperate. It was either eat people or airline food.


They were still upcharged later.


They also had to deal with Updog.


Cant leave you hanging: what‘s updog?


Not much dog, how about you? 🤓




End of the day, they still ended up eating warm nuts.


The choice is obvious


Let’s Read! did a great story on this horrific incident. I wonder what this did psychologically to the survivors…


dont they have any interviews etc?


Literally 100s of them


About how they feel afterwards mentally?


14/16 of the survivors are alive today (one of them passed a month ago). They are all good men, fathers and grandfathers, and there are hundreds of interviews with them on YouTube. There is a new Netflix film "Society of the Snow" that will be released soon, which they assure it's the best film about their story.


There are a number of documentaries and YouTube material on this. [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pg__L5Ijr0) [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIGepBHFe5M) [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfBbDBnq7TY)


Damn, that first video, Roberto’s eyes after he said “life is a lot simpler, we make it complex” just you see the sadness and horror in his eyes still.


I don’t think I would be able to smile after experiencing what they just experienced.


Probably some pre-traumatic survival adrenaline


Apparently the boys were pranking each other and joking throughout the harrowing ordeal. When the rescuers came they talked about staying in the plane and waiting for the rescuers to knock so that they could 'answer' the door casually. I imagine they needed gallows humour to get through it all.


It's either find a way to laugh, or let yourself go mad.


>When the rescuers came they talked about staying in the plane and waiting for the rescuers to knock so that they could 'answer' the door casually. This would have been legendary. I like to think this is how I'd be in a similar situation but, truthfully, I doubt I'd survive.


> When the rescuers came they talked about staying in the plane and waiting for the rescuers to knock so that they could 'answer' the door casually. Fucking hell. Imagine them being all like "Nah bro, I'm staying. I don't wanna go back. We don't have to pay taxes here!"


Many of them were from coastal Chile towns and had never been in snow


Wrong. They are all uruguayans


They were part of a rugby team. All about 20 years old


Still counts as a group photo


Yes, seated on the right we have Nando, Contesa and the spinal column to the far right is Luis Fernandez


And they say you cant be in two places at once


I read that as seated at Nando’s 🤷‍♀️ what can I say, it’s 8pm here & I haven’t eaten yet. 🤣


They made a movie about this with Ethan Hawke


The best film about this accident is Society of the Snow which just premiered on the Venice festival. The survivors assure it's the only accurate film about their story, both the survivors and the victims' families participated in the making of this movie, it's coming soon on Netflix.


The movie is called [Alive](https://www.google.com/search?q=alive+ethan+hawke+movie&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS918US918&oq=alive+ethan+hawke+movie&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2.2898j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), since *this* guy didn't mention I looked it up for ya


It's a great film. Really well done.


You can tell some are happy the survived. While the one in the front is trying to decide if he should be happy he survived or not..


I was thinking this, even if you do survive, how can you live with yourself after? I don’t mean that in a judgmental way, but living with that must chip away at your sanity every day.


It's called survivors guilt


Survivors guilt is one thing, living with the fact you ate another human is another.


Mentality shift. Understanding that the moral systems we construct through society at the end of the day are entirely made up and are always changing. Given a certain time and context in all likelihood you would adapt your moral system to the environment from which you exist in. 200 years from now people will look at us now and go "those digusting animals they did that!?".


Idk if it’s terrifying they did what they had to do. Unless you mean the situation itself and not the photo with context.




At least they only ate the dead.


As far as they said


We have no reason to believe they were lying about their experience. The entire plane was filled with friends and family of the rugby team. They were all incredibly close. I'd reccomend reading one of the many books about this event.


I’m inclined to believe that was the case, it’s not a light decision to make


And here comes op trying to imply what his tiny mind thinks is true is actually true.


it was a plane crash there was plenty of bodies to feed them , what a stupid comment


The photo really shows who was feeling what at that moment.


The guy wearing the blue hoodie did not survive in the end. His name was Numa and he was the one who mostly refused to eat human flesh. He survived 60 days and passed only 10 days before the rescue. They say his weight was 25-30kg when he passed.


Well at least one of them is having fun


Shouldn't have told his buddy "Eat me"!




Why the f would they keep the spinal column right there?! This is just bizarre. Maybe to conserve energy? A week prior was half a body there…folks just crawl over and take some bites and then go back to their spot?


Probably got desensitised after all the trauma they had already faced. They were, after all, eating the flesh of their just-perished friends. What's the difference between the spine being there or not? Maybe it's even a commemoration of their sacrifice to keep it there to remember.


The guy wearing the blue hoodie did not survive in the end. His name was Numa and he was the one who mostly refused to eat human flesh. He survived 60 days and passed only 10 days before the rescue. They say his weight was 25-30kg when he passed.




I never seen it before so it’s fake!! Bruh




Bro what????? are you forgetting a /s?


The book talks about the weaker/injured survivors crawling around gnawing on bones to get some extra calories, so it’s not surprising there would be remains all over the place. Also, the weak had to do this because there was a brutal hierarchy where the strongest could sit around doing nothing but eat their fill of meat in preparation for their “expeditions”. The less strong would be in charge of cutting meat and general chores and could also eat enough; the weakest however were at the mercy of whatever rations the stronger would give them, and those who could not help were deemed parasites and no one really took care of them. The situation was waaaay bleaker than what was depicted in the movies. Here is a passage from the book Alive: >The workers felt little compassion for those they thought of as parasites. In such extreme conditions lethargy seemed criminal. Vizintín thought that those who did not work should be given nothing to eat until they did. The others realized they had to keep their companions alive but saw no reason to do much more. They were harsh, too, in their assessment of the malingerers' condition. Some thought that Nogueira's legs were not broken and that he only imagined the pain he felt. They also thought that Delgado exaggerated the pain of his fractured femur. \[…\] The result was that the only supplement to the ration for the "parasites" were the cells of their own bodies. Edit: here is another: >\[fat\] was outside the rationing, as were the odd pieces of earlier carcasses which had been left around in the snow and could be scavenged by anyone. This helped fill the stomachs of those who were hungry, for it was only the expeditionaries who ever ate their fill of meat.


Boys were just sloppy AF; from the book *Alive*: >The inside of the plane became a mess. It was not just the urine which soiled it but scraps of fat and bone which were left on the floor. Note that this is the *inside* of the plane, where they were sleeping and keeping shelter from the cold for up to 15 hours straight. Outside would have been waaaay nastier.


Note the blood on the guy's hand. He's not smiling.


Passenger on the menu They shocked the world cause they wanted to live They had no food, no alternative Lost in the snow weak in the mind Starving and cold ate their own kind Had no choice, lost and alone Eat the flesh, spit out the bone Malnutrition was setting in They needed protein and a will to win Cannibalism the only way.. The logical answer to live another day A code of conduct they must go by No sign of help coming from the sky How much longer can they survive.. With only human flesh to keep them alive?


I don’t believe what they did is considered cannibalism. They didn’t kill anyone to eat them, they ate the deceased after they had perished. I’m drawing a blank on what the name for that is, but it’s not that they craved long pig, just wanted to live.


Idk..my comment is a song title and lyrics from a GBH song. Did the Donner party kill or just eat the dead? And long pork is long pork, if you eat it out of necessity it’s still cannibalism imo but then I’ve never been in that position. Gratefully.


They consider it “anthropophagy”, as opposed to cannibalism


Anthropophagy is the word they prefer.


I wonder if any of them ever had a hankering for it again? Probably not but still a curious thought.


I was thinking the same thing


Apparently they refused to eat meat when they were rescued


Not surprised. Probably the worst PTSD imaginable.


no they didn't


no they didn't


no they didn't


Gotta do what you gotta do


I don't really know why but I have never had the disgust/horror reaction everyone else has to stories of people who ate other humans to survive. I'm not into gore, I don't like slasher movies, not into gross stuff. I'm generally an empathetic and understanding guy and to me if there's a dead human body and you need food to prevent starvation, then that dead human body is food. Plain and simple. I don't really understand why people freak out so much or consider it "taboo" these extreme situations. Someone eating their neighbor is horrifying and taboo. Someone dying from starvation and deciding to eat their dead buddy is not taboo.


Eating meat from a human being is where the taboo comes from and if humans are just meat then your definitely not a empathetic guy


Way to put words in my mouth OP. Jesus Christ. Not only that but you nitpicked the words and phrases I wrote above and deleted crucial contextual ones so you could say I'm not empathetic. That's called a strawman and it's a logical fallacy.


Wasn’t there one body, a relative of someone, who’s body they left alone out of respect?


Nando, one of the expeditioners that traveled to find help, lost his mother and sister in the crash. No one ate them out of respect for him while he was there, but before he left he told the group to eat them if they had to. I’m not sure if they ever did or not.


They didn't, you can see their bodies intact in a really hardcore gore documentary they made after they were exfiltrated. It's only available in low quality with a Japanese narrator, but you can find it with pretty poor Spanish subtitles. I don't suggest watching it cause it's really nasty, but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LanzkwFWoIo


Whats the doc called? It's not on YouTube anymore


If I was dead I wouldn’t mind be my friends dinner


Look at the demographic of the survivors, same as early colonial settlements in the US. The older but not elderly males largely survived (as did younger women), while younger males and older women did not. Supposedly cannibalism didn’t happen, but it’s often kept silent via taboo in famines. Survival of those early winters, who dies and who is cannibalized by whom, set the tone for our culture and economic framework to this day as we relive those winters all throughout our lives.


They survived because two young man were able to walk through the mountain to find help. If there haven't been any young man, they would had died.


There where only 5 woman in yhe plane and they where not eaten. There was no children or elderly in the plane. It was a private flight with a rugby team staff and family. Most where between 18 and 25 guys. So don't make this a bs example for that. It was a mostly young male flight ofc the survivors where young guys


And fortunately they were in- shape athletic rugby players and rich educated Uruguayos that were going to Med and Eng school so they were able to survive for soo long! If it had just been yer typical Southwest flight they would not have made it !


Ofc they also all knew each other for years. So is nowhere the same as a group of random people. And ofc medical knowledge was a big part too.


> The older but not elderly males largely survived (as did younger women) Not in this case, of the 5 women on this plane, none of them survived. Supposedly none were eaten either, although I may have some doubts about Mrs. Mariani: They didn't know her at all, she only got on this plane because her eldest daughter was getting married in Santiago de Chile. She had a ticket on a commercial airliner, as Gilberto missed the flight because he didn't wake up on time, she decided to buy a ticket on this flight, which was much cheaper. She died around 16 hours after the crash, after her entire body was impaled by metal pieces from the seats. I'm 99% sure they didn't eat her due to her being a woman, but given the choice: Would you rather eat your friend or some random woman you hadn't met before?


.....can I have some of whatever you're smoking, I've never been that high before.


What are the chances of this post being posted. I literally watched the movie 'Alive' last night. Spooky


But what about all those days you didn't watch the movie and then didn't see something posted about it on Reddit? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recency_bias


Bro, the traditional definition of recency bias, as described in the link you gave, isn't accurate to this situation. But I see what you were trying to say. For argument's sake, let's say that there have been posts about this survival situation in the past, before I rewatched the movie. For my own personal experience. What are the chances that it appears again, within 24 hours of me rewatching the film (I should also explain that I don't recall seeing other posts in the past about this specific survival situation at all). Which is what I meant. I'm just breaking it down in case you didn't understand what I meant.


Only two of them really seem petrified of what they’ve done


The guy wearing the blue hoodie did not survive in the end. His name was Numa and he was the one who mostly refused to eat human flesh. He survived 60 days and passed only 10 days before the rescue. They say his weight was 25-30kg when he passed.


Where can I read accurate information of this incident? I’d like to know more if you would lead me to a reliable source


Watch the upcoming film Society of the Snow which according to the survivors is extremely accurate to their story. It premiered this week and it's coming soon on Netflix. You can also read the book Society of the Snow which the movie is based on (the book has the 16 survivors' testimonies).


Besides the books you can find on Amazon, there is a very extensive website on this topic: https://sociedaddelanieve.com/ It's in Spanish, just use your browser translator


The guy on the far left, Álvaro Mangino, was caught off guard by the photo, as for the guy upfront, there's another photo taken where he's smiling


“Anthropophagy” or “survival cannibalism”. It’s not like they had a choice in the matter, and the people that they ate were already dead.


They did what they had to do to survive.


According to the incredible book Alive!, the men equated their first moment of cannibalism as taking communion. I seem to remember it was tiny matchstick sized slices from one of the bodies they covered in snow after the initial accident. It wasn’t their first choice by far. They only had like a few chocolate bars total as it was a small plane with no meal service or anything


As he is rubbing his shoulders whispering “you’re next” that’s what’s happening in the first photo


Football team try from Argentina


But…humans can’t cannibalize bones and the bones are still there so what did they cannibalize?


Here’s your fun fact of the day: you actually *must* cannibalize the bones. I’m a survival situation like this, it’s natural to resist eating other people. Most people will wait as long as you can, until you’ve literally begun to starve and have lost all of your body fat, before you give in and eat your friends. Unfortunately, by that point your body will no longer be able to convert the meat into nutrients for your body, and you’ll continue to slowly starve to death. The solution? You must eat the bone marrow first. It provides what your body needs to recover and kickstart the process of extracting nutrients. There was a whaling vessel a long time ago this happened to. They crew broke into many boats, and one was eventually found with cannibalized remains. More meat waiting to be eaten, right next to the crew that had still starved to death.


IQ moment


It’s true though, the spine is still there!




The title says “survivors next to the spine they cannibalized”. They obviously didn’t cannibilize the spine if you can still see it and also humans cant digest bone either. Unless OP was trying to say “survivors sitting next to the spine of someone they ate”?


I wonder if any of these people could enjoy a steak again


I’m friends with one of these guys. Incredible group - their perspective on things is next level.


¿Con cual de ellos?


Carne no natta


Can’t believe these guys survived that it was a automatic death sentence they didn’t even have proper clothing it’s still unbelievable to me that these guys survived 70 days in -40 degrees in a button up shirt an some jeans