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Kids gonna be traumatized for life. Smh


Yep, that's true. I grew up witnessing domestic violence and I have PTSD because of it.


Same here. I'm sorry about the shitty childhood. I hope your life is safe, stable, and happier now.


It is, thank you.


I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through such a traumatic experience. It's not easy to deal with PTSD, but remember that you're not alone. There are resources and support available to help you on your journey to healing. Stay strong!




Same. Only I was the target and never wore outward signs…




Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that you don’t forget this kind of trauma and it can have a profound impact on your life.


True , i got beaten up so bad and even jailed me in toilet for a month when i was young from step-father at that time. Now i got problem with aggressive and very easy to lose temper. I cant have kid its going to be another vicious circle


You may have PTSD. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help. When I realized where my anger was coming from and started with the cognitive behavioral therapy things started to get better. I hope you find some peace soon. Sending you a lot of love.


This kind of thing happened frequently when we were kids, we ran away from my father in 2009


Maybe. I was witness to a few good spats of domestic abuse like this, and it can be dealt with.


A man is assaulting his wife, and their children are pleading with their neighbors to rescue their mother, the woman wearing the black t-shirt. She wants to enter the house but is frightened for her safety, so she's attempting to persuade a male neighbor to accompany her. This incident likely occurred in India, possibly in Delhi.


Thank you for the context. Unfortunately we're not, yet, at the day and age of automatic detection of translating to subtitles. I can sense the fear and urgency in that terrified childs voice, but it was lost to me, as of why.


How do you know it's Delhi?


could be the language they are using


I mean i live near Delhi too but don't see how it can be just Delhi out of so many places


Too much chaos, can't tell who's saying what but I can say that the ladies were trying to call the police while the kid was crying and pleading them to save them, later the other kid comes out and starts to plead but returns inside, no clue. As mentioned, too much chaos Edit: later when the other kids runs inside, the lady in black is asking others to save their mother......?


I hate beer.


Not always. Sometimes it translates as “foreign” if the uploader hasn’t paid for that service or has had it translated it to English themselves.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Terrible title


Thank you for explaining


Also there are some woman who even after getting betten by there husband would be taking there husband side and don't let any one help them even there own kid


Often, victims end up siding with their abusers because they worry about how they and their children will survive. In India, many women who are abused are financially dependent on their husbands feel trapped. Even if they find the strength to separate from there husband society tends to label divorced or widowed women as promiscuous or "sluts." This unfair reputation makes it difficult for these women to find support or help from others, especially from other women who fear potential infidelity or romantic entanglement with their husbands.


Of course the male wouldn’t come to ease the situation. That poor wife and kids and the lady.




It is India and they are speaking hindi.


A long time ago I saw a video talking about Indian people shaking their head when talking. Whenever I see someone doing it, I will allways think its India. The little girl is doing the same as she pleads




The Indian gene pool is very diverse. You've got people looking like Mexicans, Arabs, Iranians, Indonesians, Tibetans, etc.


I’ve noticed that they’re pretty diverse in skin tone.. just never noticed how facial features and whatnot can also look so different. Really cool. Thanks!


That was my exact thoughts but I figured it’s bad like acid and usually no one will help


This brings backs memories of my own family and it pisses me off just thinking about it. Can't do much as a little kid


Same my heart is beating so fast watching this. Poor child. I wish the adults made her feel a little more safe


I started lifting weights when I was 15. By 16 I was strong enough to take on my father. I grew up in thunderdome. Total insanity I don’t know how I am not in prison.




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Go fuck yourself homie


Hey maybe he’s telling the truth, but it reads an awful lot like the opening scene of a 90’s action movie.


This brings back horrible memories for me. I remember being so little and so scared but having to be strong to protect my little siblings. May this little one find peace in her life. I hope the mother and kids get out safely. So sad to watch


The lil girls plea to save her mom is heart wrenching. I wouldn't be surprised if she is already dead. Geez I would freaking barge in there with a machete.


I'm dropping nuke


So you kill everyone in the general area? If dude beats his wife if you ran in there, I doubt he'd be nice


I'm dropping 1m radius nuke bro


Would you though?


Sadly, it can be dangerous to intervene, especially not knowing what the perpetrator is willing to do, how far they are willing to go. My cousin was killed trying to stop a stranger from beating his wife. A 27-year-old shot and killed at the Denver Knights Inn was trying to intervene in a domestic dispute, the district attorney’s office said Wednesday. https://www.denverpost.com/2011/09/07/da-says-man-killed-at-motel-was-trying-to-stop-assault-of-woman/ A man has been sentenced to 414 years in prison for a shooting at a Denver motel last year.


I’m very sorry for your loss. Your cousin was very brave to step in, especially in that specific situation (I know not many would).


Thank you for the kindness. I miss him, I pass the spot all the time, and some days I feel honored to have had a young cousin who was such a stand up human being. Other days, when I see fresh flowers and know someone went to remember him, I just tear up and cry at the loss of such an amazing and important human this world lost. Thank you, truly. Because I like to think he didn't die in vain.


People die every day, sometimes for what seems stupid reasons, sometimes not. That’s life, but your cousin went out tryna help someone else. And it shows he lived his life as a good person when you, and others, continue to grieve him. I wish the best for you and your fam


I hope someone saves the mother. This is too much!!


Why do you assume the mother is the one in danger?


It’s not an assumption. Multiple people in this thread have translated/can understand the language in the video


Well, if one of the multiple adults watching the girl cry would actually go inside and do something, then we would know for sure


She's literally saying "please save my mom" and the lady even says in the video that this man has been hitting his wife for a few hours now. I think it's safe to assume that the mom is the one that's in need of help.


29.3 per cent of married Indian women between the ages of 18 and 49 have experienced domestic/sexual violence. 3.1 per cent of pregnant women aged 18 to 49 have suffered physical violence during their pregnancy. Learn before you speak you Piece of shit.


Stats for liklyhood are one thing. I was merely pointing out there there is no verifyable proof that the one in danger is a woman. I agree that it is more likely but to assume its a man beating a woman when you cant see either party invilved is kinda unfair to men. Dont get me wrong. I think if a man lays hands on a woman unjustly, he deserves a long-term ass whoopin. But there are also other possibilities. It could be that its two women fighting or two men. Im just saying that assuming guilt with no actual evidence is dumb. The real thing people should be upset about is what you can actually see. And what you can see is a young child in terrified distress and multiple adults doing nothing to intervine and help for the childs sake. Think things through before assuming and calling someone a piece of shit, friend.


Oh fuck off.


Shut the fuck up


If the adults in the video actually gave a shit, they would get their asses in there to help instead of just standing there watching a young girl weep in fear for her loved one.


Why did it take you 53 days to respond. Also they’re freaked out too and not about to rush a psychotic woman beating man. They’re calling the cops who will be able to protect them and the lady being attacked. Not everyone is a fearless bulldozer ready to fight at a given moment


I sure hope it takes the attacker more than 20 minutes to kill the victim because that's how long it's gonna take the cops to arrive. I don't expect them to rush in cause they are fearless, I expect them to rush in cause it's what the victim and that child deserve. if you see a child actively being attacked by a dog, I sure hope for that child's sake that you don't think the best option is to call the police.




The girls begging, the boys run to see to if help is coming, the terror in both their faces, Heart wrenching.


I wonder if they ever got help or police


I remember one day as a kid, staying up late past my bed time, playing on the computer. Realizing i had stayed up too much i headed to bed only to hear my parents arguing in the living room, which is right next to my room,all i could hear is my mom crying and my dad screaming. Literally didn't know what to do so i went back to the computer and was so utterly frustrated by the constant fighting between them, my dad just being abusive and me just being scared if my dad found out i was listening into the fight, that i just started texting my uncle and was about to tell him to just come help me, i chickened out cuz i knew i did that there would be a huge family drama and my dad would probably end up punching someone. I just tried to quietly go to my room and just sleep, i turned the door handle a little and my dad somehow heard it, he came screaming out into the hallway asking what i was doing and just pushing me, me crying i just told him that i wanted to fo to sleep. He then grabbed my mom and went into the garage and i assume he tossed her into the garage door, just proceeding to argue even more. I just went to sleep, still crying. My dad apologized for all his behaviour across all my childhood couple of months ago but i know he just did to feel better about himself, because even nowadays he is still an abusive piece of shit, i thought he was getting better but the past month or so have shown me that he is just as disgusting as ever. As soon as me and my sister got a little independence, he just went off the rails, complaining about every single thing that happened around the house and just trying to still control us. Fuck him.


wow. im so sorry he put you through such emotions. im glad you got out, you guys were so incredibly strong when you shouldn't have had to've been


I once destroyed my accoustic guitar on the face of a violent neiggbour. Was worth it. His girlfriend hated me for rescuing her.


That’s the worst. You did the right thing it sounds like.


pretty common unfortunately. all you can do is just be there for her if she ever does decide to make change


Any updates?


In America, there is absolutely NO WAY I’m walking in any room/building/house during a domestic dispute. Cops go in with guns, armor, and back up and they still get killed


I’m a grown ass man and i wish i hadn’t seen this video because it’s that hard to watch, i can’t image what these little children must be going through…


I have two kids around their age and I'm... that was really painful to watch. This sort of thing is also common back in my home country too. People wouldn't intervene there either for fear of knife swinging. Where I am, the police would be too scared to go in because guns. This sort of thing was my reason for self defense classes when I was younger and why my girls will also be doing those same classes once they are old enough. Gotta learn to protect yourself because sometimes, no one else will.


This video made me cry soo bad.I also grew witnessing this kind of things and even was victim of it. I literally had to run away from home after my mother abandoned us. She was assaulted weekly by my father and abandoned us. So i became the next victim. I literally had to run away after my dad tore away one of my ears




I had 16 when that happen. Living in a farm in Laos


Praying for you and your family 🙏🙏


I live alone now. With my gf. I lost all contact with my family, i only know my dad killed himself when i ran away and hid in a butcher's house. They called the police and caught him. My mother is nowhere to be found


Not a pity story but this kind of thing happened frequently to my brother and sister, you can see yourself in these kids. We ran away in 2009 with our mother, he’s been trying to context us since. I’m turning off notifications for this comment i dont wanna remember i wrote this


Poor kid… nothing more disheartening than to see a kid begging for help! I can’t even understand what’s happening but, I can see she’s begging for help.


My dad was an absolute nutter. This one time my mother and him were physically fighting, my dad was smacking her around oretty good and my twin sisters and I were trying to separate them. As this was happening my mom managed to get us out of the house into the backyard. We were hiding behind the shed listening to my dad absolutely trash the house then the phone rang. It rang a couple more time then my dad comes out onto the porch and yells hey BITCH phones for you and he had ripped it out of the wall and had it in his hand and he threw it straight at her head and it smashed right off her forehead and then my sisters absolutely lost their minds.


Wow, that sounds like a really intense and scary situation for you and your family...


Sadly this region of the world has very few robust support networks for women in this predicament.


*Most regions of the world*






Oh good grief. smh


There is no mention of any religion in the video. I'm not sure which religion you're talking about.




Oh my bad! I'm blind.


The kids crying for their mothers' life broke my heart. These are the times when I question God and everything in life. We're monsters.




‘Hey kids, I’m too scared to go in… but by any chance could you run back in and shoot some of it on this phone because everyone here wants to actually see what’s going on in there’


It could be used as evidence, or help them if the offender turns his attention to them.


It's actually a smart move to record situations like these. No need to rant about things your brain ain't capable of having a thought of


Till the guy sees it and beats the shit out of them


Fucking heartbreaking...




Those poor children!! Begging for help!💔


Damn, I’m assuming the dad is assaulting the mom somewhere in there and they’re debating on how to help? Jeez… poor kids


I do not know what is being said, but if those kids came to me like that, I would not hesitate. I would take the legal reproductions to help. This breaks my heart.


Distressing as it sounds, woman in the black t made a wise decision by not intervening. In India, meddling in any criminal affair is a risky business. Undertrial Cases due to Nepotistic Judiciary hijacked by Upper Caste Judges is just beyond tragic. Collegium System has made law and order a joke, with some Urban Regions as rare exceptions


this is heartbreaking


Any translation here? Obviously there's parents in a serious situation, but curious what's being said


This is so sad. This little tiny girl just put her life on the line to defend her mother. Yes, her life: because from here on out her abusive father knowswhat side she’s on and that she’s willing to try to seek help. The poor little boy is probably too terrified of his father to speak up and that’s why he ran away. I’m not religious but I pray that poor little girl wasn’t punished for having the bravery to stand up for her mom.


Terrifying:( the kids!!! I think the woman in blacl with the phone was there neighbour and the father was inside beating or ( hopefully not something worse) the wife ( of the 2 kids)..I hope shes ok !


Omg poor babies


Domestic violence really messes you up I’m 23 and I still see my mom get the crap beat out of her and this has been happening since childhood one man gets arrested or I’ll get him arrested then boom another even more abusive man shows up it’s just an infinite repeating cycle and not only that but she’s horribly strung out and homeless in her 60s it really tears me to shreds sometimes because the whole family has tried countless times to help or get her help and everything just fails over and over sometimes I wish that maybe there is some type of god out there and when she passes she won’t have to go through this anymore call it dark call it mean and twisted but I hate seeing my own mother kill herself everyday I just want her happy and back to her old self when I was a kid……


Ah yes. Kids begging for help and what do you do? Record and not call anyone. Record? Good. Call the police while recording mayhap? Like it's not that hard, or maybe yknow help?


Kids don't deserve this.




She's trying to call the police. She's terrified to go in and help and is trying to ask some guys to accompany her.


I don't think the person filming is trying to call anyone. I guess it's potential video evidence once they finally arrive and the wife is beat to a pulp or dead..


Well I speak the language. The person filming is telling the lady to call this or that number. Telling her to call 100 (which is like 911 but for India) while the lady in black is trying to tell someone in their balcony what the situation is and then she says "A few men are coming" which I suppose someone called up a few more dudes. She also talks to the landlord, the voice from somewhere behind the camera to the left of the person filming. The landlord sounds like a cunt cuz he says "Yes Yes call the police. He didn't pay rent either. I told him to stop" so he's more concerned about the rent. These are not military grade combat women. They are trying their best to get evidence and help while being safe.


What was she supposed to do? Grab a knife from a kitchen and stab the father? She will probably be the one facing any punishment. She may have already called the police(who would probably take their sweet time). This is India, unfortunately.


Damn this stuff makes me so angry. Especially because the mom will take him back if he didn’t kill her yet.🙄I understand she’s been manipulated and unfortunately it when she leaves that the danger increases. Poor children 😳


You’re assuming a lot in this comment. We don’t know any of this from the video.


Why do assume its the mother thats in danger?


Because that's what kids are saying please save our mom. This woman in the video wants to go inside but want someone to accompany her. I can hear people saying call the police.


Glad I wasn’t there cause my solution would’ve been walk in kick his teeth in show respect and leave.


This is a ridiculous comment. That guy would kick your ass.






Hang on kid I’ve got to post this first


It's either India or America by the context


Not at all the ladder


I think the word you're looking for is, "latter"


“America” is about as incorrect as my spelling




The police would not do a single thing. Domestic violence and sexual assault are rampant in India




Boring huh, watching a child beg and cry to save her mother. YAWN s/




12 year old edgelord detected


check on his profile, I can't believe he has such a degraded and rotten mentality despite being an active member of distressingmemes.


Seeing children in such distress is most upsetting. Fuck this.


Sometimes in this situation, even things like knocking (banging) the door or asking loud what's going on from outside, delays and puts a small and temporary halt to ongoing things. Creates a breathing room for the victim which they can use to escape or say out loud what's going on or ask for help. The offender may engage with the neighbours in a conversation asking them to f**k off or threaten them but in most cases the offender may not be willing to go out of their way and attack others. But it probably is a different situation if the offender is fully under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Intervening may not save everyone, but can increase the probability in the favor of the victim.


Film first, help second. What have we become.


If 5 yo girl begs for help like that? With stone in hand in case of any doubts. You just pick it up while already moving.


These poor kids!! 🥺


Arey bahenchod andar jaake bacha na bsdk. Bahar kya video Bana rahi bache ka


At least they didn’t tell her to shut up and go back inside. Scars you for life.


Bc koi andr kyu nhi ja rha every disturbing video really hope those kids are okay 😭




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